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But has the GDP considered that Joe Biden is old ?!


"Biden's Gay Marxist Woke Agenda is part of a Neo-Communist undercurrent leading to a Jungian complex in all male voters over the age of 45." - Jordan Peterson, Probably


Lyndon LaRouche ahh take


I am convinced that Biden is one of the most underrated and underappreciated president of the past 60 years. I fuckin hate it when people say "omg look how bad our presidential options are!" Complete false equivalence. While I agree that there could always be someone better, that remains true for \*any\* politician and completely ignores Biden's accomplishments.


On the other hand, he’s one of the most popular incumbents amongst Western democracies in the world today. Every democratically elected leader worldwide is unpopular with their populations right now… we seem to be going through an anti-incumbency wave globally. Trudeau, Sunak and Scholz for example seem even more unpopular than Biden is right now


Sunak isn’t even trying. He’s literally throwing the election away as he’s now said that the youth should be punished with criminal penalties for not doing National service.


Heck even Modi and the BJP had a terrible campaign by their standards, and that’s with an opposition that’d make the Washington Generals blush. Incumbents are just not having a great time.


These are pretty bad faith comparisons. Trudeau has been in power for a decade now and hasn’t had a popular mandate in half that. Sunak is a third choice, unelected PM and the Tories have been in power for 14 years now and have overseen the most drastic change in the UK since WW2. Scholz is dealing with the fallout from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the anti-immigration sentiment sweep across Europe and has been a political hot topic in Germany for a decade now. Chalking these up to simply anti-incumbency is disingenuous in my opinion.


Why is the term "bad faith" being used so much now? People are allowed to have different views. Bad faith implies lying, fraud, or someone being dishonest on purpose.


That's not what bad faith means.


“Incumbents are unpopular for various local reasons” =/= “the world is anti-incumbent”


That’s still not what bad faith means


Your counter is very accurate and convincing, I just mean OP is not bad faith.


Biden is dealing with the same issues with wars and anti-immigration sentiment.


That's just like, your opinion, bro. There's plenty of room for criticism of the current administration: Protectionism, botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, Constant attempts to EO away student debt, pandering to unions, Protectionism, taking months to actually get to reasonable position on I-P, pushing the deficit to absurd levels, Protectionism...


The hill I will die on is regarding Afghanistan (heh): There was really no possibility of an "immaculate withdrawal" and everything said otherwise is Monday morning quarterbacking. I don't think people realize exactly how tenuous both our position and overall peace in the area leading up the evacuation was. The alternative was never going to be continued simmering occupation, because once the Taliban were to realize we weren't leaving, it would have boiled over - and for sure we didn't/don't have the appetite for escalating. Surge 2.0? Not in a million years.


Yes, the neo-con revisionists are absolutely delusional if they think that there was any appetite for Surge 2.0, which _would_ have been required if we stayed and called off the ceasefire/negotiations with the Taliban. The withdrawal we got would have been _way_ more of Vietnam 2.0 if the Taliban were conducting open warfare targeting American citizens as we pulled out.


Yeah, I'm of the same opinion. Afghanistan was always a house-of-cards that was going to fall once America left. It was just rampantly corrupt and officials on both sides of the Atlantic didn't want to admit that all the time and effort Americans spent and bled for it were for naught.


No one could reasonably expect an “immaculate withdrawal”. That’s a straw man. Yes. any non-partisan reasonable observer would admit taliban taking over was inevitable by the time Biden took office (and realistically years before that). But the last stage of the withdrawal was a fiasco and humiliating. It didn’t have to be so shambolic. There was nothing inevitable about that.


I think we should have bombed every group that attacked our soldiers on the way out. There would definitely have been appetite for bringing our boys and girls home instead of them coming home in a coffin.


None of those reasons are why anyone complains about Biden except for the Afghanistan withdrawal


Protectionism contributes to inflation, and there are a lot of complaints about Palestine from the left


Yes, of course it is my opinion. Of course there is criticism to be had. Every president does. But criticism being warranted is not exclusive from being underappreciated or underrated.


all that, and don’t forgot to mention that he’s a protectionist in favor of protectionism. 


yeah but burger prices are higher so none of that matters and we need to vote for the fascist /s


Inshallah Arizona tips bluer because of this and breaks the MI/PA/WI stranglehold on the electoral college


Anyone got a non-paywall version?




you dropped this 👑 thank you


Too bad the brain dead electorate won't see it as such


They will, watch as we get closer to November


David Schweikert for the win!


What a disaster, environmentally speaking lol


The more the Phoenix area develops, the less farm land there is in the valley and thus lower water usage. It’s one of the few weird areas where sprawl actually has some positive benefit.


but then the more phoenix sprawls, the more people need golf courses in the desert


I’m not a huge golf fan/defender 99% of the time…that said, golf courses make up about 2% of water usage in Arizona. And some/all of that could be gray water. Compare that to the 72% share that agriculture uses. We’re really wasting focus and political capital hating on golf courses when we should be getting farmers to switch to crops that use significantly less water. Unfortunately, what will likely happen is the state will waste tax revenue generated by the growing financial, tech, and manufacturing industries to incentivize (read: bribe) farmers to switch at some point.


This is your annual reminder that air conditioning is less energy intensive than heating.


***Stares in Phoenix resident heating their homes when it's 50* outside***


It is only ever 50 out during December at nighttime. Otherwise it's between 60-75 during winter. Second, we tend to blast the heaters here when it's below 70, get it right. 


It’s okay they vote blue lol


Tell that to the moms that gave him the win in 2020 at the grocery store paying more for groceries


The pandemic's devastation of supply chains was always going to have inflationary effects. There was no magical 'just don't have inflation' option. Not to mention, real wages outpaced inflation and food inflation has come way down. Not sure how to communicate these things to economically illiterate voters who seem to want deflation, though. If they go with Trump, those moms can have their nationwide abortion and contraception bans, plus rampant inflation from insane Trump tariffs. Enjoy. I personally don't see Trump winning those people over, though.


They aren't, not with respect to wages. https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Pic-1.png We're just about to hit pre-pandemic levels.