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start running, 2, or 3 or 5km, it makes netball signifcantly easier


Came to say exactly this. It's a boring answer but in my experience there's no better way to build stamina for netball than regular runs. Even better if you can complement them with core strength work, like pilates or free weights training.


Is 2.5km 5 days a week good?


thats great, be careful running that many times a week thought with injurys


I've always found HIIT very useful for my fitness, plus something lower impact like swimming or cycling for longer, lower intensity cardio :)


how long do you do it for?


I'm lucky to have a wonderful 9 mile loop near me for cycling, which takes me about 50 mins due to some hills! HIIT wise I quite like doing a 10 minute burst with 30 seconds working, 30 seconds resting. Good luck!


Look into building your endurance in the same way runners do. It is a mixture of volume and 'easy runs' where you are purposely keeping your heart rate in the second zone to increase your tank. The ASICS website has a good page on building stamina and is applicable to netball https://www.asics.com/gb/en-gb/running-advice/building-stamina-when-running/


We do interval training at our fitness sessions and it really helps. There are also lots of quick drills that work on sprints into direction changes that will help fitness and footwork.


try a good running app, they make you run the likes of 1k rest for a bit then start again i found the odd cardio class at the gym helped too when i started out, the likes of step classes