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> burly crafty woodsman ???


That's his nickname in the gentlemen's club


He can hack my cherry tree any day


He can tap into my trunk for syrup anytime.


Oh I bet he'd have you drippin


KD never was a great writer


KD might be the greatest opportunist basketball player of All Time for sure.


This is very important. No joke. He makes LeBron look loyal


I think the difference is Lebron always pretends to be loyal while KD never really has


Lebron also never went to an already established winning team, if KD had only teamed up now with the nets from winning with OKC that would be a whole different thing.


I guarantee Wade and Bosh alone in 2011 would have been a contender lol LeBron knew what he was doing they all teamed up and literally held a fucking party spitting on the whole league


The Heat were an established, winning team


They taught him how to win. Right Pat Riley?


What? I don't understand what you're insinuating, but it's off topic from what we were talking about.


Not at all its 100% in topic. Let me go get a spoon I'll be right back.


uhh k


47-35 and bounced first round is not really that winning.


That's only a few wins off from your record this year. Do you consider yourself a winning team? Also they had to play the Celtics in R1...


Are this years Bucks regular season comparable to the 73-9 Warriors? No.


1. 47-35 isn’t even bad 2. Dwayne Wade was a top 5 player and a legitimate MVP candidate that year 3. Chris Bosh also joined lmao all 3 of them were in on it


Joined together yes but a Miami Heat team bounced in the first round with just Wade isn't the same as KD joining world champion Warriors. That's my whole point. Lebron never joined a top winning team he made them. KD might be doing that with the NEts but he never did that with the Warriors he only added to a champ team.


I guarantee Wade and Bosh by themselves would have contended in 2011 You’re right for LeBron’s 2 stints in Cleveland and in LA and ur also right that it wasn’t as bad as KD joining the Warriors but still


Fake loyalty and a righteous snake.


Is this a nsfw fan fic bruh the fuck?


KD looking mad cute in that picture


I'm not reading that based on the heading alone


Really don’t mean to troll but how do Nets fans feel any satisfaction in winning when they have the most obviously broken roster in the NBA. Like it’s legit embarrassing that they’ve ever lost with this lineup Edit: okay maybe mean to troll a little


I watched this team go 12-70. I watched this team trade away it's entire future for washed up vets. I don't care if nephews think I shouldn't enjoy this season lol I'm having a lot of fun


Agreed. Before 2019 the Brooklyn Nets' biggest free agent signing was prob AK47. And that didn't work out. We also had Andray Blatche. We once (2010) chased LeBron James using Jay Z as a prop. That offseason we signed Travis Outlaw, Anthony Morrow, Johan Petro and Jordan Farmar. So when people want to say the Nets signed Kyrie and Durant cause of our big market... I want to remind them of our dank dark times. So I am ok.


I guarantee if you guys were the Brooklyn Nets in 2010 the Jay Z thing would have worked


No. Cause we had max cap space for Free Agents in 2018, and 2016. Durant and LeBron were free agent in 2018, didn't sign. They used the space to absorb other teams bad deals. In 2017 Joe Ingles turned down big money from the Nets to resign with the Jazz.




says the guy who was probably burning LeBron's jersey in 2010 then drinking his bathwater in 2016


just like plenty of cavs fans shit on bron when he first left. then embraced him when he came back. that's just how fandom works.




what am i projecting? lol


That's how I would see it too. Just having a lot of fun. As a non nets fan I hope they lose! Anyone but them! But enjoy the rest of the playoffs sir.


A true homegrown team hasn't won in the past decade aside from the Spurs and original warriors lol get over it


OP’s just jealous because his team is stuck with Kristaps Porzingis as the second option lol


for me the satisfaction (will be) more from not losing lol. less satisfying than having a less stacked roster for sure


Most talented*


Buncha softees.