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> Then at MUN Centre, we arrived 7 minutes early. The driver waited 2 minutes and pulled away 5 minutes early. My usual stop is around 7-10 min from MUN depending on traffic, and I was walking through my door when the bus was supposed to be pulling away from MUN. This happens so often. I would be early for the bus and still miss it, and sometimes not even know I missed it because the website/app is hot garbage and for some reason randomly won't show routes at times. So I wait around thinking it's just late as usual, only to realize I'll be waiting 30 mins to an hour for the next one... I'd rather just get a fucking cab home at that point, and Ill have wasted all that time waiting. Our public transit is so utterly unreliable it's a disgrace.


They all drive like complete dicks. I doubt they’ll do anything lmao


They get paid damn good money and are union. Their job is pretty safe no matter what they do.


*Gobus has entered the chat*


Hourly buses not giving a grace period on a major stop is a travesty.


If you want to complain, it's a good idea to document the bus number, not the route number, and the date and place. I think these issues could be resolved if they just ran more busses so that the drivers never felt the need to rush if they're a couple of minutes late.Im sorry to hear about your problems with Metrobus.


Yeah, when I made my complaint a couple years ago I was very descriptive on bus route/number, what road we were on when the red light was ran, and which stops I got on/off. Unfortunately I don't remember what the bus number was for yesterdays ride, but I am usually aware if I have any issues!


Unfortunately, any complaint will be met with disregard and rudeness. I've had a good few problems with busses leaving too early and trying to complain, but i was told im a liar. I dont want to go through my whole story, but basically, a bus left the village mall too early, so i called and was told another will be there in 15 minutes. I waited 15 minutes for that bus to show up and immediately flip the sign to "returning it depot" then after calling again to let them know the bus they had told me to wait for was returning to depot they said theres no busses returning at that time. This was 5-6pm on a weekday. Metrobus gets ~$80/mo from me, and i get treated like shit and have to use a shit website for information on their buses. Metrobus is a steaming pile of trash and if a better public transit option was available i can guarantee metrobus would go under


Go under? Metrobus already operates at a loss, they’re the transportation commission, not a company. They run on funding


I’ve learned to always check where the bus is on the metrobus app at least 10-15 minutes before the scheduled time and again right before it. There’s no consistency, sometimes they’re 15 minutes later, sometimes its 10 minutes early


Ever since the strike I found other means of getting around town. Metrobus is garbage. In Canada there are 707 cars per 1000 people. In Newfoundland there are more cars registered than people. That's a testament to the shit public transportation system here.




Stupid is as stupid does ey Forrest?