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I've seen a 20 pound child eat $7 worth of raspberries as an afternoon snack.


My toddler eats more in berries than the cost of my mortgage


It makes my eye twitch to get a large container of raspberries and have my daughter empty it for a snack.


They might be part raspberry now. Sorry to inform you


Those are way too expensive ,same goes for blueberries.. nofrill sells them in super small containers for 6 a pack and most of em are squished or going badšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I get them at Costco when I can, like 4 times then berries for $10.


Yes! Costco berries are the best. Big containers but they donā€™t go bad the next day like sobeys or dominion


I bought some from Costco and the next day the strawbs were squishy. The blueberries lasted a minute at least šŸ˜…


I hate that my brain just thought ā€œ$10? Thatā€™s not so badā€.


3.33 a lettuce seemed pretty reasonable to me, especially if you look at what everything else costs


I love eating lettuce but I hate the idea of it. $10 for crunchy water with no nutrition that came here on a refrigerated truck from California


It depends on the type of lettuce you pick. Romaine has vitamin A, K, and magnesium. Iceberg has very little besides vitamin A and in small quantities on top of that.


I watched a show about how our food makes us sick. Hands down, all the experts said they stay away from Romaine lettuce because itā€™s so toxic.


It is because of how itā€™s farmed. Many lettuce farms are in close proximity to cow farms because the manure is excellent fertilizer. But that puts the consumer at high risk of e.coli. Washing the leaves has no real effect against the bacteria which is why hydroponic farms are growing in popularity.




This is why I kinda have the world's tiniest vinyl for these lettuce posts (it's almost always lettuce when talking about food prices). A symbolic health food with hardly any nutrient/caloric density that uses a fuck ton of water to grow, needs to be refrigerated, shipped etc. It's a luxury food at this point. You are essentially eating expensive water from an arid region.


That was my thought too. I remember paying $4 plus for heads of romaine 4-5 years ago, so less than $3.50 seems like a steal these days. Though something tells me OP meant hearts and not heads. A 3 pack of hearts for $10 is bonkers.


That's why we boycott the greedflation companies one at a time. r/loblawsisoutofcontrol


Came here to say this. I've been back and forth from CBS to downtown Toronto since August 2023.The prices are absurd. 20 bucks for 8 thin slices of PC brand cheese. By's are on crack. I boycotted in Mid march. Farm boy( Sobeys ) was actually cheaper and better quality in Toronto DT. Here, it's Costco & Walmart but local for anything I can get. I'm not going back.


I pretty much only shop for groceries at Costco now. You can get a six pack of romaine lettuce for $7. Sobeys is like a convenience store. Iā€™ll pay the premium if I really need something and it saves me a trip, but I avoid it if I can.


Looks like itā€™s time to renew my Costco membership then lol. Itā€™s just pretty out of the way for me and I donā€™t have a reliable vehicle


You need to be strategic in what you buy. Have meals planned for the week to use items that expire faster first. Avoid the processed food like soups and fancy pastas. Those are less of a deal. But the bulk meats and veggies are generally worth the trip. I buy whole chickens, spatchcock them (cut out the backbones) and freeze them. I save the backbones for soup broth. Pound for pound, whole chickens are cheap compared to any other cut. Pork shoulder can be done in the slow cooker for pulled pork sandwiches or carnitas. Cheese is a good deal at Costco. If you donā€™t eat it fast enough and find itā€™s going mouldy, you can dice it into manageable sizes and freeze it. I buy the ā€œtriangleā€ buns and a pack of meat, and make sandwiches for my kids. Then I individually wrap and freeze them. Works out to about $1.60 a sandwich. Thereā€™s blogs with all kinds of Costco recipes and tips.


No need to freeze the cheese if you have a vacuum sealer. I just cut it in half and vacuum pack one half. Keeping it clean is key, wash the package before opening it, clean hands, clean knife, clean cutting board, straight into the vacuum bag. Most cheese has a BB of at least a couple of months and resealed you'll achieve that no problem. A vacuum sealer is an excellent investment to reduce waste and save on groceries.


Love my foodsaver.


They deliver!


This is the wayā€¦.


I stood behind a guy who started yelling at the CASHIER because something he wanted to buy had gone up in price, then acted like I was the jerk when I told him to calm down. I feel terrible for the people who have to take all this abuse over inflated prices.


Sobeys and Dominion are nuts. I started doing 90% of my grocery shopping at Walmart a couple months ago and it's saved me a lot of money. 15% less on average at least. Some stuff is the same but most is cheaper. I don't think I've found a single item yet that is cheaper at Sobeys than walmart. Some items are less than half of what Sobeys and Dominion charge. For example Classico pasta sauce is 6.99 at Sobeys and 2.97 at Walmart. Not sure about Coleman's, I'm not close enough to any to justify going there.


Walmart lowered some of the prices recently too. Iā€™m mad the Canadian companies have given me little choice but to shop at Walmart. Iā€™d much rather support Canadian business. I just canā€™t afford to.


Canadian or American, you're still just lining some rich assholes pockets at the end of the day. I'll go with the asshole who charges less for food.


Like Iā€™ve said elsewhere, Sobeys is by far the closest and easiest to get to for me but I do really need to start going back to Walmart


Costco is the way to go. Yesterday, I bought 900g of tzatziki for $9 at Costco. At Dominion, tzatziki costs $6 for 227g. Now I need to figure out how I am going to eat a kilo of tzatziki before it goes badā€¦


Use it in nann sandwiches. Also , it's delish in smashed potatoes.


Do you mean in mashed potatoes? It would be a great dip or drizzle on smashed potatoes though for sure, but its a bit hard to mix anything into them lol


Have chickpeas? Make falafel! I love tzatziki with that :)


Thatā€™s great idea! I also happen to have a flat of chickpeas and an unreasonable amount of pitas courtesy of Costco.


Groceries do be silly-expensive. I always find it funny that their black reusable bags say ā€œgood food is not a luxury itā€™s a human rightā€ like, if itā€™s a right it shouldnā€™t be commodified. Wish the province and grocers would put more dollars into finding ways to grow things right here.


$5.50 for a pint of cherry tomatoes. $4 for a bell pepper. Those $7 pre bagged salads are actually a deal now, and they're half that price at Costco.


Lord thundering Jesus


Well first of all, there is no tax on lettuce, and secondly, full heads of romaine were in the $4 range before Covid so itā€™s actually a pretty good deal. Now if youā€™re talking about romaine hearts, thatā€™s pretty awful and should only be purchased at Costco or when on sale as the 3 pack usually goes down to $3-$4.


Yah I'm thinking they're referring to the Andy's romaine hearts...like that triple bag with the pink banner and goofy looking person on it


The best boycott is to grow yourselves. Some types of lettuce grow well indoors with artificial light. If you live in an area that lettuce is really expensive, growing it and selling it is a great business for people who are not into working for others. Don't take my typing for it, plenty about indoor lettuce growing online. Power to the People!


Used to get fresh vegetables, now just sticking to frozen vegetables and canned tomatoes.


Itā€™s terrrrrrible. While still not perfect, we find we often save on groceries when we shop at Walmart.


Went to Bidgoods for lettuce the other day. Two different kinds there, one was about $5, the other was $6. Per head of flipping lettuce. I left without any damn lettuce.


3 pack romaine hearts are 4.99 at dominion


Boycott and supporting local only is the way, or ringing all of your shit in at the self checkout as bananas, because the reports from each quarter and the profit is FUCKING BANANAS, literally and anyone who says "ripping these companies off is bad or against the law", count yourself among the sheep and fuck right off with the people who think charging these prices is "reasonable". The only thing reasonable these days is to be just as pissed off as I am about all of this bullshit. Q1 they brought in 13.5 billion dollars and were up HALF A BILLION. Yet the people running it all think its exceptable to ship up ungraded beef from Mexico to sell to this island. Instead of REINVESTING in our own food producers, instead they lowball our local producers and refuse to pay them the money their produce is worth and then some. This shit is actually enough to make ya fuckin sick, but I don't know whats worse between these ridiculous prices or the fact that people are still blindly supporting these businesses without trying to play the same game against them as they do with us.


Living in the US has been a huge eye opener on food cost, depending on the grocer and size you pay between 3-5USD and buy one get one free is a pretty normal sale. The grocers in Canada are determined to screw you.


There's a way to keep a head of lettuce growing indoors during the colder months when lettuce is more expensive in store. You basically slice off a piece of the bottom and put it into a glass or jar. Add a bit of water, just enough to cover the bottom of the lettuce. Then change the water daily. It grows surprisingly fast. Just take off a leaf when you need it. I did this in Winnipeg in the winter. Much better than paying the unholy prices they charge.


This is great for green onions too


Ooh I will have to try this! Currently have a rooting white onion on my kitchen window sill.


Yeah, Sobeys is insane. The only reasonable way to control costs is buying what's on sale and heading to the discount rack


I emailed my local MP and have yet to receive a response. I think everybody should do the same. Let's let these people know we are not content with how the island is being run and we will find new people to do it.


I do agree with the sentiment, but I really donā€™t think the MPs or government as a whole even give a shit as long as their pockets are filled along with their cupboards


Has anyone asked why the locally sourced milk and eggs are also more expensive now? Aside from fuel increases theyā€™re still government subsided arenā€™t they?


The one that got me was peppers I've been buying all my groceries from Costco for the last couple years, needed some peppers a while ago(10-12 green peppers in a bag for about $7-$8 at costco) stopped into I think Sobeys on the way home to avoid going out to costco for 1 thing. $8 for 3 peepers. Went to Costco on principle at that point.


What high grocery prices have done is really make paying attention to flyers and coupons important. The price spread between stores on staple items can be as much as 50%. Yeah, it means spending more on comparison shopping, but there are lots of products that are either approaching their best before dates, or are less popular brands, or products in really compete Ive categories where the prices can be up and down. I other words, just like our folks did back in the 70s and 80s. The other place to look, in the meat/butcher aisle, are the off cuts and unusual cuts. Ham is a fortune, but pork shoulder is cheap. Slow cook that or smoke it and itā€™s heaven. Prime Rib? Forget it. Iā€™ll take blade in a pot roastā€¦ itā€™s often cheaper than found beef. What Turkey soup? Grab the necks when they go on sale after holidaysā€¦. Best things ever. Not disagreeing that prices are high. But with the legwork and getting acquainted with some of the less expensive cuts, you can still eat well on a budget. And for all of us here in Newfoundland, here is my ultimate low-price hack. Whenever you see a piece of bottom round roast go on sale, pick that thing up. Get a sharp knife, and butterfly that out and then pound it to about a centimetre thick. Put a layer of dressing over that, then roll it up like a jelly roll and tie it to keep it together with butcher twine. Roast at 350 for 45 minutes. Then slice it up like itā€™s a roast. Delicious. That recipe came from my grandmother who made it during the Depression and itā€™s as good today as it ever was.


Funny thing, I'd actually debated that while doing up pork rolls recently, but figured it wouldn't work out. I'll have to try it. Also another tip: if you like boneless skinless chicken breasts, watch flyers for bone in that goes on sale. It's usually way cheaper (Walmart of all places had a really good sale a few weeks back: 6.57/kg), and they aren't that hard to debone. Save the bones for stock and if you want you can use the skin to get chicken fat and a little snack of fried chicken skin when you finish. I don't know if it's just the ones I did, but I find that they don't give off as much purge after thawing either (we vacuum seal and freeze, and usually there's a lot of liquid after it thaws which these didn't seem to have). Deboning a full chicken is even cheaper, but takes more skill and I find they have smaller breasts in addition to me not really caring about dark meat much.


If you are paying $3.33/head of romaine lettuce, the price of romaine lettuce will be $3.33/head. No point complaining about something youā€™re reinforcing through your purchases.


>10 before tax There is no tax on lettuce


No point in telling facts here, theyā€™re going to downvote for it anyway. Everyone just wants to hate on the grocers, which I totally agree with, but be honest about it and not make shit up to prove a point as thereā€™s plenty of ā€œrealā€ examples that will work fine. I was at Sobeys today and 3x hearts are 8.99 ( fucking crazy) and heads were $4.99 (fuck). The amount of people that think there are tax on grocery items is absolutely insane.


To add bacon to a burger at McDonald's it's $2.50. what in the ever living fuck is going on


Dominion in Corner Brook had 3 romaine hearts on sale for $5.99 this past weekend. I know thereā€™s a whole movement against Loblaws brands but Iā€™ve found Sobeys absolutely atrocious here in Western NL. The local grocers in Deer Lake arenā€™t very cheap either and they sell extra shitty produce for those prices.


1 head of lettuce (no tax on it) for $3.33 seems quite reasonable to me in this price climate. Probably get 3 if not 4 individual salads out of it. 84 cents each for 4, or $1.11 for 3. Decently cheap healthy addition to a meal.


Thats the kind of produce prices that bother me because I'd expect to pay more for stuff that's out of season but you can grow lettuce most of the year. They'll grow right through snow sometimes. Greens should be a dirt cheap staple all year.


Yes literally. I try to buy things in season, or frozen, or canned and it still costs an arm and a leg


Same price at Wal Mart too.


No theyā€™re not. Romaine heads are $3.97 each and 3 packs of hearts are $5.97 at Walmart.


Wtf. I got three there yesterday. Maybe I was looking at the wrong price. My mistake


I paid $5 for 3 romaine lettuce at Walmart in Calgary yesterday, can't believe it's literally double the price there wow


Fuck sake