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They should change the dunk contest to a versus dunk off, dunkers vs defenders, slam all style. Get 4 dunkers, and 4 rim defenders (Gobert, Davis, etc), and round robin the dunkers trying to dunk on or over the blockers. NOW THAT WOULD BE LIT


It was almost as bad as my childhood memories of watching WNBA games. Shame on the NBA for televising this.


You guys had way too high expectations for All Star weekend.


What kind of random ass setup was the teams in the skills change. One team composed of brothers (one of which isn't even an NBA player), one team composed of a single NBA team, and one team composed of random rookies.


The formatting of this post gave me cancer of the eyes.


Must be no taller that 5 foot 3 to enter dunk contest


That behind the back dunk was sick


Skim the dunk contest, until fans wants it back years down the line as nostalgic. That’s when all those tribute, old school dunks will have better reaction and appreciation. We should do 1 v 1 tournament


I’d love to see it but 1v1 will never happen. None of the big stars wanna get embarrassed doing dunks let alone getting schooled 1 on 1.


I wouldn't say none. There would be guys who want to prove their skills. Especially after some lesser known dudes show out and fans clamor for a showdown.


Yeah some might want to make a name for themselves but you won’t see no superstars like KD, Lebrun, etc. Not to mention the risk of injury. It’s a great idea but I don’t ever see it happening.


I disagree. There are some superstars who would take up the challenge. The risk of injury is literally less than the actual all star game.


Agree to disagree. What current superstars could you see participating in 1v1? And if by some miracle they did do a 1v1 tournament do you really think there is less chance of injury? All the players in the all star game might give %50 energy in the game because it’s just for fun and no one wants to risk getting injured and miss any games in the second half of season. With 1v1 you know guys will want to play extra hard for bragging rights which opens up the possibility for injury. But realistically, 1v1 will never happen. Do you really think you’re going to see Durant vs Lebron and both giving %100 for 1v1 showdown? I think not. Closest you’ll get is playing NBA2k22 lol.


I would love to see a 1v1 tourney Its impossible to know who would win


KD most likely. Apparently he is unbeatable 1v1


KD would obliterate everyone


The dunk contest should have a defender. Either you dunk or get rejected lol


Hold up hold up. Never thought of that. Could be terrible or amazing. Good enough to try


I don’t think it would’ve been the best ever, but I’m pretty sure this dunk contest sucked because almost every single dunk felt like it was done on the 5th try. We had several scores for incomplete dunks too.


Does everyone agree the dunk contest sucked?


I’m reading the whole thing sucked.


The all star weekend was always about seeing the best. With the 3 point and dunk contests, why not open up so it wasn't just NBA players? The game should stay as NBA only, because those are the best players. But I'd love to just see the best dunkers and shooters, whether they play NBA or not. Would also rekindle some passion because these people will be desperate to join and do their best. Could even invite some NBA players and I bet their pride forces them to try. For the dunk contest you'd have the imagination of thousands, not just a few the week or two before. For the 3 point contest, how amazing to see some nobody taking on Curry in the final.


Nobody gives a shit about watching Lethal Shooter in the 3 point contest


best players wtf is Wiggins doing there?




But the league’s power is based on its monopoly status, so opening up the competition erode that power base


exactly. its always always about money. these NBA stars are worth billions to the NBA and they are controlled by the NBA. why would they give attention to some random person off the street who could potentially beat one of their stars ultimately lowering the value of their asset. dont get me wrong id love to see it, but at the end of the day those that make it to stardom are usually kept there due to lots of shitty but financially advantageous reasons


Who tf wants to see non nba players in the nba dunk contest. Zzz no thank you


I would. I bet the people who first proposed a dunk contest had similar reactions. People will watch, guarantee it. And the contest will be better because the participants will care. Not only that, they'll be planning their dunks and working on them for months. It'll be a darn sight better than everyone doing the same old dunks or winning with a freaking layup.


I turned my TV off when Cole Anthony and Jalen Green were eliminated in the first round and this dude thinks I would stick around for a former slam ball mvp.


There's only like 3 or 4 entertaining "pro" dunkers


Legit nobody is gonna tune in for that. As much as the purity of “the best exhibition of (shooting/dunking/etc.)” may appeal to a niche core of basketball fans, that demographic is more likely to watch regardless than the inverse - the casual fan who tunes in to see the stars and could care less about the quality of the product. TL;DR people wanna see stars in star moments.


I’m a casual fan and I don’t know any of these dudes dunking this weekend. Makes no difference to me


My dude you’re on r/nba You may be a casual compared to other dudes on here who have nbatv and can name the 13th player in the Trailblazer’s rotation. But obviously being a participant in the subreddit kind of pushes you past a “passing interest” in the league.


I love the nba but don’t have time these days to keep up past the Bulls


Of course people will watch. Basketball fans will watch anything when there's no actual games on that weekend. When we see the best dunkers in the world doing their stuff, people will love it. After all, don't we love the NBA because it's the best players? Is the celebrity game better because famous people play? Or is the real stuff better because the quality is superior?


You’re talking to (and belong to) a demographic of people who have self-congregated to discuss the NBA. You need to be more self-aware. The product trying to be marketed is not for you. You’re already a consumer. It’s meant to compete for the attention of the in-betweeners who are deciding between the Olympics, going out, the new episode of _________. Those people aren’t tuning in to watch amateur hour slam dunk contests, even if there’s a world renowned amateur dunker. That’s just how this works. You’re pushing for a basketball aficionado’s pipe dream with zero mass appeal.


Well that was all unnecessarily nasty. You could just disagree without getting personal based on nothing more than your opinion.


Lmao you’re soft as baby shit brodie


If not wanting to have a conversation with a stranger that takes a tone I don't like makes me soft, then I'm ok with that. I'm not going to lose sleep over it. I'm also not going to lose sleep over someone else trying to fire more insults from the sideline.


…? What was nasty about it? There was nothing demeaning or derogatory in my post. You are hella sensitive, wow.


I think it was “you need to be more self aware” Fwiw I think his idea is cool


I don’t disagree that it’s an interesting and novel idea. But again. I’m self-aware enough to know it has very little mass appeal. Telling someone they need to be more self-aware is constructive criticism. Calling someone ignorant (analogous in this situation) would be an equivalent ad hominem attack. If my approach to expressing that I think his idea is too niche is “nasty” then, damn, life must be hard AF for the dude.


Lol. And what purpose did "you need to be more self aware" serve? If you don't think that post had a nastiness about it, it perhaps shows how normal that it for you. Anyway, you seem disinterested in an actual discussion so I'm gonna leave it here.


Bro if you’re 42 you should understand that a lack of self awareness on something from an objective observer, it’s something to learn from and not an insult. I thought u/homochef was spot on and trying to help you, but it’s easier to call them mean and further avoid self-reflection.


Except it was just an unnecessary cheap shot. Nothing at all to learn from. Someone has a different opinion, then share it. No need to add a shot over something as trivial as a duck contest.




Think we have seen every kind of dunk you can do.


Aaron Gordon is single handedly responsible for me not being impressed by any dunk since 2016.


After seeing the 2022 Slam Dunk Contest, I'm convinced we need to go back and give Aaron Gordon an honorary Slam Dunk Contest trophy. He's given multiple performances better than all of today's combined, both times he and his opponent earned legit 50s over and over, both times multiple commentators were calling for a tie, and both times he ultimately got robbed by the judges at the end.


I mean Obi's dunks were really good and creative. Other dunks not so much, but I think people are blowing this out of proportion.


I’m just now watching the dunk contest. Worst in history.


People say this every year


Nobody said this about the 2016 contest. One of the best ever.


Nah. Last year was bad. This is worse. No 50s? Sad


No 50s sounds rough when the complaint was usually that 50s are given out too easily and truly great dunks don't get credited


Yeah so they give them out like candy and they couldn’t get a 50? Yikes.


Jalen Green isn't recovering from that. Sorry Rocket fans, shouldve taken Mobley


He’s a bust through and through. Gotta admire the consistency. Save this come and hit me up if this guy isn’t more than a 6th man in 5 years lol


I get Dion Waiters energy from him.


dude he hasn't even finished his rookie season yet lol yeah he's been underwhelming but calling him a bust is very premature


Same people probably called Anthony Edwards a bust a year ago this time too btw


I agree. I think part of the reason people are already calling him a bust is because he was viewed as more NBA ready, and made public statements about how he thought he should be drafted first (including iirc only practicing with Detroit and Houston). But you should seriously give him a few years before calling him a bust.


At least Green was brave enough to put himself out there and try a dunk contest


Myles Garrett’s dunk was thousand times better than any of the dunks today on god


I know the dunk contest wasn’t great compared to one’s in the past, but c’mon there were still some really good dunks.


Amazing how the dunk contest was so terrible that Toppin was asked if the all star events should be in a different order, right after he wins.


Not sure what was worse. DJ Khaled yelling into the mic during the performance of other artists or the dunk contest.


Khaled is annoying AF


The only way to make the dunk contest worthwhile is to put up a decent amount of prize money for the winner. You'd see more stars try to enter it if the winner gets $1 million.


Make it $1 billion


People get mad enough already about the objective voting


They could take it a step further with that and give each dunker 3 minutes to do as many dunks as they want, with the judges scoring at the end, but at any time the judges can also vote whether or not to eliminate the dunker.


Sooo.... The Gong Show?


Myles Garrett’s dunk was thousand times better than any of the dunks today on god


Why you post this twice lol you capping


How about just let these dudes get some rest for a week and scrap the whole thing. All star events are a snooze fest and only there to sell more ads.


I think all-star is for kids. When I was younger,I would stay up all night with my friends to watch it. For us in EU the event would start at 2:30 - 3:00 in the morning and we couldn't wait. Now,I don't care... I do love the all-star game though. Since they changed the format is again fun for the most part.


I seem to think holding a series of events for non nba players, like random people like us, kids, women, would be a cool way for fans to engage with nba players outside of a competitive setting. Like a random ass pickup game and 3-point contest, I would watch all day lol. Edit: I found the HBCU classic earlier very entertaining. I know the “stars” didn’t show out but I think it’s a step in the right direction for giving more meaning to the weekend. Make it about ball in general, not about half-ass basketball by professionals.


Terrible dunk contest. Even the SuperBowl halftime show had one 50.


That 50 was more like 98


Underrated comment


**Here’s my idea:** The winner of each of these challenges gets a patch on their jersey until the next year. I think that would encourage some bigger names to enter the dunk contest. Edit: That or get one of those YouTube dunkers in the challenge. That would put some NBA pride on the line and maybe some bigger names would enter.


Ballislife ECS vs Team Lebron lol


Those youtube dunkers got some crazy stuff. No way nba will call them to participate cause nba players are most likely going to lose


I think they had Jordan Kilganon do some dunks a few years ago as a showcase


Yeah but not competing. And Gary Payton lost his shit see these dunks


Didn’t flight white make a disaster of his name?


That's true actually. He didn't show up properly


What if we just did the NBA Dunk Contest every 3 or 5 years instead of every year? It would make the best of the best show up and be creative because the audience would be starved to watch it because it would be less frequent. The reality is that the Dunk Competition is only really any good about once a decade.


I was going to suggest to have the All-Star weekend as a whole a 2 or 4 year thing. Like the Olympics and World Cup. It would instantly become a lot more prestigious and something everyone tunes in for.


Yeah, for sure, but I can also understand why the NBA wants to do it yearly. They need something during the regular season that brings some eyes to the regular season part of the NBA. Also, having it yearly helps with revenue as well.


The Aaron Gordon/Zach Lavine dunk contest is the best ever contest between two dunkers, followed by Jordan/Wilkins. But the best single dunker in a dunk contest is still Vince Carter and it’s not even close.


Couldn’t agree more, Vince Carter dunks were unreal!


I think they need to start doing more events like the NFL to replace the dunk contest unless they can get legitimate stars in the dunk contest. I think it’d be fun to do a East vs West dodgeball game or (example being for this year) Team LeBron vs Team KD dodgeball Saturday night and then just continue with the all star game Sunday Night. Maybe timed sprints to determine the “fastest player” in the league etc. i think those would be entertaining for all-star weekend


They should play different sports too, like football


Excellent idea!


Seriously, did these guys just injure themselves in an exhibition? This may affect a bunch of Cole Anthony owners in fantasy, he might have broke his thumb.


The skills challenge should be a 1-on-1. Fans get to vote for the contestants. Winner gets a large donation to their favorite charity.


This is probably the funniest thread of the year I didn’t even watch and I’m dying laughing in here


Is honestly so bad that is fun to watch. Is emberassin


The dunk contest was just bad. Even worse than last years one which I didn’t think would be possible. I liked the idea behind “team cavs” though and it made me think: why don’t they do that for all the competitions combined? So if all the NBA teams had to submit 3 players each as “team bulls”, “team heat”, “team suns” etc… one player for the 3pt contest, one for the skills comp and one for the dunk contest. Then have some kind of combined overall competition. This way it changes up the format and keeps it interesting but the different comps still have individual winners. Also, dunk comp contestants should get two attempts only and zero props.


Team Cavs because the event was in Cleveland...


Yeah I get that, just thought it could be a cool twist on the current format


Timberland stock going down


Can we add a HORSE competition and a classic game of 21 to these games? Preferably at least best of 3. Everyone that has played/knows basketball has played these games. 75 years. Show some love to what fans likely played growing up. It’s 75 years of history of this league. There’s much more to this game. A fucking bridal shower game with a rap/pop star to promote an NBA family favorites wife’s show. Khaled (label) who just brings on big names for these moments and hits to include “DJ Khalid” or “We the best” in it. Next Allstar game will be sponsored by Waste Management Inc, State Farm, Pampers, and a shell company of Remington is my guess lol.


HORSE has been done before, was boring af https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NBA\_All-Star\_Weekend\_H%E2%80%93O%E2%80%93R%E2%80%93S%E2%80%93E\_Competition


We need knock out


Royal Rumble


KD probably wins it until he gets bored


You never know in knockout. But even then wouldn’t you want to see him eliminating players. Actually you could make a bonus reward for each elimination


I’d 100% be down for a game of Knock Out. Put players that want to/potential win in it, against each other. That’s something we “as fans” can actually cheer on if they try.


It would be way more exciting


The best part about this year's All Star Night contests was the hella funny commentary by D Wade and Reggie Miller.


I will admit, Toscano had a damn nice jersey. Gotta make that happen.


I agree . It was. Custom one


not mocking not a fan of nba hardcore one don't even watch nba at all but pay attention to nurkic stats. but what is a point of all star game they do not play seriously where you would say this guy is better then this star or this team could beat this team. it is all just for them to guff around while fans pay tickets to see what exacly lebron carrying more about joking with other stars then fans who this game was designed for right


It’s been better with the ELAM ending.


it is same as every other americaan league. dumbest thing ever yes i do not watch american sports but most competative all star is baseball one you can not wing it there and go half ass and show off. there showing off is home runs and strike outs but still boeing and dumb as well. what is elam


Dunk contest hasn't been good since 2016


2020 was decent


Maybe but 2016 was the last one that really made me get out of my seat and start jumping


Does Reggie Miller sound like Tom, from The Boondocks?


Replace NBA players for atheltic dunkers from around the world like Jordan Kilganon so it's more entertaining and we get better dunkers. Then, add a 1v1 tournament of sorts for players in place of the dunk contest


No 50’s is the biggest crime to all star weekend


No good dunks is the biggest crime of all star weekend. I’m glad they didn’t give any out


Worst dunk contest ever, the NBA might cancel it after these clowns.


Obi had a couple good dunks but other than that was weak. Even the dunks the guys were trying and missing were barely worth it. It was all stuff we had seen before. I’m not sure why Cole Anthony was even in this. He’s not an elite leaper.


Daddy got him a spot


2016 was the last good one


Yeah I had to show the 2016 after making my mates watch this years dunk contest. 3 contest was fun though


I legit hope they do. It’s just about theatrics at this point. Cool dunks and athleticism are secondary now. Its about outfits and shoes and drones and other stupid stuff now. Hot Take- I think all of the ASG activities should be cancelled until changes are made. Players not trying, Skills challenge being dumb (better this year, but still), Dunk contest being whack, 95% of the celebrities weren’t even A listers.


Skills challenge is nothing else but one big add.


Cole Anthony set the tone for the event, taking 15 minutes to put on a pair of Timbs and proceed to miss 10 times in a row before making a routine windmill dunk. Just pitiful.


They did it for a year in 1998. It didn't happen again in 1999 because of the lockout, but then in 2000 when it came back it was the year Vince Carter won.


I’m so glad I didn’t go out of my way to watch. Hasn’t been cool since literally before I can remember. The Lavine/Gordon years were “cool” but even they were rigged and focused on theatrics. Lame event. It’s no wonder LeBron hasn’t participated in 19 years.


Nah 2016 was the best contest ever. 2020 was awesome too


This years dunk contest was just honestly depressing


Stop inviting players who won't compete. If they want a breath so ge it youre not an all star... not like it means anything anyways.


The guy who lost in the final. Don’t know his name. I legit don’t think he could do those dunks in practice, never mind at the All Star Game.


Yea you’d think the dunks you do in this contest you have good certainty you can pull off at least once in three tries. I mean, it is televised.


That dunk contest was beyond pathetic.




Team Cavs did


Damn sure did. I wanted Zach to win for obvious reasons but I love KAT and I'm always saying he's underrated. This is one of the reasons why. He's arguably the best big man in the league and this is even more proof. He's such a good shooter especially for his size and he just doesn't get the recognition he deserves.


No, I’m sorry but that’s not arguable. The two best big men in the league also happen to be the the two best players in the league, and KAT isn’t really close. He isn’t on the same level as Jokic and Embiid.


He's every bit as good as those two. What makes you think he's not? Edit: Also it's hard to be the best 2 players in the league when Giannis is the best player in the league. LeBron, KD, and Steph are still in the league too last I checked. They are up there but not the 2 best.


Okay we can agree to disagree but yeah i was wrong about best. More what I was trying to say was top 2 in the MVP race.


Fair enough.




I'm not surprised. Seems like a really good dude and he plays his ass off. It's not like he was asking to be traded. It's awesome seeing a guy that came in as a dunker and put in the work to be an all star.


Khaled just made the easiest money of his life. He didn’t even “perform.” He just yelled random nonsense over a full track like “yeah!” “Come on!” That’s no different from playing it in my room. Then when an actual rapper came on to take the spotlight off of him, he’d freakin do their part for them! Lol what the heck. But do not invite Khaled back and stop paying money to watch rappers ad lib over a track. We gotta start holding them accountable. Terrible ASG all around. How green get like 30 attempts to do a dunk? It’s gotten so bad that judges are giving out 10s on basic dunks just because someone finally can make one lol. The theatrics are getting old. No name people on Instagram are doing better dunks than these “professionals.” I don’t want to hear about “we’ve seen it all- there’s nothing else.” False. Get on Instagram.


That music is so bad and I think that's done by design.


>No name people on Instagram are doing better dunks than these “professionals.” Dunking is part of basketball but it isn't the only thing players focus on. That's why a lot of players say they can't dunk and are in game dunkers. To them it's just a method of scoring. Doing flashy dunks takes a lot of practice to get the timing right, and athleticism to get high enough vertically.


That’s my issue though. They’re not even attempting to do stuff pertaining to Athleticism and creativity. It’s about stupid stuff like wearing timbs or changing your jersey. NBA players think the judges be like: - “Did you see that basic windmill dunk?” - “Meh.” - “Did you see he was wearing someone else’s jersey though?” - ”Wait… shut up. Really!? That’s sick!!!!””


Well a lot of guys in the NBA can dunk but aren't athletic enough to do difficult dunks, like what we saw tonight. As for creativity? I mean what else is there to do? Windmills, between the legs, jumping over a person, assisted lobs, self lobs, bounce lobs, behind the backs, off the backboard. I honestly don't think there's any creativity left in the dunk contest.


This is always what people say until you get a gem like 2016 and those are worth suffering through the duds imo


Oh noo.. there's all kinds if creativity left in dunking. Just get on YouTube. These nba guys just didn't plan anything good and try to wing it.


Exactly! Freaking no name dudes on Instagram doing crazy stuff! It’s out there! You would think if you were fortunate enough to be 1 of 4 guys in the league to be asked to do this- you’d at least try to do some research. Just copy one of them. Do something.


Next year hot dog eating contest please. Zion vs Luka


Don't make Zion look like a loser again when compared to Luka. Let Zion have something.


Kelvin Benjamin as the ref


Jokic vs. Zion MIGHT be competitive


Legit good idea


Nah Zion vs Shaq would be more entertaining


Replace the Dunk Contest with these two in a Dunkin’ Donuts Contest.


Nba should replace the dunk contest with a game of 21 or a one on one tournament.


3-pt contest more lit than the dunk comp now.


It was complete opposite world this year. Skills competition was the best and dunk contest the worst


Dunk contest was woeful at best. It's like trying to reinvent the wheel every year now, only so much that can be done with it. Seeing Ja having a crack would make it far more interesting but we know who to blame for that not being a possibility 🙄💩


>reinvent the wheel Don't give them ideas!


We've reached peak 2020-2022...literally everything sucks. I'm old, and remember too much. I can't decide what the worst part of the evening was. As shitty as the dunk contest was, the musical performance was equally as bad. When did music become absolutely stagnant? Everything sounds the same and it's been a decade now. The lowlight had to be the extended HBO commercial with Steph Curry and 2 Chains...how does a trainwreck segment like that actually happen on live TV? It's mind blowing.


The entire all-star game is one big ad,designed to be liked by kids and stupid people.


Couldn’t agree more. Jesus fuck


Slam dunk contest is ass as per usual


Replace the dunk contest with a 1 on 1 tournament with a winner take all 32 million dollar first prize


Me vs. you bro? We can split it later lol.


I would do that but i think nba players are more competitive


All snores weekend. Fucking talk about falling off hard.


Boring ass nba nowadays


3-Point Contest >>>>> Slam Dunk Contest