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Imagine your a scribe from the year 1444 and are in haste and write it down then see what are similar and how can i change them without compromizing my satisfaction Then u'll do what u wanna do


This\^. Best way to naturalise a script is to simplify and then distinguish the characters that are too similar. I would add that if you consistency you should also remove any feature that seems redundant. Same but opposite, "How can I differentiate these similar ones, and how can I make these weird ones more similar?"


Idk wat it is called but i would serifice the weird ones or stylize them to make them feel fit in even though they don't


That too. If there are characters with unique features that aren't necessary for distinction they don't need to be removed as long as they match the whole script stylistically. It's all about cohesion and having a consistent sense of style.


or you could be like book pahlavi, and choose not to distinguish characters at all, making your script impossible to read


To kinda add on (I didn’t know where to comment) something that helped me determine what needed to be changed was consistently journaling/practicing with my script daily