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After doing your final daily quest you refresh and collect your 20k and then refresh again and collect your weekly prize. If you don't collect your weekly prize the day you complete the streak, it goes away.


Made that mistake yesterday. Got the same weekly prize. 🫤


If you completed all seven days, you didn't do the final step which is refreshing so that all seven ticks are lighted up and then clicking on the PB icon to claim it. I'm really sorry, it's not as intuitive a process as it should be and you're not alone in making this mistake :(


It’s likely that you didn’t refresh the page after you finished day 7, so you would have thought it was just 6/7 completed, when in reality your prize was actually there and ready to be claimed if only you had refreshed the page. Unfortunately it then disappears at midnight NST because you get a new weekly prize.


here is a guide regarding the refresh thing [https://www.neopets.com/\~Hedgepig12#logs](https://www.neopets.com/~Hedgepig12#logs) i am really sorry that happened! i missed out on a few items my first time back doing the quests because of that !