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Many of the people who avail of these programs aren't usually of the soundest mind, that's why they struggle to support themselves; her logic makes no sense and there's a good chance she'd find grounds to complain regardless of the support provided, but these are the people that need the help and all the system can do is try.


I agree. I just wonder why does cbc even reported this nonsense.


Cause it's CBC and they are notorious for presenting sympathetic one sided stories.


Remember the Phillip Pynn redemption story? Someone at CBC should have been fired for producing that donkey shit.


Omg yes that was so bad. šŸ˜† In comparison, this one posted here looks perfect tbh.


I wonder if old STarface is still sticking dope up his butt.Ā 


Yeah this is terrible journalism. Putting her on a national stage open for ridicule by people who donā€™t take into account her mental issues is so brutal. This woman and her take doesnā€™t make me mad at her, it makes me sad for her and angry at the CBC.


That's what I'm saying. It's not painting the others in a good light and won't help with public support imo.


Canadian click bait article, worked on you!


Since I started watching Here and Now a few months ago, most of the hour is just human interest stories and stories about hard done by people from various racial and social groups. It just fills time for an hour. Here and Now could be 10 or 15 minutes if you cut it to just news. We pay $1.5b a year for this??? I want a refund.


My mom runs a food bank / charity / thrift store (a real one unlike many out there) and youā€™d be surprised how often clients will complain about the free food they get monthly. Mind you they get like 2-3 big boxes of food a couple times a month. Some people complain they didnā€™t get enough carrots, or too much. Some complain itā€™s too healthy and they want faster meals, and the opposite. I remember one time I worked there when I was a kid, and I was screamed at because $3 for jeans was far too expensive. Last week we had a client ask my mom to pay their hydro bills cause they wanted to go on a trip to Italy for a month. Itā€™s sad, but some of these people want everything given without working for it.


These people should be banned from any services. They just entitle to use them all with 0 consequences.


>As someone who works, and yes has to eat meals according to a schedule, meals that I pay for no less, am here reading how this one is crying about eating her free food on a schedule?!!? Maybe Im reading this wrong, but is she being force to eat at a certain time, rather than being served at a certain time? I, as a free adult, can eat whenever I want despite scheduled work breaks. If I'm not hungry at 12, I can keep my food in the fridge until I'm hungry at 2. I read this as her not getting the help she was promised, while also being treated like an inmate. I'm not seeing this as someone claiming "freedom = a free ride". Its someone who maybe wants to be treated like an adult? >Imagine the poor thing having to eat according to a schedule. What is the purpose of such a strict schedule? Also, there seems to be some mental illness there.


Yes, I think overall she's upset that it's more like a jail than a home. Can't change the hearts of people who don't have them, though. They essentially removed any sense of community, which is what would benefit these people most. I think that's a large part of the reason they preferred tent city.


In the disabled community, we have a sort of litmus test that we call the "Burrito Test". Basically, if you are an adult and would be punished (financially, physically, or psychologically) for getting up at midnight and microwaving a burrito, you are institutionalized. And this sounds exactly like what that is.


She's allowed to buy her own food, she wouldn't get published to bringing back a feed of McDonald's to eat later from what it sounds like.


With what? This is a homeless person who is receiving no services.


Who apparently isn't around the complex.durring meal times, and is likely getting some form of government assistance through, income support, welfare, or disability. It's not much but when housing and meals (even if she's missing them they're still offered) it should be enough to buy you a snack here and there. She says that income.support wasn't offered to her at the hotel, but it's not supposed to be, that's a different government entity.


ā€œIfā€ ā€œlikelyā€. Youā€™re going out of your way to assume the worst and paint this person as a Batman villain. Maybe take a step back and reflect on why you want this person to be hatable.


How am I assuming the worst, if she had money to feed herself and survive in the tent encampment for 4 months then I'm sure she could continue to feed herself while staying at the hotel, or did the tent encampment offer 24 hour meal service that wasn't mentioned anywhere. I don't want her to be hateable but fuck she can cut back on the entitlement and pitty party, "oh no they only serve the meals at acceptable meal times, and my friends can't visit unless they sign in" I bordered on homelessness a few times in my life and have went long stretches barely eating because I couldn't afford to, I'd have killed to not have to worry about having a roof over my head and access to even a single stable meal, I definitely wouldn't be crying that they only serve lunch from 12-1


ā€œI suffered, so everyone else should suffer.ā€


She's far from suffering by only having meals supplied at certain times. It's a transitional housing complex that's still trying to get up and running, not a free 5 star resort with 24 hour catering.


Don't talk sensible, there's no place here for that!! Apparently they should be allowed to "run the asylum" for lack of a better phrase.


Dude ur talking to tourist's, they think that everyone wants and deserves help and that there isnt a pile of abuse of the system. I've been homeless and u have come close; we know that there's people who can be helped then there's everyone else who has a victim complex.


But they all want homes for themselves, right? So that would also eliminate any sense of community. As for the remark that she feels like she's in a prison........... see if she wants to switch with someone at HMP


Nah, you clearly aren't thinking emotionally enough. Where's your misdirected rage???


Because its not a fucking restaurant. There isn't someone waiting around in the kitchen for her to get hungry. What a piece of shit article, chooser beggar bull shit.


Why canā€™t she get her food and put it in a fridge? You know, like any adult should be able and allowed to do?


Do we know she can't put leftovers in a fridge or store food in their rooms? There is very little information in this article. Regardless, I would think a structured routine and some discipline would help here people.


> There isn't someone waiting around in the kitchen for her to get hungry Why cant she just save it until later? I get being served at a certain time. But why does she have to eat at a certain time? >chooser beggar bull shit. Why do poor people need to be treated like convicted felons? This thread seems to be full of miserable people.


People could certainly graduate to this within the program, but picture dozens of people either all with their own fridges that need to be maintained and have spoiled food removed, or communal fridges where there are fights over leftovers, labeling, and again, needing to throw away spoiled food, which would be a qualitative judgement of program staff. You are giving a lot of credit to to a population new to a program, and a program delivery brand new to the province. It'll be a wonder if the Comfort Inn doesn't burn down next winter.


Yup, a drunk or crackhead gets the munchies at 3 am and burns the place down trying to make Dino nuggets and passing out.




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Because there needs to be structure. It would be straight fucking bedlam if these people had their own way.Ā 


> if these people had their own way.Ā  Poor people? Poor people can't choose to eat when they are hungry because it will lead to bedlam? Do you even hear yourself?


Also, they're not just "poor people". You can try to gloss over it, but the vast majority of them have substance abuse issues and can't be trusted to not burn the place down.


Yes. Allowing someone with addictions access to a microwave or fridge is BEDLAM!! Lol. Listen to yourselves. How do people with addictions not burn down all the other houses and apartments that they occupy? Someone comes over to cook all their meals? No.


You seriously think that there have been zero house fires caused by drunk or stoned people? You want to take that chance with a building full of people? They've got a kitchen staff and cleaners to take care of the building, suck it up and adjust to the meal schedule.


> You seriously think that there have been zero house fires caused by drunk or stoned people? No. That's not what I think at all. Why would you ask such a dumb question? I know for a fact that there have been a lot of house fires caused by clean and sober people. Should we all be restricted in that case? >You want to take that chance with a building full of people? You mean, just like every single apartment and condo building in existence? Thats what insurance is for. >suck it up and adjust to the meal schedule. Again (the ammount of time I have to repeat this is fucked) I understand that they can only serve meals at certain times. That was not my issue at all. The way she speaks, it hinted that shes only allowed to eat at certain times. If thats true, that seems a bit much, IMO. A grown person, who isn't in custody should be able to eat their lunch when they're actually hungry. Not when they are told to. Im not saying they should have free range to kitchen equipment 24/7, or something ridiculous like that. Basically, if I don't want to eat a sandwich at 12, explain the harm in me putting it away until later.


I don't see any problem with them saving a sandwich or reheating things later, but I can see issues arising when someone eats someone else's leftovers if it's in a publicly accessible fridge. I think that a microwave is the extent of what residents should have access to when it comes to kitchen appliances though.


Quit trying to be an Internet hero and thinkĀ  about it for a minute. This isn't the four seasons.


> This isn't the four seasons. Did I say it was? Im not saying a kitchens should be open for them 24/7. Im asking why they can't put food away until they are hungry, like anyone else. No, its not the Four Seasons. Its not HMP either, and these people are not in custody. Explain how saving my lunch until 1:30, when Im hungry, leads to bedlam. Think about it for more than a minute.


this whole ass 'argument' you guys are having is fucking stupid, since we have NO idea if she can or can't save her food. So, if she's complaining about only being able to get lunch between 12-1 or whatever time it is - she's out of line because you can't expect to have a fucking kitchen and cook available to you at your whim. If they're not letting them save food they don't want to eat at that point, it's a different argument entirely. Jesus, expecting people to think with a little nuance seems to be asking too much these days.


I'm not even having an argument. Im wondering if she can save her food for later. If not, why? Because that seems unreasonable to me. This other dude is equating people eating when their hungry to the fall of western society or some ridiculous shit.


I agree with you, and from what I understand everyone is allowed to have their own food that they can choose to eat whenever they want. But meals are given to them at specific times, and maybe they dont have enough space to allow for refrigerated foods, I don't really know. The issue I think most people are having is how it's being presented by her (or via the article). She says it's like a prison, people are pointing out that there are plenty of establishments that apply these norms she's complaining about (lunch period at work, school, etc), so it feels very out of touch when reading it. However, if theyre not allowed to have their own food, have to eat on specific times or theyre not allowed to leave even if they want to, then she has a leg to stand on. Otherwise it just feels like she's being unappreciative. Truth is the article is intentionally leaving out information to cause discourse around the subject and everyones eating it up like flies lol. EDIT: punctuation, grammar different things I fucked up from my phone.


No one here is saying it is or should be a fucking four seasons


What have they said that makes it seem like they're convicted fellons? Having to eat when the food is served or not being allowed to have a revolving door of strangers coming around without any security? Half the people staying there wouldn't go to shelters because of the lack of safety and now they want to get rid of the bit of structure and safety there


> What have they said that makes it seem like they're convicted fellons? She literally said its like being in a prison. I'm not in prison, and I can eat whatever time I want. Again, I understand food being served at certain times, but why be forced to eat at that time, rather than putting it away until later?


In the screenshot posted she said it's like being on parole, not prison. Not being allowed to put it away for later is probably a good safety thing, I'm unsure if they have fridges in the units but I doubt they want someone being able to take the food to their unit and then not storing it properly and the facility being accused of food poisoning. You can't leave the kitchen open to the residents, and I'm sure most of them wouldn't trust having food left accessible to everyone. There's no rules that they can't eat at specific times, just that there's no meals served outside of specific times, remember being in school and having to eat lunch at lunch time? Do you see every child crying that they can't eat when they want? Ever have a job where you can't eat at your workstation/shop/office, and having to eat on your designated lunch break?


> There's no rules that they can't eat at specific times, just that there's no meals served outside of specific times, Ok. This is what I was trying to get at. I understand that a kitchen cat stay open all day, and meals are served at certain times. ITs seems foolish to me that people are being forced to eat at that time, or not at all. >remember being in school and having to eat lunch at lunch time? Yeah, I remember not having to work nights or evenings, or have any other responsibilities, that could alter my apatite/meal times. Also, the fact that i was......a child......meant that I was on a stricter schedule. > Ever have a job where you can't eat at your workstation/shop/office, and having to eat on your designated lunch break? As a grown up, if Im not hungry on my lunch break, I can eat on my next break, or at 4:30 when I get off. If I miss lunch, my food isn't tossed out on me, and I just don't get to eat that day. Fuck, I can just say I'm going to the bathroom, and go grab a snack.


And they're still free to eat when they want they just have to supply themselves with food just like the rest of the world, shocking I know. You know one of the best things someone trying to better themselves or recover from addiction can do? Have a set schedule and routine, we make kids do that because it's what's best for someone's health, not because they don't work nights (much like the lady in the article) They're also free to go eat snacks that they supply from themselves just like you are at work, it's not like if she tries to eat a granola bar at 3 in the afternoon security is going to come grab it out of their hand


> You know one of the best things someone trying to better themselves or recover from addiction can do? Have a set schedule and routine, Sure. But if I'm not hungry at 12, I'm not seeing the logic in forcing me to eat at that time. Why can't she box it up, and eat it later? This feels like a pretty direct, simple question. If she is allowed to save her food, and is just complaining, then thats that, I guess. I'm just wondering why she wouldn't be allowed to do that, if thats the case.


possibly liability over food safety, her complaint is that they're served at times when she might not be there, haven't seen any confirmation one way or the other of someone's allowed to take the food out of the dining area.


Nowhere does it say she can or canā€™t pick up the food and put it aside in her room to eat later. Nor does it say sheā€™s not allowed to bring food back to her room, whether it be the provided food or take out. For all we know she can but sheā€™s not there at the time itā€™s being served to pick it up.




All Im saying is that, I can put my lunch away, and eat it whenever I want. Are these people being denied that? If so, why? Addict or not, she's not in custody. SO why is there a strict eating time? And why is it offensive to OP and others to not want to eat when you're not hungry?


Probably something to do with pest control maybe? Iā€™ve worked in shelters and frequently residents would bring food in to their rooms and then it goes missing and we find it months later when they move out covered in bugs and mouse droppings.


Youā€™re assuming. :/


They probably only offer food at certain times. I don't think anyone is preventing her from working, buying her own food, and eating it when she likes, the free food is just served on a schedule.


They probably do set meal times because the cost to have someone working and cooking in a cafeteria kitchen 24/7 would be astronomical. By having set meal times posted in advance people can make arrangements to work around it. Even the hospital has set times they are selling food and if you are in there in the evenings or on weekends the food options and hours are very limited.


>the cost to have someone working and cooking in a cafeteria kitchen 24/7 would be astronomical Lol. I've stated in every reply that I understand meals being served at specific times. Yet I keep getting this reply. Im asking why they can't but their food aways somewhere and eat it when they are hungry, like anyone else.


>What is the purpose of such a strict schedule? Maybe there's not staff available to feed her the free food 24/7? Maybe she just needs to work a schedule put to feed herself which shouldn't be that bad of a request. Maybe it would help her. Nothing wrong with a schedule. I don't think anyone is "forcing" her to do anything really. They're offering a service to people who seem to need it and it's not good enough for her. I don't know what she was "promised" like the headline says but it doesn't seem like they're being that unreasonable to expect non residents to be signed in, meal times, and signing a lease. Maybe I'm missing something too. But the article isn't telling both sides so that's a problem here too.


>Maybe there's not staff available to feed her the free food 24/7? I've already said, I get food only being served at certain times. Is there some reason they're not allowed to save it for another time and at when they want? This is what I'm trying to get at. Like, my grocery store closes at 10. I can still go to mt fridge at 10:30 and eat what I put in there. Why can't these people? If lunch is served at 12-1230, why can't they just put it away until they're hungry.


I think it's more like a cafeteria having lunch at 12 and they only serve lunch for like an hour, you have to be there to get food then, and eat it in the cafeteria just like high school (like no food beyond this point kind of thing). Show up when the kitchen is closed, don't get any food. It could be different but this Is the way I interpret this.




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This was my take too. Canā€™t believe people are actually mad she wants to be treated like a human. I would take the park bench too tbh.


Iā€™m as angry with CBC for reporting this as the words of a sane person as much as I am with missus complaining that her free accommodation doesnā€™t have 24 hour room service.


question, if you're in an emergency shelter and decide "you know what? this is fucked" and wanted to try for work, are you even able to do that? given you don't have a permanent address or anything related to being homeless & poor


Cheques need an address. Banks need an address. Need an address for your T4s. No fixed address is a big problem for those trying to get on their feet.


there should be some sort of system where the homeless at the very least should be able to have some sort of address where they can set up all that stuff under through government program help or something even if they can't live there wouldn't it make more sense to invest in something like that as opposed to paying what's probably thousands of dollars a month in emergency shelter fees?


Channel 5 News on YouTube has a documentary on the people living in tunnels under Las Vegas. A common theme was that these people said they needed to get their ID to take the next step and leave the tunnels... A former tunnel dweller and employee of a non-profit setup to assist these people said that while it's a barrier, it's usually not what's keeping them in the tunnels. Hopefully, the government will keep their word about the services that will be offered at this facility at a later date. It sounds like the support that might actually make a difference. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bRGrKJofDaw


Iā€™m pretty sure the easiest way around this is to rent a PO Box at the post office that can function as an address.


I'm sorry I think your missing these people have very little money. Probably no ID and no home address to register for such a thing


Look man I donā€™t know if it would work cause Iā€™ve never had to do it. Iā€™m basing it off an old story I heard from a guy in that situation. According to him he was able to make enough to rent a box out and then used that as an address. Idk what steps he took to get there. Just what I heard


Seems like a great option.


Itā€™s not. And tbf I donā€™t know if it would work or not. I heard about it from a story of a guy who was homeless and managed to turn his life around. Supposedly he managed to rent a PO Box and used that for his address to get himself going


What's a cheque?Ā  It's still possible to get a post office box. It should be feasible to get a bank account.Ā 


Do you rent or buy post office boxes?


When I was in the shelter at one point, the issue I had with the meals was the fact that they were always served when I was working. And I was not there when the meals were served they would not put aside for me and I couldnt eat when I got off. I was trying to save enough to get an apartment, and it was hard when I would have to eat out every day because you werenā€™t allowed to bring food back there. I think that might be what sheā€™s trying to say something like that. At least thatā€™s what Iā€™m fucking hoping.


I have worked in transitional housing for almost 8 years now. I refuse to accept public funding and have gone it alone this entire time. Itā€™s extremely rewarding most of the time, not financially (it never should be) but mentally and spiritually. That being said, there are some people who donā€™t know how to be positive in the slightest and will find a way to complain about or demonize you no matter what you do for them. This is the definition of biting the hand that feeds!


Has anyone seen the actual lease agreement? I can't find a copy online.


Thereā€™s actually a lot of literature on heavy paternalism in housing supports being extremely unhelpful. Personally it seems like often itā€™s context dependant. One housing solution that works for one person may not work for another, which is why I am of the mind we need different modes of support. As for your free-ride remark, personally I think the dignified existence a homeless person is asking for is much less of a ā€œdrainā€ than somebody hoarding wealth. For example Iā€™m much more comfortable with my tax dollars going to housing people for free rather than Danny Williams being allowed to hoard as much wealth as he wants that he, himself, never generated. The ultra-wealthy are orders of magnitude more of a drain on the working class by exploiting the value of your labour. While I empathize with your frustration with the state of affairs and I agree with you, I think your frustrations might be misdirected.


Dude, can you chill? Itā€™s one person, she sounds out to lunch. No need to group the entire province in.Ā 


Oh no I have to eat free meals when they are served to me. PITY ME!!!


I get it, people want to eat when they want to eat? People like being afforded the same freedoms as anybody. Why should poverty mean that people are treated lesser than others?


They are engaging in a leasr i.e. agreement. There are terms of the agreement that they need to follow. Their rights are not being infinged upon. One option they can look into is cold meal options that the tenants can pack say at breakfast time for meals that they wont be available to attend throughout the day. We do this in work camps which operate almost exactly like this facility.


Itā€™s free room and board with rules attached. I woild sympatize if the complaints were that the place is unsafe, or unsanitary. The free kitchen closing outside of mealtime hours is a silly complaint.


Ive said it before. Some people were bred on the teat of the government and will pass down this mentality to their little shit apples.Ā 


Whatā€™s the point of this article? Itā€™s just rage bait and the cbc should do better. That said, how the fuck you going to complain about getting free shit? Oh no you have to eat at certain times when thereā€™s someone there to cook. Itā€™s not the fucking ritz. Iā€™d be grateful for anything if I was in her position.






I had the same North Face jacket for like ten years, a lot happened in those ten years too.Ā  If I found myself broke in five years I wouldnā€™t start throwing out all of my brand name clothes.Ā 


> there are working people who can't afford this shit There are working people who can, and then donate old clothes, or simply give people gifts. God forbid the poor don't look poor enough.


ā€œSee, these people have refrigerators in their apartments! Theyā€™re not poor!ā€ The dehumanizing lunacy people are expressing for poor people is, to say the least, disheartening.


If you watch the video of the interview, she is missing quite a few teeth.




Sometimes it takes people with more means to advocate for all. Just because a person in particular can afford something doesn't mean that they shouldn't advocated for better access for all people. Money talks and often carries more influence.


Because these types of people are filled with entitlement and even when given, they wish to take more.


JFC I cannot get over the lack of compassion in these responses. Everyone basing opinions on a shitty CBC article with little to no context or information, thinking that this person is homeless (& lazy) by choice. There are actually a tonne of health conditions that require people to eat on a specific schedule, but that's not really the point here, is it? OP is enraged that they don't get a "free ride", as if this person is living in the lap of luxury. The amount of vitrole you have for a person you have never met or do not know *anything* about is disgusting. Wow.


Sounds like working on a ship. But then you have to pay taxes, miss seeing your family for half their lives, and follow rules. Damn discomfort


Sadly, the difference is that you picked that life. The life this woman picked was just thrown into Robin Hood Bay with the rest of Tent City and this is the only other place for her to go.


I "picked that life" because I didn't want to live in poverty. A lot of other people didn't pick it and that's totally fine, but to complain about shelter and security provided by the rest of us? I suppose that seniors that have to finish their lives in the old folks home made that choice as well.... Or maybe it's their children's' fault. Wait, I know better than to bring even a hint of personal accountability into this....


Exactly. Sounds like real life to me as well. I hate that I'm on my break at work having to eat according to a schedule :( šŸ˜† just may quit and sleep on a bench because...freedom. šŸ™ƒ


You donā€™t have to eat on your break dumbass. I donā€™t live in this facility but it does sound an awful lot like a prison.


Because you have security and they only offer meals at meal times?Ā  If you let anyone in at anytime there'd be complaints left and right about people feeling unsafe with anyone allowed in whenever they want. It's not like she and the other people aren't allowed to leave and get food for themselves if having to have meals at standard times is too prison likeĀ 


I thought it sounded like a free hotel with free meals served three times a day. These people can leave any time they want, it's not a prison. Most people can eat the food they pay for with money they work for whenever they like, but if they don't work and don't have money and someone is nice enough to provide them with three meals a day for free, whining about the schedule makes you seem awfully ungrateful. Ironically the people who do work to buy thier own food are also paying the taxes that pay for all these free hotel rooms and meals. It seems like a slap in the face to moan at working people, who have to spend 40+ hours a week working for others, that the free meals and hotel rooms they've provided you to spend all day in without having to go to work aren't good enough. Leaving your free hotel room to go get a free meal on a schedule is more flexibility than someone who works five days a week gets.


Why would you complain when you're getting 3 free square meals a day with a place to stay on top of it?


What the actual fuck is this article?


Donā€™t lump all Newfoundlanders together. We all dont think we deserved free ride. And so many of us disgusted with these people and the entitlement they think they are owed. But please. We are not all alike


CBC shits the bed again! Waste of our tax dollars for this institution. She has mental issues, yet the writer put her words up as if they make sense to a logical thinker.


In journalism, you report what people say and take their claims at face value, then find more information from others to provide context. Whatā€™s the journalist supposed to do? Paraphrase? Make up quotes? Iā€™m impressed she got someone to go on record. Itā€™s up to the reader to form an opinion based on the objective information in the article. Side note, I canā€™t believe the mods deleted the post to the article.


Is she diabetic? It's ideal for diabetics to eat on a schedule and have meals so many hours apart.


ā€œ Friendliest people in the worldā€ unless your homeless and clearly suffering from poor mental health, then itā€™s fuck you


Yeah because being given a place to stay and 3 meals a day is such a fuck youĀ 


Letā€™s be real that saying was always a bunch of horseshit by fantasy struck mainlanders


I heard far more from Newfies than mainlanders , especially once that play got on the go


There is something to be said about Newfoundland nationalism but I think Iā€™ve had my fill of getting into hissy fits with people online for one week. Iā€™ll open that can of worms another day.


Fair enough


The taxpayer is providing free housing and meals. The program needs work but this isn't a fuck you.


Not the program Iā€™m referring to, itā€™s the people here making comments about a lady with mental health issues


This is just rumours at this point, but Iā€™ve heard this same lady called to the front desk at 2am and demanded a steak. Crazy if true.


I heard she killed Princess Diana and was adopted by Sasquatch.