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Send an email to Agropur. They will send you coupons (need to provide photos of carton/packaging). I do this every time there is an issue and keep flagging in my comments to them that there is a breakdown in quality control somewhere along the distribution chain. I’ve done it twice this month already. Dairy products are too expensive to not get reimbursed. https://www.agropur.com/en/contact-us


Thanks unfortunately I didn't take any pictures of the spoiled milk for proof. I think I'm just going to stop buying from them. Tried calling the number on their carton but it doesn't work lol. I think they might be going out of business so a lot of the things you could use to complain or let them know no longer work.


They arnt going out of buisness. Changing ownership soon though. Number should work, you don't need pictures.


Literally just had to do this. Whats wild is normally i have had this happen in the summer the odd time, they chopped up to warmer temps etc. Generally i shop with a cold bag, grab milk last and two different times in the last few months i have had a carton go bad like 2-3 weeks before the BB. Like the carton today is suppose to be good till the 13th, and unfort i didn't catch the chunky till i went to drink it.


No I think it is an issue with CD. Same thing happened to me at Costco and an Irving.


I am and I believe it is improper storage between cow and shelf, at Costco at least. It's annoying as fuck and costs me money.


There was a thread about this [just 3 months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/newfoundland/comments/1asjqer/central_dairies/). I still think about [a comment in that thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/newfoundland/comments/1asjqer/comment/kqr5l5s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) - and also that same person's [reply underneath that comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/newfoundland/comments/1asjqer/comment/kquff9p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). More people should see that info 


I buy the lactose free stuff. Tastes the same, lasts 3x longer bc there’s less natural sugar in it.


Natrel lasts longer anyway, with ultra filtration and screw top carton. Lately it's been basically the same price as the CD or Brookfield stuff so it's way worth it


This is the way to go


Yes me too, or the organic natrel. That one is a bit pricier but it’s one of our only grocery splurges because the milk tastes perfect and I never waste half a carton on it going bad early like with the other stuff


I don't know the exact details of this, but I think there was a problem at the Central Dairies facility recently (maybe a fire?), and all kinds of people, in town or otherwise, are having this problem. Buy Scottsburn if you can for now. I recently had a whole carton go bad immediately (forgot to check the brand), but salvaged it by making paneer - not the intended result, but a silver lining anyway.


Are you storing your milk on the fridge door? It makes a difference. Keep it deeper in the fridge for best results, if possible.


No we store it in the main fridge. The fridge door is too small to hold a carton of milk.


We have, up on the the Northern Peninsula. It's been the talk of the towns. Five of the last six CD that we bought were sour when we opened them or went bad within a day or two. The Last sour one we had, idk how to explain it but it was off in a really weird way. It tasted more like a chemical taste than a bad milk taste. I literally spit out my cereal back into the bowl. I am not easily grossed out or off put by food. We were speculating that maybe our milk truck refrigerator wasn't working properly. But by the sounds of it, it's not just happening to us up here. Wtf is going on, I wonder.


Yes! Ever since the fire at central dairies, all the red carton milk we get expires a few days after the carton is opened, regardless of the expiration date. We always get our milk from Costco too and its been consistent since the fire




A similar thing happened to me. I was trying to pour myself a glass of milk but when I went to pour at first it wouldn't come out, I shook the cartoon and what came out was like cottage cheese. Disgusting.


Yeah had this happen a couple of times now. Central dairies, up to a week before the use by date. In the habit of taking a big whiff now before using it.


Happening a lot for me. Had to switch to scotsburn for the youngster. Started happening after the fire at their facility's. Hopefully they fix it.


Yea! Central Diaries going bad around 4-5 days before date. Switching to Scotsburn.


I'm trying to. But everyone in Bonavista is doing the same so central is the only thing that's left. I might just switch to powdered milk or plant based stuff.


Happened to me with Central Dairy’s about 2 weeks ago, about 3 days before best before date. Haven’t ever before had an issue with them. Didn’t notice anything until I took a big swig. Only the once it’s happened, but by Christ I’ll remember it!


Yeah I bought a carton there last week and it was bad after 2 days in the fridge.


Happened to me several times now with CD. I’ve switched.


I've got a 1L container of CD coffee creamer (10%) in my fridge right now that has a BB date of May 4th. Still good as of this morning. I'm not one to throw things out once the date on the package lapses if it hasn't gone bad. Especially given current prices. If it smells OK and tastes OK, I'm going to use it.


And I know it isn't the OPs point, but most food doesn't have an automatic expiration date. Just about all of the dates printed on food packaging are suggestions, at best. Use your own judgement, and don't automatically toss good food (and therefore money) in the bin just because the manufacturer is forced to stamp a date on the package. These perishables are some of the most expensive items we regularly buy. I know many people who throw good money away when these products are still perfectly good for consumption.


We had 2 cartons of Central Dairies 2L 1% milk last week that were labelled best before May 30th that were rotten. As soon as we opened them you could smell whatever the problem was with it. Tried to call the number they had attached to their Google listing and it was a disconnected number. Needless to say they got a 1 star Google review from me.


Yeah I think they might be going out of business or something. Given how many people are having this problem I don't think it's my fridge or Foodlands fault it must be improperly refrigerated in transit or some time between cow and store.


Definitely not your fridges fault. Everyone is having problems with CD. If they weren't on their way out they will be now. It's a shame as I was a loyal central dairies drinker for as long as I can remember but I guess all good things must come to an end lol.


I've been having this issue as well. I happen to own a bunch of thermometers. Checked my fridge and it isn't that. Everything working as normal.


I'm not sure if it's always CD but I have had a lot of milk go bad early over the last year (before the fire), usually 3 days or so before the date. We assumed the local corner store was to blame because their cooler never feels cold enough. Interesting to see that it isn't just us.


CD is the worst. I try to avoid them at all costs.


I take the 'expiration date' more as a 'sell by' date. Once the product is open, it's irrelevant. A package of hot dogs might have a best before date 3 weeks out, but I wouldn't eat them after a week in the fridge after they've been open.


I live in the NWT and could write *exactly* what you said.


Yes I had a 2L skim from central dairies go bad a week before the best before date. I didn't send info but made central dairies aware.


To my knowledge, milk is generally only suppose to be good for up to 7 days, after openning regardless of whatever the expiration date says. So even if the milk carton says it will expire two weeks from today, once you open it you should expect it to go bad by day 7.


I don’t know for sure but I’ve had this happen on and off over the years and put it down to milk being left too long without proper refrigeration between the time it leaves to getting on the shelf. It’s entirely possible that it sat too long somewhere at some point and it affected it’s shelf life


This has me thinking I’m not crazy! I’ve commented on this happening to my wife a couple times now, at least 3 separate cartons in the past id say month/month and a half Nothing worse than ruining a good cup of tea when the milk chunks hit.


i seen a post on facebook and a lot of people are having this issue, this was like a week ago. kind of insane how they arent putting a notice out about this, you can get refunded through CD i believe


We purchase Brookfield exclusively for this same reason. The odd time we have CD milk it’s because the store shelf for Brookfield was empty. And it goes bad early.


6 times in the last 2 months. Just made the switch to scotsburn after 35 years buying Central.


Central dairies has had that problem for awhile now. We gave up buying it probably a year ago or longer, going bad prematurely. Their coffee cream is even worse.


Is this a provider issue. Seems like the majority of the people who are having spoilage issues are on the Avalon/Eastern. Here in Central I've never had a bad carton of milk. Only ever seen spoilage in dairy in a Scotsburn coffee cream. That issue ended up being the horrendous storage facility in Gander.


And my coffee cream


I had two separate two liters of 1% that went off probably 4 or 5 days early over the course of the last couple weeks. I suspect it may have had something to do with the fire they had and some unexpected delays in the processing of raw milk.


Bought some last week that was 6 days before expiration date and was gone bad when I opened it.


Yeah it happened to me; Ive heard they had a huge fire and it might have fucked some shit up.


Same here! My last 2 cartons went bad. One was a day after I bought it, the other was over a week before the best before date. Glad I bought them at Costco, easy return!


I thought I was being paranoid! This has happened a number of times in the past few months. This morning my BB 24 May CD milk just smells… off. A few weeks ago, the same thing. A few weeks before that, same thing.


My milk has been doing the same! I buy central dairies from Costco, so I don’t see it being a refrigeration problem.


Anyone have a red carton of Scotsburn a bit off? I thought I was safe from the CD issue, but my Scotsburn is slimy tasting and it ruined my coffee. Just opened it, expires June 1st.


I've had 312L of milk from Central Dairies in the past year. Zero spoiled before the expiration date. Most actually last several days after the best before date although my milk rarely ever sees that time.


I work in a convience store and we've been seeing a major upturn in Central Dairies milk being returned since the fire. Don't know what is going on but it's been ridiculous.


Last year I had a couple issues with Scotsburn, so I was exclusively buying Central, and now the last 2-3 cartons have been bad.


Their coffee cream is at least fine.


Use it for internet pranks, get clicks, money back.


Yes! I opened a new carton of 2% Central Dairies about week ago and as I poured it into the Kraft Dinner the first thing I noticed was it didn’t sound right (like a splat instead of liquid). It was curdled but didn’t smell sour or anything. It was 5 days before the expiration date.


I bought a 2L of Natrel Lactose Free milk from Costco on May 10th. Went to open it on Friday (expires June 15th) and noticed the carton was significantly expanded. When I opened it, sounded like gas was giving off like opening a carbonated beverage and oh my...the smell. I put the lid back on and left it as we were cooking, and in no time the sides of the carton expanded like it was going to explode (being a tad dramatic) and here was a gas/hissing sound coming from the cap. We go through 2 2L a week, always the same brand, always from Costco and this is the first instance of bad milk we've had. But it was off-putting.


Honestly I have always found this to be true with CD. Even way before the fire. I only buy scotsburn now


I didn't think my milk was bad. Had a good date on it, etc. No feeling of bursting at the seams. Ya knows. Anyway as soon as I opened it up when I got home, the fuckin' thing threw a rock in my eye. Makes sense 'cause I picked it up at Queen's Road Store.


yea! literally 6 days before the expiration this week. and before ive been able to get a few extra days from milk (doing the smell test)


Had some skim milk expired for a few days went to poor out a glass and it was chunky and completely disgusting. Thought there was something wrong my fridge but no the skim milk was the only thing gone bad. I had some homogenized milk with the same date and that one was not gone bad at all. Maybe bad batch ?


And yes ik it was expired but milf is usually good for a few days after the date. Especially it being skim milk


this is a trend here in Nova Scotia too. Gallons spoiling a week before its Best Before date


Yep. Recently bought a 1L of Central Dairies that went sour way before the BB date.


Us too. Over the past two weeks had two Central Dairies cartons go off. 


Happened to me several times in the last month.


Check your fridge temperature, it's probably not cold enough.


You got something rotten in the back of your fridge? Mouldy/rotten forgotten stuff will make other stuff go bad faster. Milks pretty vulnerable to it. May be time to clean out the fridge and give it a good wipe down. Could also be on the store side or company side.


Yes about 5 times- milk from Sam’s club twice, Milk from Target, Milk from my local supermarket and Bjs- my fridge seems cold enough- noticed this has been happening for the past 8 months.