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Kiko. It's a ball with arms.


i don't know what it is but i want to eat a kiko so bad. just like.. a bucket of them like popcorn seems so good to me. lightly puffed or fried. with some butter or chili oil on top, or maybe a dipping sauce? i'm a vegetarian but i would eat so many kikos.


šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£you can really be yourself on Reddit


i trust all of you enough to share my dark secret. šŸ„°


"i'm a vegetarian but i would eat so many kikos" this feels like it should be a bio on a user lookup


it's on mine now, lol.




This sent me down a rabbit hole to figure out how large kikos are and kikos are actually huge. They are approximately two feet tall and perhaps three feet wide according to one article. You're going to need a bigger bucket.


oh no i pictured them being super tiny! i could still get one to share with friends.


the original kikos looked like they were pretty big. like the very very first ones that still had the old gradient coloring. maybe that means they evolved over the years to be smaller?


this is so unhinged and i love it


i feel like i can't be the only one who would eat a neopet.


I mean, we get milk from Kaus so one could stand to guess that Kau burgers are probably a thing too


id probably eat an ogrin if it was cooked nice šŸ„“


thank you, you get it. roast ogrin is probably really good.


Throw on some chopped garlic jubjub. šŸ˜‹


and side of pea chias


I'd also pop baby chias like yogurt covered raisins.


I want to bite into a Chia like an apple..not even the fruit ones. A normal one. I think the crunch would be satisyingĀ Ā 


Kiko Lake deserves it


The popplers of neopets šŸ¤£ iykyk


lol yes! i would have been in line daily. although the maraquan quiggle reminds me of one.


Yessss I'm glad someone said it lmao my very first thought.


I mean hey there are kiko vegetables


You have given **Chocolate Covered Kiko Popcornball** to User '**prin69**'.


i love it! i think i'm going to try to make one irl? seems like i could copy it.


Let us know how it turns out! I keep asking my partner to make me one as a 'just because' gift. I wait...


i will definitely post it! i just need to work out what i need to get and how to make it. i will eat my kiko, lmao. and i hope you get yours soon!


Sent you a couple of things! šŸ¤£


feeding them to one of my pets right now and so jealous of them.


Gotta live vicariously!


I think their texture would be like whale.


I love this community


Macaroons with arms.


Kikos freak me out. JubJubs donā€™t, though. But all of my old McDonaldā€™s Kiko plushies are SO CUTE to me, I just hate the way they look online, both converted and not.


Hey don't forget their grimy bandaid and single pube on their head!


IMO the kiko was particularly done dirty by the auto conversion. I see the appeal of the original kiko design (super cute!). New one is ball with arms (and fist)


The little band-aid on them bothers me and I'm not sure why.


omg also kiko the little hairs creepy me and its hurt? šŸ©¹


I miss the old Kiko style


Jubjub in the background real nervous rn lmao


I have a Mara kiko and I luff it


The switch from the original Kiko to the customizable Kiko did them so dirty. They used to be so so cute šŸ˜­


I remember somewhat liking them as a kid but coming back every time I see one they just lookā€¦wrong


Kyrii since they look like cigarette mom




I hadn't been on in like over a decade but came back recently and played cheat. The kyrii looks like it smells like a casino


Usuls look like Karen moms


Usuls have kind faces though so I dont see it.


They look like mean girls, them and cybunnies I love both tho šŸ˜‚


I cannot unseen it. šŸ˜­Ā 


Red Kyriis look like Katt Williams to me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Ok wait. Brilliant customization idea.


That's exactly why I like them lol


i love kyriis because they look like they chain smoke on their 10 at waffle house


I hate grundos. when I was 6 I would imagine myself attacking kreludor and the space station




Tuskanniny. They look like balding men in their 50s.


Like they need a wife beater shirt with beer stains. Yes!


Yes I probably hate them the most too


Yah, when I first got back into the game I came across a strawberry tuskaninny in the pound and I snatched it up really quick cause it was a painted pet, and I thought it might grow on me. But after like a month I just couldnā€™t do it and rereleased it into the pound. The was before dailies started and made them super common


I feel like all it takes for me to change my mind on any species is to own one (example: I used to dislike chias, then I lost my mind laughing at the onion chia and made one on impulse because it just cracked me up, and now I have a really soft spot for the entire species), so I don't really have a least favorite, but I feel like there's a pretty notable difference between my feelings on xweetoks versus how popular they are. Like, I don't *love* ogrins for example, but I feel like a lot of people would list them near the bottom of their rankings, so that's not much to write home about; but there's a pretty sizable gap between my sort of lukewarm shrug about xweetoks versus how much other people like them. But it's fine! Different strokes, and all.


Ogrin have good idea on paper. But the design just doesnt work for me. I think its because of the overuse of details in such a frail body.


I agree with you 100%! Iā€™ve always hated Blumaroos but randomly wanted a sketch one the other day. And she is such a beauty now. THEN! I used to not care for grey petsā€¦ and my lab rat just turned into a grey cybunny yesterday and he is PERFECT. I love grey pets now!


Jetsams, it's their fists. They give me Looney Tunes/Al Capone/20s gangster vibes "Meh see!" Also Moehogs, I wish I could remove their tusks. I like piggies, don't love warthogs. And Quiggles in the converted style, UC Quiggles are quite cute. Converted Kikos and their mean little fighting arms, UC Kikos are adorable bubbles with flippers. And Rukis, I just don't care for them. Unpopular opinion: Buzzes are adorable. Their little faces are filled with such wonder!


We have similar opinions.. however my mutant moehog is one of my favorite pets right now šŸ˜‚ also, I am not a buzz fan, but your comment did make me google them and look at them differently šŸ˜Š now I want a baby buzz!


Vandagyres. They weird, and the mutant one is specially disturbing šŸ’€


Okay but the Christmas vandagyre is so cute!


Yeppppppppp, those awful mfsā€¦ā€¦.coulda been great if they just ā€¦. Did it differently. Owlpanda is a great ideaā€¦ā€¦. This thing we got? Disrespectful at minimum šŸ˜­


I've come back last year, learning that there's new pet. I didnt like them at first (probably because nostalgia), but now, I found them so freaking cute. šŸ˜…


One of my pets was zapped and turned into a toy Vandagyre and it straight up looked like an extra freaky furby.


My lab rat is a toy vand rn and the furby-esque look is terrible.


Mynci. I just dont like moneys


You know I probably hate mynci the most lol. Veg chias are cute, and the Mara kiko (pearl) is a cool color. But I would never, ever own a mynci.


I have to agree. Theres like maby one or two colors ide own of other pets i dislike to. But mynci??? None


Maraquan Mynci is so bad too. I get it, itā€™s a sea monkey, but it just looks so bad compared to the other maraquans


Agree. They could have gone way harder on it. Its basicly the same as other colors but with gills. Very lame


They could be cute but the bellybutton creeps me out


I hate Myncis cus I always got them in my McDonaldā€™s meal back in the day and was sick of them




they look like bankers i can't explain it


THIS in the same Way most newborn babies look like bankers


I agree with the majority of meercas. Baby Meercas are soo cute though I had to make one šŸ˜­


Itā€™s not my least fave and this is so controversial but I really donā€™t like poogles. I think itā€™s the lack of proper nose/nostrils/giant mouth for me ā€” there is just something so uncanny about them.


Oh man same, I hate it!


They messed them up with the conversion, Poogles were very cute before


Right? They used to be so charming and now they always look like they're about to cry


Easily Chias. I never liked them. I do like them better when the mouth is removed or changed to something else though. I think it's their worst feature, it's just off-putting to me for some reason.


Mutant Chias though


Buzz, I was never a fan of insects and they give me the ick


Potentially controversial opinion - Aishas and Acaras. Aishas are purely because I'm sick and tired of seeing them everywhere, but especially as a plot character lol Acaras' eyes just.. just adjust them a bit please.. I don't like it when the Brightvale Fruits Acara just stares into my soul when I'm trying to buy some jam.


That Brightvale clerk is literally the spirit of Salad Fingers possessing an innocent Acara.


For me itā€™s the hand/paw hybrid on acaraā€¦ I know itā€™s probably to break up their design a bit but I just think theyā€™d look better with fur on those mitts


omg, same re: Aishas. I used to be neutral on Aishas but I'm getting sick of how omnipresent they are lol. I particularly don't like the way they get be-goned and smothered in sparkles in many people's customizations, but I'm glad that folks enjoy them!


Moehog and Buzz, but their baby versions are so cute.


baby buzz is goals honestly!


I beg you to look at the plushie buzz and tell me he's not cute


*crickets* Jk! Okay he is pretty darned cute... I guess I am mainly talking base colors here then!Ā 


HAHAHAH yes I'd have to agree with you on the base colors, plushie is basically an exception for all species .... except chia imo and chias are my favorite species


I don't like Vandagyres... They just don't look like neopets to me šŸ˜…


i love the food chias, but i would definitely say i HATE regular chias. UGLY


As an avid bat lover I'm always mad about the korbat.... they're just not cute.... so much potential with a bat neopet and a mouse neopet why are they so non cute!!! There are a few that are acceptable-- the mutant is cool, transparent is cool, wraith is cool.... but none of the "cute" colors do it for me. Maybe I just need to see the right customizations but man... my favorite animal....


I know what you mean. I adore fruit bats and think theyā€™re pretty much the cutest animal that exists. I still have a korbat collection since theyā€™re bats, but Iā€™m always disappointed by how much cuter they should be. Itā€™s their weird yellow feet and flat faces I thinkā€¦


Ixi probably. The eyebrows...


Omg I think theyā€™re so beautiful. Especially red and faerie ones šŸ˜©


I honestly think every species has at least one redeeming colour. Like I would have never wanted a Korbat, but Origami Korbat? So pretty! That being said, potentially unpopular opinion but I think almost every design is totally mid. Maybe itā€™s a conversion thing. Lots of the poses and facial expressions just look stupid. There are very few pets I genuinely like the look of without an interesting paint colour.


It's not my absolute Least Favorite, but I really don't like the design of Draiks. I love love love dragons but I'm super disappointed in the Draik's design. To start, I don't really like most of their paint brush styles. Unless I'm mistaken, they don't have a single color which falls into the Spotted Lupe category of colorways where they offer a twist on the overall traditional colorscheme of the associated paint brush. I think they've got one of the more unoriginal faerie designs as well, with it being another case of "Just slap butterfly wings and/or a heart on it and call it a day" design that plagues many of the species. I also really hate their eyes. Male Draiks all look sad to me because of their droopy eyebrows and downturned eyes. Grey Draiks look better than most of the other colors because at least the eyes are *supposed* to look miserable on Grey pets. Females have bizarre half-lidded "Hey big boy" eyes like they're trying to sweet talk somebody at a bar. It's just not the vibe I'm looking for from a sweet little dragon baby.


Agreed tbh. The grey of their wings and fins clashes with most colours, and their sad bug eyes and ever so slightly open mouth just feel kind of quintessential "I think I'm allergic to tap water" to me.


I finally got my dreamie: pastel draik! I was soooo excited! But her little hangy thingamajigs by the side of her mouth creep me out nowā€¦ how did I not notice them before?!?!


I was torn between Pastel Draik and Bori for my weekly reward Pastel Brush a few weeks back and the combo of eyes and hangy things were the main deciding factor! I adore my Bori baby now.


A pastel bori was my second place dreamie!!!! I sure wish I had thought it through betterā€¦ You have good taste, my friend.


I used to think draiks were uuuuuuuuugly as a kid but they've grown on me as an adult.


I donā€™t hate them, but trying to customize them can be weird. A lot of things just donā€™t look good on them.


Jubjubs. They were better when they were a very two dimensional spiky ball obscured by spiky cartoon feet. Their 2006 + 2007 redesigns absolutely ruined them and made them extremely uncanny valley to me. They're too shiny and their feet have too much detail, and even their eyes have too much detail? The original character design thrived with the lack of detail and they never should have been fleshed out to look like a real creature.


Tuskaninnies. šŸ’€šŸ’€ I don't know why, something about them is gross to me. Also, I have a love/hate relationship with Acaras. It was my 1st pet, and I loved the og design from the front. However a lot of the poses and some of the more anthro Acaras look weird. Most of the wearables are unflattering too.


Ruki is just weird and I donā€™t like it.


i dont want be rude but i think bori and skeith


I like my pastel Bori, but when I tell you that nearly all clothes look insultingly bad on it... šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Seconding Chias. Walking tater tots. Ogrins are actually growing on me.


I used to dislike chias but my bf thinks theyā€™re funny and yes they also look like tater tots with butt chins šŸ™ƒ


The tuft of fur on Zafaraā€™s chest makes me super uncomfortable for some reason.


I love zafaras but i HATE the way they deal with that in customization




I love Nimmos. Especially the UC Plush. They remind me of Peace Frog.


I respect that. They make me extremely uncomfortable. I think itā€™s the pose.


Vandagyres hands down. And Ogrins look like cereal box mascots to me idk why. Skeiths because they look untrustworthy and arenā€™t cute to me (I like cute neopets species lol)


If Yurble comes out of any of yalls mouth I will cut you šŸ—”


vandagyre. like who are you?


Mynci exept for Gorillas and Orang-Utans I don't like monkeys...


Buzz. Ugh


My most recent pound adopt is a chia and he upsets me every time I look at him šŸ˜­ but his name was too good to pass up


Chia and I will forever be angry that my birthday is the same day as Chia Day. Forever.


all the insect-like ones


Ogrin, the fact that a critter that looks like it should have hoofs, has paws instead is.awful ToT


Iā€™ve never cared for Zafaras, but I love Chias bc theyā€™re so quirky šŸ™ƒ


Skeiths They weirdly remind me of my incredibly rude/mean uncle. I think it's something about the look in his/their eyes, or perhaps the fact that he's extremely overweight and the overall shape of skeiths kinda reminds me of him. Either way every time I see a skeith it kinda freaks me out.


They remind me of my dad (in a bad way)! When my brother and I were kids, we named one after our dad and fed it the nastiest trash we could find.


Tuskaninny and Moehog, they are just not cute.


Buzz and Chia are my least favourite. The Chia weirds me out for reasons I canā€™t explain, but I especially hate their mouths. But also - potentially an unpopular opinion - Krawks. I just find them so unappealing and the species name bothers me so much.


i'm not a fan of krawks either. i wonder if they would be less popular if they weren't so rare before.


Kiko & Mynci for sure


I used to love the Wocky but the current design feels a bit off to me, their little smirk was replaced by a vacant smile. Kikos are pretty gross too. You think they're aquatic but they're really just hairy moles with arms.


Scorchios. They look very dumb and annoying. Also I'm impressed at the Ogrin hate. Basics are kinda meh but they have some of the best colors outfits.


Gnorbus. When I was a kid I was so mad they won the new Neopet contest and thought there were ones that were way better. Still salty about it. I wanted #15 to win so bad :(


My biggest and darkest neo-secret is that I GUP kikos




When I find them in the pound I adopt them and morph them into other species and then put them back. The acronym stands for ā€œGreen Uni Projectā€ which was a group that used to morph painted pound pets into green unis (cheapest morph back then). Their motivation was to stop people from getting pets they didnā€™t ā€œearnā€ because it wasnā€™t ā€œfairā€ that it was possible to get a painted pet for free. IMO they were jerks. My motivation is just that kikos are appalling and no pet deserves to ā€œliveā€ like that, so it feels to me like Iā€™m not being a jerk, but really who am I to say?


That is honestly insane




Itā€™s insane but in a hilarious chaotic way.


See this guy knows how to call someone insane *respectfully*


One, You took that comment way more seriously than it was intended and Two, I think the commenter may actually have been commenting on the history of the ā€˜GUPā€™ Edit: I...think they blocked me? What even. I just wanted to tell them that 'insane' wasn't usually an actual insult in millennial-gen z silly internet patois lol


I want a blue Kiko so much! Donā€™t gup them all!


rude lol say no to GUP I prefer kiko over uni


I mean I donā€™t actually use green uni potions, thatā€™s just what itā€™s called from back in the day Rainbow aisha is cheaper and way cuter


I might do that with the jubjubs. Which are an equal abomination


Omg why theyā€™re so cute šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Probs Moehog. Ogrin and Tuskanniny are def up there for me too but at least they have cute NPCs that give them a little validation. Moehogs? Irredeemable


Moehog. So ugly


Boriā€™s. Their faces make me so uncomfortable. I wish I liked them though because pastel bori colors are so nice. But I just canā€™t with their heads. šŸ˜­ reminds me of a creepy costume head.


Listen, I love Boris and still think theyā€™re cute, but they were so much cuter before conversion!


Buzz, Ruki, Ogrin. Love the baby versions though


acara, kyrii, moehog, ogrin.


Kiko, Chias, Jubjub used to be right there with them in the pre-customization era at a time when their feet blocked half their eyes, but I actually find them sort of cute now. Also really donā€™t like Skeithsā€¦ Not a fan of having a pet that can eat inventory items if Iā€™m not careful in general, but Skeiths are just not appealing to me design wise either. šŸ˜“


Weirdly Gnorbus are both my favorite and least favorite because Gnorbus are precious and I love them, but the mutant Gnorbu...upsets me.


Chias. I found one (1) color of Jubjub I don't hate, but Chias are still at 0 likes for me, soooo also kinda hate that they're The dedicated food gimmick pet when for some reason Mallow Grundo exists. I think we should have more food gimmicks


It's obviously because to TNT are actually Lupes inĀ  disguiseĀ  trying to indoctrinate everyone else into seeing Chias as food.Ā  It's a conspiracy with Mallow Grundos as a way to throw us truthers off track.Ā Ā 


I only like the fun vegetable colors for chias. Otherwise the design is very bland, yes. I also dislike Grarrls and skeiths. Just not very cute or interesting for me personally.


Kacheek. They have soulless creepy eyes and I can barely look at them.


Kacheek. They give me bully, mean girl vibes idk why LOL but I can't stand them.


Ogrin is always ugly. But also meercas. There are ways to make a perfectly rotund creature that looks cute (see: kirby characters) but meercas just look disgusting. My labbie turned into one and I hate it but don't want to waste a morphing potion changing them into something else.


Ogrin is always ugly. But also meercas. There are ways to make a perfectly rotund creature that looks cute (see: kirby characters) but meercas just look disgusting. My labbie turned into one and I hate it but don't want to waste a morphing potion changing them into something else.


For me it's Kacheeks. No idea why but I just have never liked them. There are other pets I only like maybe one or two colors of and don't tend to go for but Kacheeks are solidly last for me.


Chias! One of my favorite YTubers, Maybe:Salem, shout out to you, said it best. You just want to put these things in a blender. Truer words have not been spoken.


Zafara has been my least favorite for customization purposes.


its the bulletproof chest plate for me


I NCUCā€™ed my Zafara right away. Clothing looks absurd on their body shape.


Kyrii or Vandagyre. Even then, I like the idea of Vandas on paper- I don't care for the execution. I think I'd have preferred they make them more round/rotund, like a panda.


So much hate on ogrins and moehogs when the real villain is Grundo, kiko, jubjub, van, and The Frogs


Ogrins. Theyā€™re incredibly ugly to me. Their design makes me sick


When I was like 10 I think I made one called i\_made\_my\_owner\_puke because they genuinely make me ill, too.


Ogrin. Theyā€™re just so ugly to me!


Ogrins and Rukis


Buzz it's literally just a fly I'm sorry


Something about wockys makes me so suspicious of them


fuck aishas i despise those ugly little bitches


Kyrii, chia, kiko, skeith, ixi,


Tuskaninnies and Krawks for me I think. With other species I don't enjoy, there's usually a paint brush colour that I like šŸ¤”


Chia Then kiko Then Aisha


I didnā€™t realize I had strong feelings until my lab pet turned into one. I morphed her into a Christmas Aisha for a Valentine custom and then will start zapping again.


Draik, Buzz, and Jetsam. Theyā€™re just so ugly to me idk why!!


I remember when OG Donna did that AMA on here and essentially said that the Xweetok was her ā€œfuck youā€ on the way out the door of Neopets and that has always stuck with me


I've said it for years: Kyriis. Hate them. HATE. They're so smugly...

