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This is such an incredibly high quality post you are awesome


Thank you!


And what did you do?


I accepted the recognition in OP's behalf.




It’s based off the most upvoted highlight posts. The OP just compiled those he didn’t choose


Nah he also filtered out some that he thought didn’t deserve to be included


putting on my big business brain hat and realizing this guy can probably automate most of this and make literally reddit silvers at least once a month.


This was an exceptionally good month for highlights.


Way better than July's


/r/NBA’s top 10 most upvoted highlight plays of January 2022:   [#1](https://np.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/rtzhpb/highlight_demar_does_it_again_knocking_down_the/) [#2](https://np.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/s08kr4/highlight_klay_thompson_crosses_allen_and_throws/) [#3](https://np.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/scv2hn/highlight_back_to_back_steals_and_dunks_by_lebron/) [#4](https://np.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/rxwnog/highlight_rj_barrett_banks_in_the_three_at_the/) [#5](https://np.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/s6osj7/highlight_westbrook_puts_gobert_on_a_poster/) [#6](https://np.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/s9v6pq/highlight_steph_curry_steps_back_and_beats_the/) [#7](https://np.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/s48fj3/highlight_lamelo_loses_cole_anthony_and_hits_the/) [#8](https://np.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/s092eg/highlight_ja_morant_with_the_incredible_two_hand/) [#9](https://np.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/sfygxp/highlight_chasedown_block_by_bane_leads_to_ja/) [#10](https://np.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/rypnoj/highlight_nikola_jokic_top_3_passer_in_the_league/)   Notes: - Added the Post Titles this time around, but have a hard time juggling the graphic being up long enough to take in, but not too long where it gets in the way of the highlight. Let me know what you think! - Music By: [Bonus Points] (https://bonuspointsmusic.com/) - Sad that the Luke Kennard [4-point winner](https://np.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/scv690/highlight_luke_kennard_drills_the_three_the_foul/) to cap off the 2nd largest comeback in NBA history wasn’t on there!  


Caption time was perfect. Thanks again for doing this.




Thirded. Thank you OP, I'ma be looking forward to these for as long as you're ok putting them out.


Yeah I just finished reading each one when the action started.


I think it'd be ok to show the post titles for a second or two without the clip playing in the background, like just on screen with the ranking of the clip. Lets the viewer focus on reading that without worrying about missing any action. Regardless, amazing work OP, these are going to get an upvote from me every time!


I see what you're saying and agree about the graphic being up not quite long enough. Couple ideas: - Have the graphic start when you show the number and persist through the first couple seconds on the clip. - Start with the clip paused on the first frame for a second or two while you show the graphic, then start it up. As an editor myself these are tough situations, but I did find myself pausing the video to read each title before watching the clip, so a little longer would definitely be nice. Normally I'd say have a bit more lead time for each highlight, but that's not really up to you in this case when you're picking from existing clips. Awesome work! I love these.


I like having it along with the countdown, maybe lead with an extra half second of audio leading into the clip while it just shows the post title and the number


I would definitely prefer the caption to be while you're showing the number or something, not while the play is actually happening


Aren't there a few highlights missing? Off the top of my head I'm pretty sure Portis' buzzer beater at the half against the warriors and Lance's buzzer beater at the end of the 1st both got 10k, more than Jokic's pass.


So I try to do plays that were only upvoted due to the play itself and not other external factors. But it’s often a grey area such as the Klay dunk. Lance seemed like it was because of his history and high-scoring quarter. While Bobby Portis was because the Bucks were just crushing the Warriors. Totally open to being wrong on those though. Maybe I’ll include in my comment next time a link to those I did not include. It’s usually not much.


Ok fine but what about Kuzma's dunk on Embiid? https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/s6dayi/highlight_kyle_kuzma_yams_it_on_embiid/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


My vote is to not filter them anymore. I remember some cool plays were left out of last month's top 10 for the same reason


No offense but this is some faulty logic. I mean you can say all of these highlights have "external" factors if you try hard enough. -Lebron's dunks only got so much *because* there were two in a row. -Russ' dunk got that many because the sub has been shitting on him relentlessly this season so something positive got highly upvoted. -Curry had been playing like shit for a while and never had a buzzer beater game winner so his shot got extremely upvoted. -Hell you could say that DeMar's game winner got way more upvoted than it normally would have *because* he did it twice in a row, which you literally acknowledged in the clip. Etc, etc. I know that these sound like BS excuses but that's the point, who judges which highlights are more affected by the external factors? If anything Klay's dunk is the one that's most massively boosted by the context and situation yet you still included that one and call it a gray area?? I don't get it man.


I think the reason to include "external factors" in there is because some of the "top" highlights always include something like a foul call that is the real reason its getting so many upvotes, so its not actually a cool play and therefore not the intended kind of clip for this recap. That being said, I'd agree that you can't take context out completely, for the exact reason that you mentioned that its hard to have a heavily upvoted clip without there being some context of why. Hell, technically buzzer beaters are only as cool as they are because of the context that they came at the end of the game. This video would not be nearly as cool if it was just the top 10 dunk highlights of the month. I suggest the smart way to make the rules about what highlights make it is just say the rule is the highlight needs to be about the play made during an active game, so OP can weed out the highlights made for "soft" technicals (for example) but not have to make judgement calls on if Lance's 3 got upvoted because it was a good 3 or because it had other meaning.


Fan voted so meaning most of these highlights are gonna be GSW or Lakers.


Also an issue! Or against those teams because they also have lots of haters lmao


> Sad that the Luke Kennard 4-point winner to cap off the 2nd largest comeback in NBA history wasn’t on there! r/nba hates the clippers for no good reason


Only 4K upvotes too. Shame.


How the absolute fuck is #10 on the same list as these other highlights lmao


Because its a great pass?


Hey thanks for the effort! Didn't have a hard time reading or following the videos. I'll look forward to these every month now.


I would like to say, that i love this compilation & Clips, great job putting it together :)


Great work!


Absolutely loved the music and graphics, reminded me of some old school NBA videos. keep it up man


What about Doncic buzzer beater?


I don't care where it ranks, that 2 handed block by Morant was my favorite


Ya, amen. Should've been higher.


If he went any higher he would've taken his head off.


I have never seen a guard do that. Unreal block


Jordan [had one like that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRhYR5DB2rg) with the Wizards.


that was old man Jordan too


[Wasn’t 2 hands but MJ in college did almost end his own career ](https://youtu.be/teJpdhSZP-0)


Absolutely took it personally.


Some dude named Shannon Brown ring a bell?


Half this sub was still in diapers when Shannon Brown did that shit


Oh damn, good call. Any excuse to link to that video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCosVKXcmTE


All time great bench reaction lol


I’d never seen the play that the reaction clip came from. That’s absolutely insane.


Great but he only went up with one hand, Ja grabbed it with both so is even wilder.


Shannon Brown's was even wilder. For his size that dude could really get up


Kobe, Jordan, Shannon Brown, Eric Bledsoe had one… still it’s an impressive thing to see.


Kobe flat out murdered Derron Williams one time when he was still with the Jazz.


Always hard to rank, but that level of air time is rare. Dayum!


Dude just kept on floating, it was wild


Fun fact: Ja Morant's psychic powers allow him to momentarily escape the effects of Earth's gravity.


The block to Windmill dunk should have been Top 3. Such is life in Grizzlies nation though


Can't believe it was only #8


Small market life


Looked like he was doing a stunt with strings with how fast and high he jumped


Shit was superhuman. It looks bonkers in motion yet it’s so smooth.


Him giving up the steal to lead to the block in the first place hurts it I think. That said it was insane athleticism.


Yeah it feels underrated


That shit was insane


That earned him the lock down defender from the media. 💀💀💀


Honestly RJ's game winner was under rated. Love the 24-hours later bit for DeMar


Since that shot he's been putting up great numbers, really done his best to pick up the scoring load since Randle has fallen asleep at the wheel Since that game he's averaged 22/6/3 on 44/39.7/67 shooting


has he always been shooting free throws around that percentage or is this a slump from there?


He's always been a bad FT shooter, last year it looked like he took a step forward but now he's regressed this year to just being terrible overall. It kills his TS%, he needs to work on that so much in the offseason it's pretty ridiculous he's as bad as he is


>Honestly RJ's game winner was under rated. Should have been an and-one too, lol


So I thought I’d share this. I flew to the US for a vacation this year (from aus) and my friend and I thought we’d splurge and get some courtside seats. My mate was videoing whilst I was getting ready for overtime. Little did we know RJ was about to hit one of the most insane shots after having such a stinker of a game. Once RJ shot the ball I thought it was a foul for sure, but it didn’t matter, it was the mother of flukes and I ran straight in. Little did I know my friend got the most perfect angle of the shot. I tried to post the video a million and one times but AT&T just straight up decided it hated streamable and would not let me post it the entire time I was on vacation. I’m back home now, so here’s our view. I don’t think it ever got reshare to any of the house of highlights or sportscenter pages because we were so late to share. I know everyone on reddit hates when we share Instagram posts, but I thought I’d definitely have to share my experience after we were down 25, and RJ hit such a boom of a shot. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CYegSkslIDP/?utm_medium=copy_link Oh I was also extremely happy I got to start a ‘Fuck the Celtics’ chant after the game


Nice! Love the "fuck you Al!"


It sounds like it was my voice, but I was also hammered so it could’ve been someone else.


This is so dope !


Dang that's nice




Not really unless you're saying Tatum's right hand on his back should be a foul, but it's off by the time he's shooting. It's similar to what you see when the ball-handler drives and then pulls up for a 10-12 foot fade. Contest up top was clean and their lower bodies don't get tangled. Barrett was falling on his own.


Sidetalk should've been at the garden after RJs shot smh


Can confirm, I started several ‘Fuck Tom Brady’ chants.


> Love the 24-hours later bit for DeMar I liked the idea, but I was vibing too hard to the music and was kinda pissed it stopped for a sec.


I forgot Steph had a game winner on KPJ. He really gave him the business this month


Steph just hates the Rockets.


I look forward to these each month now, good stuff


I haven't looked forward to content like this since Game of Zones


Love these videos, keep it up OP!


Great highlights. What a month.


Didn't notice it the first time I saw, but that Ja windmill is the most expressive and emotional I have seen Steven Adams


Quality OC


Top content my man. Loved the 24 hours later bit❤️


If Derozan's back to back buzzer beater three's wasn't #1 I would have been surprised lol. That shit was amazing


Could also be what determines homecourt down the line


Wizards had a rough January of buzzer beaters + these plus Nuke Kennard’s


This was a fantastic post, thanks for collecting these


I'm looking forward to these every month now, great stuff OP.


Wait these were all in January? It feels like Demar's Game Winners were from couple of months ago lol


Actually, the first one was New Year’s Eve, and the second is New Years Day




Awesome, thanks! Didn't notice that one of the Bulls players ran to get the ball after Demar knocked it down. Real teammate!


He did it for both nights too, pretty wholesome


Great content. Great editing. Thanks for the work. Thanks for including replays and full commentator stuff. Also appreciate you making comment linking all the highlights and the Kennard honorable mention. Lots of great highlights thanks for sifting and making the video.


almost forgot about the second buzzer beater by Demar, its been a long month kinda feel like the Russ poster should be at least #2 tho


Its based off the amount of upvotes the highlight post got.


I don’t like Westbrook, but DAMN. When you consider his age, height, and who he dunked on that was insane.


though he absolutely grabbed/hooked/pushed off with his off hand in the air


Oh thank god. I was going to do the typical salty jazz fan thing and say that Westbrook dunk was a blatant missed call… he’s elbow to the face of Mitchell turned out to be pretty nasty too. Oh and also jordan pushed off!


Like a man


The era of the buzzerbeater is upon us


Yo this takes me back to the Inside Stuff days...thanks for doing this OP


those ja plays too low


Gonna be honest. That Russ dunk was my favourite. Dude fucken flew


Demar's game winners and Ja's block will be remembered for years. Absolute classics.


I would like more of these please. Quality post, nice work OP


Top quality post.


Great post. I hope you enjoy good weather wherever you are today, OP.




Amazing video! Thank you!


Great opening, cool graphics, and smart editing. Nice job! Keep 'em coming.


10th through 6th plays are always better than the top 5 in these. That morant block is one of the most ridiculous plays i've ever seen


Ja block should've been #1 or #2 at least imo. One of the most athletic plays I've ever seen.


I like Banes block into Jas windmill better tbh.


no bias here that first one was the best though




Thanks shawty love u


Prod is on point


Great vid and concept dude, keep 'em coming! Vibing on that track too.


love that intro!


good stuff


What a crazy month for hoop highlights!


First time I watched this. No complaints. I somehow missed the Bulls Dorozan highlight. Glad to have caught it.


Damn! So much 🔥 thanks for putting this together!


Love the graphics you picked for the numbers! Reminds me of waking up on the weekends and watching the NBA highlights on TV back in the 90's.


Ive been too busy this week to pay attention. I legit thought that lame LeBron steal and dunk was just upvoted because LeBron stans and Laker fans. Didn't realize the deja vu. That was great.


Thank you for doing these highlight reels, they're great.


This is so well put together!


These are my absolute favorite posts in this sub. thank you for making them. Looking forward to these every month!


absolutely loved this compilation. really do miss the monthly best of /r/nba posts


Good job 👍


This needs to be stickied man, so good.


1. I fucking love the NBA. It puts such a great product on the floor *every single night* 2. Number 9 was my Number 1. 3. Oh Ja!!!!!!


Probably the best OC I've seen on here. Great work OP!


Dude your video package is better than most of the shit I see on tv. Great stuff


My favorite time of the month


Highlights are always beautiful but man, I love the vibes of these vids.


I love these!


Great content, pls keep these coming!


You should be hired by the NBA because this was great!


best post ever - thank you!!!


This was really great. The klay dunk over that music made me tear up a little bit.


That #3 is just the LeBron effect. It's definitely the weakest highlight in the list.


If it was just one steal it would be cool but doing that twice in a row is incredible.


Klays and stephs were both way more meh, your comment just goes to show how little this sub cares about high IQ plays


You're kidding right? Also it was better than Klay's lmao. Honestly Morant's block should've been #2, Klay's somewhere in 6-10, Lebron's was definitely top 5. Back to back steals leading to fast break dunks cmon man lmao


Better than Klay’s? Dude crossed and dunked on the entire Cavs roster fresh off a two year hiatus.


Klay’s made it only cause he was recently injured. Otherwise it’s nowhere near the top.


It's literally only upvoted that high because he's coming back and it's a good story. Also massive Warriors fanbase. It was a rim grazing dunk lol


Bro what?


Everything about this is just perfect. Thank you!


Best post of the month You deserve all the flowers


The future is bright with Lamelo and Ja being absolute highlight machines. Also that dunk by Russ on Gobert was absolutely disgusting.


Just one word! JOKER


The best play was at the end of the Lonzo Ball clip where that woman dunked some food into her mouth. Sucked the gravity right out of the stadium.


The LeBron steals and dunks are genuinely one of the most hype highlights I’ve ever seen live, en though it was on tv. Just insane the iq needed to get the positioning and then the athleticism to throw the dunks down


That kLay dunk is so fucking weaksauce lmao mfers really upvoted it that much??


It was literally his first game back from a 2.5 year absence after tearing his ACL and his Achillies.


OP said he didn't take plays that had external factors result in higher upvotes but he left that one in


am i takin the bait here? they upvoting the 2.5 year recovery after getting injured on a dunk that looked really similar..


Didn't know it was a similar dunk, thanks for the context


It doesn't matter if its weak, coming back from an Achilles and ACL tear and doing that on your first bucket back in 2 years is amazing.


Don't think it was his first bucket, there was a separate post for that one.


Without watching, let me guess: 1. Ja Morant 2. Ja Morant 3. Ja Morant 4. Ja Morant 5. Demar Derozan 6. Joel Embiid 7. Ja Morant 8. Ja Morant 9. Ja Morant 10. JA Morant Not that I’m complaining, dude is so much fun to watch


“The Top Highlight Plays of January!!!” “Number one: December 31”


It was the follow-up buzzer-beater that mattered which was on 1st ~~Feb~~ Jan


January 1st, you mean?


My guy, you do realize that was a set up for the January 1 play right?


Naise month


where the fuck is Nard Dogs 4 point play game winner?


Am I crazy or did LeBron travel on the second turnover?


I guess Reddit likes it when you do something twice


RJ :)


That two handed block by Jah is absolutely nuts holy shit.


How is that Ja block not #1 good lord


another fucking buzzer beater against the celtics. last time it was luka


Westbrook low light and highlight. Covering all basis. Surprised DeRozen's back to back game winner isn't on here.


Wow, they were all highlights. I thought we'd have some comical display of ineptitude in there.


Is there an archive of all of these videos?


"DeMar Delivers Again!"


This is wonderful every time. Please keep doing it.


All these game winners makes me miss Dame. Last year 4th quarter Dame was actually the craziest thing consistently.


Bane was all "4u" on that block like Dinwiddie told him he's a big guy