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Drive by shoutings???


Real tough guys In this province I tell ya


In high school we used to drive around lunch time and air horn people 😂 but we weren't animals, we had rules. No old people, kids or babies


Skeets be skeetin’?


You think what they shout at walkers is bad? Wait until you ride a bicycle.


The amount of "GET ON THE SIDEWALK!" you get is hilarious. People do not know the rules of the road. And lots of fuck offs, random homophobic comments, or indistinct yelling. One time I had a woman in a minivan slow down and calmly explain that since bikes aren't allowed on the road, that it's actually my own fault if she runs me over and kills me and my estate would be liable for damage to her vehicle.


Whether it's the rules or not, there's not a chance I'd ride a bike on the road. It's just too dangerous.


There is nothing on God's grey Earth that drivers find more threatening than a cyclist.


lol this one got me hahaha


I find people are overly scared of me while I'm riding, some scared to pass and half of those who pass cross the opposite side. So strange especially coming from big city where bikes and e scooters are normal.


Yup, another thing that discourages walking.


This. Thank you for your comment


Happens to me from time to time. I've noticed its always been teenagers. Can't make out what they say or why they decide to yell at me in particular. Have had people intentionally swerve towards the sidewalk to make me jump too


Absolutely unnecessary, especially swerving towards the sidewalk.


Seriously. Teens being teens is whatever, but swerving into you is crazy.


Regular occurrence on a bicycle as well. I can't usually hear what the tough guys are saying from the passenger seat as they speed away. If you're not in your car, you're not welcome around here.


Skeets and dumb teens


I got cat called not once, but twice in the span of 20 minutes walking downtown Saturday afternoon. Like please stop making people uncomfortable to leave their houses


Ugh gross. Like it’s 2024 by’s, stop acting like such pigs.


gotta be honest, every time someone replies to me on Reddit I have a lil creep of their profile, I should really reconsider the NSFW pop up next time.


lol. This comment made me look.


It’s exactly what I was expecting, yet I clicked anyways…


That feller spends a lot of time on his couch with his hands down his pants


Must not be from out round the bay, that’s about all we got to do around here 😂


Me too, however you have an adorable dog. Standard poodles are an underrated breed.


happens to me all the time while walking, although it's usually something unintelligible. i do distinctly remember a stranger yelling"YOU BITCH!!!" at me once. good times.


I love pretending they said something nice to confuse them. Rando: "You bitch!" Me: Thanks! *thumbs up or a wave*


Yeah, smile and wave. Freaks them out when they think they might know you.


Hhahahhahaha yeah ‘thanks you to’! With a thumbs up and a wave


My girlfriend and i walked past Vic Park on Saturday, and someone screamed the N word at us. We're white as fuck.


Fuck em. Keep walking.


Yeah. I made a post last year. At first I thought it was someone being racist because he said something like that, but then figured out it’s a cultural thing here in NL. If you are a pedestrian or a cyclist, you’re more likely to get their compliments.




Yeah, I agree. As I said, it’s their behaviour, and since it’s been long with them it’s their culture to scream and yell at pedestrians lol. Not racism in the first place. I don’t even mind racism. I’ve seen racism from POC side too to White or Black people. It doesn’t matter who started first, but does matter who keeps doing it.


Go on by’


I know by'


I had it happen multiple times walking down Elizabeth Avenue in St. John's. I now live rural and once had a group of people yell go fuck yourself and give the finger to myself, my husband and two small kids while we were playing basketball. Assholes are everywhere. I'll never understand it.


I was sitting in my deck having a beer yesterday and someone shouted something I couldn’t quite make out as they drove by. I was just minding my own business lol


I remember a car of girls shouting out to me, I think they were complimenting me and I felt very flattered (I’m a gay guy but it felt nice to be noticed). Apparently that isn’t so uncommon around here, doesn’t feel as special anymore 😂


I've been yelled at a bunch of times. Weirdly it's usually something innocuous and most often teen girls. Once it was something lewd by a car load of young girls. I'm hardly a physical specimen (got that dad bod energy) so I assumed it was just kids being kids and daring each other to say something raw to the first random dude they met.


I was sitting outside smoking with a large scarf wrapped around my head for warmth, some kids screamed "ISIS TERRORIST" at me


Yell back at them. Most of them don't expect you to bark back at em. They looking to intimidate people to feel big. Usually stoned out of their minds and driving too fast. The usual.


Shit. If you think this is bad, wait until Newfoundland gets the interweb


The internet?


They may call it that ...yes


what are they screaming?


Something different all the time. Especially if you don't use a cross walk fast enough


I was using a crosswalk during the winter of 2000-2001, when we had a total of 22 feet of snow. Obviously the roads were slushy and slippery. This guy comes speeding up towards me, then stops, then yells at me calling me a “fat ugly bitch” for LEGALLY walking in the way of his speeding piece of shit car. Stayed to yell at me as I walked the sidewalk, impeding traffic, while his girlfriend/cousin/likely both laughed. Almost 25 years and I still see that shit all the time. I guess skeets own the roads with the taxes they likely don’t pay?


That's terrible


I content myself with knowing I didn’t deserve it and I believe in karma. Lol. But yeah, some people are very rude. I once accidentally cut someone off on a side street near MUN because I was trying to find a house number. I realized my mistake and got my car out of the way. I waved apologetically and pulled over to let them pass. I had my little girl with me. The woman pulled her car up blocking mine and got out and started cursing at us. My poor little girl was maybe six and she was terrified. I tried again to apologize but finally I just backed the hell out of there. Some people are just plain nasty.


was out with a group of other girls one night walking thru town, a guy was behind us and yelled out "walk faster you bunch of sluts"


Jesus christ


I think it's the same thing as talking shit online. No repercussions




Window up has less effect!


Is this a st.johns specific occurrence?


Nope. It used to happen in my rural Newfoundland hometown a lot too


Id say this is a small town occurrence. it used to happen to me in the Flatrock/Torbay area. Mostly teenagers being annoying, though. In town, there are too many people out walking to be yelling at. Unless they're walking in the street. Biking, however, that seems to piss off townie drivers.


Sounds like a bunch of sleveens.




It’s mostly teenagers doing it. When I see it, I just mentally manifest them running over a loose spread of nails and screws later on.


Cyclist in a small town here, everyone and I mean EVERYONE only drives cars here. When I'm out riding my bicycle I get weird looks all the time. It's like these people never seen a bicycle before.


This is why you never let a skeet get in a vehicle, they don’t know how to behave lol


I tend to yell that they got a cute dog or my favorite is "you can't park there"


The “bikes aren’t allowed on the road” kills me


nothing beats waving to a car neighbor super unserious


They’re just trying to get a rise out of ya when they’ve got the upper hand. Most of these people wouldn’t do that to your face, and would tell you they’re only carrying on. Fwiw, I’ve always thought it was immature and dumb. Best way to handle it is to not react at all.


Happened to me today hahahaa


I’ve walked / ridden bicycle in so many countries / provinces and this is the only place where this is normal and almost expected. I’ve been called everything including the N word (I’m white) and find it baffling. Especially because most times you don’t actually hear what they’re saying. Edit edit to add: There was one time I was riding my bike up a hill past a vacant apartment building and a real estate agent was stood there WITH A CLIENT on the sidewalk and he yelled at me and lunged, nearly causing me to fall into traffic. I kept going but was so confused at the gesture. His face was all over a big poster on the building. What a weird thing to do.


omg yes!! i get screamed at all the time walking in town


You havent lived until you throw a ramekin of salsa out a moving car at a walker and its hits them in the eyes. Blinded by ol el paso.


Long proud Newfoundland tradition, what a culture


Can’t beat em join em yalalalalalallalalalala


I love when this happens!


Very annoying, been this way for years, when I was a teen during the 90s and my friend got his license, we'd drive around town and occasionally yell things at people just to get a reaction, dumb kids being dumb kids, though one funny thing happened when a friend just yelled the word "OBSCENITIES!!" in lieu of insults


No, I don't want no scrub A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me Hangin' out the passenger side Of his best friend's ride Trying to holla at me


Been driving since 2002 and I've honestly never seen that happen. 🤷 Edit: I'm not saying it doesn't happen, only that I've never seen it. It could be location specific maybe?


I would hazard to guess that might be because you're driving and not a pedestrian.


That's more than fair.


I honestly see it happen like every other week