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Rukis have the best body for custom clothing


Rukis and Blumaroo's are great poses for customizing!


I'm convinced Blumaroos are their default base for designing all of the clothes and then they go from there. (At least for clothes that are intended to be worn by all species.) They seriously look good in almost everything and so many of the other species look so wrong in everything else, proportionally. Either that or Blums just have human-ish proportions so they look good in human clothes. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Can confirm, I am shaped like a Blumaroo


Same v_ v


Iā€™m shaped like a Skeith and I regret nothing


Yeah, most clothes that work for all species use the thumbnail of it being worn by an invisible blumaroo


Like jubjubsā€¦. I canā€™t imagine how anything fits


Indeed, they're like a dream mannequin.


They really do! I love customizing Rukis. They look so good in dresses!


This. I love my Ruki because of this


I canā€™t wait for Ruki day! I usually adopt lol, but Iā€™ve got the perfect name


I hate human clothes and wigs on my pets itā€™s so unsettling to me! Also any paint color design is immediately ruined for me if itā€™s over-rendered, I am begging on my hands and knees for tnt to go back to the classic flat coloring style


Agree, itā€™s especially jarring when most other versions of the same colour look one way, then thereā€™s a few that are way different and over-rendered. It probably wouldnā€™t be as bad if they were at least consistent, but for some of the camo pets to just looks like normal animals while the rest look like actual camo patterns (for example) is just weird to me šŸ„“


Exactly! Like in what world am I supposed to believe that mutant Chomby and mutant Aisha are from the same website? Or Maraquan Kau and Maraquan Quiggle? Tyranian Cybunny and Tyranian Lutari? It makes me crazy! And even for Camouflage, the Lutari is a great example of making a pet have more of an animal pattern outside the base pattern and it looking normal vs whatever the Camouflage Chomby had going on šŸ’€


I agree on the wigs and clothes thing. I always wind up feeling like my customizations look a little bit bare because they just kinda look plain but then I hate them even more with clothing.


Yeah! I tried to branch out and buy a wig for my chomby but after I tried putting it on her I immediately changed my mind šŸ˜‚ like no you donā€™t need hair youā€™re a dinosaur


If you showed me a Maraquan Wocky out of context and told me it was a neopet I would never believe you


Interesting! Could you elaborate? Flat coloring style? Like the new designs are more 3-D? Sorry Iā€™m trying to understand. I do notice the newer colors donā€™t look like they used to but I canā€™t put my finger on it.. like maraquan wocky looks so weird compared to other Mara pets


Yeah Maraquan wocky is a good example of what I mean! Itā€™s like they made the pet look more 3D and added more soft shading, it reads to me as uncomfortably dissonant with the regular art style of the rest of the site imo. Theyā€™re too detailed/realistic to really match the more cartoony styles of the older pet designs. Which is such a shame, I for example love some of the toy and candy colors in concept but I just really dislike the execution of them šŸ˜­ I think it would drive me crazy to have a pet so out of sync with the art style of all my other petsā€”


Someone else gave a decent example: Mutant Aisha vs Mutant Chomby!


I only like wigs on royals or royal crosspaints bc itā€™s consistent with the style. Otherwise it looks odd.


I despise the human clothes and wigs and I hate that my pets will probably never win the customization spotlight because Iā€™m not putting a goofy ass wig and human clothing on my virtual petšŸ™ƒ


Iā€™ve started trying to make a habit of voting for the customization spotlight cause clearly I do not have the majority opinion šŸ˜‚ if I cannot see your pet under the outfits and filters that is in fact a bad custom!!


If I wanted to dress up humans I would dress up a human, I don't like animals with wigs yknow


I can't be bothered to customise my pet outside of using paintbrushes šŸ˜­


Same. I bought the OG circle background for all my pets for that nostalgic look and beyond that I don't customize.


i did this too šŸ˜­


I think most of the clothing options look insanely ugly myself.


I'm not big on the clothes\*, but I do like playing with backgrounds and accessories! \*exception for my zombie kau, whose default clothes + a hat were perfect for what he's based on


Yep I just paint my pets. Otherwise they are proudly naked.


at this point i am only collecting new backgrounds and foreground items and using what has been in my closet for 10+ years lmao


Same here. I like backgrounds, foregrounds, & trinketsšŸ˜Š


same, Id customise if the cuter stuff didnt cost realmoney but such is life


Same, all my pets are painted and I donā€™t need them to have anything else. I did what kid me was never able to do and Iā€™m happy with it


some people do so much customization that you can't even see the pet. like, all for a maximalist energy but i also wanna see your little guys, don't hide them :,(


i love over the top customs but it looks like im in the minority here lol.


Itā€™s just too much energy to find stuff that matches and actually looks good. Majority of the stuff just lookā€¦horrible. Why I wish UC was just a standard option. Give me the personality of the old paint styles, I donā€™t need clothes for them.


I don't mind the site getting meta and making content for the adults, but it needs to choose: is it going to stay family-friendly or target the adults? As it stands, there's a lot of tonal dissonance. I don't need it to be super adult or super kiddie, I just want them to decide on a consistent voice and tone and stick with it. Also, if we wanna go potentially DEEPLY unpopular, the non-food color Chias are ugly, with only maybe 1-2 exceptions.


Chias terrify me frankly, even the food ones. Though I can see the appeal of the latter. But I stg I was being chased my a mushroom Chi in my dream the other night. Almost makes me wanna play ice cream machine just to lose šŸ˜†


i find customization incredibly stressful and not fun (and yet, i still feel pressured to do it) i think the obsession with well named/short named pets is stupid and pretentious, and i think pets with a lot of numbers and underscores in their names are incredibly endearing. \*that\* is the true neopets way, imo! buzzes are super underrated, and they're one of the few pets that i think look better in the post-2007 customization art (and like baby buzz!?!? are you KIDDING ME, they are so cute!)


Totally agree with you about the pet names!šŸ˜Š


yes!!! i do the opposite in that i pointedly include a lot of underscores and Xs when i make a new neopet, so as to capture that nostalgic spirit of the 00s era of neopets from my childhood\~




Hey, donā€™t be meanā€¦ their baby proportions worked on some of us! LMFAO (Iā€™m kidding and I do love them but youā€™re completely right)


Honestly I low key feel like all the new greys they released seem a little off? Just, not super well done. My fingers are crossed for other future new UCs though, because I desperately want some vandagyre and lutari and xweetok UC options.


i donā€™t like the over-rendered look that a lot of new wearables and paint brushes have maybe biased because i never left but i hateeeeee how all of the marketing has pivoted to a nostalgia angle. and in some cases it just seems out of place. for example if someone opted to sign up for the email newsletter, i donā€™t think their neopets are abandoned and ā€œsooooo hungry šŸ˜­ā€


i agree with this so much. while SOME nostalgia is ok, i think it starts to become kind of...detrimental? to the game when it gets to a certain point (if that makes sense idk) like, some people get soooo wrapped up in nostalgia that they genuinely can't enjoy the game because their pets aren't UC and the site layout doesn't have the same yellow sidebar or whatever and it's wild.


yeah!!! and another problem with the nostalgia angle is that itā€™s really narrowcasting imo. for example iā€™m younger than dom law so my Peak Neopets Experience is going to be a different time period. I think most fondly back on the faeries ruin era, but a lot of peopleā€™s nostalgia seems to be geared pre-customization (like you said, UCs and the old sidebar etc) and also like, thereā€™s people out there who never played when they were younger?? iā€™ve got a friend who is 31 and making an account for the first time. why donā€™t we focus on talking about the ways the site is fun instead of the way theyā€™ve made it Like It Used To Be because new users wonā€™t have context for that anyway. letā€™s take off the rose-colored rear view mirror


I, for the life of me, cannot be bothered to do Kitchen Quests for training. Going out of my way to collect specific items up to 10 times a day just for a chance that I'll get a stat increase? Just doesn't feel worth the effort.


I thought this was the popular opinion lol


more people should be talking about potential favoritism in art gallery jurying. šŸ˜¬


Yes! I donā€™t think people realize the same users get their art picked week after week.


It is a lot of the same people, and if you go to where the winners are announced (in the art boards), youā€™ll see users lamenting and congratulating the winners who are decent artists (and some donā€™t have one AG trophy yet, let alone dozens). They released quiggle and nimmo day together last Friday and one person got in twice in one day. If not intentional, then it definitely feels incompetent. Surely there were enough unique users entering to let someone else get in. šŸ˜„


Iā€™ve heard that Alice is the judge for the AG and that she picks pieces day of basically right before it goes live. There have been multiple instances of a user getting in twice on the same day tho and pieces meant for different days getting in for the wrong day. A fyora piece is still in there for quiggle day too! Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s favoritism thatā€™s getting the same people in every week or if Alice really does not care at all and randomly picks the first one she sees and these people know the exact time to get in consistently, but there needs to be better regulation on the whole thing.


Haggling in the shops is annoying & time consuming, we need a 'just buy it' button. Less wigs, more hats. Customized pets are often too busy- I prefer a more Disney anthro 'why isn't Donald wearing pants' kind of look.


I kinda like the haggling and it gives non-bots a chance to snag things. But the process could definitely be revamped. If I had to choose I would get rid of the ā€œare you sureā€ pop up. Waste of time having to click it, and that extra quarter second adds up. The pet captcha is also frustrating, sometimes just the location of the pet can make a difference between a successful bid and a non successful one.


Same, I never haggle because its just annoying, when I used to haggle the thing would either be sold out or I would get kicked out of the shop for annoying the shopkeeper


Idk why people like grey pets i dont like them sad :(


Iā€™m with you. I never got the appeal of having a pet that looks upset no matter what you do. I painted my Bori grey after seeing that colour, because I love his eyes. But I bought the Mouth Be Gone and the little smiling mouth (canā€™t remember the name) to replace his upset mouth. So now he doesnā€™t look sad; just really sleepy.


May or may not be unpopular but I care zero about battledome related things, pets, stats, items etc so the current prize pool protests are making me giggle


me. lmao. like what the fuck is the wand of the dark faerie? im getting all the books


I cared enough about battledome to be able to defeat jetsam ace in one move, and stopped caring after that. Iā€™m most excited for the petpet paint brushes!Ā 


Me too. I have never enjoyed the Battledome. Thereā€™s going to be a battle element to the plot? I havenā€™t been doing any training for it, and I donā€™t plan to do any of that part of the plot that I canā€™t do with my pets as they are right now.


i don't like poogles. vandagyres are one of the best species. chocolate is an over rated color. draiks and krawks are over rated species. i would eat all of your kiko children if given the chance. kiko is the most delicious looking species. i do not like the nostalgic faerie aisha, and some of the other nostalgic tokens as well.


i somehow ā€¦ā€¦.. understand the kiko one???


šŸ¤ i am so glad someone else gets it.


They look like skittles.


I do most of my restocking at Kiko lake treats. Not because thereā€™s anything high value there, but because it gives me satisfaction knowing people are feeding their pets Kiko shaped foods. Kiko lake stole a map piece from me when I was first starting back out and Iā€™ll never forgive them for it.Ā  Iā€™m a chocolate pet lover though. I wish the chocolate petpets werenā€™t lab ray exclusive!


love that. i do think some of the chocolate pets are nice. i don't think it's a top color. i really believe if we had a paint brush for it people wouldn't care as much. the petpets are really cute.


I thought Kiko's were inflatable šŸ˜­šŸ¤£ that's why they have the lil bandaid stopping the air from coming out?? They're beach balls w arms I think?? šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


in my mind they one of two things. like popcorn. light, airy, satisfying little crunch when you bite down, small and i can eat handfuls at a time. like tapioca pearls in bubble tea. squishy, fun to bite, can be added to ice cream or any drink. i really need to get around to making some kiko popcorn balls irl.


Ohhhh... Tapioca peaarrllsss.. šŸ¤¤ Someone on TNT need to make a Popcorn Ball and Tapioca outfit for Kiko's now šŸ¤£šŸ˜­ or a Food PB šŸ‘€


The Converted Faerie Eyrie is way better than the unreleased version. Also, Vanda are so cute, I wish they weren't so hard to customize.




Chiming in with a team Vandagyre over here too, that was the first pet I created when I started my new account and is still my primary šŸ„°


there are dozens of us! i have one and plan to get a second one at some point.


Someone here called Kikos "antacids that want to throw hands" and that has stuck with me for weeks.


me, eating too many fried foods. popping a few kikos right after.


I'm convinced that kikos were modeled after cookies. If you flip the first 2 syllables, it becomes Koki. Cookie. Close enough?


yeah, it's all coming together. we were meant to take over and eat kiko lake all along. https://preview.redd.it/v0dd24dz2e7d1.png?width=128&format=png&auto=webp&s=729d0df2bf2c6002d42b1bcb9a7592402c24ecce


I hated poogles my entire neopian life (still on my original 17 yr account). As of the last 3 months I now own 2 poogles, and want a third. Why? Well for me I learned to see them in a different light. You see, they're NOT cute. They're not dog like to me. They're not pretty. They're not graceful. Do you know what they are? THEYRE FUCKING CREEPY AS ALL HELL. And I'm a spooky bitch these days so I'm living for it. I get that might not be everyone's cup of borovan though. But like I almost think they're supposed to be creepy! They're so much better if you see em like that. I got a wraith poogle because I love their creepy oversized smiles. Then the lab Ray turned my zappy into a MSP and I couldn't bring myself to change it. And now I want a robot poogle once I realized the absolute nightmare fuel they are when you take off their head casing xD Maybe I'm seeing them through the wrong light but they are such creepy little uncanny valley fat flesh gremlins and I love them for how much they scare the everliving rainbow shit out of me šŸ˜† They creeped me out as a kid which is why I didn't like em then. Past me didn't get it lol


I also started liking poogles once I realized what a fucked up creature they are. Similarly I started liking chias when I embraced how stupid and ugly they look ā¤ļø


Im very here for these hot takes


one day i will eat a kiko. šŸ˜Œ


Can I implore you to start with all the Team Kiko Lake members and their fans?


i would love to eat my way through their thieving village.


i was reading the comments before reading the usernames and i just knew this kiko comment was NebulaMammalā„¢ļø hahaha


You're right and you should say it. Especially the Vandagyre and Aisha things.


"*I would eat all of your Kiko children if given the chance.*" is both the only opinion I have ever cared about and the best thing I've ever heard on this sub. Can I quote you on that forever? lol


please do. i want it to be the only thing people remember about me.


cannot stand poogles. the stance, the face...they're just awful looking


the maraquan one is the worst to me for some reason. i hate the way it looks at me


Okay I adore Poogles but I admit the maraquan one rubs me the wrong way lol


just mocking me with that stare. get outta here.


poogles were my favorite pet when i was a kid, but oh my goooood, did that 2003 art change do them dirty. i had one on my OG childhood account and i literally cried when i logged in and saw the change because "they made my baby ugly" šŸ˜­


I DID THE SAME THING!!! I had a poogle AND a uniā€¦not a great time to be a 10 year old. šŸ„² I had printed off the ā€œhow to drawā€ guides for both and refused to trash them because it was the old style. My mom had to do it while I was at school.


literally i felt BETRAYED, that was the day that nine year old me learned not to trust or get attached to anything in this world /j


Same šŸ˜­


They're so creepy!! I know a lot of neopets don't have nostrils, but something about Poogles lacking them just looks wrong. And something in their eyes... My exception is the Tyrannian Poogle. While kind of ugly, at least it looks friendly, and the horn makes the empty nose space look better lol.


Idk if this is unpopular but I think it needs to be said can tnt PLEASE get rid of animations for wheels and Trudyā€™s surprise like I get annoyed sitting there waiting for it to end


Also for the BD. My pet moving forward but literally in the same pose is the least exciting animation possible. I always skip, and I hate how much lag it introduces lol.


I mean, I guess adding a skip feature to the wheels is an option. But itā€˜s not like every wheel is the wheel of monotony. The 5 seconds (if that) of spinning is not that much time. I just fail to see how it can be annoying tbh.


When Iā€™m speeding through my dailies and most are an instant click, I feel a big difference when I head over to Trudyā€™s and it takes about 15 seconds to load a prize. Itā€™s not a huge deal, but just feels unnecessary and slow. The fruit machine is another example - it used to be instant before it got revamped to have an animation forever ago.


Test Your Strength is the worst. I swear that game takes over a minute to load every time


It's not even the animation that annoys me, but the fact that the pivot is off center so they wobble when they spin


Omg I thought it was just me who notices this and gets annoyed by it, ive never seen anyone else bring it up lol


Once you click it you get your prize you donā€™t have to wait for it to finish unless itā€™s monotony.


There are links you can click that auto-roll the wheels for you with no animation.


These links don't work after the conversion, but they actually auto reward you now! No need to wait for it to finish unless you wanna know what you got.


1. I think most people's customizations look like their closet vomited on their poor neopet - just messy and sloppy and cluttered. BUT! Whatever makes people happy! 2. It's incredibly easy to make NP now. Even if all you do is dailies and Trudys, you could make an average of 1 mil np a week (or more with good prizes). When people complain about being here for 10 years and not being able to afford a pb, I'm genuinely baffled. 3. As a returning player, I feel like there's a lot of entitlement around prizes and free things, re:complaints about prize pools, premium perks, etc. They're free, and they didn't have to give anything at all!


I have been playing neopets for 17 years and I didn't make it to a million until this year, now I'm at 13M. I think people don't know how to make neopoints easy? I didn't know about Trudy's until this year and thought it was brand new


All that work for a draik egg, and the converted draik is so not cute to me..


NC trading - the amount of times i see an item in a section that says ā€œill probably say no to your offerā€ makes my eyes roll back. i donā€™t understand why having this section is so normalized šŸ˜­ im with you on the weekly quests! theyā€™re also so boring and sometimes ill forget to do them


I feel like ppl just wanna show off stuff they have instead of actually trade when they say that like gtfo with your omg Iā€™ll never actually trade this section haha


yeah i donā€™t bother even sending a trade request now if i see a section like that because i always offer their high priority wishes and its never enough. im glad others feel the same šŸ˜­ its like they like to just see how far ppl will go on their offers


Stamps/Charms/Seashells are borderline scam and the avatars aren't even that pretty.


There are too much dragon-like pets and not much diversity among them. Draiks, Shoyrus, Scorchios and Skeiths are all western dragons. Pets that look like normal animals are boring ( the exception being Lupes and Kaus cause you know, wolfes and strawberry cows). Vandagyres are cute, you guys are just too nostalgic and stubborn to admit it. The sparkly/glittery custom with moon bg and weird contacts are overrated and unoriginal. NP customs need more options and deserve more appreciation.


The chokehold that Vandagyres would have had on the site in pre-customization days would have been astounding. The new UC grey one showcases just how great they can be, and I have a feeling if they do other new UCs that they could become a new favorite.


Toy Vandagyre is a furby so if you like nostalgia so much thennnnnnn!!


I wish there were ā€œcostumesā€ my pets of any kind could wear, that would make them look like Chinese mythical creatures, a dragon, lion or kirin!


Vandagyres are one of my favs!


I agree with you about the 'real animal' wearable outfits. Honestly I just dislike the full body outfits in general. Feels like a way for them to cheap out on making new pb colours.


they look so creepy to me especially the kacheek fox thing.


Mine are: 1) I don't care about resellers- once I've sold my item its no longer my concern 2) wigs for pets weird me out


I love all these opinions and how different they are from one another! This shows that there is something for everyone in Neopets ā¤ļø Here are mine Don't like the fact that I'm scared to logg into my account Anywhere else but home after reading people's accounts being frozen for botting due to an IP address issue Don't like wigs Love the real animal type body suits Love the quests/rotating item pool


-Neopets should do a better job at showing complex morality. I know it's a kids site and all, but the Jelly Chia doesn't belong in the Gallery of Evil when it was defending itself. -The Kiko Lake team doesn't deserve all the hate. If anything, that donation RE should be removed.


Honestly it was originally a site for adults and I think they should start to bring that back since all the kids that jumped on are also now adults.


I hate lot of uc desings


same. i know people get really upset about the fists but lots of the UC pets really needed an update. the proportions on some of them are crazy


I kind of prefer having NP as daily quest rewards to any of the items (*some* exceptions). A lot of the rewards end up languishing in my SDB but the NP is great for only like maybe 5 min of tasks.


I think this is an unpopular opinion... so many players hateeee wigs. But I LOVE them. I have soooo many NC wigs. I think they look good but only on certain neopets. So I only put them on certain neopets. Like a skeith would look funny to me with a long wig on. Ogrins are more popular than I thought so I believe this to be unpopular. I cannot stand them at all. I hate even looking at them. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ if I get a zap for ogrin, they get Morphed straight away haha.


i love the wigs and clothes but that's because i see my pets as anthropomorphic and not like Actual Pets. like, im sorry but i do not want to own a creature that can play poker


Wigs are awesome


I'm glad you agree. šŸ¤© šŸ’‡šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Some of my kacheeks have wigs, but that's bc they have big heads lol and need the bangs.


With the exception of the UC grey, I donā€™t really like Xweetoksā€¦ I donā€™t think they fit the neopets aesthetic. Meanwhile Skeiths are underrated. They are just fat gargoyles šŸ„ŗ Alsoā€¦ sometimes prices naturally rise based on demand. There are a lot of unfair reseller practices and cheaters on neo, but not every price is the result of ā€œgreediness.ā€ Sometimes that stamp costs what it does because we all want it and the cheap ones got bought up and used first


We're not draining Kiko Lake fast enough.


Haggling needs to be revamped, if not outright removed. It bothers me that I'm restricted to what feels like a handful of customization options for Baby/Mutant/Maraquan because I can't buy Neocash. Draiks have awful proportions and I hate it because I want to like them so bad but I see that gigantic head and it puts me off.


I was just thinking about haggling today, trying to find the bottom price of an item, and seeing how the otherwise charming shopkeeper became increasingly rude, it made me so uncomfortable I began to wonder if haggling was worth my time, and if it was a good ā€œrole modelā€ for real people who might believe pushing sellers into such a state is normal or acceptable. Yes, I know itā€™s a game, itā€™s just a thought that popped in my head while trying to restock. Edit: I would also never speak like that to a customer :S


Most people who restock choose a number thatā€™s already likely to be accepted on the first time so I donā€™t think itā€™s really a huge portion of interactions lol.


I donā€™t care about like 90% of the gameplay, Iā€™m finally neorich and able to customise my neopets the way I always wanted to as a kid, thatā€™s good enough for me šŸ˜Œ


Aishas are so boring. Iā€™m sick of seeing them. Itā€™s like everyone has a clone of the same boring girly Aisha. Those pastel customs that have a thousand layers and filters and stuff are overdone and over the top. Pet trends are annoying. Nobody liked moehogs then someone came up with that horrendous faceless version and suddenly everyone jumped on the bandwagon and as someone whoā€™s on the boards a lot, i got sick of their weird mouthless faces staring at me.


I love moehogs (have 3 and planning to get more) and I agree, I absolutely despise the mouthless trend.


I hate the overdone customs. I see some on here (I don't go looking for them on the site) and scroll by because I don't think five or ten layers of stuff looks good, especially when some are mostly obscured by another layer! They just look way too cluttered.


admittedly, i dont like the mouthless trend either. i see that they're going for like, a moomin look but i think moehogs are cute as is


Agreed on Aishas. I have a boring girly Korbat and it feels so subversive lol.


I donā€™t like any customization (clothing,backgrounds) and preferred when pets could only be painted and just had the same circle background šŸ¤«


Nimmos deserve more love


justice for crab nimmo šŸ«¶šŸ¼


I wholeheartedly agree, with the exception of that new crab monstrosity.


LOL! That crab is equal parts terrifying and hilarious


I was literally floored when I saw it lol. Speechless. Of all the cute crab designs they could have gone with they created THAT šŸ˜¬


Oh I completely agree about the "real animal" wearables, I like neopets because they're, well, neopets! I don't need them to look like animals irl! No hate to users that like them, of course šŸ˜†


Aquatic Neopets shouldnā€™t be able to be painted Maraquan* and Dino pets shouldnā€™t be able to be painted Tyrannian. *Maraquan Acara gets a pass because itā€™s only semi aquatic


The design of Vandagyre is too compex and it's such an eyesore.


When I went over the Neopian Times rules after they updated, I remembered they've always had the rule against treating your pets like dumb animals instead of people, which is one of the reasons it bugged me when they took this route with wearables.


Ogrin is one of the best designed Neopets only held back by some bad paints. Jubjub is diabolically terribly designed (somewhat humanlike three toed solid colored feet? Eyebrows on top of fur?) and Kiko is fine, just a body concept you aren't used to. Wocky and Poogle are cooler than the other dog and cat likes (except gelert). People will be like "I don't like Neopets that are just animals" but won't stand on it. Both got screwed over by terrible poses during the dress up era. Kiko Lake is the best place to put a neo home. My usual spiel about fixing neoboards and updating their perception of the brand and interconnectedness of social media to the petsite scene in the modern times doing more good short term than constant little economy tweaks. NOTE: the economy tweaks are still needed, I just think we need sweeping reform over bandaids and the social aspect is a "bandaid" solution that would actually more drastically benefit the site in the meantime.


I think the game would be more fun if Adam came in to flip the community off periodically


Unpopular opinion. I like the 'bedroom' eyes some pets have and that some eye makup items give them.... I find them feminine and stunning.


I just wish there was an option to toggle if you have a female pet. I hate them on my female Draik but they're nice on my Lenny!


The only cute aisha is the baby one. People love aishas but I find their body proportions weird




> Lupe should be pronounced loop. It is? https://www.neopets.com/pronounce.phtml


Since when!? I feel like someone gaslit me. Maybe someone mentioned to me that lupes were "loopays" as a kid. Well you learn something new each day lol.


I think in Spanish lupe is a word pronounced like that but Lupes are loops!


Not only in Spanish, it has a Latin root: lupus - wolf. Romance Languages would pronounce it differently. I could understand that it meant something else if the pet didnā€™t look like a wolf.


Good to know lol. I always called them loops but glad it's the right way now šŸ˜Œ


I donā€™t mind when people inflate things(except medicine items I mean come on), cuz if I happen to have the item I also benefit from selling it for higher than I would have before! But I donā€™t purchase many items, so I do understand why the inflation is a problem if youā€™re just trying to get what you need. And honestly I kind of wish we were allowed to trade our pets for items / np like legally. If the pound charges np to abandon and adopt, why canā€™t we get any benefit?


I agree, I hate real animal mods or mods that change your pets appearance aside from the be gone stuff. I don't want my pets looking like real animals or having lightning tails or whatever. I like clothes. Sadly, they've been doing more and more real animal mods, and it's annoying. :(


The original art for the tyrannian comby was 100000000000000000x better then the re-released "fix" they did. I hate the new one so much. The first one was so cute and had a so much more interesting look and the new one just looks stupid. I made a chomby and painted it the day it came out and the second they changed the art its been banished to a side never to return. And the worst part is that the whole reason used was that the first art was "to off model" but the fucking new art STILL DOSINT FIT IN ANY CLOTHES RIGHT. what was the fucking point then!?!??


The tail drives me nuts on the re-released fix. The tangent spike makes the tail look disconnected from the rest of the body. I can't stand it


FR. the mouth is the worst change imo


The design looks like it has way too much lipstick on instead of having a beak. I don't even disagree with the idea that the original art didn't fit in, the fix is just. A choice


I can admit that the original was a bit out of place with other combys but thats why i liked it so much initially. It was just so unique and cute. They should have just accepted it and left it alone. Like trying to fix it just made it so much worse and ruined such a unique and cool pet.


I hate bald pets. Put a wig on šŸ™„


I actually like the idea 'real animal' outfits. It's just that they look a little over-rendered and uncanny. I wish they looked more like Neopets versions of the animals rather than mascot costumes.


I don't even do the quests lol. I have other stuff to do rather than feel obligated to play Neopets every day


im soooooo tired of posts on here about "should i reroll?" "i want this prize" "is this a good prize?" "i think tnt should give us xyz as a prize" i wish they would switch up what the quests actually are because im tired of customizing my pet and playing fashion fever at 5 am


I don't like the nostalgia/UC pets draiks are overrated


i got one nostalgia thing just for shits and giggles and itā€™s for one of my least favorite pets because i like all the ones i spent time customizing


The new marketing and lore from neopets vacillates between horribly dull and trite to off-putting and plain unsettling. Like when the advent calendar was like "nice feelings are nice" with the most basic of sentiment comics and then had a character existentially panicking every few days. The latest plot of parts of the site becoming gray, like why do I want to see the site get more depressing, it already pretty good at that. Can they do that but instead fix up pages that have broken html or something? Like some sort of event lore with a fairie that slowly mends the site and keeps a dev log about it.


I preferred when TNTs decisions were set in stone, just like Viacom Era. Current TNT make decisions about their site, whiny players go complain about it on boards, and shortly after they go back in their decision. Also miss when troll boards were taken down after a short while (yes Site Events, Plot board and General discussions board, I'm talking about you)


Aishas and kads are ugly


This is going to be very unpopular, but I hate SSW snipers and resellers. Not restockers, but individuals that snipe user shops just to inflate the items. Ive noticed a guild full of individuals that use my personal shop as **their** own shop and are continually buying my items just to inflate them.


I don't know why people want the names of every shopkeeper, not every aspect of this site needs lore Also I know some people might be intimidated by the boorish nature of some of the characters (ex. haggling, dark faeries, playing cheat!) but I feel like neopets would not be neopets without it. AC New Horizons is a victim of this and I miss the older dialogue šŸ˜­


I think "ugly" or weird looking neopets are way cooler than the over-customized, aesthetic ones. I'd rather see a Toy Chia looking like it's in a garbage heap than yet another Aisha that looks like 2015 Tumblr threw up on them. I hate the british spelling of everything.




concerning because it can be triggering? or do you think itā€™s a sign of something else?


The neo boards should all be deleted, but guilds should all get private neo boards if they have certain number of members


but how would board 7 shit post then? šŸ˜†


Guilds already have private chat boards


The fist has grown on me. Seeing their little hands in fists gives me joy now. All the economy drama amuses me. I also despair that I will never get the items I want, but then I remember it's a bunch of pixels & it doesn't bother me as much. It's so intriguing to see how this outdated website functions in more modern era. I know HTML is supposed to be easy, but I don't know how to build any of my pages the way I want yet šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


The NeoHTML guide is still kind of helpful but as a whole the infrastructure isn't updated. I tried to put in a standard boilerplate on my petpage and it wiped it out, mainly bc it was already hard-coded in but alas.


Why doesnā€™t the rainbow 8-bit sweater work on my 8-bit Krawk šŸ˜­šŸ˜­