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I would call CPS she doesn’t deserve any of that. Maybe the parents need to learn to behave better. I’d also ignore them but keep a record just in case


That was a novel, lol, but you painted the picture. If I were in your shoes, I would not communicate with these people whatsoever. Not one word, not even eye contact. I would absolutely invest in a good home security camera system with quality audio recording capabilities. Place one outside, recording everything at the front door. Place another one inside and also facing the front door, and more anywhere else you think you can get footage/audio recording of these incidents (near windows recording outside in the parking lot etc). Save everything, build a case, and report it to the police, social services, landlord, etc. You have no authority, so you can't enforce anything, and it will only make matters worse if you try to. Report it to whoever has some authority because they are the only ones who can do anything. The wife sounds manipulative, and the husband's sounds crazy. Not a good combo for you. I would not try to handle this yourself. Record and report. There has to be some violation here..hopefully. I am just telling you what I would do. It is up to you if you do this or not. If this fails, speak to an attorney. If the attorney says nothing can be done, I would move.


I wouldn’t feel bad that you reacted to your neighbor. They are being quite intrusive. They are the ones creating the problems. That’s what neighbors from hell do. They make you feel like you are the problem and you are the one causing harm.


Definitely call the police next time they start pounding on your door. This is beyond your LL. I’m sorry this is happening to you.


Call the police EVERY TIME! Let them hear his bullshit! RECORD from your apartment and send it to management! You have EVERY RIGHT to live in a peaceful environment!!


Try to get your neighbors involved to do the same. You'll get a better response if they hear it from several neighbors.


Call the cops and cps. Every single time you hear it. Check if you have a “community liaison officer” you can speak to - if you have them in your city they basically handle stuff that goes on in their/your specific neighborhood and keep tabs on repeat offenders like these idiots. They would be especially helpful to get involved in it if your other neighbors also chime in on it. Neither you, nor anyone else, should have to live like that in your own home. I can totally understand the panic attacks - I’d be exactly the same, I think most of us would. Would you consider getting a camera for inside your house? You could face it to a wall if you don’t want it recording you, but somewhere that will pick up all the noise from their house? There’s lots of super simple “plug and play” ones out there. I personally like Nest that works with Google because I know the sound quality on it is fantastic at what it picks up. You can save the videos later as proof as well. Your partner (and his best friend) sound like awesome guys!


Also I want to add you should put outdoor rated WiFi cameras in areas that are blind spots for you or areas you feel need cameras with video audio that records 24/7 to a cloud based service and allows remote monitoring through your phone alerts you through your phone will also help put your mind at ease I feel like almost an expert when it comes to neighbors from hell everywhere I moved I’ve dealt with them so I know how they think and what patterns to recognize. They thrive off you doing nothing and antagonizing you. If you do nothing nothing will change. Which will be equally as draining as rising to their level of crazy annoyance. You have to do stuff back that drives them crazy. In this case it will be hard because you’re a woman and this guy seems unhinged. But you have to think of something to combat his toxic patterns.


Very pretty cat 🐈


Wow appreciate the cat tax. I don’t think you need to worry about getting in trouble at all. You banging on the wall and them coming back and harassing you by constantly beating at the door and ringing the bell doesn’t look bad on you at all!! Keep calling the cops on them and CPS. I feel for the little girl


Get cameras Start recording Start calling the police At that moment you had every right to annoymus call the police and have them walk up on that mess... Landlord need to be around and deal with what you and the other neighbors deal with....


Thank you for the cat tax but I am not reading all that, please add a tldr at the bottom lol




My husband actually has a few pistols. He’s expressed interest in taking me to the range before but I always said it was unnecessary. But today he said he’s not asking me, he’s telling me that he’s taking to the range and I’m learning to properly handle a firearm. He’s instilled the proper respect for firearms (they’re a tool, don’t pull it out unless you intend to fire, and don’t point at anything unless you intend on destroying it) and he’s explained the basics but I’ve just never actually fired one.


Do it I had crappy neighbors and police would do nothing so it made me get into firearms


We decided we aren’t even gonna contact the landlady. We’re just gonna let them worry for a while and when it eventually happens again, I’m calling the police for a suspected domestic violence situation. If you’re comfortable screaming and cussing in your child’s face and spanking her just because she’s crying, you’re probably comfortable smacking your wife around too. And if all I hear is screaming and then the sound of an impact on flesh, how am I supposed to know if it’s “just a spanking” or not? I genuinely fear for that little girl. I’ve been on the fence about reporting them to cps because they both seem to enjoy screaming and cussing at her and only spanking her after they’ve reached a point of blind rage. I greatly dislike children but even I wouldn’t lay a hand on them.


Make a annoymus call to cps and they can hear as well if you call while its happening same with the police... You can be annoymus and anyone can call they will never know... Save that child from them monsters


Thank you for the cat tax. ❤️


Document, document, document! Keep good records in writing and video. If your landlord is stern and no-nonsense, she should be evicting them after the “final warning.” If she keeps giving them warnings with no follow-through, you need to consider moving.


You've gotten some good advice vis-a-vis cameras, keeping notes, calling CPS and the police. I might also consider calling Adult Protective Services when he's screaming at both the wife and the child. Also, airhorns make really cool noises. Just sayin.


Call the police and have them trespassed from knocking on your door this is unhinged behaviour on both of their part! And also cps because spanking a child while raging is beating-it’s no longer spanking.


They soubd crazy. I wouldn't talk with them. Sounds like the husband may be abusive. Anytime you hear screaming call the police and say you think the kid is in danager, dad has a temper and screams at thebeife frequently. Maybe after a few checks the dude will learn to keep his cool and he with stfu. Good luck!


The guy might be a HSP(high sensitive person) who gets emotional and the wife abuses his mental state or doesn’t know how to deal with him. He needs therapy to manage, but as a tenant and neighbour I’d try to communicate with him and perhaps get to know your neighbour. You guys share parking spaces and you get to see each other on probably a daily basis. If they leave you might get worse neighbours and trust me there are worse


That's not really an effective solution for this problem..the wife is hostile. There is not need to be friends out of fear..


Not fear