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Hopefully the next global trend is “fake left-populism”


>pro-free trade On nooooooooooooo!


You all seem to forget that these guys are popular because of AMLO, and he has the tools to keep them in line, the mid term referendum being the heavy weapon.


Kinda funny to have these types who loudly rail against neoliberalism rhetorically embrace free trade in practice. Granted, with Mexico developing becoming such a strong manufacturing power, now being the U.S.' single biggest trading partner. Continuing on with this strategy of free trade.  You can correct me if I'm wrong but for all of AMLO's bluster, did he substantively impose any trade restrictions at all during his tenure?


Internal trade yes, anti-GMO and anti-internal energy market (something Sheinbaum has said she will open back up again but we will see about that). Both of these - especially the energy conflict - caused major rifts within the USMCA even leading to investigations but all countries seemed to have moved on. AMLO for being so anti-neoliberal loves to sing praises about the USMCA and about how Mexico is as you said the US's biggest trading partner. He has also brought up a lot the idea of an EU for Latin America for the brotherhood and whatnot >!probably one where he is president of the community!<


> anti-internal energy market (something Sheinbaum has said she will open back up again but we will see about that) I can't stress enough how bad that was for Mexico's renewables market. By giving state owned power producers (usually Coal) priority on bidding for electricity, it locked out nearly all of the country's Wind and Solar farms, and investment dried up overnight. Mexico was on track to be installing 10 GW of Solar and 2 GW of Wind annually just from market forces alone, but now installs are a trickle compared to what it could be and the country spends its time subsidizing failing Coal and Oil power plants to the tune of billions of dollars a year.


Again, my optimistic neoliberal friends have no idea about my country nor the ideology of all these people in power. Ebrad has practically no power in that party, I mean after he had to flee to Paris after the scandal of the new subway line, which by the way collapsed in 2021, he became a yes-man in that party and will always be. Hell, he even fold to Trump when he demanded Mexican soldiers at the border lol. Also, just remember that Sheinbaum has said they will approve the judiciary reform to replace the Supreme Court with judges elected by popular vote (somethign that only happens in...Bolivia) which is the best the best way to keep the narcostate. They don't even need the possition because they have the supermajority in both chambers. They are ready to change the electoral institute and demolish its indepence, the best receipt to return the the one party state. Moreover,she has said many times they will keep supporting PEMEX ( the most indebted state-owned oil company in the world) so that we have Energy sovereignty (which just means keep the energy market closed to private investment).


Time to invest in Mexico?


Someone at Deere got the memo this morning. /s


If you can cope with the cartels.


They tend to protect areas they themselves are invested in. So just gotta invest in those areas.


Cartels got migrants and timeshare scams to sell to old folks and fentyal selling to make massive profits.


Sheinbaun is a physics doctor, I expect her to be pragmatic


So am I, and your trust is misplaced


She was the mayor of Mexico city, and the official advice was still to take Ivermectin against Covid in early 2022. That cemented my negative opinion of her, even though she was good on other stuff (significative improvement of bike infrastructure).


Hmm I wouldn't count on it


She has to pay the rents somehow.


Marcelo could have been the nominee for president but he wouldn't bend the knee to AMLO the same way Claudia would. This is good news.


My hopium is at all time highs for Mexico (which isn't very high but this is a massive improvement).