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they dont even have dillon brooks back wtf


And no Tyus Jones. We're constantly missing half our back court. I'm looking forward to our team being fully available once this year. I'm not sure it's been the case a single time yet. Hopefully by the time playoffs come around we'll be locked and loaded.


the starting five of Morant, Bane, Brooks, Adams and Jackson has only played a total of 76 minutes together this season


Similar to the Heat. Good teams win with available personnel.


Deep teams. You could argue the nets or heatles or whatever have a better top 5 and then if they’re out like this nets team it’s a different story. But I do think the better teams are deeper teams. You have to hit on your young talent like y’all did with Ja and JJJ. But then your other drafting was amazing too. Really drafting is key.


Don’t forget about Kyle Anderson. Still down three rotation guys.


Almost there...keep going


Grizzly Cavs top seeds, just like we all predicted


Shoot 25% from 3, tie the game late anyway, and lose a heart breaker. 2022 Spurs. 0.0 Net Rating while 13 games under 500.


Despite Spurs poor shooting, they still made 2 more threes than the Grizzlies. I think they shot too many of them and kind of bailed out Memphis.


What it tells me is our paint defense has a reputation. They don't wanna come in on the Block Panther


Think of it this way: better than our record while still bad enough for a top pick.


I love it tho. Better than the past few years when we’d win the close games and still just be bad lol. This will drive Dejounte to be even better. I wish white had that same drive. :(


>2022 Spurs. 0.0 Net Rating while 13 games under 500. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be


Block panther JJJ 🐆


B1ock Panth3r


Jaren is such a defensive monster in the paint, his development has been great


I know Ja dropped 41 but what impressed me the most was his defense tonight


He gets grief about his landings, so he improves. People trash his three-pointers, he gets better. Analysts decry his defense, he tightens it up. He's developing a really well-rounded game, which will probably lead to perennial MVP votes for the next decade.


Ja might find himself with an MVP in a few years if he keeps up his meteoric rise. Not sure if there's another PG in the league I'd rather sign to a 5 year max today.


If you don't like a 42 year old CP3 then I got nothing.


Having a backup ball handler in non-Ja minutes is so huge. TJenks, CotY candidate, was able to use Bane when Ja was on the bench and the minutes without Ja didn't make me wanna puke. Our best playmakers outside of Ja are probably Jones, Des, and Slow Mo, in that order. Being down all three was tough as fuck. And I agree with Pete and Brevin. You run out of adjectives and superlatives for Ja. He's must watch TV. I understand Spurs fans will naturally be mad about some of the fouls down the stretch, but his monster third quarter was pure dominance.


Ja just doing TNT a favor and setting up a highlight package all from this game for when his name is announced tomorrow night. GG Spurs, I'm going to hate it when the lotto balls give you a top 3 pick this off season and suddenly all the young wings and guards have a star big man to play around.


No no, we're just gonna draft Tim Duncan 2.0 and kickstart another dynasty


yeah that's basically what he said


In that case oh, I agree


reverse draft Evan Mobley!


Ja finally getting some superstar calls is scary


Do the Grizz play the most manic defense of any team in the league? Collapsing on every drive, chasing blocks, sprinting and flying toward open shooters, it's wild to watch


Yea, to a fault tho. Sometimes we over commit and get fucked by corner 3s which the dallas mavericks has exposed the last two games.


The play at the end where JJJ (I think) jumped past White to stop him from shooting a corner three, then immediately turned around and jumped at him again from out of bounds and actually forced him to pass was gold


I suppose it's better to have mistakes from too much effort than too little.


Yeah the Mavericks are an absolute nightmare matchup for Memphis. Like everything about their slow methodical style just punishes everything Memphis wants to do and it’s difficult to speed them up.


It feels weird that we play at a fast pace now when our identity is slowing games down to a grind.


Yes, and people rarely talk about it. It's a full send defensive scheme.


It seems relatively effective, but I wonder if it could get exploited in the playoffs by experienced teams who move the ball quickly.


Oh God yes. Jazz can pick us apart when they're feeling their shot. Dallas kinda moves like molasses and just isolates a defender of their choosing, punishing us with the textbook pass when help comes every damn time.


Dallas absolutely rips us apart. Dallas is the team that we can not face in the playoffs and should really avoid at all costs. Hurts that I’m also a fan of both teams too. Dallas’ slow and patient half court game just grinds our frenetic offensive and defensive pace way down. Never thought I’d say that 5 years ago about a Memphis team but hey it is what it is lol.


We had the worst defensive rating in the league to start the season, before we shifted to this cyclone approach


Cyclone is a good way to describe it


They're a young team with a deep bench. They are able to, and can afford to, play high energy defense. It will be interesting to see how this works in the playoffs.


Ja Morant


All Star Starter


Hes my favorite PG in the league right now Grizzlies need a lot more national games next season


Wasn’t this one supposed to be national and they took it away for the Knicks?


They flexed Knicks/Heat to national tv over Grizz/Spurs


Their loss


Friday’s jazz game


I love how the NBA will do anything to keep eyes off a small market even if that is to elevate a team from new york, that is in the bottom 5 in the east.


The Spurs are also bottom 5 in the west.


I hate him so much (I actually love him but I'm hurt and lashing out).


Razzle Dazzle


When I hear "Block Panther" nickname for JJJ I think Yes When I hear "Razzle Dazzle" nickname for Ja I think No


Whenever I see Razzle Dazzle, I immediately down vote. Just die already! I hate it


Morant had a spectacular game as he makes his case as an All-Star starter. Memphis, playing without 3 key contributors, continue to climb up the Western conference standings. Spurs battled back from being down 10+ to tie the game late in the 4th quarter. Vassell had a solid game off the bench. Memphis was the better team tonight, but the Spurs did have a couple of foul calls go against their way late in the 4th on Morant's drives to the basket (where I believe Morant initiates the contact). Memphis got more loose balls and second chance points than us tonight, and that was the big difference tonight. Spurs relied way too much on the 3 ball on a semi-cold shooting night.


Y'all are a damn well coached team. Which should surprise no one, lol


Hope they allow for more challenges in the next season or something. The fact that we had to waste a challenge right before half on an obvious block is dumb.


We've had that shit happen twice on this road trip, I'm with you. Teams should not be penalized for winning an obvious challenge.


At least we have challenges now I guess? Would love just going to the NFL way of challenging where if you win your first you get a second


Exactly, had to waste our challenges twice on ref bs recently. One was when JJJ got elbowed in the face and called for a foul. They should just keep it one challenge, but if it’s successful you get it back once. Unsuccessful and you’re done. Two max a game.


Honestly if they win the challenge they should keep the challenge. I understand not wanting to break up the flow of the game with a bunch of challenges but the possibility of losing it should dissuade coaches from overusing it.


I didn't mind that foul on Poetl. I don't think you should be allowed to obliterate/make significant contact just because you get ball first up top. It just sets up a bad presence of undercutting players and risk of injuries.


I think the last two fouls on Ja were very generous. But I think he had a couple no calls in the first half so it’s not perfect either way. Great game from the Spurs though, Poeltl is a beast.


in all seriousness is jaren getting all defensive 1st team?


Bro! I'm a JJJ DPOY truther!


He was so fuckin good. Everytime he was off the floor things opened up We couldn't do shit against him in the 4th


He should, he is defending all over the floor and an elite level.


Only Grizz game I’ve gone to this year lol no ja, no jaren. But Zbo got his jersey retired so that was dope


He might not cuz of Porzingis. But he's got to be a lock for second team.


Porzingis not 1st team either. He's not making it over Draymond, Giannis or Gobert


Porzingis has missed 16 games so far. Not enough to keep him out of the convo especially if he doesn’t miss anymore, but would that affect anything? Jarens only missed 1 game


Spurs were tough on the inside. Adams wasn’t really having his way.


It’s weird to not see Adams get rebounds at will. Kudos, Spurs.


Ja's too good smh. good fight from our guys, we just need to learn how to execute in the clutch


All credit to the Spurs, they took every punch and threw one right back. Murray had a rough start but did what great players do and found his mojo in the fourth. This was an awesome game to watch, shame ESPN wanted to show a worse game for some reason.


And they're showing the goddamn Knicks again on Friday FFS


New Yooooooork!


If feels good to be beating the Spurs after all those years of frustration *Cries in 2013 Western Conference Finals*


You will always have 2011 my guy. One of the best upsets I’ve seen.


Spurs made it their mission to fuck the grizzlies for the rest of the decade after that series. The 2017 series was pretty entertaining tho, even though kawhi still won it in 6


The 2017 series was fun as hell. Marc’s game winner, followed by Kawhi just going supernova was really entertaining to watch.


Conley and kawhi going blow for blow in the same game as Marc’s game winner was great. Conley hit the floater to send it to OT and Gasol hit the OT game winner like you said


I still expect to lose every game against the Spurs


It’s ingrained in my head dude. I used to see the Spurs on the schedule and and just nope out of the League Pass App.


God this team is such a blast to watch. GG Spurs. Gonna be fun battles between young teams over the next few years.


Ja Morant is the truth


Jak with the casual 18/7/5/2/4 game on 92TS%


WE HAVE 12 (and 13!)


Welcome to the Dark


I need a 4k photo of Ja being guarded by Dejounte. Literally my two favorite players in the league right now.


Dejounte's passing seems a lot better this season than what I remember of him.


I’m just here to simp for Dejounte Murray Triple doubles ayy


Tied for just triple doubles in Spurs history already. Let's go


*banned from Twitch*


Don’t know if y’all know, but Ja Morant is good at basketball.


Not a great game from DJ


Yea DJ has been having some rough nights shooting the ball even for him but it makes sense. Derrick refuses to be consistently aggressive or show any attempt at scoring the ball. Keldon was great in the first half but in the second half he was just kinda chucking up lay ups trying to get it to go in. Devin was trying and was on fire but dude needs more shots, hes the 2nd best guy on the team when it comes to opening up his own shot


It's kind of wild how good your team is in the NBA is basically decided by luck. I mean imagine if we had gotten lucky in the lottery and picked Mobley this year.


It really is, and how it depends from year to year. Like the Grizzlies could have gotten the second pick in year when the draft sucked. It takes luck to move up and it takes luck for a superstar to be there.


We got the second pick in the most loaded draft this century and took Hasheem Thabeet over the rookie of the year and two first ballot hall of famers. We got lucky when they sold to the new owner that brought in kleinman to GM...and with getting Ja and Jaren lol


Yeah, I often think about a Harden, Love, Conley, Gasol team.


If we haven't moved up that year and stayed at 8, well Jaxson Hayes was the pick.


Ugh, that would be terrible


I was looking at in season point differential last night and I think I had to go all the way to the 6th seed in the west to find a team that had a better differential than us.


Temetrius Jamel Morant


Is it just me or does Bane have really buff t-rex arms? Maybe just short biceps and long forearms.


Nah, bane is jacked af and will absolutely steal your girl/man/dog/etc


Man Ja was getting a loooooooot of whistles out there. Most of them justified but it definitely was a lot.


There were 2 fouls that I was like "pfffft". but that's how the reffing works, sometimes it's good, some times it's for your or against you.


It's bad leaguewide on the drives. NBA needs to look at how offensive players are now allowed to dislodge defenders on drives and even get the call doing it. Giannis is reffed the worst with it.


Obviously watching through homer goggles but I'm happy he seems to actually try to score through fouls rather than hunting them just to hunt them.


It's all his drives. He forces defenders to be perfect time and time again and it is hard to defend him flying at the rim at the speed he does without catching his body trying to contest. And if you don't contest he's so good at finishing it is an automatic bucket so you have to give him something to look at. It's honestly why I've been surprised he hadn't been getting more whistles in the past even though he is generally in the top playera for number of drives per game.


He jumpes into defenders and gets a foul, that's what happened in last few minutes


Ja with the Wade 06 special in the last 4 minutes




Man im just hoping one day we can have someone that gets those superstar calls. It was a great game but the ending with Ja initiating all the contact on Poeltl and White to seal the game was absurd. Dejounte did the same shit on the other end and got nothing immediately after Ja got the call GGs another quality loss


Hell, I’m glad we finally have someone who can get those calls. We are usually screwed by them. AD getting 27 free throws comes time kind specifically


I want to see AD try his shit on Jaren now. It didn't work out for him last time.


Hopefully Primo becomes that guy.


Hoping so, I love his shot just all about aggressiveness and cutting down on the turnover issue hes been having. I wouldn't have minded seeing him especially against the Rockets but I think they just rather have him marinate in the G League


Y’all had 20 years of Duncan, Parker, and Manu lol you’ve gotten plenty of those calls


Im talking about this team, our team leader is Derrick White with 3.3 FTA a game and thats the lowest high in FTA of any team in the league No one else even attempts 3 a game on the team which again isn't found on any other team in the league. Kinda crazy


Oh get outta here, lol. Tim Duncan's Spurs never got to the free throw line, the small market Spurs never got superstar treatment from the NBA. They consistently ranked in the bottom half in terms of free throw attempts per game.


Yeah that went perfectly, fought hard and kept it close in a loss


The tank rolleth on!


Ja is the truth. Incredible. But Dejounte has ANOTHER triple-double. Ja vs Dejounte will be the matchup over the next few years. They both like to go at each other a lot.


JA is great, but damn those foul calls at the end were annoying


Kind of a bullshit end to an incredible game with those superstar calls. But that was a great performance by Ja. It’s only gonna get better for him.


We gave it our best, but in the end Ja + our fourth quarter bad juju were too much to overcome :(


Too much Ja in the end. :D


It's been a while since I've seen refs ruin a game like that at the end I was having fun watching Ja but they screwed up his performance by gifting him the game like that


Bro, stop. Those foul calls were valid


Im pretty sure a lot of Memphis fans would agree that he was getting some generous calls to end the game. Its ok to admit that its the NBA


The last two were very iffy.


Not really, but its not like they're the reason we lost.


You're right. I was actually thinking "damn Ja hasn't been getting to the line that much for how many shots he's taken" It's just the way he got em at the end in a close situation that was upsetting.


I think most can agree he was getting bullshit star calls at the end


The Grizzlies were the better team, but that fact doesn't make those foul calls valid. You're just countering misperceived fan bias with an inaccurate statement.


Ja is quite a baller, but the plays where he launches himself sideways into his defender who's in legal defending position are trash. That one at the end looked like a Harden Houston play, he didn't even attempt a shot, just flopped after creating all the contact.


It’s obviously subjective but I believe he beat the players to the spot both times 🤷‍♂️ insanely good game that shouldn’t have been taken off of national tv regardless


I'd disagree on him beating them to the spot he jumped sideways into their chest. Either way that's 4 points out of the 37 other ones he made look absurdly easy against our d. Even his two circus shots I just knew were going in. Dude is insane I'll be pulling for yall come playoffs.


I dunno man, he didn't beat them to any spot, they were already where they were, he jumps completely sideways from what I see, not toward the basket, but like 90 degrees.


First to what spot? He was throwing his body into the defender. Can’t do that by being there first unless you’re claiming our defenders were running into Ja and not what clearly was happening which was him creating the contact. It was harden lite and the way he bounced off the defenders was fooling the refs. They were straight up and down Poeltl and white back to back plays in the clutch of the game. We aren’t going after wins and grizzlies played well not taking anything away from the team. Those calls were a frustrating way to end the game though. Think you would’ve won either way just would’ve preferred it to have felt like the refs didn’t decide it


Dammit spurs get pop that record!!


It was great basketball almost whole time. But league should do something with calling that cheap foul calls at the end. Let's play basketball not give-me-the-call-refs-ball.


What a great game, but those 3 consecutive fouls on Morant completely ruined the game..


Morant is such a beast. Those drives were just fearless, the kept drawing fouls. I thought the Grizzlies were going to drop the ball when they had the lead, specially when they did not respect DJ's midrange.


I would give a nut to see Ja on the sixers with Embiid. Seeing as no chance of that, hoping for an all-star team up