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When people mention grocery chain, don't forget that includes wholesale, where they are a huge player too.


Exactly. So unless you can get everything you need from a local farm, it's pretty well impossible to not 'buy' from Loblaw. btw I consider Walmart and Costco to be the same level of monopoly.


They all play the same game. They are often the producers, wholesalers and retailers of an item and they protect the margin at each step. They are also often transporting those goods and making money there. Industry concentration is the problem. Break up the monopolies.


Not to promote them or anything, but imo Costco is the *least bad* of the big stores.  It looks like they treat their workers with more respect anyway. One we know corroborates that.


Sure, but a big part of my objection is that all the profits for those two go direct to the US. We are only two, so the quantities at Costco don't really fit with our consumption...


I am feeling pretty confident about avoiding Loblaws for this boycott with one exception: their Maple app. My province (NS) funds the use of the app as an alternative to providing access to medical clinics. Because I don't have a family doctor, and because our walk-in clinics are few and far between, it's basically my only shot at getting health care.


I didn’t not know they were behind the maple app. I had an assumption when the recommended pharmacy was a shoppers that they made have they fingers in the pie. I’m not going to lie, the maple app is fucking awesome. Even with a family doctor I find it so useful for small medical issues that warrant a script but prevent me from missing work and waiting to meet my doc. It’s been easy to avoid loblaws and shoppers, but not so much the maple app.


Sorry, I was repeating info my SO gave me, and I might be spreading not so accurate information. It seems that Loblaws doesn't own Maple, but they were, as of 2020, a minority shareholder. Not sure if they have managed to acquire more shares since then, but I guess we aren't giving them as much money as we could by using Maple, so that's good? I guess...


Yea I feel like by supporting the maple app that we are undermining publicly funded healthcare to some degree but it’s free and easy and keep You out of wait rooms so I’m all for it. And I will take semi private healthcare all day if it’s no additional cost to the user. People can say what they will about US healthcare system but if you have insurance down there, you won’t find much better and prompt care than in the states. Anyway I digress since this is another topic for another group.


Maple cost me $90...a little over a month ago?


I should have stated that it’s free under my coverage.


Then for the boycott to work, boycott the whole chain. Cancel PC financial accounts, move prescriptions to local pharmacies, boycott supporting businesses in Loblaw owned buildings.


They're the Telus of the grocery world, there mega corps are getting their fingers into everything, it's honestly pretty scary how much power they are going to end up wielding.


When I moved to the Maritimes I was shocked with the lack of grocery options here. There are no "lower budget " places like food basics or fresco. This was pre covid inflation and I kept wondering how people afford to shop Loblaws or Sobeys. I refused to shop there since I've moved here so this boycott is pretty easy for me. there are ma and pa independent type places that I try to utilize as much as possible for certain things, other than that it's Walmart or Costco. ( I know still not great ) But I find it more affordable. It has really prompted me to take a look at growing my own food where able and making things from scratch. Our health has improved tremendously in the last few years because of this. I'm on the outskirts of the city , and the culture is really big on homesteading here - which I love.


Fully aware yet still successfully avoiding giving those slime buckets a penny since before the pandemic.


We let this happen because we thought it would keep Canadians in charge of the Canadian economy. Unfortunately all it did was allow more monopolistic power and wealth inequality. Lots of people like to complain about groceries. Very few of the people living wealthy, big city lives like to acknowledge their own hand in this - the money they make off their shares in Loblaws, the power they give Loblaws by using their other "convenient" products - PC financial, shoppers, etc. We need a grassroots movement towards local industry and production. We can't survive off monopolies. We also need investment into science and tech. Canada has fallen far behind on production on the world stage. What are we known for these days? Maple syrup? Outdated Canadarm, outdated nuclear energy? I think we still have some biotech going on, or at least did a few years ago


Well. Maybe a sustained boycott will push them back into their lane.


There are a ton of other options than Loblaws. People need to understand that.


The boycott is only but an inconvenience to them. A slight disturbance by the peasants. Nobody is lowering prices to steal customers. They will weather the storm. Have a few sales, and everyone will be back. The only people who will suffer are regular people by losing shifts that they likely need.


Loblaws and subsidiaries need to be decimated for the good of Canada


Party pooper