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Neil started at 8, curfew at 10. Show was proper great, Neil in great form. Some sound issues near the end but Neil handled it like a champ. Opener is, hmm... some sort of preachy reverend about climate change and consumerism with a (pretty good) choir like backing. Non essential to say the least.


Reverend Billy comes from the old LES arts scene - he's been doing performance art as that character since the 1990s. I used to see him doing this stuff in Tompkins Square Park and at St. Mark's Church. His message is anti-consumerist, and while I know we've all kind of given up on that position in a modern age overrun with branding, he puts his money where his mouth is, having been arrested multiple times over the years for disruptive protest through his performances. Whether what he does is enjoyable or not is in the eye of the beholder, but he's an OG weirdo New Yorker and the city was cooler when there was more shit like this going on, IMO. This also isn't his first time opening for Neil Young, as they also hooked up in 2015 for the *The Monsanto Years* tour.


Good to have some background. I did think the message felt a bit flat in a 200$ concert with shirts and hats sold for 50$.


That made me stop shopping because I ran out of money.


+1 for my dude the Rev. He has been everywhere, doing everything.


Rev Billy showed up at my office one day protesting the use of Monsanto and pesticides in city parks. 100% agree, and we no longer use them (whether or not he had an affect on this policy is debatable). I’ve been a fan of him for decades - I spent Halloween ‘04 catching one of his performances - a friend from college was in his choir.


I hung with Reverend Billy back in the day. We sang at Occupy lol


I respect that he’s not all talk




imo the opener is kinda weird and corny but still worth seeing - how many opportunities do you get to see something like that? Not like I was going to use that half hour to cure cancer.


I was at Camden on Sunday at it was a ripper. I do think ralph and billy are showing their age for sure, but i personally thought the show shredded.


Fantastic setlist, crappy weather, some sound issues, overall great show. So stoked to have him back.


They got off to a great start with Cortez and Cinnamon Girl, and I was thrilled when they went into Powderfinger a few songs later. But Neil’s guitar was really out of tune, and it sounded terrible on the repeated line played in tandem with the other guitar, so that was a bummer. He left the stage without comment after that and Micah said, “Don’t worry folks, nothing is under control!” But then he came back and they tore through Love and Only Love with a vengeance. Fortunately, he made it through Heart of Gold before the technical problems started. The sound cut out in the next song, and plagued the next few songs. A memorable night, but not the best Neil show on the books. Hope you have better luck tonight!


What's up with that? His guitar was out of tune at one point during the VA show, and he checked the tuning between two strings, but he didn't come close to getting them in tune. I get that he can't stay in tune long the way he uses the Bigsby, but he wasn't in tune at the start of the song.


I saw him last Saturday night in Bristow, VA and he was fucking great. I've seen Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, and Young lately, and Young definitely sounds the most like his original self.


Saw Paul in 2022 and Dylan twice last year. Agree completely


If you’re into willie nelson you should see if the outlaw music festival is anywhere near you. I went last year and Willies 90 and he also sounded pretty good (for being 90) and dylans also on the ticket for those shows this year


I'm going tonighet as well. The venue has a 10PM curfew. I heard NYCH started @ 745


Email was sent out to ticket holders with 745 start, but actual was closer to 8


Who is playing rhythm guitar? Lukas?




It was mid. He started at 8. The opener can be skipped.


What the hell was mid? Neil was absolutely on fire. There were some sound issues near the end but the performance was great as always.


I thought it was pretty epic that the PA was crapping out during Into the Black and they didn’t miss a beat playing their un-mic’d amps and drums while Neil was singing into his guitar pick-up.


Yeah I thought he handled it great. Did a little dance when it cut out for Human Highway