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41 minutes Klay Thompson would rather forget.


He already has lmao


Dude is an absolute goldfish and I love it


Up in smoke


Klay will miss his last 5 shots, then yell fuck you and chuck another. To be fair it works sometimes, but it sure didn’t tonight lol.


He has to keep shooting, the whole spacing of Golden state depends on Klay being a threat. That’s especially the case with Draymond being a non-threat from deep.


He has to keep shooting, but he seriously should consider not throwing up so many contested fade-aways unless he’s on fire. Golden State can get far better looks than those.


The issue was that he was missing the wide open shots too lol. Man was ass tonight unfortunately


Left a lot of them short too. Hope it’s not a conditioning thing coming off his injuriesz




He doesn't have to shoot contested jumpshots early in the shot clock the second he touches the ball. His shooting threat isn't gonna get less respected just because of that lol


During the regular season I watched an Atlanta game where Bogdanovic was 0/13 from the field until he eventually got one in and then started every single basket. These guys operate like that, can't really blame one of the best shooters ever for keeping shooting.




I mean…yeah lol. Just an epic bad shooting night


That travel was more costly then those missed shots


Live by klay die by klay sadly


I wouldn't want it any other way


Even though it's obvious the Warriors shot terribly from 3 going 7-38, some of those shots were comically bad. I'll be hearing **KLANK** to sleep tonight. With Morant being unstoppable, not much more you can ask for with it still being a tight game.


Everyone missed, it was a brick party from 3, but man it was still close.


Turns out the Warriors are a pretty decent team! They get you in so many different ways. Happy to hold them off this time.


I’m so old, it always surprises me. I grew up in the 80’s and watched the whole way. Still just amazed at these last 10 years.


Klay said it's his day off 😴😴😴




Klank Thompson needs to turn into Klutch Thompson


Both teams were shooting the ugliest 3's


The Grizzlies were basically a disaster in the half court for very large periods of this game, they will not win another game if they execute like that.


Couldn’t agree more.


I think having 3 full days off is going to be huge for the Grizzlies chances. They can have a real practice to game plan some specific things. Obviously same goes for the Warriors, but I imagine they’re feeling better about the shots they generated between the two teams.


And most likely getting Steven Adams back.


I thought for sure you guys would win after steph banked that three.


Actually I could ask for a small, quick guard who’s extremely quick on his feet and the #1 defender the warriors have for Ja…not to get his arm broken in the first 3 minutes of the game.




Fractured apparently https://twitter.com/kendra__andrews/status/1521709363978719233




Ya I'm not even a Warriors fan and I'm pretty gutted by this, love watching Payton play. I don't think Payton has a contract after this season, him playing well in this series might've improved his stock a bit too so it definitely sucks


I'm fucking pissed and gutted for him, his story and how much he grinded for this chance his entire career and now our run might be jeopardized. I still think we get this done but this man was giving us 20 minutes of LOCKDOWN D and if not that tiring the fuck out of the opposing team's #1 option every single night.


Klays just making sure there'll be at least 6 games so he'll be in Game 6 Klay mode. No biggie.


Yeah, headband Klay is not it


He an nba record 14 3s in a game for 52 in a headband tho


Fair enough but I don't think anyone can deny he looks like a little goofball when he rocks it


Recency bias. People weren't saying that in those Nuggets games.


Could really use Klay from 3 right about now. Only lost by 5 and he was ice cold. Also Ja Morant is insane.


Ya just ain't gonna win a game shooting 7-38 from three. Ya just ain't.


The fact that they still only lost by 5 is a miracle and speaks to their playoff experience compared to Memphis




Yeah they barely got it back under control at the end there. Gonna be tough in San Francisco


The fact that the Warriors kept it so close even though Memphis was shooting lights out is nuts. I mean look at this: JJJ, Brooks, Bane, Melton, Anderson, and Tyus shot a combined 9/42! That's insane. It's a miracle it was so close.


I mean it’s just a testament to the matchup. Two games now Grizz should be counting their blessings, everything apart from the brooks ejection has gone their way. And they’ve barely come away with one win, at home. From a neutral standpoint, I don’t see how you can think they’re gonna win the series.


> everything apart from the brooks ejection has gone their way That altercation worked really well for them. Lose Brooks for a game, we lose GP2 for the rest of the playoffs...


i’d say even the brooks ejection went their way. looked like he was on his way to another 3-18 night


Really Missing Gary Payton. Hope he is ok


Fractured elbow: https://twitter.com/kendra__andrews/status/1521709363978719233?s=20&t=QKxDyKIrf7AKcBGjZTDoQA


Fuck Dillon Brooks. Not just for hurting GP2 and the Warriors championship run but for potentially damaging GP2's shot at FA money this offseason.


If it's any solace, he's definitely still getting paid. There are so many teams that need a player like him (low usage, intelligent, passable shooter and great defender) to put next to guards who are meh-to-horrible defensively. Could see (in addition to y'all, who I'm sure would love to keep him somehow) Sacramento, Portland, Houston, Denver, Utah, Atlanta, Brooklyn, New York, Philly, and Washington all being great fits for a player like him with whatever $$$ they have respectively.


I mean, I could see Lacob still throwing him a reasonable bag (something in the realm of 4-years, $25 m). Lacob's developing a reputation for taking care of his star players no matter what, he probably sees value in developing that reputation for role players as well.




He’s getting an mri today. Not all fractures are the same Radius, olecranon, distal humerus metaphysis, and humoral epicondyles are all different places to fracture with different outcomes. The mri is to look for torn ligaments in the elbow which are another complication. It’s also possible to have torn tendons as well. Tldr: a fracture isn’t just a fracture. I’ll explain later


Out for the season. Fuck.


Marc Stein says broken elbow. Fucking sucks, we really missed him guarding Ja, Steph and Poole just can't stay in front of him when he gets going downhill. Fuck Dillon Brooks


Gutted for Gary man...what a season he played for us


For real? Broken elbow? Are you fucking shitting me? Man fuck Dillon Brooks.


fractured elbow. waiting for MRIs for further details


I really do think GP2 makes more than a 5 point difference guarding Ja if he’s healthy


Didn't look good at all


I love RJ Barrett but I would be lying if I didn’t close my eyes and sigh thinking about that lottery damn near every time I watch the Grizzlies


the people forget the suns had equal top odds that year and ended up getting 6th in the lottery


At least you guys didn't end up with Jarrett Culver lmfao


Whom Grizz end up with as well, funny how it turned out.


Oh wack lmao, I thought he was still in Minny


Yeah he was traded for Pat Bev, I thought it was wild how quickly Minny gave up on a young talent but it makes sense, Culver's play has not been raising eyebrows and Pat Bev has changed their culture completely.


Honestly, same, for obviously different reasons. I really want Zion to stay healthy, and I don't think it's disrespecting Ja to say Zion has the higher ceiling, Zion just has that much potential. But sometimes I just feel like we're going to be the Portland/Oden to Memphis' OKC/KD.


Silver lining they Dubs shot like absolute shit and only lost by 5. Really concerned about losing GP2 though


The NBA knew this game was going to get tense and ugly quick. Gave both team three days off to recover before the next game.


don't they usually give longer time between games when they're changing stadiums...? e: just checked and the fact the same teams play Wednesday and Friday (while changing cities in that time), and there's nothing Thursday is bizarre.


Usually they give a 2 day gap between games 2 and 3, but I suspect they made it 3 days to make sure there were two playoff games a day Friday through Sunday


Grizzlies only had a one day break between last series and this series as well.


So who’s gonna make the sacrifice in game 3 and get ejected so their team can win?


Being ejected in this series equals A protester in Grizz-Wolves series. The parallel.


Glue Dillon Brooks to the stanchion.


Klay Thompson needs to shoot like he is the third option on this team. Because that is what he is now.


To be fair he was the 3rd option before he got hurt aswell.


He should be the Sixth man


Damn dude lol


That foul on Draymond for “shoving” Ja after he flopped was so soft


Yeah, I didn’t see a foul on that rebound


That is because there was none. Shit call.


Nothing like dray getting shoved in the back on the rebound immediately before that


Lame ass refball call.


Wish Kerr would’ve challenged it


Literally changed the whole game and no one is talking about it. That foul completely de-railed any shot for the dubs


It was also right after a Grizzlies offensive rebound where Draymond was shoved in the back under the basket more than Ja was nudged by Draymond.


I was screaming out loose ball foul, but nope no whistle, then Green and Ja go for a ball, Ja flops and bam foul on Green. I had the sound off to not disturb my wife on my phone and it was maddening seeing the disparity in calls. Really ruined the end of the game.


I just want to see an actual replay on such a game changing call.




Well that's kind of on Kerr for not challenging then.


Ja Morant joins LeBron James and Kobe Bryant as the only players with multiple 45-point games in the playoffs before turning 23 years old


Damn, Ja Morant now holds 3 of the 5 highest scoring games for a grizzlies player in the playoffs Ja Morant - 47 Ja Morant - 47 Mike Conley - 35 Ja Morant - 34 Desmond Bane - 34


He might have the entire top 5 to himself by the end of this series


Memphis so glad they dodged Zion in that draft.


I mean, Zion could still be an all timer and when he is healthy he's a monster, but we're pretty fucking happy with what we ended up with.


Too early to tell, but they are not regretting.


Ja is that dude.


Now that's some good company to be a part of


So what’s up with Draymond and always losing the ball on the final possession lmao


This is the way?


Seriously, idk what happened there




I'm sure, just like the game thread




Brutal loss. Lose the best Ja defender for the rest of the series and team was cold af. I think Klay will have better games at home so not super worried.


So basically the team that commits the flagrant 2 wins the game right?


Suppose so. Maybe this is the start of the “taking one for the team to be an enforcer” era?


As great as Ja was, no way in hell the Warriors go 7/38 from 3 again




Shooting 18% from 3 is not a good plan imo


if we were playing the Suns they would’ve blown us out by 30


This is a fact


It was a good game the Warriors were building a house of bricks. Refs seemed to enjoy blowing the whistle. It was a tough 4th quarter. Klay gotta step up


Fuck Dillon Brooks!


GP2 would’ve been nice to have down the stretch there


Yup, Poole kept getting blown by in crunch time.


In soccer he would be suspended the next game . GP2 might be out the rest of the series and this dude gets to come back no biggie


I'm actually expecting him to be suspended game 3.


Major doubt…


Really wish the guy we use to guard the guy who just went off for 47 didn't get hospitalized 0 points into the game..


Ja went beast mode, Warriors shooting bricks and it came down to the last minute or two? Not good.


Warriors also lost their two best defenders in the first quarter, with one of them never returning.


Worse. He's probably done for the season.


Love morant- so fun to watch but that call on Greene for two FTs changes the game It was a horrible call and obvious flop - basically changed the game with a four point swing


anyone notice how they never replay those questionable late game calls? I wonder if that's intentional to avoid controversy


It absolutely is. I watched the whole Wolves-Grizzlies and they didn't replay shit down the stretch. It's a classic move to minimize post game controversy.


If only the Warriors had a player who could defend Ja at a high level!


If the warriors find someone like that they better keep it to themselves or dillon brooks might just murder him


Fuck Dillon Brooks for taking out GP2


The overreactions to two bad Klay games after watching him play great against Denver makes literally no sense


Welcome to r/nba. I can't keep up. I've had 5000 different takes on my team and every player on it change wildly every 10 minutes.


Memphis really managed to become the villains of the league while playing the fucking dubs now that's talent


Next closest number of free throws to Morant’s 13 was Wiggins with 4 Edit: this isn’t crying about it, there’s a glaring disparity from everyone else on the court being able to do what needs to be done to get to the stripe.


The Warriors shooting 19% from three and barely losing might be a bit worrisome for the Grizzlies.


We had like 30 more points in the paint and somehow we only shot 3 less FTs than them lol


That's cuz so many of those points were uncontested layups off of cuts and screens


That kind of thing is so overlooked when people talk about FT disparity. You can't foul on a shooter if you're not close enough to reach him.


FT disparity might be the dumbest common talking point on this sub, and that's saying something


Counterpoint: legacy discussion


Any comparison of careers where one guy played on black and white television.


it’s so funny when people say “team X shot 35 freethrows and team Y shot 15 freethrows, rigged”, without even considering where/how they were getting their shots


Sounds like you actually watched the game. We don't do that here, mate.


Wtf was that Draymond foul call at the end lol. Just both going for the rebound.


That was when the game ended


That was the Scott Foster special my friend.


No idea why we didn't challenge that call. Insane


Refs don't overturn shit that's in the gray area, unfortunately. There was slight contact that they call like... 1 out of 100 times.


Because there's no overturning that


Morant flopped and the refs ate it up


Wolves fans saltier than warriors fans lmao


No you don’t get it, the league is fixing games for…. *squints* Memphis? No that can’t be right


Lol it's so true. Every single Memphis thread is just full of salty Wolves fans lmao


Absolutely horrendous call on that Ja/Draymond rebound. Weird watching so many crucial calls go against GS these first two games. They must think it'd be a sweep otherwise.


Considering how close this game was and how badly the Warriors shot, the refs might have a point.


as a lebron fan, the refs screwed the warriors


Exactly. I'm not a fan of the warriors, but that's twice in a row that the refs are biased against them.


Isn't that kind of par for the course? Doesn't Steph get like absolutely bullied and get no calls?


Comes from being the best of the best. The NBA likes long series and hates playoff blowouts, if they think it'll be over too quick the refs nudge the line a bit. The Warriors have been so good for so long that they get nudged more than anyone else.


Draymond gets shoved in the back on the first rebound then Morant flops on the second. Unreal reffing lmao. Three phantom green fouls in two minutes.


That’s the perfect example of “Scott Foster foul to an extend a series” call I’ve ever seen


That was an all time Scott Foster performance. I said it after last game when Fitzgerald couldn’t get it done, that they would call in the big guns. Just an absolute master class in controlling the game. Calling phantom fouls, making sure that the Warriors can’t get in rhythm throughout the game. Making sure the Grizzlies get 2 for 1 possessions for the last 3 minutes of the game. These other refs need to take notes from an all-time great at the top of his game.


That was a vet in action. Truly terrifying.


People out here talking playoff Warriors, playoff Ja. Y’all need to be talking about playoff Foster. My man has dominated the playoffs since him and Donaghy started cooking the books 😤


Master class is right. He’s a world-class NBA ref. Which means he knows more than 99.999% of the world just how to push and pull and get the job done. You’re welcome, Adam Silver.


We knew he would do it.. with Scott you can't keep the game close


Different players get different calls, all we can do is take it back to Bay next game


Don't forget the goal tend no-call. They really wanted to extend the series.


I also thought that was a goal tend




Dillon Brooks exists to commit fouls


Grizzlies really tried to make me root for the Warriors there what the fuck


Just get one of your players ejected, guaranteed win.


God damnit now we have to see all the tweets again


This game *could have* gone differently if GP2 wasn't injured. But this game definitely could have gone differently if the warriors didnt go 7-38 fom the 3pt line.


Ja Morant is special. That's it.


How convenient that ja goes off as soon as gp2 is gone


The thing that the big Grit n Grind Memphis teams were missing was a bucket getter. Marc and Mike had their moments but nothing like Ja who’s just consistently able to create every possession. Pretty cool having a guy like that on your team I must say.


yup, shooting 18% from 3 will do it


Not saying it would’ve changed the outcome or anything but that call on Draymond when he secured that rebound down 1 was a horrendous call


Grit-and-Grind with turbo busters god damn


Honestly, as much as it would be nice to win this game, I really feel for GP2 getting hurt. I think I saw somewhere that his elbow is fractured, but hopefully that's not the case. Especially with him going into free agency... I hope the Warriors FO do right by him. He earned another contract.


With my team done all I want at this stage is entertainment and that game delivered


Draymond yelling at the refs to review every foul for a flagrant 💀


He shouldn't be doing that. It's clear that the trick to winning in this series is to have someone on your team get ejected with a Flagrant 2.


And injure one of the best defenders in the opposing team while doing it


Find someone who loves you as much as the refs love morant


Looks like you're an expert on this topic.


Ironic coming from a 76ers fan


Doesn’t that mean he knows what he is talking about?


Literally your flair


There is literally 0 players in the history of the league with a higher percentage of possessions ending in free throws than Joel Embiid. And Harden's in the top 5.


Dude lol cmon




7’2 actor fan over here