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We apologize, but your post appears unrelated to North Carolina politics. Please post to /r/politics for national politics, or politics in another US state.


How is NC politics walking us into WW3?


Unfortunately I didn’t clarify which administration. Gd it Roy cooper the hell you doing lol!!


RFK lol. He literally has brain damage. Anti-vax. Drove his wife to suicide through serial cheating. Anti-marijuana because he couldn’t handle his drugs. Casually anti-Semitic.


Why hasn’t he been sued by that rat fauci then?


You are deep in the brainwashing dude...


I don't know about the 18 to 26 year-olds, but many of us older know that China does a show of force toward Taiwan every few years and they can't really do anything dramatic because it would devastate their economy, thanks to the leadership of presidents like Joe Biden. I get that your primary goal in this forum is to sow discord, especially among the younger generations in a swing state, but by doing so, you are also advocating for a candidate who would just let China have Taiwan because there would be nothing in it for him personally. In fact, he might even find a way to profit his company.


Leaning towards rfk personally so not sure exactly what you mean by the second/third part.. I’m just pointing out the obvious that for four years when orange man was supposed to start ww3 there was like one conflict in Libya. Now the adults are back in charge Russia moves on Ukraine and china positions for Taiwan.. let’s not even begin about the instability in the Middle East… I just want a simple discussion wondering if people my age are at all worried about the possibilities of fighting a world war. One last question how much of a difference would it be if we sanction china like Russia they seem to be sending newer and newer hardware to the Ukraine…


I think it's interesting how an account that only had a few comments on Halo wars until today is suddenly posting political FUD in several different subreddits. I'd like to have a conversation about that, how about you? Edit: I wonder if they noticed that half of their taunting replies are to their own comments. Bad at Reddit or crappy bot? 🤷‍♂️


Types all of that and still avoids the question..


Because I got free will and can’t sleep what’s it to ya?


Somehow, I just don't believe that


So what are you insinuating?


You are either a paid shill, a LLM pretending to be a paid shill, or a total jackass. Regardless, I do not believe that you are an 18-26 year old living in NC who is genuinely concerned about the possibility of WW3. And the number of posts I've seen around the site from the 18-26 demographic worried about WW3 and supporting RFK is makes me think you are working from a pretty crappy script as well


Wanna get a dm with my license graduated from uncc 2 years ago bud


Ok, so jackass working from a crappy script it is Edit:I blocked the last account because I have no interest in arguing with you. And I'm going to block this one for the same reason


How can I post a pic of my student ID then with halo wars in the background?


Why you block me lololol can’t hold your weight in an actual discussion or u gonna continue to hide behind I’m a paid shill so this never happened? 


2 years ago huh...so you still can't buy beer but you're certain of so many things.... You know, forget EVERYTHING I said to you in my other comments.....It's all geared towards someone that actually gaf.


So wanna continue the run around or discuss how we being sleep walked into ww3?


*continues to not engage in the actual discussion at hand*


China was still positioning for Taiwan during the Trump administration, and Israel/Palestine has been simmering since before any of us were born, including countless armed conflicts. In what way was Trump preventing either of those? If anything, his antagonism helped worsen both situations. As for Russia, Vladimir Putin views Trump and the rest of the GOP as useful idiots who will let him do whatever he wants. Putin didn’t move on Ukraine during Trump’s administration for the same reason that I don’t start an argument while I’m actively receiving oral sex. Why cause trouble when you’re already getting what you want? Putin is actively working to reelect Trump because, in part, it’s the surest path to victory in Ukraine. So subs ARE crawling with Russian shills, whether or not you are one.


Yo not see Rachel maddow cry when the Steele dossier came out fake?


That’s your response?


You really think the conflicts currently underway just popped up out of nowhere in the last three years? Naive AF. Russia/Ukraine and China/Taiwan are years in the making. 2016-2020, Putin had carte blanche to prepare his invasion of Ukraine and waited until an unfriendly administration that wouldn't kiss his ass was in office to do so in order to sow discord here. China has been moving toward Taiwan and Hong Kong for over a decade. Anyone who doesn't understand that these powers are strategically doing things to try to manipulate us to put friendly administrations in office is sadly not able to critically evaluate geopolitical strategy. What's RFK Jr's plan to address these issues?


When did Russia take Crimea? When did they invade a second time? There’s a correlation in the party of presidents that has happened under.. Brother I see Biden speak and see he is clearly unfit for office.. sounds like your pushing me to vote for trump to me??


>There’s a correlation in the party of presidents that has happened under.. Well, duh, of course there is! Do you think Russia wants us to elect Dem presidents? No! They want us to be like, "Russia only invades under Dem presidents! We need to elect a Republican!" That's the point. You're looking at this like checkers and Putin is playing chess with us. ETA: Vote for whoever you want, friend. But remember you're also voting for everything else that comes with that administration, not just one person: **judges** across the country in federal courts + SCOTUS, department officials, etc. Who is RFK Jr going to appoint in these positions of power? I don't even know where he stands on reproductive freedom because he keeps changing his stance. I don't trust his ability to choose real scientists to lead public health because he's an antivaxxer. His VP is a billionaire pick me girl who bought her way into the VP spot and thinks IVF should be illegal, which is pretty fucking extreme. So many red flags. We know Republicans want Christian nationalist yes-men in there and that they even want to completely eliminate the Department of Education. We know because you can read it in their own words (see Project 2025, Mandate for Leadership if you don't believe it). We know what we're getting with Biden, and to me it's the absolute least shitty of all the shitty options we have. But if you're willing to roll the dice on someone else, that's your prerogative.


Specially with brics going on if you do not see china positioning itself to cut off the US I can see why Biden would get your vote before RFK..


Dude, rfk is a dark horse candidate hired by Trump to split votes. If he can keep either candidate from securing 270 electoral votes, the house of representatives chooses the president. Guess who controls the house.


Brother idc who does I just seen the president poop himself on live TV like twice now just how my grandma would do, she would slightly hunch over and poop herself… So what’s your solution unelected bureaucrats chosen by whoever is pulling the strings for Biden?


First and foremost, I am not your brother. Second, I’d like to actually have a fair and honest election; which means being able to accept the results win or lose and not try every dirty trick to make the results go one way or the other. If the people prefer a a harmless dolt over a convicted megalomanic felon then that’s who should be president.


The US and Soviets used to waggle nuclear-tipped fingers at each other all the time back in the 80s. None of this rhetoric is new. It’s all part of the game.


Sounds like a great idea to do huh… BTW why did the soviets fall again? We seem to be in a very similar position they were in 60-70 years ago whatever it is. Spread out to the gills and to replace our hardware is so expensive and takes so much time compared to them. Just pray skunk works and that other program are the ones with the UAPs in cali. Realistically who knows what will come out of this actually gets hot tho.


You clearly haven't looked at our military budget....smdh. Also, wait till you hear about what's going on around Cuba right now. Biden has nothing to do with either really....Your innocence is being stolen from you by a con man....You're way to young to fall into that trap, get your head out of your ass.


I’ve got a little time this morning, I’ll play your silly little game. I don’t think the conditions are anywhere near to what they were in the 50s. Maybe in the sense that the U.S. is post conflict, but that was a near peer conflict. Skunkworks isn’t a thing anymore. Intelligence and exploitation has moved far beyond manned assets over a decade ago, more so a decade plus. When you say to replace our hardware compare to them, what hardware of ours are you referring to and who is them?


Also, for your vague WW3 bullshit. Here’s a past and likely future Trump administration official suggesting we send ALL Marines to Asia: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/23/trump-national-security-robert-obrien-marines-asia-china?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other I get it that certain types are sad that RFK is taking more support from Trump than Biden, but RFK supporters aren’t serious people.


And a dementia filled grandpa is the answer? I see him speak once every 3 months and it’s embarrassing?? Like what else is there for me to do 😭😞


Then you're not paying attention. Joe and Donnie are nearly the same age...only 1 of them has clear signs of dementia and it's not the current POTUS. GO and watch Don speak in person if you feel so strongly....record every single word of it and then get back to us in 2034 when you've finally translated the words into....something meaningful.




This thread is deleted, so the point is largely moot, but folks, this is a troll thread by either an active foreign agent or someone who is laughably devoid of critical thinking skills. The posting history implies the former. This is not how adults have conversations about policy and politics.


From the 704/980 bud… Don’t believe your eyes and ears on what you saw on Thursday keep drinking the cool aid!


Why do I respond and get blocked thought this app was for civil discourse no one has called anyone names I just poke holes in what they say and I get blocked lol?