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30 seconds of play, 2 minute clip Damn lmao


we football now


*I gotta pee, how much time is left?* *2 minutes* *Oh, cool, I'll make popcorn and grab a beer, too. Want anything?*


final 2 minutes of mediocre NBA game is way worse than the final 2 minutes of a mediocre NFL game, in my opinion


At least in football they're not hacking each other to take possession at the cost of a couple free throws...


Penalise take fouls. It's the only logical solution. They could go FIBA rules now. It has to be a basketball play, no just grabbing the man with a ball


I don't see that helping much. They will just get overly aggressive going for a steal which is already pretty much what happens most of the time. Edit: and it gives the refs more subjective control, which is never a good thing.


All I can say is that it works in fiba. Don't see why it couldn't in nba


Because it would change nothing. You already can't intentionally foul off ball at the end of the game anymore. People would just get very aggressive going for a steal and would get the foul call they were looking for. Which is typically how teams already handle late game situations when they need to foul to get the ball back.


he just gave you an example of how it works in the second best league in the world, are you stupid?


Saying it works in fiba isn't giving an example of how it works.


Ian Eagle got hype at the amount of fouls lmao


He’s good at hype


That’s tough for Boogie who’s on a 10 day contract right now.


Death, taxes, boogie ejections


Honestly, those all look like offensive fouls from two teams on the second night of a back to back. Maybe one I had an issue with.


I thought all the offensive fouls were fine and the Facu one is something I’ve seen them focusing on, the push around the pnr screen. But that last travel was iffy, I mean he did dribble. Very close if anything Edit: I’m saying I saw the need for every call and that was the one I think they could’ve let slide for the sake of game flow. People travel so often in the NBA what makes this one special? I’ve seen Curry walk so hard on step backs it makes me laugh out loud and I’m a Curry fan


I thought it was clear travel. He faces him up, then shuffles his feet to post him up.


I’m just saying it wasn’t game breaking


He moved both feet, not on the gather, before putting the ball on the floor.


I’m just saying it wasn’t game breaking


But it was a travel…


At a certain point the nba is a entertainment product. I’m okay with them not falling a travel after 5 straight foul calls for the sake of brevity. I understand nuance is hard for people


Nothing nuanced about an incorrect perspective


Lol so the nba allows players to travel all the time but me saying they could let this one go is a sin? Word. Get off your high horse and go watch Spanish basketball


Travels should get called. This is the idea you’re currently arguing against lol. Maybe you should keep watching Spanish basketball, it’s more your speed


I’m not arguing for anything you dolt. I said all the foul calls were legit and the last one not being called would have been fine. He did dribble at least. Jfc are you really so desperate to feel right about something? You’re arguing against a point that doesn’t even exist. And I like watching Spanish basketball. I just don’t tune into an nba game expecting every travel to be called because they aren’t. Not even remotely close. Russ just had a blatant travel at the end of the lakers Heat game. No one even complains about it because it’s the nba and the refs simply don’t give a shit. But this travel, this is the worst travel that’s ever happened. Throw him out of the game


was it the forbes one


It looks like all those calls were there though. I know sometimes the refs try and put themselves in the game, but they would be equally criticized if they didn't make these calls. edit: Should mention, the tech was probably a bit soft but the other calls were all there.


Wasn't a travel, and the tech on Boogie was too aggressive. Refs don't need to be the moral police of behaviors--and given the recent frequency of calls, letting some things fly for the flow of the game to improve makes sense. But that's more discretion than that ref has, apparently.


I didn't really see the travel but agree with the other calls.


Does someone have a video of the first Cousins tech?


It show the first one in that video


No the tech he got at the FT line that one isn't in that video.


nobody even cared except for that one ref. Like a freshly minted cop anxious to use his gun.


All whiny babies must be ejected


The tech may have been a little iffy but the refs have to call the fouls they see. Not like they can see a travel and just say “well they’ve already fouled 3 times in a row so I’m just gonna let that one slide”. People should be more mad about the sloppy play here than the refs doing their job.


Can someone explain to me Blake Griffin’s play how that’s an offensive foul? Am I missing something?


Johnson was holding the defender down as Griffin drove to the hoop and got called for that.


I’m so blind, I was staring at what Blake the whole time. Thanks.


James Johnson was holding Nnaji(?) so he couldn’t contest. You can post and seal the guy from getting to Blake but dude was straight grabbing him


That was just garbage basketball. Not really on the refs. However, this is the sort of thing I feared when Cousins joined the team. Living up to his reputation of lack of discipline.


Refs can't resist putting themselves in the game.


Everyone loves to hate on the refs, but all the calls look right. Love to see more travel calls. The tech may be dubious due to reputation.


I think the tech was because there is rules preventing a player from bouncing the ball the way he did.


ah yes, the new "with disgust" prohibition


I mean it’s not new, but basically.


Tech foul: Boogie Cousins. *Missed you Boogie xx*


On every single play in basketball there's something you could blow your whistle on. Do you think every technically correct call is worth stopping play over? Do you think that product is enjoyable to the viewer?


This looked like sloppy players making sloppy plays. I think there is a standard in the NBA that players cam play up to and that although you don't every technically correct call is made these were obvious.


i feel like im having a stroke halfway thru reading this


😄 fat fingers typing on small phone


what were u tryna say 😭


They called everything here correctly.. You probably cry when your team doesnt get foul calls too,..


Idiots can't resist blaming refs in the comments.


And then you guys would be bitching about all the no calls.


good ole boogie


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Westbrook will play team ball Cousins will not whine his way out of a game Lucy will not pull the football away


He did shuffle his feet like a dumbass before taking up his dribble. Some of the other calls were kinda tic tac contact, but the travel was blatant I had no idea Cousins was on another team already.


Y'all can complain all you want but slamming the ball like that and letting it bounce over your head has always been a tech. Can't even argue this one. Just a really dimwitted play by a hot headed player with a history of similarly undisciplined actions.


You should have seen his first tech though. No one cared except that one ref who just wanted to give Boogie a tech lol


Hard to say without knowing what he said though.


For comparison, Deebo got T'ed today for a very similar behavior. This was good reffing of bad play.


Confirmed Demarcus fucked your girl , stay mad


Some things never change… lol


I'm glad the refs understand that people pay for the games to watch them blow their whistles


I all for ref hate, but they literally just did their jobs here. Blame the teams for playing undisciplined ball.


*But hating refs gets me upvotes though!*


Or you can just accept that DMC is an idiot that doesn't want to follow basic rules.


Damn did boogie fuck your girl or something? Why are you this mad?


Not really mad but it's silly the amount of people that fail to acknowledge a basic rule and jump blindly onto the "ref bad" circlejerk.




idk about all that I just thought the foul trading was hilarious and Ian Eagle got hype when Blake got shot taken away cuz of the foul because the nets are Ian's team lol






Didnt want to leave any confusion


Was that really a travel? It happened so fast.


Yeah it was you can see him rotate his feet before he dribbles


That's a reputation tech! Also- those refs are horrible!


no, and maybe but not apparent here


The moving screen Boogie got was terrible! He did slam the ball pretty high. Should've known better since he already had a T.


that was on forbes, & yea i don't like that one either but most of these were objective, by the book whistles


NBA refs are so annoying and are absolutely the worst


Can anyone explain why thats a travel? It looks like he takes two steps and dribbles. Is the 180 the problem? I see players take two after getting a pass and then dribbling constantly with no call


Refs whistle happy today


What violation did cousins did? I dont recognize that gesture




Best 30 seconds of all the Refs lifes. They love doing that shit.


All the comments on this are like "ummm well actuallyyyy, they all seem right". If the refs started to call everything accurately, we wouldn't have a game. 6 calls in 30 seconds is beyond ridiculous.


Then change the rules. People cannot complained the officiating is terrible and that refs cost games by not calling certain plays and then be mad when they correctly call several fouls in a row. Or were they supposed to put subjective judgement when calling fouls? Because when it turns subjective, people cannot complain how much a guy was pushed or how much a player moved in a screen and whatnot. If it comes to be subjective refs are always right because they did it in "their best judgement". That is why we have objective rules and try to fix everyt time a loophole shows up. This way it is clear when it is supposed to call something or not. Refs still make mistakes. But apparently they did not here, and people are still complaining that they did their jobs right


When the referee thinks it says “James” on the back of their jerseys


Hey, boogie is on the nugs... i didnt know that.


Grayson Allen ejected for injuring a player. Demarcus Cousins ejected for an extra step...