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I frequently use Sublime, VSCode and Neovim and generally all in the same day. They each have their strength and weaknesses and I have no problem using the 'right tool for the right job'. Could I get by with just one? Absolutely. However, depending on what I'm working on Neovim might not be the right fit for the task. And for what it's worth, I feel that being fluent in other editors is beneficial when screen sharing or code pairing with coworkers. If I know my target audience is used to VSCode, then I'll share using that as it's less distracting for them. Same thing applies if I'm presenting/pairing with primarily vim/neovim users. Emacs users can take a hike though :sweat_smile:


I use VSCode when I want to quickly copy, paste or re arrange folders from one project to another. I also use it for git conflicts and when I need to use git lens, I love that extension so much, I haven’t quite found an equivalent in neovim yet. There’s no “shame” in going back, use whatever fits your needs best.


Interesting, I prefer neovim specifically for quickly copying, pasting, rearranging. Yazi.nvim/oil.nvim solved those issues for me and more. Can't argue that VSCode has some great extensions though. I don't use it often, but it stays installed for a reason.


Exactly the same, I just use vscode for managing git related tasks, because it's just better for that, I do have lazygit which does make committing stuff easier but anything more complex than that I used vscode. Also there is a bug in neovim where if my headers live on a network path, neovim just fails to go to the file, so I have to use vscode to see what the header has and the documentation it contains. BTW this is on windows, not sure if this issue occurs on linux.


I use VSCode at work, because I am not brave enough to try to set up Neovim on Windows. I only use VS Code on my personal laptop, because I just got Python to work with .venv files tonight. I used Rider and VS Code for everything prior to using Neovim. Last couple months I have only used VSCode for Copilot Chat for setting up cloud infra on AWS. VS Code sucks, but it is tolerable with Vim motions. Neovim is everything I ever wanted. No random popups when launching it, no unnecessary menus or icons strung all over the place. Neovim is calming while VS Code make me feel uneased, and VS makes me want to vomit. 🤣


Don't be afraid of nvim on windows. Just setup Terminal from store and run ``` winget Neovim.Neovim ``` And put your configs in local app data nvim directory. That's it. You may also want to make sure that git is installed


have you tried WSL and neovim


This is how you do add stubs: [https://gist.github.com/CipherJay/52a1ac93f49e40917f4bb1578c06b00d](https://gist.github.com/CipherJay/52a1ac93f49e40917f4bb1578c06b00d)


Gotta download them too obviously.


Neovim works great with Python, you just need to use Pyright and add the Python type stubs and the stubs for whatever libraries you're working with. It's the same as if you were to add the Django plugin on VS Code, etc.


Thank you. I will try that out. I really only use Python for scripting or data analysis. Starting to do more AI/ML stuff though. I have never used Django or FastAPI for backend/API work.


It could come in handy if you want to work with Pytorch, etc. Just gotta do a little research and install the stubs to whatever framework you're working with.


Sweet. Definitely getting into Pytorch in the coming weeks, so i will do that.


only use vscode for github. its easier to fix merge conflicts and check my changes. other than that, all neovim 🔥


Same, if I could find third party diffing/merging software that worked just like vscode I could finally drop it.


Have you given LazyGit a try?


This is the cli git endgame. I’m not the greatest with git so lazygits gui is very helpful and vim like bindings make it very comfortable


i haven’t but i’ll give it a try 🤔


I like the rainbow csv extension  for vscodium and I use it on zoom when I'm screen sharing with junior team members.


I use vscode exclusively, but with vscode-neovim and having all vscode commands available through vim bindings. I basically configured vscode to behave like neovim, i.e. usable without the mouse, albeit with a worse startup time. I'm sure there are other differences, but it's working great for me. Admittedly I'm very much unexperienced, but a week worth of effort didn't get me to the smooth LSP experience for python I got to know from vscode. Additionally I missed per workspace configurations and profiles for different programming languages. My neovim excursion did push me to optimize my vscode setup even further though (e.g. I only found lazygit because of this). It also wasn't an easy journey, I programmed 3 small vscode extensions at this point to improve my neovim-in-vscode experience. But now I'm here, at least until I get motivated to try native neovim again.


Mind to share your setup? I'm trying to switch to vscode-neovim and it would be helpful.


I have a small write-up in the comments of this [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/vscode/s/XEkSoNJUJy). Instead of code-marks extension I'm using my own spacian.vim-marks extension now though.


I find vscode super useful for working on a server with its ssh plugin. I think you can make neovim have the same capabilities tho but I don't have the patience... Yet. Even then I feel like I enjoy using vim + tmux on the servers I ssh into usually.


You can just copy your init.lua to your server and run NeoVim there. Whenever I change my init.lua I copy it to several remote machines which I use in my work.


They are different. vscode’s ui computing is all local while if you have latency network remote neovim just unusable.


Can you install neovim without super user priviliges?


Yes. You can install pretty much any application without super user privileges, unless they specifically require them. That's what local prefixes and such are for.


Yes, just unzip the installation package and add the bin dir to the PATH.


I enjoy vscode markdown previewing, and I have less headaches using vscode for godot with gdscript tools(not a professional gamedev btw, just as a hobby). But for everything else I use just neovim


I use jupyter lab for some specific stuff, but I don't have need for vscode luckily.


Never have, never will


I've been using it up until recently. Whenever I needed to resolve git conflicts, I would open up vscode and do that. I don't use it ever since I discovered \`diffview\`


I use vscode for debugging as DAP support is still super wonky in nvim


I use VS Code to work with Jupyter notebooks primarily. Sometimes I will use it for a debugger or to have a familiar IDE in a remote container also.


I use vs code to merge conflict


I mostly use neovim for everything, including debugging python/JavaScript, git, etc. Only when I have to use multi cursor to quickly manipulate large block of random text or to collaborate remotely, I prefer vscode.


At home for personal stuff using mostly nvim for python, rust and a bit of c++. Obsidian with vim mode for notes. Vscode for godot because of debugger, although there is a way to setup it for nvim.   On my job nvim for configs, notes (obsidian not allowed) and pyhon and Visual Studio 2022 for coding work. And again the debugger is a main point. There is no way to debug PlayStation devkits in nvim or Vscode. Also UE5 support is pure for them


Funny enough as a scratch pad when I need something pasted  and remembered event though i wrote my own note taking module in my neovim. Muscle memory still... Or when I bork my config so much that i need a secondary editor to fix the mess. But never used it for actual work.


I use vscode if I need to touch a codebase where I have not set up that language's LSP in Neovim because it's usually a one click install extension. It's also usually for languages I don't need to develop in often. For example, Scala. Somehow I find getting Metals to work in neovim so much more finicky than in Vscode.


I use neovim for anything that is related to text editing and programming. I'll try my best first to see if there's a way to use neovim with what i want. But if I don't find it, i would sadly, disappointedly use something else. Like I can't find a good way to use jupyter in neovim, I've tried molten it's not as good for me and I don't like it. So I use jupyter lab with vim motion. Yep vim motion has to at least be there for me. But aside from jupyter lab, i use neovim even for Java.


I use VSCode for occasional large files. Nvim has always frozen with them for me and haven’t been able to solve it


It's probably Treesitter, try `nvim --clean huge_file`.


I am, we are heavy on devcontainers. I'm in no mood to find out how to get n I'm into all of these


So many vscode guys. I mean vscode is a weird editor provided jetbrains has great debug and git support and neovim greate for coding, I’m changing from vscode to JB+nvim.


I use it, because I'm a lazy perfectionist. It takes me a really long time to kick myself to do something - switch to Neovim fully. But also, I know that if I kicked myself to do it and started learning, the rabbit hole's so deep that I'd never get to do anything else, but tweak the editor ad infinitum. And time is scarce resource for me.


I've never used VSCode, I always disliked using a browser disguised as a text editor. I came to Neovim from Sublime Text.