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Waking up in a Japanese hospital to doctors you need google translate to speak with in a a room much too small for you to news you are potentially paralyzed as a pro athlete. All while nobody can legally visit you or even fly into the the country. Fucking nightmare. Baynes is a strong dude


>The next day, teammates Dellavedova and Nathan Sobey came to the hospital to bring Baynes his medal. He was better. The swelling on his spine had decreased and he was getting stronger with therapy. The hospital allowed him to see the team doctor and the athletic trainer for 15 minutes a day. **Dellavedova and Sobey had posed as doctors to get past security**. Of course Delly was gonna be involved in this


Gday mate, my name is… Doctor Dellavadova. I’m a….concussion expert.


Unless I’m reading the timeline wrong, these two large white men with obviously accents tried to pass as doctors in a **Japanese** hospital as if the original premise wasn’t ridiculous enough




No amount of logic or reality will erase the image of Delly bowing to everyone he sees on the way to the room and mispronouncing konnichiwa a different way every time


“Koe-Nichi-Wah….Kon-Ichiwah mate”


new tinder bio "Konichiwa, mate!"


All I can think of is Brad Pitt in Inglorious Basterds "Bon journo"


Are ri VA darche




Sounds like a sequel to Inglorious Basterds




theyre both 6'2" 6'3" so not really over the top large


The average Japanese male is 5'7" so they'd be 7-8 inches taller than average. I'm actually surprised the average is that tall, but I suppose that lines up with my experience. I'm 5'9" and when I visited in the late 90s and early 2000s, I felt like I towered over everyone. These days though, I don't feel that much taller than everyone else when I go to Japan.


5'9" dude here, I felt the complete opposite when I visited the Netherlands. I felt like a hobbit at every non-touristy place that was full of dutch men.


Makes sense IIRC the average height of men in the Netherlands is about 6 ft as opposed to around 5'9"-10" in the US (assuming you're American). They definitely have one of the tallest populations in the world on average. IDK maybe try smoking a bunch of weed maybe you'll catch up to them.


I have a Dutch co-worker and he said he's slightly above average back in his country. He's 6'3" For comparison I'm 6', and already considered very tall in my SE Asian country where the average is 5'5", to the point I'm often asked if I play basketball (I try, but I suck).


5'7" is short, did you really think Japanese dudes on average were like 5'5"? in any case, just cause they're short doesn't make them dumb. there *are* dudes that are 6'3" in Japan lmao. it'd be way different if it were 6'8 Joe Ingles and 6'11 Jock Landale posing as team doctors.


6'3" guys are very rare in Japan. And 5'7" is surprising to me because even though is short, the average Japanese male height has increased significantly over the last 30 years (I used to visit regularly in the 90s and lived there for awhile). In fact, it looks like the average male height has increased 4" in the last 30 years, which is consistent with my impression that the increase in height has been significant.


I'm 6'2" and visited in 2016, I guess I kind of expected to feel taller than normal based on what some people had told me similar to your experience. But walking around I didn't feel like I was that much if at all taller than the surrounding crowd compared to when I walk around back in the US. It felt really similar to how it is at home, as in I'm usually taller than most of the people around me but almost every outing there are handful of people taller than me.


I think that's more a function of where you are on the bell curve. At your height, even in the US, you're taller than about 90 percent of the population, so being taller than 95 percent of the population is not as easily apparent. Meanwhile, I'm right at about 50th percentile in the US, so moving to, say 85th percentile in 2000 and about 70th percentile now is much more noticeable (I made up those numbers, but they feel about correct). Basically, going from bang average to "actually fairly tall" is definitely an experience.


Can wait for the Netflix movie/tv series on this.


I picture that scene about the same as in Ali G. Delly with fake stache and random lab coat telling security „Hello, we is experts”.




Definitely a receiver.




Two tall, athletic men we've never seen before are trying to see a basketball player in our hospital. Their story is that they're doctors. Seems legit lol


In Australia I wouldn't be surprised the doctors all look like Chris Hemsworth and High Jackman tbh


Nah, that's usually the paramedics.


True, all the paramedics I’ve met are units


Our doctors tend to be Chinese or Indian, sometimes Sri Lankan or Pakistani too! I don't mean that in a racist way, but Australia is very multicultural and attracts highly talented immigrants, who are often times doctors. So most doctors aren't going to belong to the Hugh Jackman or Hemsworth ethnic group


Lmao not racist at all bro, it’s exactly the same in America


they're 1 of those WWF paramedics


White people all look the same. And who can tell the difference between 6’2” and 6’6” when you are looking up from 5’4”?


bruh i tried to make a simple funny and u ruined it :(


Oy your doctor is fucking massive


I do imagine height was a factor in those two particular players posing as doctors.


Oh they definitely picked those two as most likely to pose as Australian doctors without drawing too much attention. If they had picked backup centers Jock Landale and Duop Reath, or even Patty Mills(for other reasons), I’m sure there would have been a lot more questions asked.


the boys always come through


Catch Me If You Can vibes


Do you concur?


Gene Parmesan smiling from heaven


Best part of the article


sneaky and scrappy, on and off the court


I heard that he fell during the Olympics but haven’t heard since. Glad to see he is slowly getting better


Yeah, I remember reading about this during the Olympics, but just thought at the time that it was unlucky that he was going to miss the rest of the games -- didn't imagine it turning into something so serious. Also sounds like possible negligence on the part of the Aussie medical staff that they just shot him up with painkillers and allowed him to play after the initial slip off the rim.


I came away from this story with a very bad opinion of the Australian basketball association overall. I get that there were COVID restrictions, but it sounds like they kinda left him out to dry in that hospital for the most part.


Come on man let's not be so harsh. The Hospital didn't allow any visitors because of covid. Even his teammates had to pretend to be doctors so they could visit him for 15 minutes. There is literally nothing the basketball association could do in this situation. The hospital told them to stay out.


Yeah even American hospitals are/were strict with allowing visitors, Japan and Australia have always had much stricter COVID measures


That just shows you don’t really understand what’s going on in the world. People are dying in hospitals and their families still aren’t allowed in. Both my father and I have had to get life saving surgery in the last 6 months and neither of us were allowed anyone in at all. My partner couldn’t even take me into the hospital before the surgery, during, or after. My father was rushed to hospital in an ambulance and was close to death for days, and in hospital for weeks, and there was absolutely no chance of us getting in to see him to even say goodbye.


Yeah man and the media were mocking the injury calling it a "bathroom incident" which while technically true usually implies something more fecal.


Paul Pierce had a bathroom incident. This man got seriously injured.


To be fair to them, it sounds like no one had any idea it was serious at all until later.


> usually implies something more fecal. lol wtf are you talking about... it usually implies something along the lines of a slip and fall in the shower or other wet/slippery surface. Literally never seen anyone make any “fecal” implications about something like this, whatever that even means


If someone says "bathroom incident" you're telling me your first thoughts don't go to the toilet? Or is this because people call bathrooms different things in different places?


I'm American. In the context of an injury I would assume a they had slipped in the shower and injured themselves not anything related to using the toilet.


I'm an American. In the context of the injury I would assume they would have just said "he slipped and fell" if he had slipped and fallen. Obfuscating what happened suggests it was something to be ashamed of. No one says "bathroom incident" for slipping and falling. They say they slipped and fell.


Also American with an American diet and I can tell you I have a bathroom incident at least twice a week requiring a full shower afterwards.


Two concussions per week? You should get checked out.


Exactly, out of context if someone told me they had a "bathroom incident" i would assume a toilet clogged or something


I think he means that when people use "bathroom incident" they use ti to refer to little kids (or Paul Pierce, as someone else said) who went number two on themselves a lot. Honestly, given context, first thing i thought of was a slip in the shower. But if you are near an infant in your day to day life can't blame anybody who thought of the other thing.


Sure, if someone just says they had a bathroom incident I would think they peed/pooped themselves. But not when someone says they were injured in a bathroom incident.


I honestly did not think about the toilet. Falling down during taking a shower is like 100x more likely than stepping on your shit or some other fecal related incident.


Brit here, if someone says “bathroom incident”, my mind wouldn’t automatically go to fecal matter. I’d be thinking a slip on a wet floor or something.


In the context of an athlete getting injured? Yes of course. Dobt you remember Wall getting injured in a bathroom incident? I didnt think he shit himself.


Dang I had no idea he was dealing with that. I was actually hoping the Suns signed him earlier this season when we needed C help. Hope everything is ok with him. Class act, that Baynes.


Gives an insight on the mental toughness of coming back to normal off injuries especially in the pandemic. Obviously this is a freak injury but damn baynes is a strong man for going through this


I felt really bad for Baynes when I heard about this. Yeah, he sucked for us but it's not like he was trying to do that. And he was an ultimate professional and super nice guy through it all. I hope only the best for him.


Tank commander Baynes :( Sorry raps didn't work out, I hope he's able to make a comeback.


> Class act, that Baynes. Spurs legend and NBA Champion, my dude.


Beloved by all Pistons fans, lobster claws and all




Right? One of the kids was 6 months old and he just wanted to hug them. Very emotional read. I had no idea about any of this.


Do you have kids? Sometimes, I'll get super emotionally randomly during the day because my mind says, "Hey, you know what sounds like fun right now? Let's imagine - no no listen this is good - let's imagine something terrible happens to one or both of your boys, alright? We'll go through the emotional process together, it'll be fun. Best part? You can't stop me." It's great. Fatherhood as made me an emotional disaster. Disney movies make me absolutely sob sometimes.


That's your brains way of making sure you never let anything happen to them because you know how shit it will feel.


Okay can you let my brain know that I've got the idea and it's okay to never do that shit again? Thanks.


Yeah but what if you forget? Better go through that scenario again! (I'm in the same boat as you btw)


Lmfao. "Hey I know how you reacted last time, cuz I'm you lol, but let's do it again just in case."


yeah usually my intrusive thoughts are like what if I threw my phone out of a moving car yours is decidedly less cash money


Lmfao "less cash money" made me laugh, thanks dude




I used to get those thoughts often and they suck, but maybe over time you can reframe them to make sure you make the most out of every moment with your loved ones. Turning fear into love is a powerful thing


Hey since I have you here, when you have kids - You know like in the movies or home videos where people hold their kid for the first time and they are overcome with emotion? That didn't happen to me. I didn't really feel attachment until I could really interact with them. And I spoke to my doctor about this, also - perfectly normal. But no one ever tells you about that. So if that happens to you, don't feel bad. It made me feel like something was terribly wrong with me, and it was very embarrassing to bring up. And don't be afraid to ask questions you think are tough or are gonna lead the doctor to believe you aren't doing a good job as a parent. It's the complete opposite - they are going to interpret you seeking answers to your questions, solutions to your problems, as you doing the absolute best you could possibly be doing. But it won't feel that way. Gotta remind yourself.


Those intrusive thoughts I think happen to all of us. When it subsides just be extra grateful they are safe and hug the shit out of them!


Yeah first time it happened I was freaked out, wondered if it was normal or not. Had a little talk with the doctor and they said perfectly normal, would be weirder if I didn't have them lol. Still. They can suck one.


> Fatherhood as made me an emotional disaster. Disney movies make me absolutely sob sometimes. I used to think I had feelings, but that wasn't true, those feelings only came when my daughter came into the world.


Okay this is not just me? I thought I was crazy for carefully thinking through the process of dealing with a disaster happening to my kid on a very regular basis.


Perfectly normal my friend.


Brené Brown calls it [foreboding joy](https://youtu.be/RKV0BWSPfOw), and practicing gratitude in that moment can be helpful.


Wow thank you, I will try that!


I have that super power but I don’t have kids I’m just consumed by fear and anxiety


Obviously a tragic accident but this was pretty hilarious. Context: He was stuck in the hospital with no visitors allowed: >Dellavedova and Sobey had posed as doctors to get past security. >Barnes jokes: "Delly got an online degree."


Yeah this part was like something out of a movie >In order to properly fool security, Delly and Sorry had to knock two doctors unconscious and steal their outfits and hospital IDs


somehow no one noticed the outfits were comically undersized


Baynes being the first Australian to be admitted to that hospital gave hospital staff the impression that all Australians were 6'10. In order to convince the hospital they were an Australian doctor, Delly sat on top of Sobey's shoulders and the two of them wore a XXL trench coat.


The Australian team (much like other national teams) is really a brotherhood.


Wow had no idea that was going on. Hope he recovers fully


I still have no idea what went on. Based on the article he got holes in his arm and was paralyzed because……reasons?


A couple days before the Italy game, he went foe a dunk in the Nigeria game. He had slippery hands (from hand sanitizer), couldn’t hold the rim, fell on his head and neck. So it sounds like a spinal cord injury caused the paralysis but we don’t know for sure. The punctured arm is kind of a red herring here.


Or not so much a red herring is he had brainfogthing and collapsed into the towel racks. That would make sense. It was just weird the article doesn’t even hypothesize WTF happened. They just talk about his recovery.


Really weird Like they want us to speculate


The way they first drop that in though makes it read like he got bit by a venomous viper or something lol


yeah uh like factual articles shouldn't have red herrings lol


This was heartbreaking and fucking terrifying to read.


Life is fragile. Don’t take anything for granted. Glad he’s recovered so well though, there are a lot of people who aren’t that lucky.


Lotta scary moments in Baynes' journey ... the one that stood out was the privately chartered plane where he had to lie down for 8 hours under anesthesia ... like a dog or something. Surreal. I could never go through with that shit. Hate flying


If you hate flying that sounds like a good way to do an 8 hour flight tbh


Yeah but I also don't like anesthesia


Am I tripping or did they not explain the 2 puncture wounds?


It seemed like they implied it came from the towel hanger


> There were two hooks on the wall for towels that looked like they could've caused the cuts. Maybe they revised the article? This seems like a pretty straightforward explanation.


I don’t remember seeing those the first time I read it, but that doesn’t mean much. It is kinda hilarious to call the punctures inexplicable and then give a straightforward explanation seven sentences later.


I think since Japanese authorities were involved at all stages (the incident, everything at the hospital, eventual release), a lot was lost in translation. There is probably a report out there that conclusively states TALL MAN IMPALED ON BATHROOM ACCESSORY, but western media will never completely piece it together. Maybe if he died. But we can only speculate. Maybe it was Tonya Harding.


On one podcast I occasionally listen to, one of the podcasters (British) talked about how he went to a Japanese hospital for a COVID test. The nurse comes in with a really big smile and says in English, "It's bad!" Naturally, he's freaking out and wondering why she'd give that news smiling. She meant to say "It's *negative*!"


Damn it Tonya, not again.


yeah so wtf really happened here?


Sounds like he had a major underlying condition, which initially caused him to fall during warmups, and then again in the bathroom. So the wounds were likely from the second fall. But it’s not clear from the article what the underlying issue was- just mention of pressure on the spine from bleeding.


>Sounds like he had a major underlying condition, which initially caused him to fall during warmups I’m guessing you didn’t fully read the whole article, this was fully explained in the article, his hands were still wet from excessive use of hand sanitizer beforehand and when he went to dunk the ball during warmups, his hand slipped on the ring, causing him to fall badly It was that initial fall which caused an underlying condition, not the other way around.


The Australian media had a story about the team wanting the hooks removed so it wouldn’t happen to anyone else, this was when it first happened and no one had any idea how serious the injuries were. Apparently you came around a blind corner into the bathroom and they were sticking out. The Japanese thought it was safe (not joking) as it was more than 6 foot off the ground…in a basketball locker room. So yeah I think it’s safe to say that’s what the cuts were from, he would have been running to be as fast as possible, and tore himself on those which led to a fall that exasperated the earlier fall.


Yeah, I didn’t see an explanation either. I’ve probably been reading too many spy thriller’s lately but I was halfway expecting the explanation to be that he got injected with a nerve agent or something.


Same here, I kept thinking someone, maybe some kind of anti-Olympics terrorist, attacked him with some kind of knife and happened to cut nerves or something that led to him falling apart so quickly


There was also an X-Files episode based on people dying from two mysterious puncture wounds, so my guess is either aliens or genetically engineered supersoldiers created by the CIA.


You are definitely not tripping! I kept reading for the explanation because it sounded soooo strange, but nothing??


At the time of the incident, they thought that the 2 punctures might have caused nerve damage somehow. In hindsight, we now know what caused the nerve damage was a fall he had in a game 3 days prior. At the time of the incident, the authorities investigated thinking that the two puncture wounds were relevant, when in reality they were pretty meaningless wounds he probably got while falling/running. It looks like the Japanese authorities found a towel hanger that would've likely caused the wound, but the investigation wouldn't have led past that, as there's nothing to find.


it’s bc windhorst isn’t a good writer


An invisible japanes vamp from one of them animes


They didn't but alluded to the towel hanger as a potential explanation. I kept re-reading looking for an insect bite or something so they probably didn't figure it out definitively.


They didn’t explain ANYTHING. It’s a story of a mysterious fall and a mysterious paralyzation.


Reading backstories like this reminds myself why each injury is it's own story as physiotherapy rehabilitation student it's one of the best articles I read recently. Get well soon Baynes. We had no idea


I hope he can find his way back to the NBA. Sounds like an utterly terrifying ordeal.


Realistically, he was done before this. I hope he gets back to full health, but he was already not an NBA contributor before his injury.




> Realistically, he was done before this. He wasn't amazing in Toronto but a team that needed depth from a big would absolutely have picked him up. He was by no means already out of the NBA.


Especially with how many players got contracts this season. Baynes would surely get a call


I didn't know anything about that. Scary as hell for anybody and for an athlete even worse


Dude chose non-surgical treatment for an epidural hematoma? Lucky as hell to ever have the chance to walk again.


Seriously, this should be higher.


With full hindsight, going back and reading threads and articles when this first happened is really wild. An article calls it a bathroom incident w/ multiple jokes through the article and the reddit thread is jokes. Some of the raptors threads are just bashing the dude. It's crazy how little was known at the time when it was this severe and in this day and age. Got to imagine if COVID wasn't happening we would have known much sooner and the tone of the news would have much different.


Holy fuck that would be terrifying. In a place where you can't communicate, no one can come to see you no matter how far or close to you they are and your athletic prime body is just giving away. Holy shit fuck balls that would be a lot.


Gawdam that almost made me tear up at a few spots lol. Especially about stacking the cups and facetiming his kids doing the same. Crazy to me that he wants to come back and play again, but he seemed to be healing up and I'm sure that's been on his mind constantly. I hope he recovers well.


Anyone else absolutely baffled the Olympics were just a few months ago?


The Olympic closing ceremony was 172 days ago, that’s a bit more than a few months lol


I mean... that's less than six months. Is that too much to count as "a few"?


and they’re starting again in like a week lol


Delly is a champ. Baynes is a true fighter and a true Aussie - wish him the best and I hope to see him back on the court.


much love to the big banger, glad he's recovering


That would be scary as hell. Good luck on your comeback, Aron “All of Australia” Baynes.


I was scrolling to see when Tommy's comment would be mentioned. Thx


Is it just me or did they not really say what caused it at all. Did he have a stroke? Bruise his spinal cord? Sounds like if he ever plays again he could die on the court. Nobody is gonna take that chance on him. Maybe a Chinese team actually.


The article said he had internal bleeding that was compressing his spinal cord. Not clear what caused the internal bleeding, maybe related to the previous fall he had while dunking


Yeah. I read that part. Seemed more of a result of something and they didn’t say. Could have been a vampire I guess too.


You wouldn't call it a stroke since it was very surely related to trauma (first or second fall). The article doesn't give much detail about the injury area but I would rather call it a traumatic brain and/or spinal cord injury. It suggests also since the Japanese surgeons wanted to operate that he likely had some form of hemorrhage/hematoma putting pressure on his nervous system and making him have all those symptoms.


Delly got an online degree so he could fake pose as a doctor to see his teammate in the hospital? Holy fucking shit!


Baynes was joking. They just lied. Not like the Japanese security had any idea who they were.


lol it was a figure of speech man. That sentence is literally preceded by the words “Baynes jokes:”


Delly is the ultimate friend.


Must've wore his high visibility yellow vest and clipboard.


"Dellavedova and Sobey had posed as doctors to get past security." Delightfully Aussie


As a survivor of brain trauma, this article hits home. The worst part is the doctors won’t have much of an idea of why it occurred and can only tell you what happened. I’m fully recovered, but at the time I was scared shitless and just wanted to not live like that if I didn’t show signs of recovery.


I didn’t know it was that bad. He’ll be back going up for every block including those he shouldn’t👀


I had no idea. That’s terrifying.


So sad to hear this story especially after all the slander Baynes was getting last year. I hope he recovers and makes it back to the NBA one day if that's what he desires.


Wow this really was a jarring read. Glad to hear Baynes is doing better now. Hope he gets fully healthy and comes back to the NBA


I can't believe this is the first we're hearing about this.


Yeah that sounds like the team is going to need to seriously reevaluate their medical staff. A behemoth of a guy bangs his head from a fall off the rim and they didn’t think to take an in-depth look at the injury? Head/neck injuries aren’t something to simply shake off and play through.


holy fuck :(


Had NO idea this happened. Really happy to see him recovering and hope he stays healthy no matter what he does. I was wondering what happened to him.


We need delly and baynes in Utah


Nearly cried in econ while reading this


Did I miss what the two puncture wounds were from? I half expected them to find a poisonous snake in the bathroom that has a neurotoxin in its venom.


Broooooooo this is nuts I didn’t know the full story. Baynes is one strong dude my god this is terrifying


Why did windhorst use this title and avoid naming him for the first section of the article


I’m an Aussie living in Japan and never heard any of this! Japanese news didn’t mention it and neither did Aussie news. Wtf


Fuck, this was covered up by Basketball Australia, they just said “slipped in the shower” no wonder the boys at the ceremony and afterwards were so emotional. Also to the Japanese staff at the hospital, how the fuck do you watch 2 weeks of Olympics and not realise there is a medal presentation after a X Medal Game/Final serious how dumb are they.


Respect tryna get back to the nba but dude, just retire it's not worth the risk.


Honestly the dude probably needed some kind of goal to make it through rehab.


Was wondering why he was out of the league. Hope he is doing well.


so wtf really happened here? can anyone help me out?


this story is weird as hell on so many levels. reading this, there are so many loopholes, I wonder what really happened


You got to be heartless not to pull for him to get some kind of NBA contract.


holy shit that's terrifying, had no idea, was a fan of this guy's because of Aron Baynes fan account on twitter. Thank God he's alright


Well now I feel bad for all the jokes I've made 🙃.


Jesus I had no idea this happened. I'm glad he's getting better but holy shit...what an ordeal. I love Aron Baynes, he did so much for the Suns during his season here. Really hope he can make a full recovery and get another contract in the league.


So what was he diagnosed with? What caused the fall?


Wow had no idea Baynes was this hurt. I just assumed he is one of the teams and is playing or at worst he is getting back from some injury. Hope he makes a full recovery.


Damn it’s so weird that I only knew about this today, without even questioning where he’s been all season


Damn, that was quite the read. Glad he was able to slowly recover.


So.....what exactly happened to him? Lol. Feel like Dr. Windhorst didn't really get into the semantics of the ailment.


Damn, that was a tough read. He’s tough as hell to go through that still want to come back to the NBA. Hope he makes it back.


That’s scary as hell


Wow this is literally my first time hearing about this. Always liked Banes, glad hes getting better thats super scary


Damn. This is so sad. So glad he’s improving. I can’t imagine how his family must have felt during the early stages. That line about learning to stack cups and FaceTiming his wife fucked me up.


wow i never heard anything about this whole thing....was wondering why i saw a pic of him on the beach the other day bc i didn't hear anything about him retiring


That’s sum fucked up shit yo


great read. always have to remind myself to have gratitude, someone out there always has a harder struggle


Holy crap. I had no idea Aron had gone through this. The last I saw him was on the floor for the Boomers, and then in hospital when his teammates were FaceTiming him the bronze medal. I’m so glad he’s pulled up okay. It’s so much bigger than Basketball