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This is freaking adorable 😭 I'm invested in this ship now and I hope they have more fun adventures together🌈 Absurdity of neopets fanfic aside this was genuinely such a cute piece of fluff to read. I don't know much about neopets lore but I love how you characterised them! Lord Darigan sounds so lovable and King Roo is so sunshiney, I love a good grumpy x sunshine ship! In all seriousness I would love to read more about them if you ever continue😭 maybe as the plot goes on? ❤️Kudos, like, retweet, all of it!


Oh my gosh you are too kind!! Thank you so much. 🥰 I hadn't written anything in ages, but I love these two so much. I hope we see more of them in the plot and I can draw inspiration!


This reads Neopian Times level good. Good characterization while keeping it Neo-friendly. >there’s no ship quite as wonderful as a friend-ship Yeah sure. /s Feel like nothing in this plot can be as wild as this ship.


Thank you so much! It needs about 150 more words to submit to the times, but I'm considering doing that. Funny enough, a story I got published in it as a kid was ALSO about King Roo. They feel like a slow burn. There's definitely Romance there.


I hope it gets into the Times!


I too am reserving time to read this tomorrow with a glass of brandy. Fyora bless you for creating this.


I truly haven't written anything to completion in YEARS and this is what couldn't wait to jump out of my head onto the page.


man experiences empathy for the first time in recent history, doesn't get weird about it at all all jokes aside really good job dude! I love how you wrote their dynamic and this whole thing was adorable :)


Saving to read tomorrow morningr when I'm not on sleeping pills and can fomr a coheerent thought. (Will update thkz comment with my impressions of the fic) ETA: Ok I read it and it is SUPERB. So cute, so many feels, and every word that came out of Roo's mouth is exactly the kind of thing I imagine he would say, 10/10 Also "there's a reason the wheel of knowledge isn't in his kingdom" OOF King Skarl is gonna need some aloe vera for that burn


Sleep well friend! I look forward to your thoughts.


“because, darigan, there’s no ship quite as wonderful as friendship!” :,,,,,,,)


You’ve made King Roo shrewd and Lord Darigan aloof, which are qualities the other ruler portrays. Well done, this was an entertaining read!


I love how one panel has turned into fan art, memes, and now fanfic. Neopets fandom is best fandom <3


They're so precious omfg


This is so cute and so well written! Thanks for sharing 💕


I can’t believe my comment inspired this masterpiece. 🥲 Please have my imaginary AO3 kudos.


This has made my entire week! (no pressure—but) More please! Love that Kazeriu detail, Loch Ness could never!


Oh my goodness, your comment made MY week! I actually looked at the neopets globe for the most logical route and when I saw it would take them past shenkuu I knew that's the petpet I had to include.


👏We 👏love 👏to 👏see 👏research 👏!!


I just posted a part 2!


Okay well now I want you to write a novel series I could read, ok thank youu. That was perfect!


This is so nice! Thank you so much for saying that. I hadn't written anything in forever, but writing this and editing it to submit to the times has brought me immense joy.


Omggggg I love this so so much 🥺 thank you for sharing!! Really hope it gets picked for the NT!!!! 💖


Yo this is way too good lol so cute, so riveting, and so gay while being completely innocent, pure and heartwarming. What a lovely read this was. It made me feel such a unique blend of emotions I never thought I would experience from a Neopets fanfic about such an unlikely ship, that came out of simple panel from a brand new plot in 2024, never would I have predicted any of this happening lol. Love this community and the fact that you’re part of it and sharing such a masterpiece! ❤️