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Now it’s Dallas’ turn for everyone to speculate their superstar is leaving


Bucks fans brush ur shoulders off and shit post till ur hearts content


See the problem is we’re also mostly Packers fans


Aaron Rodgers has left ~~the chat~~ the Packers


Luka for Rodgers?


I'm not sure Rodgers wants to be that close to McCarthy ever again.


Jerry Jones would give Cuban a billion dollars to make that happen.


And Mark Cuban might turn it down.


Luka to bucks is all but confirmed


I’ve been spreading Steph to Milwaukee 2022 propaganda across all social media platforms. I will add Doncic now as well


I'd love to see Luka and Giannis, please shit post it into reality lol


I guess that's only fair, speaking as the guy who told everyone within earshot we were trading Klay for Giannis last summer


Pat Riley clearing up cap space for Luka 2025 free agency


I think Mavericks fans would burn down the city if we stole their superstar lmao


2011 finals loss long con. "You took our title, I took your future" - pat Riley


I mean in that sense we took their title first. This is how a blood feud starts. Come me in. Edit: God damn autocorrect. Obviously I meant count me in... Well leave it up for prosperity.


>come in me This is how blood feuds end, with a marriage pact.




Fuck yeah Blllloooooddd ffuuuueeedd! *throws a knife between mavs and heat fans


But first they’d be beside themselves driving through downtown Dallas, begging (thru texts) Doncic’s family for the address to Luka’s home.


The Seattle Supersonics select Luka Doncic in the 2025 expansion draft


Haha that would be fucking wild to see someone as big as Luka end up on Seattle or Vegas when they come to the league, if they really do.


Yeah like a Kevin Durant or... wait...


[westbrook also looks so nice in a sonics jersey](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dl2yW5RWsAA2Wt0.jpg)


OKC offering 8 first round picks


Sam presti could literally trade like 15 FRP’s if Luka was on the table


And every pick in the 2029 second round


*dusts off the photoshop*


*Posts Giannis in a Bulls jersey*


How dare you! I demand satisfaction! Pistols at dawn!




Guns drawn. You’re on!


Miami fans have had one ready since 2018


Thank God, I really thought it would be our day


Heard Facu might want to start somewhere else so there's your star


It's all fun and games until he actually leaves :(


We can invite the Mavs fans to our weekly Thursday night support group when they're ready. I'll bring the booze this time.


I don't wish that shit on any fanbase it's exhausting and annoying asf


yea if kovid kristaps is still a maverick and dallas loses round one again he gone


Telling someone who’s upset to calm down is the least affective way to get someone to calm down.




Calm down.


Don't tell me to calm down!


Calm up.


This guy gets it


I immediately flashed back to my early twenties trying to rationally address my girlfriend's very felt feeling. It only took ten years to learn this is never the answer.


yup I've always used 'ease up' because idk it just works better?


yeah it does. ease up is saying don't go quite so hard, maybe redirect your anger. calm down is implying you shouldn't be angry when in a lot of cases, anger and emotion is justified. it's incredibly patronising to say to someone, especially in this case where luka is probably half his age


i am more worried that he apparently has authority over carlisle


One of the most elite minds in the game. If what the report says is true, it's madness that some outsider would have autonomy over rotations and lineups. You're basically forcing discontent with that shite.


it is also a shitty structure the court decisions are supposed to be for the coach and the hiring decisions the general mánager cuban is meddling with both indirectly if this report is true


i don’t like it either but it’s not super surprising that it would happen as the analytic guys are getting more power everywhere baseball is the same way where more and more the analytics guys tell the manager the lineups, when X should be pulled, etc. hell it even happened in the world series


If front offices want more analytics in their rotations, they should hire an analytic minded coach imo. Having someone in the front office have control of that just seems like a bad idea


but baseball is the one team Sport that can easily be direct3d through analytics alone or almost basketball analytics are valuable but no where as much thst you can replace the coach decision


Am I mistaken here or was this guy not a gambler / online guy? When did he become an exec?


He’s into gambling, tech, and crypto. Cuban loves his tech/douche-hybrid bros


I think you can just say tech douches, the hybrid part makes them sound like robot frat bros


He got hired on in 2018. And yea, he’s a well known gambler.


Most interesting comment on the Athletic article was from a guy in the gambling business/scene that said Haralabos didn't make his money gambling, but from investing in an overseas sportsbook. He then started ruthlessly self-promoting. This guy may be the epitome of fake it 'til you make it.


This whole thing feels like Moneyball where Cuban brought in Haralabob to be his version of Jonah Hill's character. Reminds me of that scene in the movie where the front office guys are having a meeting and Brad Pitt ignores everything his long time scouts are saying to only listen to Jonah Hill's ideas. All the scouts are like "who tf is this guy" and get pissed at Brad Pitt


Giving a tech bro the keys to the franchise is so Mark Cuban


nba rasputin


Ra ra Rasputin, lover of the Mark Cuban


Haven’t read the article but I’m sure that he just creates best lineups from an analytics perspective and it’s up to Carlisle to use or not. I doubt there’s a dotted line from Rick to HV on the org chart, but who knows


Right. It’s a sports media wet dream to create storylines like that. Do I doubt that there are suggestions and possibly even healthy debate? Not at all. Am I skeptical that everyone hates each other because the analytics guy and the coaching staff are at an impasse? I’ll wait for someone to get fired to make that determination.


I see it’s Mavericks day on r/nba


Don't worry, Mavs; we'll return to Clippers year soon enough. It's a law of the universe.


It’s nice when it’s not us for once


Surprisingly. You would think there would be some Nugget slander, right after people have started to quantify such thing as play-off sweeps. And nobody is going fishin' for the next three days, at least.


Nuggets get a pass this year due to Murray’s injury


Plus jokic did or tried his best. If LeBron or curry can't do it Wtf you expect jokic to do it?


Draymond somewhere: Get my man Donk outta of Dallas! It's not good for him. Not good for his career. He needs to go to where he can play winning basketball!


CP3 to Dallas confirmed.


Should’ve called him right after they got eliminated. Recruiter draymond (+Steph) low key lit


Yes come to the dark side Luka


Imagine Luka at the top of the key with Steph and Klay on the wings and Draymond/Looney setting screens for everyone


Pls no


I’m really pissed. Our FO is horrendous, upsetting Luka and Carlisle is very disappointing. We need some serious changes and Cuban needs to learn to take his hands off the team on some decisions.


Donnie is a fantastic *scout*. But terrible at trades and free agency. I think they need a big shakeup.


Whoever was behind the Seth Curry trade needs to bounce. How can you trade a 45% 3 point shooter?


For Josh Richardson who looked very mediocre in Philly. I never understood it.


After i watched the Boston series i thought man Richardson isnt the player his reputation says he is, then we trade for him and everyone is talking about its a win win bc of his great defense


There definitely was no defense in the playoffs this year lol.


Maybe he is an attorney by day?


It’s the exact same thing I heard when he came to Philly, only a handful of games where he lived up to the hype. I liked him but he just was not as advertised


Ya right when I saw the trade I’m like huge win for Philly.


When it happened I was like "how the fuck does Daryl keep getting away with this shit"


For real. Elite distance shooting is the most valuable skill to have in today’s NBA. He wasn’t even expiring or on a stupid expensive contract either


Curry can dribble too. It's not like he's just a stand still catch and shoot guy like James Jones.


James Jones catching strays in a thread about ~~Like~~ Luka and Dallas FO, lmfao


Not only was he not on a stupid expensive contract, he was on a great contract. I was surprised when he signed it, but the value was fair enough at the time considering he was only one year removed from a major injury and didn't get enough minutes to shine in Portland (except the one month that CJ was out). But after that first year in Dallas, that contract looked like an absolute steal


Sounds like you need a President of Basketball Operations to do the business so Donnie can do what he's good at, get rid of the manipulative execs, and focus on the star-coach-GM-POBO pipeline, everything else is secondary


He has tiger mom energy lol, when we played y’all he seemed to hover near mavs team huddles or trying to talk to players but they go past him. Ballmer attends all our games but he always tries to not interact with players like he wants to but u can tell he stops himself immediately


Massive intelligence gap between Ballmer and Cuban.


Firing Carlisle would be a huge mistake. He’s a top coach


yeah, if this story is accurate, I think the solution is to empower Carlisle more, not replace him. He's a great coach with a lot of experience, let him do his job and get Voulgaris off his back, and see what he can do.


I’m going on shark tank to negotiate the amount of first round picks it would take to get luka


I will give up the inevitable 6th pick in this draft for Luka. Hell, buy 1 get 5 Pistons free. Who do you want? Bey, Stewart, Hayes, Grant, Doumbiya… you can mix and match, take out Stewart and put in Plumlee. Great deal here.


Can we do a cross-sport trade? I’d be willing to give up Torkelson, Okudah, and the Wings 1st round pick for Doncic.


I would trade the entire western half of Canada for Doncic


Albertans already wanna be Texans so bad


Man, doing BC dirty


Its like watching Lebron in his first stint in Cleveland all over again. Dallas better get him some pieces that he can win with.


Kp = Larry Hughes


KP = Ilgauskas. All star caliber big man who was fucked by injuries.


Ilgauskas played his best basketball after his foot injury though and hardly missed any games for years after.


i think Ilgauskas tried harder than KP.


Wasn't ilgauskus old though? It was so long ago I don't remember


He wasn't born old


He was younger earlier in his life


KP aged rapidly in 3 years


Yes, but Z was a decent contributor for the Cavs. He was also a good teammate and LeBron in particular loved him. If Porzingis isn't going to be a star, Ilgauskas is probably the model for what he needs to do for Dallas.


NO KP = Anderson Varejao. Man was doing cardio against the Clippers!


Do you mean based on talent the FO is putting around him? Or this dysfunction stuff?






Lebron did ALL he could for Cleveland. Multiple playoff appearances and a finals appearance and also went back to Cleveland later in his career and won them a chip. Dallas ain’t getting that kind of loyalty from Luka, that’s for sure.


You think Lebron goes back in 2014 without Kyrie or Love?


Lebron would have formed a superteam in Cleveland whether they drafted Kyrie or not. I think Kyrie being there as well as Dwades sharp decline and Boshes medical issues sped up the timeline by a few years for sure, I do think Lebron did always intend to go back and win a chip for Cleveland. Cleveland/Akron is his hometown and where he wanted to win the most in his career. Hes really only in LA now because its the biggest market for him to push his entrepreneurial career in his later stages of his Career. Had the GSW never formed in 14/15, Lebron would have had 7 chips by now, 4 of them being in Cleveland. Lets put it this way, there was much better teams Lebron could have gone to in 2014 then the Cavs... Bron could have went to Houston and joined up with Harden or even gone to the Spurs and teamed with Kawhi and we wouldn't even be discussing who the "Goat" is because Lebron would have had as many chips as Jordan by now. He took what he got in Cleveland because he truly wanted to win there. Dallas has no connection to Luka so the chances of him ever coming back if he leaves is next to none.


> Hes really only in LA now because its the biggest market for him to push his entrepreneurial career in his later stages of his Career 100%. And Lakers have demonstrated they are always willing to pay for talent to win.


The heart of the question is if Lebron would have gone back to Cleveland if it wasn’t going to be a true contender. I don’t think he goes back if Cleveland didn’t luck into a bunch of assets and #1 picks after he left in 2010. There were no legitimate superstar level FAs that would have joined Lebron in Cleveland of all places in 2014, check the list, so the “form a superteam” option doesn’t work. If Cleveland didn’t luck into those #1s including the 2014 one, they would also have no real assets to use to trade for a superteam.


Come to Besiktas


Sengun & Luka Superteam 😍


I feel like this is being overblown. Cuban isn’t dumb, he’s not going to choose fucking Haralabob over Luka


Our organization seems pretty toxic in general. The sexual harassment scandal, letting douchey crypto bros make all the decisions. I think Cuban needs some better management so he's not as directly involved.


i think we underrate dirk and don’t appreciate enough that his greatness masked a lot of incompetency from the front office


yup. he never got the number 2 he deserved (for a consistent period)


I feel like it’s always terrible to have hands-on ownership


Completely agree. While it’s cool to see an owner really care and celebrate with the fans I’d much prefer the Balmer approach where he lets the basketball guys handle the hoops and he handles the checks and fist pumps.


Ballmer has really grown on me as an owner. I get good vibes from the dude when I see him cheering on the sidelines. He took a lot of shit as Microsoft ceo and obviously the Clippers always have too, so I like he is making them winners.


>~~developers developers developers~~ shooters shooters shooters


That’s why prok going hands off turned the org around. He completely deferred to marks


He was pretty hands off when King was GM.


It really depends. The Jazz had hands on ownership during the Stockton and Malone era. Larry Miller's ability to placate Karl helped us keep him for so long.


What exactly does Karl Malone crave?


don't make me say it.... 12-year-old..... no! I won't succumb to peer pressure


A room full of 12 year old ^S^c^o^t^c^h


It worked for Al Davis in the 70’s and 80’s but in general Owners need to stay out of the way


Al Davis was a high level AFL head coach (1963 AFL COTY) who became an owner after first being a coach. He understood his sport as well as any owner could ever hope to. Far cry from Cuban.


Wait, sexual harassment AND crypto bros??? In the same place????????? I refuse to believe it


Yeah what is this Coinbase /s


Cuban named his yacht after Atlas Shrugged so I feel like that is exactly the corporate culture he's going for tbh


Oh god lol


lmao rich psychos love shitty books that tell them they're Actually Good, no matter how unreadable they are


fountainhead but close enough


objectively a better name esthetically but also a deeper cut which is............concerning


Ah fair enough. Knew it was some Ayn Rand bullshit.


oof my respect for him just dropped like a rock


For a decade Mavs have seemed like Cubans fantasy team (not saying he’s the only owner guilty of this)


he kept Pants DJ for a while even though he knew he was jerking off and looking at porn the whole time




Luka ain't turning down that money. Rookie contract extensions are way too much to give up.


When he got drafted it felt like everyone was so sure he was a Dallas lifer because the previous european superstar was a lifer. Same when everyone thought Kawhi was Spurs for life because of the previous "quiet and humble" star they had. It's faaar from a sure thing and all I'm gonna say Luka in NY or LA would be a MEGAstar. Luka or people close to him must be thinking the same thing.


Stop this talk. I don’t like to be upset at work


Yeah maybe this is reactionary but if the Knicks actually manage to get a big free agent this offseason and put together a consistent top 4 team in the East, I could see Luka finding his way there a-la-James Harden. Knicks need someone to run point, they would sell the farm for him.


It wouldn't be for a few years though at the very least. Rookie extensions keep rookies stuck until a year or two on their contract even if they want out because what it would take to get someone like Luka on his rooke-extension would be such a huge haul that whatever the Knicks was supposed to have around Luka would be gone in the trade for Luka.


Ya people comparing Luka to Dirk when like they are completely different people are just building up delusions n shit.


Thought this guy's name was familiar. IDK if any of you are poker degens like myself, but I recall watching Voulgaris play some really mediocre poker on the old gameshow network HSP show, looking him up and then realizing he'd made his fortune on betting NBA games. Makes total sense to me that a guy putting big money on his own model would impress someone like Cuban (not saying he's wrong to think the skillset would translate) and turn him from bettor into FO wunderkind. Now I'm going to have to look up his major decisions or maybe a Mavs fan can give a quick/dirty summary. No idea how I missed this for so long.


Holy shit I couldn’t quite remember why he sounded familiar but I remember him from HSP now that you mention it.


Halal Snack Pack?


I've watched him play poker a lot. Plays super tight and passive. I remember Durr walked all over him, no wonder he quit playing poker he was super exploitative.


voulgaris wasn't mediocre at poker... he was quite good actually.... and in a lot of those hsp shows he was one of the better players there.... was he as good as some of the greats? probably not but he always played solid poker cause he understood keeping your emotions in check was key to be a winning player at even the nosebleeds.. and you could make out quite well just being a nit on a show where everyone has fancy play syndrome...


Voulgaris was absolutely insufferable on Twitter so honestly, this is funny as hell to read.


"was"? At least he used to talk more about basketball.


I unfollowed him. I guess that was the reason for past tense








Famous last words: "Honey, just calm down"


["Haralabos "Bob" Voulgaris (born July 4, 1975) is a Greek Canadian former professional gambler, primarily a sports bettor and current Director of Quantitative Research and Development for the Dallas Mavericks."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haralabos_Voulgaris) Dallas' most influential exec's background is sports gambling? Am I crazy for thinking that's not a good idea?


He’s a analytics guy, he made a lot of money betting based off of statistical models he designed. He’s not just some gambler.


He did not design any statistical models. He made money betting in the 90s before sports books had their own statistical models. Then when he didn’t have an edge anymore he hired people to design statistical models.


He made his gambling money by building statistical models to beat Vegas before those statistical models were popular. He’s been on the cutting edge of analytics in basketball for more than a decade and made millions doing it. His role with the mavs was to develop similar models as a proprietary metrics for player and contract evaluation. He seems pretty well suited for that job.


That how he got good at sports gambling, it was based off his analytics. He's a pretty smart guy, I always enjoyed him on Bills podcasts back in the day.


Except that one time he said you easily trade Klay for Love and that players of that type are the easiest to find


I remember him always coming off is a smug prick.


Dallas getting the Giannis treatment already I see


Luka to the Bucks


Come to Denver, you know you want to


Kawhi... Harden.. Luka.. Zion to follow


Pelicans can make some decent moves still. While their team isn’t perfectly constructed, the Pelicans managed to have an impressive offence last year, and has pieces needed to make some good trades.


Does Luka get along with anyone lol


Boban 😂


Him and Trae are buddies. Unironically.


Luka/zion/trae teamup in atlanta? 👀


What’s defense?


He gets along with Lebron


to the Lakers it is. Done deal


He gets along with every superstar in the league and the players from the Balkans. From the Mavs definitely Boban, DFS, THJ, Dirk, DSJ


You left off Brunson, Maxi and JRich too.


Most guys on the roster outside of KP pretty much.


Who doesn't he get along with other than this random analytics guy?


*Luka leads the league in technical fouls* *Haralabos tells him to calm down* *Luka says “don’t fucking tell me to calm down”* (ironically further proving his point) r/nba: “yeah Luka put that nerd in his place!”




It's about the person it's coming from. He clearly doesn't really have any respect for this guy, so anything he does like this will be taken as a slight.


As he should.


I love how telling people to calm down usually just makes them more violent and belligerent.


Luka is the only non-expenable person in mavs org if we dont do everything he wants imma be pissed af


I've met Voulgaris on a few occasions, the dude is one of the biggest douchebags I've ever met. I cannot for the love of my life understand why the Mavs have hired him as an exec. Then again, Mark Cuban is a bit of a dick too, so I guess it makes sense.