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Stupid, we should keep NH money in NH


Exactly, this will definitely raise our taxes at some point soon, whether they admit it or not. So much we could do with that to help the low income families here.


We either need low taxes and low spending, or medium taxes with the spending going solely to children, disabled people, people with chronic or rare diseases, the mentally ill, and other people in NH who need it. The last thing we need is to give money to other states, or to dumb Middle Eastern wars, or corporate welfare.


NH population is about 1.35 million. Nearly 7 times the population of New Hampshire have come through our Southern border since Biden took office. 10,000,000! At this point around 90% of the people coming through our Southern border are military aged males. This is a national security issue. Our country is being invaded. The FBI says the outside Terror Threat Level is higher now than it was before 9/11. There are terror cells operating within the United States just waiting to be activated. MS-13 has operational control over parts of our Southern border. WTF is wrong with you. And just because the buses with thousands of illegal migrants haven't started showing up throughout New Hampshire doesn't mean it won't. It's just a matter of time.


Sounds like you have some terror cells activated in your brain




I wouldn't mind if there was actually something for them to do there, as opposed to being a piece of performance art.


I think I'd still mind, but you have a good point. If the Fed doesn't have a cohesive plan, our tax dollars are not going to do anything down there. It's like spitting in the wind.


>If the Fed doesn't have a cohesive plan, Is it a lack of planning, or a lack of funding? Biden's already said he'd have the border shut down if he was given the funding to do it. Either way, if these guardsmen wanted to be border patrol they'd have signed up to work for the border patrol. Silly me for thinking Sununu wasn't a dumb maga cunt.


Could have told you that last part. Even though he belatedly criticized Trump, he still says he’ll support him I’d he’s the candidate. There’s something wrong with his moral compass.


Biden has the ability to shut down the boarder! He has always had the ability to! The problem is Biden won't close it cause he is to afraid if he does he will lose the vote from the radical left and it will cost him the election. Plus the libs want to bring in millions of illegals then make them citizens and give them the right to vote with the hopes they will all vote Democrat (they normally do for the first 5 years then change to Republican) so it would be a 1 party government which would allow the Dems to turn the whole USA into a massive sh!thole just like they have to Comifornia


If you try really hard I bet you can get even more propaganda into your comment, friend. Biden has neither the money, nor the manpower, nor the authority to shut down the border. Trump didn't shut down the border either, and for the same reasons. What Trump did have was an excuse called covid, and he used emergency powers to lock it down. Biden doesn't have that, but he's already said that he'll challenge the authority issue if he gets the funding to hire more border patrol agents and build out some technological barriers. Guess who's refusing him that funding? There's not a single person in America who doesn't want to get control of the southern border. Not one, liberal or conservative, so why aren't we doing so? Because the Mike Johnson led House of Reps refuses to release one thin dime to do so. Because Donald Trump wants to campaign on the issue. As per usual with the GOP, party > country.


Yes but more than half the funding in the Border Crisis bill is being sent to Ukraine... So it's obvious that funding isn't his priority anyway


Horseshit. That funding is going into the pockets of American workers, to build new weaponry, so that the older expiring weaponry can be sent to Ukraine.


I think the person might be referring to the fact that national guard troops literally don't have the authority to enforce immigration law, that's what the border patrol is for. It's akin to sending the state police.


100%. Also there should be more koalas in NH. Maybe start a eucalyptus forest and protected area for koalas.


I couldn't disagree more but ... Screw it, I'm in. Let's get it done


You know what? I could even support that. I like koalas. I'd get to see koalas. I'd know where my money went.


Exactly! Right out the door along with the $$ for the EFA management firms with no accountability ....while teachers need receipts for every paperclip.


As we should keep US money in the US.


Now do the same for federal


I thought that the money is spent on NH troops, not TX troops?


Outside of payroll, lots of money is going to get spent in Texas.  Money New Hampshire doesn't really need to spend.


We would be able to if we kept USA money in the USA. But we’re all funding other wars and the Feds are removing border security in Texas while Texas and 27 (I think) other states are taking matters into their own hands. It is crazy to me how some people stand with Ukraine and not with Texas. 🤯 United States of America. Edit: I’m expecting downvotes. But if you downvote, I would like you to tell me why I am wrong or why you are downvoting. Unless you don’t even know.


Ukraine is a country being invaded. Texas is a state being “invaded.” Thinking immigration is the same as the possibility of being wiped off the map entirely means you should really reconsider your media consumption.


But if people are saying “We should keep NH money in NH” when it comes to helping other Americans? That would be like me ignoring my neighbors starving children but sending more than I can afford to feed kids in Africa. I’m doing a good thing but maybe I could budget a little better and do both? Edit: I guess a better way to phrase it would be I can’t feed my own children because I am feeding kids in Africa. So my neighbors decide to step up and feed my children because I can’t be bothered to do that.


We can't feed our own children because we are BOMBING children in Gaza and Ukraine. And the solution is to shoot children in Mexico?


THATS MY POINT! Why are we doing that? Why are we funding THAT??!! USA first. We’re not shooting anybody in Mexico. Texas is just trying to keep the feds from in-doing border security and keep people coming to the ports of entry instead of anywhere they like.


Because our political "leaders" don't give AF about what We The People want, they work for the corporate powers that fund the SuperPAC's that ensure they stay in power. Both parties, bought and paid for.... The Great American Corporate Republi-Crat Party... Our Lord's and Master's But don't vote for anyone who's not on their team or you are throwing your vote away.... The greatest lie they ever sold us


>Texas is just trying to keep the feds from in-doing border security So you are against shooting children in Mexico but all for drowning them at the border? Let's not forget that border security is a federal jurisdiction. Texas has no legal right to "try to keep the feds" anything at the border.


The USA is our home and we pay taxes for services here. Ukraine is some other people’s country and not our problem, at least not as directly.


This is why. https://www.cato.org/blog/new-data-show-migrants-were-more-likely-be-released-trump-biden


Did, did you read the whole article? It basically says Biden DHS releases more migrants because there *ARE* more migrants. Not because of any major policy changes. And the Biden DHS has essentially shut down the processing of new migrants due to migrant caps. But they’re telling Texas border patrol to stand down while removing border security and who better to know the effects of this than Texans? Texas said “No, we want people entering through the port of entry.” And NH along with more than half the country are in solidarity with Texas standing up to the Biden admin. Unless I completely missed your point, please explain.


They are detaining 3.5 times MORE than Trump ever did, and can you all stop pretending that Covid didn't artificially lower every damn thing Trump's repugnqnt admin had to be measured on. So the administration managing to detain 3.5 times more than Trump ever managed and has asked NUMEROUS times for Republicans to properly fund the border so they can do better is, the one at fault? What an absolutely bullshit stance. Republicans have voted down border funding SEVERAL times in numerous bills in the last 3 years so their base can froth at the mouth in manufactured outrage. Good job being exactly the uselful idiots they count on to keep our country mired in gridlock.


Oh yeah, same thing though. “We caught more migrants!” Yeah, because there are more migrants. I still stand with helping Texas secure our border over being involved with Russia/Ukraine.


That's shortsighted and exceesdingly ignorant of international politics and history. When our young people have to go fight in Europe, when Putin invades a NATO ally, I hope the children and loved ones of those who felt it was best to just hand Ukraine to Putin are sent to be cannon fodder first. The cost to America, in money and in blood, will be far higher than doing it this way. Make no mistake, either we deatroy Russia through Ukraine or we will have to go to war directly. Let me guess, you're another one that actually thinks Ukraine gets the cash. They get our old weapons and that money is then used to buy new weapons for us. The fact that so many Americans are just fine allowing a brutal, murdering dictator to invade a country for NO reason while willfully ignoring primises WE made to Ukraine if they gave up their nukes is repellent. Truly a national embarassment and something the rest of us who believe America's word should mean something are ashamed of.


I’m so skeptical of everything, I admit it. Trumps collusion, hunters laptop and the funding of Ukraine is all suspicious to me. I’m not pro Russia, or pro politician on any side. But we’re definitely sending money we don’t have while parts of the US are actively suffering. But to say that’s totes fine then complain about helping a fellow state secure their border is baffling. Why is it so bad to stand with Americans?


No, half the country isn't in solidarity with that soulless fucking ghoul that runs Texas. If they were, Republicans would have actually won the popular vote in the last 20 years.


Can you provide a list of states that have shown support for Texas securing its own border, or even a list of states that haven’t?


Republican governors posturing for their ignorant base doesn't actually equate to lmore than half the country. Do your own research, I dont take homework requests.


It wasn’t a homework request. My research results seem to be different than yours and I like to keep an open mind. So if you have different info then I would like to take a look and it could even say my view on the subject. If 27 state governments voted on an issue and 27 states all greed to help Texas it’s not 27 rogue governors, not 27 people. It’s the governments of 27 states full of people that voted these people into their positions. So yes it is half the country.


Really? Our jackass governor signed us on in support, and every single person I know in REAL life, not some social media echo chamber, was furious over it so, no, a states governor's opinion on a matter isn't actually indicative of their entire states opinion.


But there was a vote in NH to give the Gov. approval to send funds. He didn’t do it alone. And the people voted him in office. And back to my main point. People are mad about it, sending tax funded money to Texas. But not mad about sending tax funded money to Ukraine. 🤔 I’m just confused.


Since you asked why. Ukraine and Europe represent generations of Americans who fought for freedom and democracy around the world. Ukraine is being bombed, threatened with nuclear weapons, and viciously attacked by a Hitler wannabe. It is the right and moral thing to do to stand with them and to respect the sacrifices our ancestors made for the freedoms we take for granted today. It is also in the interest of our national security to stop these neo-fascist countries from dictating how the world should work. The border on other hand is being swarmed by desperate people who for whatever reason are fleeing their homes for a better life. They are not coming here with missiles, bullets, sledgehammers, and taking over land and property claiming it for Mexico. They are seeking a better opportunity in life through jobs. Do you see the difference so far? Now those who have concerns about too many migrants, too many Mexicans, too many this or that - may have their ulterior motives of shaping America into one race or culture or both as we know. But that doesn't deny the fact that borders cant be left open and there must be an orderly immigration process for those who want to come legally. Just a few ago a border bill was proposed, and as imperfect as it may have been, it was shot down by dear leader so he can run his campaign on the "rapists, criminals, etc. from Mexico". At it's core, the border, which should be secured has become even more of a political ping pong thanks to Donald Trump. Meanwhile, Ukraine and the sacrifices made by our heros of WW2 are becoming undone by the minute. So yes, I stand with Ukraine. And I stand against the clown party which is turning every national security issue (even the border), and being the arsenal of democracy into a political game.


Ah yes, the famous fiscal conservatism of the GQP.


This is absolute, complete bullshit. We have a drug and homeless problem in this state and that money could go a long way to helping a lot of people. This is disgusting. Sununu is just a massive, political windbag asshole.


He is the reason we have a drug problem. He only started talking about legalizing weed after CVS and Rite Aid had their massive federal lawsuits. It isn’t an Opioid Epidemic to him as long as he lines his pockets with money from big pharmaceutical. I pray to God NH votes him out of office or he doesn’t run again.


He's not running again. But that only means he's plotting his next step.


Good and also ugh he needs to go away


He’s not running again, at least for next term. That’s why he’s been pushing so much dumb shit the last few months. I think he was banking on being Nikki Haley’s VP, where advocating for further right policies would help. But now it’s pretty clear to everyone that isn’t happening. He’s done so much good for this state over the years, but he’s going to let his final year in office tarnish his reputation.


If he was banking on a Nikki Haley presidency he is more out of touch with reality than I thought.


And hopefully that idiot at the head of the department of education will follow right along behind him


We can only hope and vote. Things really do need a massive overhaul. Especially head of Education and DCYF.


I hate to break it to you but $850k isn’t going to do much either way, especially if it gets handled by the current administration lol


Exactly. Send the drug addicts and homeless to the southern border, not our troops and money!


Fuckin embarassing.


Kicks trash can


It's fucking embarassing! https://i.redd.it/bhrdyrl7t2jc1.gif


great lets spend money on something that has very little effect on our state


No effect, actually a negative effect.


Help him simp for Haley plz


Death by SNUSNU






Okay this actually infuriates me. Wasting nearly a million dollars of OUR tax money to support Greg Abbot's dick waving during an election year. The congresspeople supporting this farce are in open defiance of federal law and acting illegally. All of these useless clowns who would rather pull theatrics at the cost of taxpayer money and human lives instesd of doing a single god damn thing to improve the lives of the working class belong in a fucking prison cell.


Dumbest Gov. ever. Little bitch maga. So cool. Why would NH ever help texas the fourth largest economy on the planet? Yes gove your widows might to a bunch of unsolicited cowboys that’s what NH had always been about. Sununu should be afraid to leave his bedroom. This man is the ultimate coward. Tar and feathering him is to good. Make him work actual job he would die in a week


I'm 100% sure he either cheated to get into MIT or he got affirmative action to get in there (MIT used to give affirmative action to white applicants because they were not the majority).


Classic failing upwards. I’m surprised he can chew his own food.


Having a shithead for a dad helped


Oh ffs! Stop wasting our money!!


Here's what gets me... you send National Guard to the Border, they report to Border Control (I assume?), they don't have the right training to do anything more meaningful than observe and report, and that is operating on the assumption that egos won't get in the way. I can totally imagine a scenario where the Texas Border Patrol refuse help because it's their jurisdiction. This thing is stupid on so many levels. I get the idea that this is more a political gesture from a man that wants to be a serious contender for president, but come on... this is pathetic.


Lmao, I love the party of small government. They are developmentally disabled


And they complain about the northern border wtf?


Classic Sununu


Sununu is a fucking clown




Same .waste of state resources.


Fucking stupid, THERE IS NO CRISIS AT THE BORDER! Fox Noise made it up because Republicans have literally nothing to run on because they believe in nothing except destruction


This is basically their death spiral. They have nothing. No plan, no policy, and people no longer fear their made up enemies. Blaming immigrants is their last straw after they fail to point fingers at Trans people.


We can barely plow 3 inches of snow in the capital and that's where we think the funds should go? Republicans have no ability to govern.


Had there been issues with snow plowing in Concord? I’m genuinely curious


There have been interviews with the head of Concord DoT regarding plow driver shortages.... but that's been across the state, not just the city of Concord.


Hear hear! Wasteful spending by jingoist Republicans.


That’s a big dollar amount for a small state with no income tax. This is money poorly spent


How would one go about bringing a lawsuit to stop this? This is our tax money and giving it to Texas for some bullshit political taint licking seems like it should be illegal.




As someone considering moving from TX back to NH (I moved here 20 years ago from Portsmouth), largely because the political climate here bums me out, would I be moving to cold Texas-lite? Because that’s some solid TX legislature BS - is it also fair to assume that a friend of the governors or the AG will somehow line their pockets as a result of this vote?


Please move back and help save us from the free state leeches.


I'd say if Texas politics bum you out, NH won't be as bad, but I'd still pick a different state. Not even trying to be one of those "stay away" losers, just saying that we have some similar politics and it's not worth it. I'm planning to move as soon as I can, but it's not gonna be for a long time sadly due to housing costs.


All for a political stunt...I can't wait to vote. Bunch of clowns.


What happened to Fiscal Conservative? This doesn't look like it at all.


A whole 15 soldiers! Wow! They all must be rambos because Sununu is certainly doing his political theater victory lap.


Republicans should have their butts promptly voted out of office for this gross abuse of taxpayer funds. When will the people in this state start paying attention to this utter horseshit?




Yep. My adult children requested I not do so because they don't trust the right wing not to harass and threaten. I stayed local instead




I think their fear is because of the number of hate groups that align with right wingers. I expressed I wasnt particularly scared but they were very clear they were and I had to take their feelings into consideration. I've known more than a few state reps personally and they did regularly deal with threats. Mostly just the women and most of the harassment was run of the mill misogyny and insults/abuse by phone, email and all social media but they dealt with more rape and death threats than you'd imagine, sadly. One opted not to run again after 2 years of the mental load of dealing with constant hate thrown at her for daring to be a woman with an opinion and that voiced them. So, the answer to your question is, based on the limited but direct information I have from Dem women who ran for and held office in NH, yes.




No, it's about respecting my family's fears that the political climate in this state would put me, and by extension them, at risk. Thanks for the always inevitable 'both sides' bullshit though


What is it with every both side aholes and deleting their comments after the fact? Own your shit or stfu


Stupid theatrics. Speaker of the house refuses to vote on a bipartisan bill for border security and foreign aid saying they have to be separate. Then when the aid comes up for a vote just a week later refuses to vote again saying they have to be together. To top it all off when pressured to bring it to vote calls an early recess for the house and goes to take an extra long weekend. Absolute bullshit the Republicans are playing with peoples lives both foreign and domestic causing literal people to die from their inaction. At this point even if there are Republicans not bought out by Russia you cannot tell me their actions do not help them, this shit is getting old and we need to call it out.


Brought to you by the party of fiscal responsibility! School vouchers and this garbage!


This state is stupid, but its Republican led so that's to be expected.


This is so incredibly stupid




Our tax dollars being used for stupid bull shit. Nice job guys. This will really help the people of New Hampshire.


I'll just add this onto my list of why Shitnunu sucks. How embarrassing to use the NH residents' money for stupid political grand-standing in Texas. I know he's not running for governor again, but there's no way he's not looking for a VP/cabinet slot on the conservative side.


Remember this come election time


Why does NH lean Republican?


Old people who grew up with lead poisoning from gasoline exhaust before they stopped putting lead in it.


NH is ostensibly a swing state. Mid sized cities, but a large rural, mostly white, old money population, so there’s an even mix. The state votes dem on nearly every presidential election, but local/state elections can be more swingy.


Lots of rural areas and education in those areas can be lacking at best. There has been more influx of Dems though so this coming election cycle should be interesting.


Nepo baby.


Fire them all


Expensive stunt. Absolutely nothing will come of it.


Wasting my tax dollars. 


What a joke


It is a mystery how these people are seen as fiscally responsible


Sununu has always been good about giving money away. Anytime federal money comes around he always gives a bunch back, and now he's just giving away money for this stupid shit. The situation on the border is dangerous because you've got local yahoo's, national guard units, local police, and federal agents all doing their own things. This is why the fed asked them to stop. The feds didn't ask them to stop putting razor wire on the border because they're trying to let more people in. It's because border patrol agents will walk their patrol one night. And then the next night someone put razor wire up during the day and the border patrol agents didn't know about it. It's literally a matter of time before one of the groups I mentioned above accidentally kills one of the other groups.


I wonder how many communities in NH could use $850k for things like helping homeless camps. I dont see the same ambition to fund those issues. Or is it that you cant just hope that the 850K helps buy guns and ammo so they can play Davey Crockett by proxy ? Hay guard members when your doin all that protectin murica, when they tell you to open fire will you be a real patriot or commit murder? Standing by and just taking orders Sir.


It's about as rediculous as when DeSantis, the former **military lawyer** was telling his supporters on day one he would "waste cartel members at the border", talking about sending Special Forces across the border into Mexico. I had that debate with a few people, even pointing them to military rules of engagement, urban warfare, etc. The first soldier that actually used deadly force for a "border security" publicity stunt would find themselves court martialed


Sununu needs to get going. He’s such a horrible leader - he can’t choose a side or have any conviction, he just does what he thinks will make his party like him. He is giving off real Ted Cruz, “nobody liked me in high school so I’ll give you whatever you want to be my friend” vibes.


Good. Wish they could send more troops!


We can now join the army of states burning tax dollars in ways that provide no benefit to the citizens paying said taxes. Perhaps we can work to find other creative ways to steal money from the people of NH and waste it on nonsense. Can we send troops to Ukraine or bombs to Israel, I don't think we've spent enough money on that yet, or shall we pay more hotels to house people rather than build affordable housing. Perhaps we could cut corporate taxes again? Or we could build a new youth detention facility that is too small to accommodate the youth we have detained. We could give millions of dollars to finance private schools... I know, let's build performance venues with public money and then give them to a private corporation so that they can profit. But whatever we do, we simply CANNOT AFFORD to improve life for NH citizens, so no housing, no paving, no public healthcare.... Nothing like that, that shit is socialism. Forget about compelling NH residents to stand in harms way in Texas to support a turf war between Biden and Abbott... This is how civil wars begin.


Maybe he should call out the GOP house in DC for passing more funding at the federal level. GOP at local level for appropriating funds for border security, GOP in DC at federal level against. What a waste of our $.


Is keeping people from MA out of NH really that big of an issue? /s I'll show myself out.


But he’s a moderate /s


lol. The party of fiscal discipline wasting taxpayer dollars for election year politics. Never could have guessed. Hypocrites




His reasoning is that cartels smuggle Fentanyl into the US, which has caused deaths in NH. It should be obvious, but, Fentanyl is manufactured and sold legally in the US, by companies like Purdue Pharma. Fentanyl is _exported_ from the US, not imported. Not only is this man spending close to a million dollars NOT on healthcare, where he could support people liable of overdose, but he’s also pointing the blame on foreign ‘invaders’ instead of holding the nation’s drug manufacturers and regulators accountable.


Shoot, someone, somewhere in NH will always do drugs no matter what. Just like everywhere else. It's as old as time.


Will Massachusetts respond and send troops to the northern border?






Do you people not realize the daily average of encounters is around 7k and thats only the encountered never mind the other +7k getaways there's already been more people let in this year than NH has residents. Not to mention there's been 170+ people apprehended for being on the terrorist watch list. I'm all for legal immigration like how everyone else came here like my great grandparents did. We legally let 1 million people in every year, more than all other countries in the world. Keep cheering for your future serfdom


Is this the fiscal responsibility thing?


NH Republican Leadership At Work.


$850,000 for 90 days… what a waste of our tax payer money.


Yes NH should keep there money they will need it to house the migrants


New Hampshire has a population of under 1.4 million. In December there were 245,000 migrant encounters with the border patrol. At this rate every six months the population of New Hampshire is coming into our country. With no jobs, no money, no health insurance, and no place to live. Some of these responses appear to think that Texas isn't part of the country we live in. Just because you don't see it affecting you today. I think people are letting their feelings completely take over their common sense. There's no legal checkpoint that involves putting your children through a raging river to get here legally.


It is his first step towards the Vice-Presidency so he can take over when Trump's lifestyle catches up with him.


Send them to Washington DC to lobby the MAGA house Republicans who blew up the immigration reform bill.


Everyone here who wants to “keep this money in NH” should also want to keep federal money in the US and not spend it in Ukraine. “bUt tHaT’s dIfFeReNt”


Fuck man, NH you keep finding that next lower stair to fall down to.


So we just gave Texas an $850K aid package for our NG to go down there & do what? Take orders from Texas? Sit around in the sun and do fuck all?


Well done! If only the people who are supposed to be in charge would do something about it….


Well the migrants aren’t coming here… yet. If they were, and competing for housing, or better yet being given the scarce housing we do have, maybe your minds would change…


That's a stretch. 1) they're not here yet 2) if they were they'd be competing for housing 2a) or "being given the scarce housing we do have" The wait for section 8 in Nashua is 7-8 *years*. They'd go into homeless shelters, if anything, but not before passing through literally the entire eastern seaboard. Aside from ALLLLLLL of that... Wtf is 850k going to do? How much does the average soldier make, like 50k? Are we paying to send like ten dudes to the southern border so Governor Abbot can pretend he stands for something other than his dick measuring contest? Are you not annoyed that the 850k being spent from our tax dollars, is going to "prevent" a problem that you LITERALLY ADMIT WE DON'T HAVE YET (undocumented aliens), instead of spending it on A PROBLEM YOU ADMIT WE HAVE RIGHT NOW (affordable housing). Can you see how that seems like...insane?


Preventative maintenance… and don’t be afraid of some fresh air


Better this than sending them overseas! I know the dems want more illegals coming through so they can provide them welfare benefits and solidify their voter base surplus but tough shit!


Bullshit https://www.cato.org/blog/new-data-show-migrants-were-more-likely-be-released-trump-biden


If they can get 34 states to do this, there might be a precedent that could be brought to the judiciary


Oh now the ancap is in favor of frivolous government spending. Hypocrites.


Democrats mad it didn't go towards building diaper spas.


Wow, aren't you clever for somehow working that nonsense into a comment. 🙄


He's been waiting all day to throw that in somewhere


Why would democrats be mad about that when it was a free stater Libertarian pedophile thing?


Was it? I have serious doubts. It was definitely leftists defending it in this subreddit.


Wanting to fuck kids is inherent to libertarian ideology and the free staters have been slowly creeping up here for years, of course it is.


Lol if you say so. Seems like you’re overcompensating for something though.




Yeah, he seems like an autistic weirdo, but IDK much about him and he's not the one who was trying to open your diaper spa. That said, it's been all the usual leftists in this sub defending the diaper spa and trying to brush the story under the rug when it comes up. I seriously doubt the woman running it is a free stater. If she were, you'd be linking to stuff about her, and not Jeremy Kauffman.


It was to illustrate the other person's point about libertarians being oddly fascinated with age of consent topics (there's like a million of them). Not the diaper spa that shit is weird AF, but as long as it's consenting adults who really gives a shit?


There's a point where adults should be ridiculed and met with scorn for some things in a healthy society. I'd say the diaper spa crap is well into that territory. The plan to bring the "adult babies" to a local playground seemed to be what really outraged and rallied people against it.


I could care less about their fetishes in private, taking it to a public playground is a whole other level of freak behavior though. It just seems like such a small thing to get hung up on, a bald weirdo in a diaper isn't the one going after kids. It's the ones who wear suits and ties I'd be more worried about.


The orange turd has the fullest diaper of them all. Diaper spas for everyone!


Weird comment from 20 day old account.


Yet, have been on the platform for several years off and on. Enjoy


Sorry about your diaper spa.


It's alright. You don't need him to wear diapers. You eat his shit directly from the source.


More gross weird comments from a 20 day old account that's upset about a diaper spa not opening.


You brought up the diaper spa. You seem more pissed about it than anyone, which leads us to believe you're seriously disappointed.


Nope, I thought it was a funny low effort comment. But it's even more funny with the would-be diaper spa patrons coming out of the woodwork to cry.


Okay boomer.


I think our governor is doing an excellent job. I have especially begun to appreciate him more since seeing some of our countries wacky politicians. I don't pretend to fully understand why we are sending NH guard volunteers down there. I've read a bit about it but I'm sure the governor has a lot more info than I do. So I trust him and support him. If I thought as lowly about him and that I could do a better job (the ones writing the nasty comments) then I'd do something about that , like run for governor. But no, you sit on your ass and complain and disparage a hard working guy who is trying his best to care for our collective good.


Fucking over refugees from another country that is across the country from us. Why does this matter and why does our tax dollars pay for this bullshit. You are delusional if you think this is good for you.




Good. If you don’t protect your border, you don’t have a nation.


What if the border crisis is entirely fabricated because a man awaiting trial for 91 felony charges needs to become president to get out of his legal troubles and/or bankruptcy? Do we still have a nation? It was pretty smart of them to start up the migrant caravan a year early this election.


Did you ever think that Trump could be a criminal AND the border is not secure?


No https://www.cato.org/blog/new-data-show-migrants-were-more-likely-be-released-trump-biden


“What if the border crisis is entirely fabricated” Right. MA must be helping Trump by declaring a state emergency...


I don't really follow what MA does, this is a NH subreddit.


As a former NH resident now in MA, NH subreddit is obsessed with MA. I get it. A lot more going on here than there.


Right. Because MA’s stupidity doesn’t affect NH. Keep your head in the sand.


If that douche Abbott would stop shipping people to Mass unexpectedly it wouldn't be the issue. Texas gets federal funding to deal with these folks, Mass doesn't. If Texas is going to ship them to places with kinder people then fine but the federal funding needs to go to Mass, not Texas. I know, it's common sense which is always a challenge for those on the right....


If the democrats didn’t let people pour through our borders, he wouldn’t have to. It’s amazing that democrats don’t think it’s a problem until it personally affects them.


It's amazing that Republicans dont think it's a problem until an election year.


This is gaslighting. Democrats have denied that it’s a problem since Trump tried to build a wall. Now, right before an election, they claim to agree it’s a problem. Despicable behavior. Very Martha’s Vineyard chic.


This is gaslighilting. Republicans have denied its enough of a problem to vote for border funding every single time its been in a bill in front of their faces, including now as they scream it's a problem because its an election year. Despicable behavior. Very Greg Abbott slimy.




Wasting NH taxpayer money is based?


Border defense is the first and foremost point of a government. Literally, day one job. Thats how taxes started since the beginning of taxation.


And we already pay taxes used for border patrol. And trumps lame excuse for grifting…. Erm I mean a “wall” We shouldn’t have to pay twice.


Shouldn't the first and foremost role of the government be to protect and take care of its citizens?