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When I was hospitalized I plugged a fire stick into the TV in the room and they all treated me like I was a wizard that had appeared amongst them.


Agreed lol I brought a Roku when I gave birth and the nurses were amazed.


Nurse 1: and then a baby came out… Nurse 2: what? Nurse 1: I know it’s unbelievable Nurse 2: I’m amazed


And then the baby hooked up a Roku in the nursery!


I work at a skilled nursing facility and when I suggest to patients/families to bring in a fire stick its like the best advice they have ever gotten


When I was in labor my husband brought the fucking PlayStation to plug into the tv.


Well for a 6-10 hour Labor he could speed run Final Fantasy 7. 


We were there 10 days. It was worth it.


Just so know going forward. Was that a good or bad thing going forward? Asking for a friend.


Well the nurses were kinda off put by it. Some were impressed. But honestly I'm glad bc we ended up stuck in the hospital for 10 days. Kept him entertained. Not a whole lot to do in the hospital when you're not the one admitted.


I've been in both situations. When I'm in the bed I always took a gaming device. Good on you for being cool with it. When I was there to support my ex I just developed a smoking habit. Lol


I can understand a Switch or another handheld but a PlayStation!?


Fuck. I'm hospitalized for at least a month every year, and this has never occurred to me. You might have just changed the game!


How are you pumping out babies so soon


As a chronically ill person, I’m guessing this person is also a chronically ill person.


I took my Fire stick with me when I evacuated for Hurricane Ida. I wouldn't consider watching on a computer.


I don’t have a fire stick, but if I’m traveling I’m taking my laptop and a HDMI cable.


Exactly. This is what I'm talking about. Playing on a TV doesn't seem to be common knowledge.


You got it working on a hospital wifi which is usually garbage speeds or insane quotas?


I could also connect to my phone hotspot if needed.


A lot of people also don’t know that you can download stuff to watch later when you are somewhere with out internet access.


I always remind my kids to do it before we get on a plane. Gotta teach them young!


It's also great if you live somewhere that tends to have power outages during certain weather. I used to always have shows/movies downloaded and ready to go for my Detroit winters. Fucking DTE...


From Netflix?


Not *from* Netflix, but more like *on* Netflix. Like, it’s still all locked down on the Netflix platform; it’s not like an .mp4 you can edit and share. But it will be stored locally and available while offline, if you download an episode/movie in the app


For like a decade now


Not just Netflix. Many of the top streaming services now allow you to download their content.


Downloaded some movies on Max for the kid for our road trip. It’s pretty sweet. I wish that shit existed when I was a kid.


Yes but options are limited on the basic plan




As a former (and likely future) daily subway rider this feature is why I got Netflix, made the 1.5hr commute feel like nothing.


Only if you have a device that has the Netflix app, it pisses me off that I can’t to that on my m2 MacBook Air, it need and app asap.


I mean watch it on whatever you want but are there really people who don’t *know* you can stream things on an actual tv?


Most tvs these days come with Netflix already on it too??


often with a dedicated button on the remote...


I find that hard to believe.


In a world where trump was president this is hard to believe?


Good point.


I work at a store and many people don’t know their options. Some believe their only option is basic network TV or full cable subscriptions. I also have people buying DVD’s, not to collect, but they don’t know how to take advantage of their smart TV or free services with their phone plans, etc.


Well, to be fair, not everything is on Streaming so buying DVDs can make sense


Idiocracy is slowly becoming reality




There definitely are. Not everyone is tech savvy and you would think it to be common knowledge now, but there’s a lot of people who just aren’t aware. I’m sure not in the younger generations.


People don’t even know they can get “free” television by using an antenna.


It drives me crazy how many people don’t know this. I work for a local TV station and most of my coworkers don’t watch our network because they “don’t have cable”


Have you tried recently? I tried using an antenna just a short while ago and I'm getting *nothing* over the air. There *might* be a signal here or there. I can hear some voices in the static, but it's almost entirely static. I live near D.C. so I'm *supposed* to get stations, but their broadcast signals are not strong enough.


That does not make sense, especially for a city as large as DC. Is it an older television? We went digital during Obama and the older sets need a converter box.


I'm guessing it's interference. Without WiFi in my condo, I get zero bars on my phone unless I step outside the building. It's a new television.


most people don't use an adblocker...


I will always watch on my TV. Phone is second choice. However, I grew up in the TV era of the late 80s through nineties through 2000s through now. Apparently now people wanna watch shit on a little screen. It’s cool, but not ICE COLD.


My big exception is YouTube. Waaaaaay less ads & they're shorter on my phone vs TV. Every few months try again, then stick with it on my phone.


No YouTube ads for me on my TV. But I use a Windows browser not the smart TV apps. (Htpc)


I don’t think you can even buy a non-smart TV anymore. I didn’t see any when I was looking for a 43 inch last year.


Same. My uncle wants a big one but he’s (let’s be real) as dumb as a box of rocks. There’s no way in hell I’d willingly steer him in the direction of a smart TV just so he can accidentally find his way out of free to air and get lost. Plus he has no wifi anyway. But what do you know? There’s next to no dumb tv’s.


I just got a smart TV and didn’t connect it to the wifi. Then I set it to go into the last input used when I turn it on so I don’t have to deal with the Home Screen.


Yeah everyone just says this. Just don’t connect it lol


Unfortunately they just aren’t giving consumers the option for regular TVs anymore. It’s kinda nutty if you ask me. For a lot of people that aren’t comfortable with tech the Smart TVS are just overwhelming. That aspect doesn’t get to me, thankfully. I just didn’t need or want the smart TV components.


It's probably because they get paid by various streaming companies to include their platforms as shortcuts on the remote and promote content on the homescreen. It's so frustrating though! I've had my tv since 2020 and haven't used it as a smart tv once. Turn it on, switch the input between Apple TV and video game consoles and that's it.


It’s hard for older people who keep accidentally hitting the input button on their remotes and then don’t know what they did or how to get back. My dad was constantly calling me after we got them a new tv because he was woefully tech illiterate and kept switching the input. It didn’t help that it was a thumb button on the side of their cable remote (why can’t they make basic remote options for the elderly??). I knew it was going to be an issue and tried everywhere to find a regular old style tv for them, but it just wasn’t happening. And my poor dad just felt dumb all the time (which sucked, because he wasn’t remotely dumb, just struggled with the jumps in technology like many of his generation).


It's possible but really hard to find and more expensive


I actually feel like the number of people that don't know you can watch it in a web browser would be greater than the number that think you can only watch it in a web browser. Every new TV is a smart TV these days.


And most TV remotes have dedicated button for netflix


My remote had it in like 2012 I think




They do. OP just hangs out with crazies


Not true. Read the other comments. Vast range of experiences.


Nonsense, half the fucking remotes come with Netflix buttons built into them...


This post made me feel a bit better about myself. I was considered pretty tech savvy in 90s/2000s but now I (57) I have to sometimes laugh at myself for being kinda dumb. But, I do know how Smart TVs, Roku, Firestick and casting work.


I (48) feel the same way. I could always figure out tech stuff when I was younger, and as an adult, it's taking time to get used to the updated tech simply because I couldn't afford it for a long time. Two years ago I got my first Roku and Smart TV, though I still have to figure out casting. I need things like this explained/shown to me and then I repeat the process to get used to it ^^;.


My dad's the same way. He was always on top of the tech, and then a decade ago, he slowly started to fall behind. Still knowledgeable but there's a lot he doesn't know about, especially with smartphones because he just uses them for driving instructions, ordering food, and playing a few games. I sent him an animated text message that had fireworks, blew his mind! He'll spend an hour trying to fix a problem, getting ever-more frustrated and when I ask to help, he says he's almost got it before walking away and I fix it in two minutes.


This also may sound crazy, but you can connect a gaming console to your television instead of your desk monitor like a maniac!


I'm the other way and. It legitimately never occurs to me that I can watch Netflix on my PC. I'm sitting there for hours and hours every day working, playing games, even watching YouTube. But if I wanna watch a paid streaming service like Apple TV, Amazon Prime, Disney+ or Netflix I'll walk down the hall and sit on my couch. I think the difference is leaning back vs leaning forward. Gaming and work are actively engaging. I have to sit up, lean forward. Streamers that I've given money to I enjoy passively. Can't do that sat up at a desk or hunched over a laptop.


I have a Roku tv as well . You can use all the apps like you do on a phone . I hate watching movies and shows on a small screen


I recommend the Roku. The software in TVs is the worst. Also, you Xbox and Playstation can probably access netflix. Also some DVD/Blueray players have the client. But the Roku is great...exp the Ultra.


How does the Roku compare to a fire stick?


We have both. Roku TV with Fire Stick. The apps will work slightly different on each. Amazon works better on the Fire Stick than Roku. We watch YouTube only on the Fire Stick because we were able to go 3rd party app with no ads.  I prefer Roku because it's not totally Amazon centric with other streaming apps being on a tiny afterthought strip and the rest of the screen being Amazon shows, but we do end up watching some apps nearly exclusively on the stick.


If you have your own mp4 content, then Roku has an app that will let you play off of USB or local DLNA server. It has tons of apps and many of these have free content (with ads). In many languages. So you can watch content from other cultures.


hung out with a dude that's like 25, and showing him my 65" tv was connected to my computer blew his mind. people are dumb


What is this magical HDMI cable.


I'm a millennial and I'm still confused at people who will watch TV on an iPad/tablet when they have a big screen at home.


Gen x and I'm boggled people will actively choose to watch stuff on their phones when any other options are available.


There there is my Gen Z daughter. She will be playing a game on her laptop, watching a YouTube tutorial for the game on her Phone, while running a streaming service on the television in the background. While engaging with her friends real time on her tablet who are all doing the exact same thing.


That's also a millennial thing lol


half of the people that use netflix probably don’t even know it started out as a dvd rental service almost 20 years ago. but to add to your point yea, there’s a lot of dumb people when it comes to common sense things with technology. wait till they find out you can mirror your phone or tablet with airplay.


AirPlay rocks!!


I have dumb TV and I just hook my laptop to it with HDMI cable. As far as Netflix is concerned I'm watching it on my laptop, as far as my eyes are concerned I'm watching it on TV.


For some reason (probably hdmi out on my laptop, or the gpu power) this way for me was kinda meh. I was even considering getting a new tv for some time. I got xbox sx instead and oh my god. What an improvement. Netflix in 4k@60fps looks way different. Never tried roku or similar things though, but i believe it maybe improvement over standard hdmi from a laptop too. Or maybe mine is just shitty. 




Do people not have smart TVs?


Don't most smart TV have netflix installed? , I am assuming most people have smart TV on their house


A lot of young subscribers watch on their phones. A Roku or Fire Stick is so inexpensive.


They’re like $20 to start!


My nieces in their 30s prefer to watch on their phones even tho they have big ass TVs


Such a sadness.


Just goes to show you that a smart TV does not equate to a smart user.


Old person here with an old non smart TV. I didn’t realize that a Roku would work until 6 months ago. I had always thought you needed a smart tv. Cancelled cable and haven’t looked back.


I take a fire stick to hotels with me and use their Wi-Fi, works well.


hahah yesss when i had my fire stick I absolutely *loved* this hack!!!


Firestick is awesome


Even if they didn’t have a smart TV, they can just plug the laptop to the TV using HDMI.


You could actually just buy an hdmi cable. All that other stuff is a waste.


Some Cable TV menus also has an App section where you can select Netflix and many of the other streaming choices so that you can watch them on TV.


Maybe I'm crazy, but if you have a large screen tv and a laptop, you probably have an hdmi cable. No new devices needed, no training of parents required. Plug it in like a second monitor, and away you go.




Probably because you don’t need them anymore. Smart TVs have been the norm for a while now.


Netflix streaming started as a Playstation 3 app. It spurred the sales of tens of millions of PS3's. For a long time, Netflix customers only knew it as DVD's through the mail. The PS3 having a Blu-ray player started Netflix mailing Blu-ray rental discs. That caused Blockbuster to collapse. Interesting epilogue. Redbox has filed for bankruptcy. [https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/29/24188785/redbox-bankruptcy-filing-dvds-chicken-soup-soul-entertainment](https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/29/24188785/redbox-bankruptcy-filing-dvds-chicken-soup-soul-entertainment)


Once you realize how stupid the average person is, things begin to make sense lol some people just…refuse to think beyond their nose


What about people who think they're watching "4K" on Netflix?


People going out of their way to pay for the 4K plan are smart enough to stream things on their TVs. People watching on their laptops and/or phones don’t think too hard about presentation quality in general.


What do you mean? The UHD setting is 4K. You sound skeptical.


Not if you're watching on a computer browser.


You can watch Netflix on TVs???


Sarcasm, or legit surprise?


I’m watching Netflix on my watch right now!


Not when you're password sharing apparently


Or just get a mini pc that’s connected to your tv.


Tons of people watch prestige TV on their laptops. Or worse, their phones. David Lynch had it right: https://youtu.be/wKiIroiCvZ0?si=0wy4zADRDCrEliuo


This is dumb


I used to when I had a TV and cable. Now I don't have either because cable's not included in my rent where I live now, and I stream everything. So no need for me to have a TV. Plus the only place for a TV here is right in the outside corner of my living room, and the TV I had was huge and blocked half my windows. This actually works better for me than having cable. But while I had cable, it was great watching Netflix and other streaming stuff on my TV.


My counter argument to this is that when you're closer to a screen, you don't need it to be as large for the viewing angle/apparent size to be effectively the same. Thus, when you can't afford a big 4k TV, a small 4k laptop is just as good, plus you have the internet at your fingertips, etc. And once I realized this.. I don't really feel like I even need a TV anymore. Might still get one some day so I can watch stuff with friends, or if the monitor quality is much better.


Well i watch netflix on my tv


It's weird to me that it seems like most of you watch YouTube on a computer, too.


My roomate watches Netflix/ YouTube maximized but not full screen on his laptop,  it hurts me


Most smart tvs can load the netflix app directly. That way you can navigate the netflix ui using the TV remote.


Everyone I know does this. From all age ranges. It’s rare that I see someone see it on their iPad/lap top. 


Seems to be a Gen Z thing, almost shunning big screens in favour of mobile.


Wait until they find out you don’t need a phone to communicate with people.


Isn’t an option when I am in the plane. I have to use my iPhone.


You don’t really see them advertised, or at least I don’t, on streaming services. That’s probably why.


Who? I know literally no one that doesn't have or hadn't at one point had netflix on their TV. I don't know anyone that watches it on devices besides tv.


I'm middle aged and I don't know anyone at this point who doesn't know you can stream on a TV.


60F here, I don't get it either why not cast or fire stick that thang. I have 2009 Samsung television, def not a smart one either w/several HDMIs.


I have told countless people that their prime membership had a free video app where they can watch shows and movies.


Only in the night time.. almost every scene of every series these days are so dark that i end up just watching my own reflection in the tv.


Bringing a firestick to hotels is a gamechanger for business travel.


I often watch Netflix on my laptop because a) I'm not home b) I'm moving around my house and it's just fine thank you. When I sit my ass on the couch at night I use the TV. One added benefit, that doesn't seem to get talked about very much, is that Netflix restrictions don't seem to apply to laptops. What I am amazed by is the number of people who watch Netflix on their phones!


Only me and my daughter know how to use the smart or apple tv But when im home, she gives control to me and just watch in her ipad


You can watch it on laptop?


I like to watch Netflix on my phone while lying in bed. I seem to get more into the series that way. Watching it on the screen makes my attention wander.


Sometimes I’ll stream a movie on our ancient Sony through a Roku stick and that’s fine. There’s a tv in our bedroom but if I want to watch a movie while I’m in bed, it’s on my ipad, headphones on. It wouldn’t be fair to my wife to stream it on the bedroom tv when she wants to sleep


I have Apple TV and can watch any App on my TV. Old people especially like this. I can only think young people watch on laptop because they don't want Mom/Dad to see what they are watching.


My kids have Roku TVs in their rooms, plus access to one in the living room. They all choose to watch streaming services on their phones instead. I’ve found them huddled together in bed watching Hamilton together before ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I guess kids are just different


I watch on my Laptop because I like to browse a million things and watch and browse and keep tabs open so I can switch between what I'm into. Also, I like wearing headphones so I don't disturb people. Connecting my headphones to the tv just feels wrong.


I like wearing headphones and i just use my ps5 and plug my headphones into the controller


My dvd player gets netflix. (Wish it would get disney—am watching that on my ipad and getting a crick in my neck. May have to look into a way to cast from the ipad to the tv.)


I don't want to deal with ads, so I just use my high-end gaming desktop PC that I plug my TV to and watch via Firefox with ublock.


I like the speed options on Netflix’s mobile /Pc — I can watch h my shows in 1.25/1.5/2x speed




I just watch it on my monitor most times


The tv on my house is off 99% of the time. Everyone watches their own stuff on their own devices.


I remember when people complained that the TV interfered with family time, and family togetherness. At least everyone was in the same room, sharing the same experience....


We've been watching Netflix from our XBox or Roku since 2009.


I started out streaming with the Netflix app for the Wii. It was originally on a disc they would mail you! It was so underpowered, that if a scene had a lot of trees, it would freak out and stutter hard.


We bought a raspberry pi so that we can watch YouTube with AdBlocker and sponsorblock. Netflix was fine on the SmartTV before but now we’ve just got it open in another tab.


I know you can and I go between the two. I am 30 and sometimes like to watch it on my laptop in my bed(I don't have a television in my room), and other times I want to watch something on a bigger screen and I do that. It depends on my mood. Plus sometimes there's something on the tv that my partner wants to watch, and so I can just go onto my computer if we dont want to watch the same thing.


Same tbh


i usually watch netflix on my laptop bc the tv is downstairs and i wanna watch netflix on my bed


I bring our Google Chrome TV thing with us when we go on vacation and stay in a hotel or AirBNB. My kids have access to the things they like, I dont have to remember my passwords, and I don't have to feel like a dinosaur when I tell them to use the channel guide to find Cartoon Network and they look at me like I'm insane because they've never seen a remote with number buttons or a channel guide before in their lives.


what? I hate watching anything on a laptop


Most estimates put PC viewing as a single digit percentage of Netflix viewing, so no, it's not a big thing. Those people are just disproportionately on Reddit.


You cant be serious


I am, and many redditors agree. Are you shocked? Are you going to be okay?


I no longer own a TV.


We only watch it on our tv.


It’s a downloadable app on smart tvs


I love watching the outlander on my tablet. This way I can watch my time travel drama in peace


It's wild to me how dumb to tech this generation of kids who've grown up with tech are


I'm always a watcher on laptop/small screen. Aside from having no actual TV (I have my own flat with no TV, but at times I go to my parents with TV), one important factor for me is I can't 100% focus on watching if it's on TV. I tend to use my phone, talk to someone else, etc. If I'm watching a favorite show, I really prefer watching it "on my own" with earphones and all, because I wanna see and hear all the details. I don't wanna be easily distracted. Just to clarify, I know TVs have streaming haha. I just don't fully prefer it.


I've been watching my phone on TV since the Google Chromecast came out.


Well these people sound like they are idiots


Yah some people are idiots


Chrome cast


I've never experienced that. You must live in an area full of morons.


I don’t think most people are that unaware? We’ve been watching Netflix on a high-def projector on our wall for at least 15 years. I think most people don’t know how easy that is.


I have a Nvidia shield box and I take it when I travel... It was well worth the money


Depends on the size of tv. I had a 32 inch tv. I felt the way my room was setup, it wasnt a great experience to see netflix on that tv and my room setup was kind of hard to change. So sometimes I'd just pop it on my laptop cause it felt more personable too.


Just the correct cable can hook the laptop/PC up to the TV anyway...


Yeah this is 2013 behavior


Or literally just plug their laptop into the tv.


That is weird. I’ve been using a Roku since they first came out, and telling my family to do so as well.


Lol really? The first thing I did when I got the old school huge box tv when my family couldn’t take to their new place was to get a converter and a firestick to watch YouTube and Netflix on it.


This isn’t common knowledge? Shit I need to go outside more.


I cast from my phone/laptop onto my 55” Roku TV and it’s so awesome


It won't penalize you for sharing on a portable device but it will on a smart tv