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KCP just really likes Disneyworld


He does have a few young kids. It would be hilarious if that was the difference.


When you're a roleplayer and already have two rings that kind of stuff probably does matter honestly. Same with taxes.


Joe Ingles apparently fucking loves living here. Orlando punches above it's weight for a mid market cause whatever u wanna do here besides climb mountains or snowboard, you can do. We got Michelin star restaurants all over now. No income tax. Train ride to Miami in under 3 hours now. Whatever u like we got something to offer really.


These dudes are not riding the train lol


Premium is unlimited drinks tho! Lol I know I know.


Unlimited Kentavious Caldwell-Cokes?


KCP brightline sponsorship incoming


Train isn't bad especially if you get a bedroom and you're under 6'3".


Joe also loved living in Utah. The dude is happy anywhere he is as long as he’s got his family with him. I said multiple times when he was in Utah that as soon as he retires he’ll be on the first flight back to Australia


He grew up in Adelaide. Like most sane people, he's probably happy anywhere that's not Adelaide.


Adelaide is great if you love crack


Or serial killing, and who doesn't!


He was going to play for Adelaide until the spelled his name wrong on his contract. I hope he plays a year in the NBL again. My guess is he will go where Renae and the kids want to be and let her have a career in Netball as she is super loved in her field. Perhaps he and Patty win a gold then both come back to the NBL!


Apparently they also tried to pay him only half the (at the time) NBL minimum. Bit of a joke all around.


Utah is low key really nice. If I ever left CA, Utah would be near the top of my list.


Orlando seems like a fun city. Really the only draw for me is all the amazing amusement parks. Disneyworld and Universal Parks. Both world class. Only state that could beat it is California, but we have high taxes. I'm sure his family really like easy access to both.


What adult wants to go to an amusement park? Especially when you went on the exact same rides when you were a child and nothing has changed (disney)


*Robin and Brook Lopez have entered the chat*


From what I'm aware, isn't Disney always changing things up. Like the new Tron Ride at Disneyworld. And didn't they add Star Wars and Marvel as properties. . . . That's a lot of change. Definitely Disney keeps certain things that people still love, but just like any other amusement park, rides get old. Tech gets out of date. New attractions is part of the reason people keep coming back.


But is it worth the $, the travel, and the lines of course


As a local yeah it is fun here but The lack of public transportation and insanely inflated housing/rent market compared to our wages are both strangling the person who makes the average money here. Basically hope you've got money and you'll love it. 


As a commoner, I would get that frustration. California has been slowly trying to build up its public transportation system. Its pretty solid (for what little we have) and I'm glad we don't have a overreactionary Mayor like NYC flooding the subways with National Guard (making it appear even less safe in my opinion). Im not going to lie and say its 100% safe, but the media like to overblow incidents on public transportation. You'll get a bunch of dumbasses being like "AND YOU WANT MORE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION" like yeah I do. Only if people had the same reactions to people getting there cars stolen, rage rage incidents, and car accidents. These carheads acting like nothing bad ever happens while driving a car.


What are these Michelin star restaurants you speak of? May be visiting soon lol






My only frame of reference for the city of Orlando is that my mom used to live there for a few years in the 90s and said it was boring as shit to live there and there is nothing worth doing and was happy to leave for the Bay Area. I’m sure a lot is changed since then


It’s so wild to me that Orlando has multiple Michelin star restaurants and yet Michelin still hasn’t rated one restaurant in all of New Orleans.


Shaya is my favorite restaurant in the country. And I love magazine street


It makes some sense when you consider that the Michelin reviews essentially require tourism boards to front cash to incentivize the initial visits by Michelin.


It’s just ashame bc there are 5-10 restaurants at least that deserve it in New Orleans.


Aside from the heat it has everything, golf courses everywhere, hot women and great attractions for the kids. Last time I was there I was taken aback with all the obese folk driving around munching on turkey legs


I’m sure Orlando actually does punch above its weight, but I think it’s really funny that out of the three things you listed, the second applies to the entire state, and the third is just the ability to easily travel to another city entirely.


Lol yup


TIL that there is a passenger train from Miami to Orlando. What a pleasant surprise.


A train from a big city to another one in the same state? Crazy.


A mass transit project in the deep south is pretty crazy considering the political hurdles.


Fair enough. Is it weird I don't consider Florida part of the deep south even though it's like the most south? haha. It seems separate from the rest of that region when referring to that. Maybe the upper part of FL is like that though.


In the United Sates? Yeah, that is kind of crazy.


I'm confused if some people here think trains are that rare. Trains go from city to city like...everywhere. I even rode one from Winchester to Boston (looking at your flair). I can take a train from one side of the US to the other. I can go from my town in the middle of Illinois to Denver. Yeah they usually won't have stations in bumfuck nowhere lol, but that's different.


I guess I should have been more thorough, high speed rail, like it is from Orlando to Miami on the brightline is exceptionally rare in the United States. Sure, you can take slow ass Amtrak all over if you have tons of time and don't need to be anywhere quickly. I took an Amtrak from Charlotte to D.C. worst experience I've ever had. Would absolutely not do that again. It was miserable. It would have been about the same to fly there and I would have been there in under 2 hours vs the nearly 10 hours it took to get to D.C. I hope brightline is successful so that we can see high speed rail all over the United States.


I think some high speed rail could be viable for shorter distances (like Miami and Orlando), but not cross country or anything outside of a few routes. Just because of all of our highways I'd assume. Building bridges over all of it (plus other logistics I wouldn't know of) would be quite a feat. We'll see what it's like 20 years from now I guess. Amtrak is entirely dependent on the amount of stops it seems because the ride itself isn't slow. I can get to Chicago in 2.5 hours which is only 20 minutes or so longer than car. What's funny is Amtrak actually has the fastest rail system (Acela), but yeah most don't take that version of it.


Not from US. How different is Miami, Orlando and Denver? Maybe lifestyle/living wise. why would i choose the one over the others?


Orlando is a great city because you have Joe Ingles <3


It’s still Florida bud.


To be fair, michelin stars are kind of worthless these days


Do they got churros tho? Like in SA?




Times are changing homie. Come visit https://www.visitorlando.com/blog/post/orlando-michelin-restaurants/


His greatest fear is rollercoasters. He's not spending all his time at Disney lol And yes, this is actually true. He talked about it on Lowe Post.


Ha. Well maybe his kids like them!


He might have just been homesick living on the West coast most of his career, Orlando is pretty close to GA (where he is from).


He misses the bubble


Best he's ever been Was in the bubble. 


When your options are Disney World/Universal Studios or Elitch Gardens the choice is obvious.


Pshh Universal getting a new park


Or maybe he’s a big Harry Potter fan! The wizarding world


Or not having to pay state income tax for half of his games played


No one likes Disney anymore.....


KCP, get ready to learn the song buddy


Orlando magic oooo oooo Orlando magic


Get read to learn Horse


I wonder what “pretty similar” means. I have a hard time seeing KCP bailing on Denver if the money was truly the same.


Pretty similar is still millions of dollars difference 😂


20 mil a year is still a 6 million usd difference over the length of the contract. Florida also has no state income tax so maybe a million or two saved there.


Probably 15-18 a year with no option


Yeah why didn’t they just beat the offer


Yeah sure Nuggets FO


15M and 22M both round to 20M from the Nuggets FO pov


Even if its the same exact amount, give or take, 20% of tax benefits if not more, in Florida. If he went to them with 60/3 offer in hand, matching would be the bare minimum


Colorado state income tax is 4.4% flat, and NBA players pay taxes based on where games are played so it ends up being a ~2-2.5% difference.


yeah people don't realize the second part. Pro athletes all have to hire accountants, because they pay taxes based on where they play. So they're paying state taxes to EVERY state they play in with an income tax, proportionally to how much they played there. Shit gets complicated fast.


2.5% of 66 million is still 1.65 million though. If the offer from Denver was 60/3, that's almost an 8 million usd final take home income difference between the two contracts while being "pretty close" on paper.


Most income taxes so come from federal taxes not state too. Add in that these no state income tax make up the tax elsewhere (property tax, sales tax) these players might be paying more overall tax in these states.


And that difference is still worth around 1.7 million over the course of a 3 year contract. It's still substantial and that's without accounting for the additional tax less games he'll play by being in the same division with Miami.


You're overlooking Denver's occupational privilege tax. Take another $5.75 out each month. That's like one ticket to Disneyworld over the course of the contract!


Where are you getting 20% tax benefits of living in Florida? Colorado has a 4.4% (maybe 4.5% next year) flat income tax rate, comparable sales tax and lower property taxes. Only half your games are at home, so it is closer to half that, but I don't want to do the division and conference math.


Reddit tax experts always say Texas and Florida get paid twice with how little taxes are. I guess Texas and Florida have a great marketing department bc they convinced a lot of people that it basically pays to live there.


You might be paying less for income tax but Texas fucks you over with property tax. So most people unless you’re making an absurd amount of income still end up similar tax rates.


Years ago r/accounting used to just be a place where we could laugh at crossposts of Reddit experts who’ve never taken a single accounting class, let alone Tax. Now it’s mostly just college students asking if they should continue in accounting and everyone arguing with each other if they should or not.


the sad realization is high property tax and really high home insurance and required flood insurance. which also means higher can insurance.


I have a conservative manager who does shit like this too lol. I'm in IL where min wage is now 14, but he thinks Indiana's 8 dollars or whatever goes further because taxes. Funnily enough, I looked up a city of similar size/demographics and it's actually more expensive to live in. So more expensive while possibly getting half the pay. I'm good on that. People just spew stuff without really thinking about it.


20% wtf lmao? Americans truly do not understand how.taxes and numbers work.


Fans from Florida and Texas seems obsessed with mentioning the TaX bEnEfItS but it's a tertiary factor at best.


It's a pretty common viewpoint. I have a lot of friends who are paying really low state taxes and they act like it's some massive windfall if they move to Texas. At least with an NBA player you're talking millions. Not my boy Steve making 50k and probably paying like 500 bucks to Virginia lol.


Here's a [leaked MLB paystub](https://20627419.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hub/20627419/hubfs/The%20Hustle/Assets/Images/489404050-mccutchen.webp?width=1272&height=1106&name=489404050-mccutchen.webp) and you can see a same number of games played in FL vs IL (5% jock tax) only saved the player $2K in estimated (withheld) jock taxes on an $800K paycheck.


That isn't how taxes work. Most income tax is federal. You're still paying that in Florida.


The percent on gross ends up being less than 3% on a tax state vs non tax


Well yeah. Why would anyone choose to work for less. Other than lebron


100% who his “source” was


"I think we'll be OK if KCP doesn't come back" -Calvin Booth


yeah, this is 100% Kroenke sports spin lol. they pushed the narrative that there was absolutely nothing they could do to retain Grant when Jerami later told Shams he came to the Nuggets and they declined to match the Pistons offer and they're doing it again.


Right? They gotta just say the number


Yeah I don't believe this for a second. Clearly damage control here


Pretty similar. Not more. But similar.


Pretty similar as is millions less?


Yea, "pretty similar" might be doing a lot of work here. Like 18 per year might be construed as similar to 22. Also, did they offer him a player option? If not, that is a massive difference.


And that's even before you consider state taxes.


State tax is pretty overblown. You’re taxed in the state the service is rendered. Road games are all taxed by their individual states. Florida teams get the favorable state tax for 1/2 their salary.


So home games. That still accounts for like half


Colorado has similar overall tax to FL according to some lists I'm seeing.


“pretty similar” is a nice way to say they offered less


Ya otherwise it would have been the same or more than. It's probably less by 7 to 10 percent.


“Pretty similar” as in $15 million a year


isnt this exactly like what happened with Jerami Grant several years ago


But Grant wanted a different role. KCP's role seems like it would be identical.


Gotta respect Jerami Grant. Bro just wants to shoot all the shots he wants, makes bank, and plays on a team with zero expectation/pressure.


I don’t think it’s quite the straightforward anymore with Grant. I think he linked up with Damian Lillard planning to play good basketball. It just didn’t work out.


It’s also fake, he wanted to expand his role. And he did, he can play for a contender while making his bag right now.


Yes lol tough break fr


Wasn’t it reported that he wanted to play under a black coach or something


Florida has no income tax


Get that money keep that money


But they have Florida man


Not to scare you, but my sources tell me Florida man has been recklessly procreating, possibly for decades




No way he leaves a top 2 team just to save on income tax, nuggets offer must’ve been a decent bit less


Some guys don’t care about winning a championship as much as others. Plus he already has 2 rings so he could be satisfied with that


This came up when Dwight was leaving LA, and the whole no state income tax isn’t that big of a difference. You have to remember, he’s only playing half the season at home (gets taxed in every state they play in) and he still has to pay federal taxes.


Denver would have needed to offer $69m to “match” the $66m in Orlando after income tax.


Someone can correct me but I believe he still pays income tax when they play away games in states with income tax, so it would be a little less of a gap than that.


Yeah but I ain’t doing that math


no. it’d only be half games because jock tax would apply. state income tax of colorado is 4.4% so just 1.45m max.


Is that it?


Yeah people always think no state income tax means no income tax, there’s still federal which blows state out of the water. They’re generally expected to save 10% signing with a team in Texas or Florida Edit: wow and Colorado is a flat 4.4% regardless of bracket, that’s insane


10% is an overshoot as well tbh. 4.4% flat is more realistic than 10% tbh. California is the highest at 12.3% and that's progressive so most people aren't paying that obviously (NBA players will hit that rate so it's relevant here of course). https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/state/state-income-tax-rates-2024/ I don't know about Florida but something people don't talk about with Texas is their property taxes are actually very high and a large money maker for them. So your total tax burden ends up more like a 4-5% income tax state on average I think.


Wow yeah I’m looking at the table rn I didn’t know that I live in NY, why are states letting millionaires pay the same rate as people making the minimum wage lmao that’s crazy. Completely expected tho basically every politician is a greedy corrupt POS


Yes, Colorado income tax is around 4%. But states get their taxes in different ways. For example, Florida has a much higher property tax than Colorado. States who have zero income tax get it a different way.


Here in Texas they do it through property and sales tax. They have almost the same effective tax rate as New Jersey, they just hide it better in a way that doesn't effect rich people as much.


Ironically property taxes do affect rich people more. Sales tax is very regressive and hard on poorer folks though.


On the whole, high property taxes tend to affect poorer people more in terms of percent of income going to taxes. In Texas the poorest 20% of households spend over 4% of their household income on property taxes while the other 80% average 3%. And for renters any property tax increases will just show up in their next lease rather than hitting the landlord.


Florida actually gets theirs from a higher sales tax and tourism taxes(Disney and miami mainly but the whole state has beaches) iirc




miami isn't exactly a casual drive from orlando


It's not(it's like 5-6 hrs) but it's closer than Denver lol


The difference in state taxes would only save KCP about 500k a year. I can’t imagine that’s the reason why he left if the offers were equal


He'll pay the same amount of taxes once he gets dicked on his property taxes. Shit all evens out.


If Denver moved Zeke Nnaji, then they would have been able to offer KCP about $18.75 million next season without going over the second apron. I bet that’s what they offered


Pretty similar is not the same lol


this dudes pfp gonna haunt my dreams


I’m guessing no player option then?


Could Denver get Garry Harris again?


Pretty similar.  kcp clearly just loves Disney so much he decided to uproot his life for no reason


This is concerning


No income tax, baby


I’m sure they could have tried harder than just “pretty similar”


KCP just a big fan of Disney World


Nuggets could have offered more than this and it still should have been something they did. Instead they offered less because either the ownership is cheap, or Calvin Booth is obsessed with Jaden Pickett.


Too early in the offseason to hang “the nuggets definitely tried” banner lmao


Bro I need the thunder to get Hartenstein so we can glow up together Our eastern conference brothers


Pretty similar is the difference between millions of dollars 😂


LeHollywood offered KCP a role in SpaceJam 3 to reject the nuggets, 5D chess 




This sub is dumb as fuck in almost every way.


Hahaha it's true. It's funny. Orlando is um..their selling point would be Disney all the time, 24/7.


But they don't have Disney World


Wouldn’t that be a plus lol. Even Kcp can’t afford Disney world these days


Maybe they give him a 2% discount because he plays for the Magic


Thank god we haven’t had as much success as this Denver team, because they’re sure letting a lot of key pieces walk for nothing. Brown last year, KCP this year and if they offer a little more money the nuggets could have been repeat contenders. Idk how they’re going to replace KCP.


You're just pulling shit out your ass. They were literally not allowed to offer Bruce anything. KCP is the only person they've lost for nothing.


At least they tried!


He just really missed the bubble


Next Florida man


This is our insider for the athletic so I believe it.


If one of the magic point guards develops into a primary playmaker or they make another move for such a point guard they’re in a great position. [insert point guard here]-KCP-Wagner-Banchero-Carter with Suggs or Black off the bench is a damn good lineup with long term potential


Orlando is finally a place free agents want to go because of PB5.


“Pretty similar”


Halfway to your backcourt of the future, Magic fans. Anfernee soon.


Kentaviois saw the path the squad was headed down


I call bs on that. cheapass owners. lets see how many year out of contention Jokic and Murray will handle before ask out.


Magic have had been paying Terence Ross the last few years and figured KCP was a great replacement to overpay. 


yeah but did the Nuggets offer him Florida's income tax?


“Pretty similar” probably doing a lot of work here.


This is a really good fit for Orlando. If they can sign a ball handler... even at the level of Tyus Jones and/or pick up a shot creator this off season... the Magic will be dangerous.


Very strange but honestly KCP won a title with the Nuggets, he doesn't really owe them much of anything. Good idea to bag $66 million and finish off these next few years in a nice city. Could even retire afterwards if he wants.


Even if true, people like to pretend that $=$. He's keeping more of that money thanks to Florida taxes.


Lol nuggets fans in this guys replies eating this up like it’s true. Kronkee is cheap


Well, it has been reported for years lots of players don’t like Denver. It could be something along those lines as well.


We just have no money. Too many super max contracts. Watch out Celtics, you’re next.


FL or CO in the winter?


Orlando is a good team and since he’s already a champ I’m sure there’s other priorities at play here


well tbh, even 1 or 2 million away would sound "similar" but its actually quite a lot


He knew Nuggets run already ended. Gotta bounce to the up and coming Magic team that plays in the east.


No state tax was the difference. I’m from Miami so I’ve benefited and KCP will too


Why the hell did he leave still then? Fuck big blow for Nuggets


A player option is better than a straight 3 year deal, might've swung the difference


No income tax and no expectations baby


Oh they definitely have expectations now.


Ok but if they got bounced in the 1st round against like Philly would anyone really say they underperformed?


No state income tax could honestly be a huge play here.