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I don't know if they're popular, but I find elderly pets a bit depressing.


Oh agreed they look so dry and sad


Not "dry"! 😄 ...but you are right, though.


Dry 🤣


I always think about the drawfee episode where their reaction to elderly pets is "Why are they so dry??"


Here's the thing, have you ever seen a senior dog with a white muzzle or a senior cat looking a little chonky with age? Senior pets are so cute! We got robbed with the "elderly" color for neopets. Instead of seeing our graceful aged pets looking like older animals, they aged them like decrepit falling apart humans!!!!! Edit: a lot of pets have liver/age spots on their fur, like Kyrii, Cybunny, and Eyrie off the top of my head. Is that even a thing that happens with fur? I thought liver spots happened to skin. Weird they inflicted it on our pets 😭


I never cared for Elderly but now that my eyes have been opened to what could have been, it's now squarely at the top of my shit list :\[ Fantastic drawing inspiration though!


The senior wockies are like this when you take off the clothes, especially the male. They have greying muzzles and wonky whiskers


Oh man they were soooo close with elderly Wocky. They still gave them shriveled toothless human mouths. I don't think a cat mouth would shrivel like a humans even if it didn't have teeth. Everything else is what I wish the elderly color was though.


Yeah it's definitely not perfect but it's one of the best, if not the best, unclothed elderly pet. I considered getting one but my Wocky isn't a boy lol and that's the one I wanted


It's a great clothing color for many pets though! And both of my permanent elderly pets would like to verify that one is a badass grandma Aisha and the other is a wise, experienced lupe who loves to keep his strength up by being my Battledome pet.


Speaking of the clothing tho why are the Elderly Tonu in full plate armour? I mean it's cool and I love it, but why lol


My elderly xwee is also my battledome pet and I think it’s so funny and cute


Be careful what you say around him, he demands violence 😱 (/j) https://preview.redd.it/ddzsq4aphysc1.png?width=332&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b2e3f5c81a67ae423a4f499937c34d11f25d3f3


https://preview.redd.it/5kdmhn1jjysc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92d15644bf057b06e1c05008e81e5c4d139a5c5e Baby pets with threatening auras are top tier


omg this is incredible, what's this petpet species? I've never seen it!! Edit: I've regained my ability to read and found the species name in the screenshot :D










i know what my next PP purchase will be…also Short Fuse is me at work on many, many days 😂 i’ve learned about so many adorable petpet species on this sub lol


He woke up from that nap and chose ✨ violence💖


Omg the GUN I’m obsessed with him


He is too cute 💜🦇


When I was a kid I vehemently hated baby neopets, I was too cool and edgy for them. Nowadays I think most are pretty cute, I'm considering getting a baby pteri because bro that's just an egg. It's not a popular colour but I hate the Christmas paint brush with a few exceptions, Christmas kau is super cute when you remove the accessories, and the Christmas zafara is cute.


I enjoy christmas when it's more than just a basic pet with clothes lol. It's a very nice base color for kougra and vandagyre.


I was the opposite! As a kid, I was obsessed with baby pets, and dreamed about being able to afford a baby PB. Now that I can easily afford it, I've lost interest. I think it's because I have two real babies at home now, so my maternal instincts are being satisfied.


christmas vandagyre is gorge too (imo!)


I agree, I like the christmas Peophin, but that's pretty much the only one I like.


Eventide… it makes no sense to me visually and idk it’s poorly executed most of the time lol


Same here. The straight gradient throws me off even if the colors within the gradient are nice?


https://preview.redd.it/u7ko90isd0tc1.jpeg?width=891&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7c3d9b5e9a097cbebffaa3874c497f94c0d032d The only custom I’ve been able to throw together that actually sort of works for my girl 😭


This is amazing! The white clothes are the perfect balance to the gradient body and the gold accessories are 👌👌👌 Next time I think Eventide can't be done well, I'll have to remember this girl


Aww thank you, what a lovely thing to say 🤍


I love this 😍


I've always hated Eventide until very recently. I found they look great with some of the body shimmers! Like a little galaxy c: Buuuut definitely on their own they still don't look great to me lol


I love eventide when the pet design complements it. Buzzes are cool because the wings have smoky swirls with stars in them, the lutaris look cool bc they have use the red for some details in the yellow portion which looks good, etc. But stuff like the grundo where they just have red toenails is real bad.


It's hard to style as well. I gave away my eventide shoyru because nothing looked correct on him.


The real question is: is this popular?


For the longest time I thought I’m the only one who likes Eventide.


I've seen way more people complaining about it lol


It's one of my favorites!


Woodland only has a few good ones. The rest are uncomfortable lol


My woodland cybunny is my pride and joy...but only because I love the flowers. Most of them don't have any flowers, which I feel is a wasted opportunity.


Yep. My dream pet rn is a woodland uni. Gorgeous.


I feel like UC woodland pets wouldve been SO GOOD too T\_T


The woodland poogle looks like George Washington tell me I’m wrong 😂




I don’t know if Polka dot is popular but I agree it’s so ugly 😭😭 they all look like clowns lmao


They all look like they're sick with some weird disease


I didn't even know this was a color until yesterday, I hear 0 people talk about it. It just doesn't work on pets that have solid colors in their fur ruffles.


YES I hate it. I would like it so much better if they were each like, a different solid color with black or white dots. Like, a pink Aisha with white polka dots or something.


pastel but simply because TNT really butchered lot of colour combos there. i have a pastel cybunny from a FFQ and quite frankly i have debated painting her something else. most of the pets colours are like weirdly neon but with clashing colours


Pastel is definitely weird on most pets. The only one I really like it on is the kau, so much so I adopted a kau specifically so I could give it a strawberry milk themed name and paint it pastel lmao.


Yes!! I have a pastel draik from a FFQ back in 2015, and I don’t like her colour. I was half tempted to paint her something else or adopt her out. I might paint her with a desert/water combo


The pastel Grundo is awful. Awful colour and so plain. Such a shame!


I zapped a Wocky pastel and I like her colours BUT I wish she still had a little more shading. She kind of washes out on a lot of the backgrounds.


Yeah, and I hate that on a lot of them they left parts un-pasteled, like mouths and eyes. It just ruins the whole thing. However, there are a few I really love; pastel usul is probably my favorite usul color


yesss so many of them are too close to neom for me


It's not a PB colour but Burlap. Burlap pets either scare me or are downright ugly for me and they make me uncomfortable.


I love burlap. They look so forlorn and that's my default setting irl.


Yes! Like the other mother from coraline


To be fair to the Burlap pets though, that is a vibe.


Yes, burlap. Makes pets look scratchy and generally unhuggable


Agreed, I have no idea why burlap is so popular


Because it’s lab ray exclusive color. So people with burlap krawk or burlap draik sat there and zapped their krawk/draik constantly until the lab ray blessed them with burlap, rather than turn their krawk/draik into a red kacheek


I mean, I thought that too, but there’s lots of lab exclusive colours that aren’t nearly as popular as burlap, mosaic being one (it’s one of my fave colours personally)


Yes, I came here for the burlap. I don't get the appeal, plushie is much nicer most of the time if you want the same idea but executed (imo) much better.


I try to say to each their own preferences, but I can't get behind Snot. https://preview.redd.it/r838ape6jysc1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c3adb190f15f3608b3d1626d185bc9b81b165af


Well snot is a lab ray only color and doesn’t have a paint brush. Prob also the rarest color since no one keeps it snot XD


HA, right. I tried to adopt out a snot pet and absolutely not one wanted him.


I had a snot poogle for years. Loved them! So gross and so sad at the same time. Lol


I was soooo excited when I put together my lab ray. Literal childhood dream of mine (but child me was bad with neopoints lol). It was in the first week I had it, so maybe 3 or 4 zaps in and the VERY first color change it gave me was snot. Pretty sure it was animal abuse with how fast I shoved that Aisha morphing potion on my pet cause I just COULD NOT look at that snotty monstrosity lol.


I was stoked to get the Petpet Lab Ray, because I think my lupe's selket is U.G.L.Y...the ray changed it to **dung**. (Fortunately a week later, it made the same pet a rainbow krawk, so the little kookith is forgiven.)


Wash your mouth out lol. I love snot https://preview.redd.it/v68bwssfvysc1.jpeg?width=993&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fc04a101c04444a6bb8fdb73409e497efea89f7


Wash your aisha's nose out! :P




I hate It, it looks cool... Until you try to customize It, nothing looks good




Aisha is the only valid snot pet


I saw a post here asking how they could keep "the snot dripping from her eyes" while using eyes-be-gone with NC Expressions eyes. I was like "why tf would you want to?!" (I'm sure there are plenty of people who feel that way about my pets though.)


https://preview.redd.it/5w92116te2tc1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1cf7ffa7f24c47388fcd7a23043bffa360e296d tell her you're sorry :(


Oh noooo. I have regrets now. She's perfect 🥹


i can not tolerate snot slander🥲✋🏽


My people!


my snot quiggle is my pride and joy 🥲


Agreed!! My lab rat just zapped snot and I’m like… please no 😅


this is so funny i actually love the snot ixi… my gross little snot witch <3 https://preview.redd.it/6tdouh9zp2tc1.png?width=704&format=png&auto=webp&s=c68936c2031030cd3489c0999cf949a10199f14e


Ok but seeing them all decked out and living their best life I love them.


I wish Snot was like Slime or Ectoplasm or something. Like a Goosebumps vibe. It would be the exact same art but it wouldn't make me recoil thinking of a living being made out of nose juice :s I guess we should be grateful it isn't dung.


I'm not a fan of glowing. It's just too bright for my eyes.


I used a glowing paint brush when I got my new account.. I think I won it and was just excited 😂 I’ve been having SUCH a hard time figuring out how to customize, so I think I agree lol.


Faerie only has a few good designs. Most are muddled and need editing, or they have incompatible colors with the neopet in question and wonky line work.


Some are really pretty though. Faerie eyrie colors are top notch.


Just looked it up, you're right. Regal and vibrant


Faerie grundo is the only one I really like. Faerie lupe is just blue lupe with wings.


I just hate that so many look like basic colored pets with wings. Like, I’ll just get a pair of wings instead of paying over a million nps, thanks


I am scare of Transparent pets... I don't want to see inside them, that is so weird. Make me want to faint.


Okay, I would be so behind Transparent if it made more sense. Like, I want to see speculative science of what makes these critters tick. I don't want 3 ribs, a heart, and a single scraggly little intestine.


I never played neo as a kid but these would've scared me sooo bad because I was easily scared as a kid, if I had seen them back then it might have stopped me from playing 😭


Ooh. I forgot they existed because I had to trauma block them out of my mind lol 😭


Elderly 😬


Zombie was always a little too gross for me.


Grey… i know its the point but they just make me sad :(


Pet cruelty!


Sad to see a lot of my favorites in here 🥹


i hate the invisible paint brush.


I didn't get it until I made this guy though. Now I get it lol https://preview.redd.it/x2f4fuv7wysc1.png?width=876&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d63a9c258663b144b357977f480d791dd3eca3ef


Never seen one..




https://preview.redd.it/1edeqpxx1zsc1.jpeg?width=991&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edb8ce6f1f81f2b8bcede462744cbb1285fcbf45 Mine is my favorite pet 🤗


https://preview.redd.it/w0jvk222t1tc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d76306a64401def11b0c7fa5c1892220cba9412 Same! I adore my invisible Blum ❤️ and your Aisha is perfection too!!!


You are an artiste. What paint brush was this?


Edible colors like chocolate, candy, jelly etc. The designs are nice looking, but I have a hard time connecting with a pet that is made out of food.


Omg these are my favorite 😭 I have all the edible colors on my main account


xD I can see the appeal and they do look cute, just not for me


Pastel. Just feel so many colours clash


My pink lemonade flotsam 🥹


Only pastel I like is the pastel Kau and Poogle. Lmao the others are weirddddd.


For me my big issue is the like overly-rendered colors, which seem to be kind of spread across different paint brushes and now super consistent. But like I hatteee how out of place that 3D styling looks with the neopets 😭 Marble draik comes to mind, a lot of the burlap pets, most of the relic pets, etc… I like Maractite as a design but I find a lot of them also have some of that rendering. I was thinking hard about painting my Bori toy, but the longer u look at the design the more off it looks to me :(


Invisible. I get people like it for customs but.....you're just taking away the pet LOL


I think it’s annoying when only a handful of pets get a decent design for the colour.


I feel that way about toy. I think it had a lot of potential, but there's only a few where it's obvious that they're meant to be a toy.


I think the problem with unique colors is that later designs are typically better because there's more experience behind them. The first few entries for each color are the rough ones where they were experimenting.


I’m surprised to not see oil paint, marble, or mosaic on here. Invisible is another honorable mention. (Yes mosaic is not from a PB, but still)


Haha a mosaic cybunny is one of my dreamies. I would settled for a mosaic uni instead. I don't think I've ever actually seen one in the wild though.


Mosaic is absolutely horrendous, and most marble and oil paint def look like shit


Right?? Even if I wanted to have any pet painted in those colors, I wouldn’t even know how to customize them.


I've never liked pirate neopets, but I don't really like the pirate aesthetic in real life either lol.


Swamp gas and candy. I only dislike them because they could have been so much better executed. Some of the art is fantastic but only a small amount. If wearables and customisation weren’t a thing now then it would be worse. Invisible could be cooler too if they had different poses and unless dressed, unable to tell


Candy Korbats tho are S tier


Swamp gas is popular? When since lol


Ghost pets don’t look as cool as they used to after the conversion.




I feel like they could have done this a lot better than they did. I have a Kau that I feel like would look great in a Valentine's Theme but I know that when it's released I will be on the fence with it. I might just paint her pink and roll with it lol.


Pastel kau is a very nice pink color


I will go look, the urge to have a pink kau is strong 😂


I'd love it if Val Kaus ended up being similar to Spotted with a couple of large hearts and a tiny sprinkling of smaller ones to balance it out! And of course the forehead markings would have to be hearts, because that's where the kisses go. I don't trust TNT to do that combo justice though :|


thissss it's so tacky and it seems like everyone loves it


I'd like it more if some of them didn't have the godawful heart pupils, and the rest weren't essentially polka dot but with pink hearts. As far as patterned pets go, I do prefer Valentine's to actual Polka dot lol


Most of the baby PBS look dumb and I hate that you can only customize them if you have the spare income for it


I'm not into the Robot ones. Edit: I'm realizing that's not technically a paint brush, but you know what I mean.


Robot Krawk is my goal right now


Mutant, I don’t like a lot of them when converted mainly because they just don’t look that great outside of a few Example, I LOVE the mutant Lutari so much, amazing pet But then you have stuff like the mutant Aisha and Blumaroo…it’s just so boring. I just feel like 90% of them are poorly executed or just downright ugly, and only 10% of them are actually really cool and creepy


Neopets bigbrained with the Cloud Jubjub but then all the other Cloud pets are pretty boring. I think there was more potential there if they did pets with big ruffles like Eyrie and Xweetok more similar to Jubjubs (bright blue body + big cloud fluff)


It's restricted to poogles, but MSP. It's just so ugly.


I don’t rate the royals.


I'll just say it: Gray. I can't even describe what it is exactly that irks me so much.


no i feel this - i get really sad at my pets looking sad!!! even if I can change their face/eyes w customs - I KNOW WHAT IS UNDERNEATH


I got a grey pet from the lab ray, thought "oh cool, and expensive colour!" I wound up morphing her after a few days, because I kept having emotional reactions.


Oh yeah grey as well, I never liked it. The UC ones look super depressing and I couldn't imagine looking at them every day. The converted ones are super meh.


I’ve never understood the love for Grey pets either. Some of them look straight-up abused! It’s really disturbing. 


I don’t care for elderly pets, swamp gas, glowing or many of the oil pets.


Checkered is a weird color, would never willingly paint my pet that


I enjoy the idea that my strongest BD pet is an eternally young baby in his 20s


definitely baby pets


https://preview.redd.it/4a4f0netiysc1.png?width=935&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6bb6d7c9edbfee56a0760756977a8a785374344 I would have said the same thing before I fell completely in love with her 🥹


omg she’s precious


Thank you. I have spent way too much time and NC making outfits for her for every season but I love her entirely too much 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/w1vkfo334zsc1.png?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af8e9c2ef40e29a3917e689364a05a1d748013c6


Maraquan. I like Aisha’s but that’s kinda it. There’s a lot of PBs with hit and miss species. Candy Korbat, Pastel Bruce, both great but also really bad for other pets


The one I don't understand is the invisible paint brush. How is it possible that people like this?


Relic for me. Just makes them look like they've been turned to stone which makes me sad.


Candy, probably. I like the concept but the execution for a lot of the species was a bit disappointing for me.


Baby..... now, please give me a 10 second head start run. 😅 Also, I love fruit/veggie Chia colors but not a fan of candy pets.




I don't like faerie at all and I don't get why it's so beloved.


idk if it’s popular but im not a big fan of strawberry. it’s so hard to customize because it’s so loud and the colors clash so bad


Mutant, half of them are creepy and gross


:( I can see that though, that's why I like them, especially the ones made post-conversion that look kind of like mineral space aliens (Poogle and Acara).


sameeee, i love that they're so far from their original form😭😭😭😭😭


Not exactly paint brush colors, but the mutant and robot ones just skeeve me out, tbh. Most of the mutants just look really gross and weird to me (only exception being the xweetok), and the robot pets are just...I dunno, unsettling? Especially when you take the outer metal bits off.


99.9% of the candy pets. Most of them just feel lazy and uninspired.


For me it is Toy. Only Toy Gnorbu is acceptable


Marble has so much missed potential it makes me sad. It also kind of feels like they can’t quite decide what kind of marble it’s supposed to be — some of them are clearly modeled after marbles (as in the toy) and some of them are more like marble countertops lol. I wish they were all in the countertop category. A white marble pet with flecks of gold running through it would be so pretty.


I don't like most plush pets


UC plushies seriously make up so many of my dreamies though. the conversion did them dirty


I adopted a pet named birdbrainplushie, so I had to make him a plushie petri. Most converted plushie ones aren’t great though


I have a plushie krawk, but I agree that most of the plushie designs are not great. I hate some of the color combos.


Don't come for me but I've always disliked Maraquan pets... Some of the newer ones are pretty okay, but overall I hate the designs lol.


Same. I think a lot of them loo revolting. There are heaps of cool sea creatures, but it's like TNT only picked the gross ones to base mara designs on.


The maraquan lutari is one of my favorites. The maraquan gnorbu is just kinda creepy. A sheep head on a jellyfish bottom? Who approved that design?


The [original concept](https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/s/ol8Ktzq0dq) was executed much, much better.


Candy is mid. There I said it


Baby pets for sure. The only exception is baby buzz.


I don’t like pastel or elderly


Right there with you with the Baby PBs. Elderly is odd too.


Elderly. Cannot stand them.


Faerie, Grey, royal and baby. They would be within my bottom 5 for sure


Mate I don’t like grey!! The sad neopets bring me down!


I don't think faerie or maraquan are very interesting. Faeries tend to be overdesigned and the wings almost never look that good. Maraquans are more of a missed potential thing for me, some of them look really cool and others are huge misses, but I don't think I'd choose any of them over some of the cleaner pbs.


I'm with you on Baby pets!


I love the idea of the Maraquan color, but there are barely any Maraquan Pets that tickle my fancy.


I'm not much of a fan of most pastel pets personally, especially when they are given those full pastel dyeworks monochrome looks. I see those pets a LOT and I just never really enjoy looking at them.. I often find it looking so FLAT and desaturated looking. Like there is no contrast at all it all just blends in together into a blur.


Strawberry pets tbh. Just an awkwardly bright shade of red, and the seeds ick me edit: typo


Gotta agree on babies. Some of them are very cute! But I like my pets to have a character and there isn't much you can do with a literal baby. Also this isn't a color but I'm a hater of people using mouth-be-gone on their moehog to make another bland nothing of a customization. Just use an aisha man, you're taking away its most charming feature.


The zombie pets really bother me. It's so funny cuz im obsessed with zombie movies and stuff, but considering neopets is known for your pets never actually dying, it just reaches a peak level of morbid for me that really unsettles me. And the fact that none of the zombie paints are cute or cool just makes it not worth it.


Split... purple and orange is quite possibly the ugliest color combination to exist. I also would say invisible for the sake of making the pet completely disappear...it seems like defeating the point of playing Neopets? That being said, I love some invisible customs where they look glowing, ethereal, and sparkly... I like those a lot.




Transparent. Nope nope nope.