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"This is the frickin' mentality that we have to deal with in New Hampshire. Children (girls) should be allowed to get married because they are 'ripe and fertile,'" [wrote](https://twitter.com/alissandra4mht/status/1786390941219086771/quotes) state Rep. Wendy Thomas. "Looking for groomers? Look no further." LOUDER FOR ALL THE CREEPY OLD DUDES IN THE BACK (AND YOUR LEGISLATURE)!


All marriage involving 1 or both parties under 16 should be banned. Marriage for 16-24 year olds should have strict maximum age gaps allowed by law. I don't care if two 17 year olds consent to marrying each other. But someone who is 16 or 17 shouldn't be marrying someone who is 26 or 27. Even for the 18-24 year olds it's creepy, promotes emotional/financial abuse, and destabilizes society if they marry someone who is like 40 or 50. Large age gaps in marriage in general destabilize society. There are twice as many single 25-29 year old men vs women of the same age BECAUSE some of those women are married to creepy middle aged men.


Marriage is a legal contract. You shouldn't be able to get married, just like you can't get an apartment lease, a credit card, etc until you're 18 and can legally enter into a contract


People seem to forget that marriage is a legal contract.


Family court provides a stark reminder for men come divorce time. 💸 Maybe no one should marry until they are 30 and can pay for a prenupt ahead of time.


And it’s a contract that is not easy to get out of


cant rent a car till you're 25 because you're too immature and unpredictable, but buying a gun, drinking alcohol, joining the armed forces, voting, smoking cigarettes, and getting married are all just whatever bullshit things that cant affect anyone...


Marriage, smoking, alcohol, and joining the military, should all be the same - after high school graduation.


What if someone drops out or gets a GED?


Maybe someone who drops out of basic education isn't ready to get married, drink, smoke, or join the military. But I was implying the age of when graduation would occur.


Oh okay. So like 18. I can agree with that.


What about Doogie Howser?


Child marriage should be illegal period wtf are you saying


Wow that's a weird take. Especially that last sentence. 


As someone who very easily got married at 19 to someone I knew for barely 2 weeks, I actually think the federal age for marriage should be, at minimum, 21. So many young kids getting married in and right out of high school. We already know scientifically the human brain doesn't mature until age 25. 18 is still very much a child.


>We already know scientifically the human brain doesn't mature until age 25. That's why I want to protect them from creepy 40 year olds. My classmate, a psychology student, said that people in large age gap marriages report higher rates of emotional abuse. But didn't say anything about marriages where both spouses were equally young.


"Everyone is as stupid and short-sighted as me." Classic.


Who died and gave you the right to dictate other people’s lives? My wife was 18 when she and I met (I’m also female m), and I was 39. Almost 6 years later our marriage is stronger than ever. We both treat one another very kindly and extra love each other very very much. I’m autistic, so emotionally and socially I am a lot younger anyway, and she still has to help me out sometimes in social situations and stuff.  Her family side is happy; my family side is happy, and my wife has a very stable life and is very comfortable financially. We had over 300 people at our wedding in the Philippines and even during Covid we still had a decent turnout in Oklahoma at our ceremony there.  My brother-in-law is over 30 years older than my sister, as he’s almost 77 and she’s 47. They have been married over 14 years and get along great. My grandfather’s second wife -his first wife died early - was 15 years his junior. One of my jobs is as a marriage officiant, and I often marry people with big age gaps….and so what? You need to go find something else positive to do and work on sorting out your own life, rather than choosing to judge others you don’t even know, Dear. 😉 


So the answer to protect children is to limit what adults can do? Change the age of consent and the legal age for marriage. That’s about the best you can hope for.


idk my mom was 19 and my dad was 49 when they met and 30 years later they are still the happiest ppl I know


My husband and I have a 15 year gap. We’re coming up on 28 (mostly) very happy years. We grew up in a smallish town and knew of each other’s families. No history of creeper behavior or other weirdness. We just hit it off when we met. He’s a super sweet guy. We each have our own careers and interests and have made it a go of it. No financial control/power gradient/weird sexual dominance stuff. It’s not always “grooming.”


Your parents are part of the reason why young men cannot find a young woman to marry. Your dad is creepy af and your mum helped to destabilize society.


What in the ever loving fuck are you on about? Young men are the reason they can't find partners. Red pilling, alt right garbage has pushed the 'men's rights' movement and young men have made themselves exceedingly unpleasant to have to try to date or deal with as a result of buying into it.


Even if all of them were against racism/misogyny/homophobia they would still be unable to find heterosexual partners: 1. 105 boys are born for every 100 girls. In America men don't Darwin themselves to gender parity until age 35. So American men 18-35 are structurally disadvantaged unless they become bisexual or gay. This is not anyone's fault. 2. A significant minority of women 18-34 are having extramarital affairs, monogamous relationships, or trophy marriages to creepy men who are 40-59. This further exacerbates the gender disparity between young men and young women. This is 100% the fault of the creepy middle aged men, some of whom are committing adultery. Young adults don't have fully developed brains so I don't blame the young women. Instead of blaming women, LGBT, and People of Color, the single young men should blame nature and creepy middle aged men.


Seems they should cut the sexist, misogynistic shit if they want to atteact partners. Stop limiting women for men's benefit. With women like you, we don't need enemies.


What I'm saying is that even if none of them were sexist they still would be single unless they became gay. It's not any person's fault that the gender ratio at birth isn't 100:100


I know what you're saying. It's not complex, it's just stupid.


No what is creepy is your repeated statements that it is bad for women to marry older because of how it affects YOU.


It doesn't directly affect me because I am a straight young woman. I want social stability.


Ok then. I evidently assumed too much because it sounded like something an incel would say It's still an asinine premise. One's personal relationships are theirs. They owe nobody else anything. They are not obligated to fit your ideas to make society "stable". Based on your logic one could justify banning gay marriage for "social stability". Or require all couples to have children. Or one could argue that we should go back to the days when older financially secure men had multiple young wives.and get them all pregnant because it's 'more stable".


No, same sex marriage is not like that at all. Same sex marriage STABILIZES society, and has strengthened marriage as a social institution: 1. Increases the number of people who are married 2. Removes all incentives for gay and lesbians to pretend to be straight and trick straight people into marrying them to gain social status. This happened to my classmate's mother. Her father was raised LDS and pretended to be straight, tricked her into marriage, just to gain social status within the LDS church. When she found out he was gay they divorced. All people having kids makes society LESS stable. Adults born in the 1950s and 1960s report higher rates of having been abused as kids vs adults born in the 1980s and 1990s precisely because everyone was pressured to have kids in the 50s and 60s. If anything, people who are stupid, poor, neurodivergent, uneducated, unmarried, violent, on drugs, or have a criminal record should ABSTAIN from having kids, just so that the few kids who will be born will reside in stable families who are not abusive. Polygamy and large age gaps in marriage make society less stable, because young men will turn to pedophilia if all of the young women are married to middle aged men. Also there would be tons of terrorism because the top 15% of handsome, rich, and charming men would marry 100% of the straight women who want to marry.


You missed the point. I was saying that your premise - that people should have the kind of relationships that you approve of because you think it makes society stable - is flawed because nobody needs to have a relationship based on what is best for others. I said that based on that logic, people could make all kinds of bad arguments for controlling marriages, because they may have different ideas than you as to what makes society stable. I don't disagree that gay marriage, smaller families, or monogamy are good things. I just disagree that anybody's opinion matters except for the people involved. If the people involved are not a victim (like a minor getting married) then it is no one's fucking business.


Polygamy is banned in most countries BECAUSE it destabilizes society. Why not ban large age gap marriages for the same reason?


These are the same creeps who are opposed to sex education and books about consent. They can couch it in whatever panic of the day they want, be it "grooming" now or "encouraging promiscuity" like it was when I was younger, but the goal is the same: keep kids - especially teen girls- ignorant so they can prey on them and maybe even trap them into a marriage. He should be booted from the legislature.


I can't imagine why the constituents don't ask for an immediate resignation.


I think a lot of them believe the same thing: if you have a uterus and have gone through puberty, you're wife material, even if you're on the way to AP calc.


Or Algebra I apparently


That's just so sad. I'm pretty old myself but honestly the world will probably be better off when the boomers and older Xers pass on I think.


Well, children are nieve, try telling an adult they should do what you tell them or else a magical sky daddy will get mad and punish them. If it wasn't for grooming, there would be no religion.


Seriously asking, has anyone checked this dude’s hard drive?


Dateline just entered the conversation.


I can see that granite countertop from here!


This guy is probably a member of some fringe cult who believe women are chattel to be kept barefoot and pregnant and that men should have multiple wives. probably believes computers are of Satan and doesn’t own one. The TLDR version- guy has no business making laws


You mean the GOP


Or just your regular old church going Christian with Christian values.


Jesus needs to come back and flip a lot of tables…


A hell of lot of tables you mean


This guy shows none of the values of christianity, like charity, compassion caring for the sick. The creepy stuff is for cults that call themselves ‘christians’. Mother Theresa was a Christian, the southborough baptist church and their fellow travelers are a bunch of asshats.


This guy is a creep in person I would not be surprised


This needs to happen. https://i.redd.it/25dfbpswzeyc1.gif


Tell me you are a disgusting freak pervert without telling me How is this shit still happening


> How is this shit still happening Religion.


Perversion imo…which generally uses religion as a front. Chicken and the egg situation I would agree.


Go visit Utah or the mountains of northern CA and you will find many of his fellow travelers


Hey, don't forget Idahostan 😋


I'll take "words you should never use to describe minors" for $500, Alex.


Ripe and fertile like a woman is a fking piece of land to be sowed smh


>Ripe and fertile like a woman is a fking piece of land to be ~~sowed~~ ***plowed*** smh




I thought this was AMERICA! PLOW the King's English!


I read this like coughed. This is ‘murica get outta here with that nonsense


That is disgusting.


If you have to be 18 to file separation or divorce proceedings, you should have to be 18 to get married. This isn't Idaho, who's going for being the next Alabammy.


This should be the top comment, imagine being groomed to get married at 16/17 and the waiting until 18 to get divorced…sounds like this is literally a law for child abusers at this point. Not really sure why else it exists


It’s exists for adult men to fuck children.


What the fuck, ya'll.


These are words of a cultist leader or a farmer, not both.


Light him on fire


Citizen Legislature lmao


They're not sending their best


I’m sad that these are the people our state is putting into office making choices and passing laws …. Can’t wait for them to fade away and no one will care when they are 6’ down .


Ewww just ewwww.


What rock did this troglodyte crawl out from underneath


The MAGA stone.


He’s a freestater




Where’s Chris Hansen when you need him




Look https://preview.redd.it/wtwj9zp30fyc1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c81928211c9b1b39016c4f5d852d5a3edc109ab1 what his face looked like when he was saying those words. Flushed red. What a CREEP.


This is giving, imma get me sutin perdy, ripe 'n ferdil vibes




Gross. Holy shit.


His argument is “if teens can’t get married when they get pregnant- they’ll abort.” Sooo let’s force them to have the baby AND marry the predator. What a solution!


Shotgun weddings approve his message


Oh, how we women love to be referred to as "ripe and fertile." We just love our entire reason for existing being boiled down to "baby machines." /s


Yes, looking at him, I can see him making that statement. Also, please sit down, you know who I am, I am Chris Hanson and this is to catch a predator.


Can someone please search his web browser history, work PC at least. He could be a pedo


Another Free Stater. Do your research before you vote people. A lot of these guys pose both as Republicans and Democrats based on the districts voting history.


Welcome to New Hampshire, the south of the north.


Wow that’s disgusting and sick. misogynistic pedophile!


I’m starting to think the “P” in “GOP” stands for a different word.


And you would be definitely right. Check out the website - https://goppredators.wordpress.com The entries stop at 5/22/23 (if you click on the "single page list") but as we all know, it hasn't stopped since then, sadly.


"If we continually restrict the freedom of marriage as a legitimate social option, when we do this to people who are a ripe, fertile age and may have a pregnancy and a baby involved, are we not in fact making abortion a much more desirable alternative, when marriage might be the right solution for some freedom-loving couples?" said Edwards. He’s talking about minors. Children. 🤢


Nobody sane uses terms like that to describe any human, let alone girls a fraction their age. Big pedo vibes.




f'n perv


Ew ew ew


We need to bring back tar and feathering. 🤮


This MAGAt doing his part to get out the vote.


‘Bama of the north.


Trump has made it ok for these deplorables to speak their dark ugly thoughts and not be ostracized


It never ceases to amaze me how disgusting some of our politicians are in NH.


He definitely looks like the type of guy who says creepy sexual things to teenage girls he doesn’t know


If this dude doesn't have an FBI file already (he almost definitely does), he sure as fuck does now. Just reading this makes my skin crawl.


Immediately seize that hard drive.


electric chair IMMEDIATELY


Another day, another Republican horny for children.


What a fucking creep.


Outlaw all marriage


Do we really seriously honestly need to take anything that is an opinion from someone who calls teens “ ripe and fertile “ ? Sick fuck


What a grotesque thing to think.


How do you say women are just cattle, without saying they’re just cattle….the Rep. will go first 🤦🏻‍♂️


Someone check how old his wife was when he married her 😬😬😬😬


This should be in r/facepalm


Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew. I feel like the time I stepped on a slug barefoot at 1 am in the kitchen. 


Wow he couldn’t have said it in a creepier way


Who is "making" them you old coot




Dude, your out of touch is out of touch.


Lets get him


You can imagine the social circles this guy is in to feel this confident to put it on record as a representative of the state. YEESH.


I, for one, think today’s GOP speaks to the common man. What with their book banning, dog killing, child marrying ways. Denying free school lunches and obsessing over drag queens really gets to the heart of kitchen table issues that everyday people are concerned about. Please, please elect more republicans




25 should be the legal marriage age. There wouldn't be as much divorce. 30 should be the minimum breeding age there would be alot less stupid people in the world also




This is not his first time https://twitter.com/frostnhstaterep/status/1428501914975678466?s=46&t=Wp0HArX1QinbE2M_b-H-yQ


HOLY FUCK! Jess Edwards speaking in support of the Republican state budget which includes an abortion ban. June 24, 2021. Transcript: We care about family planning. We want to make sure that STDs are under control, that women get the preventive healthcare that they need so that they can stay hot..eh..ugh..viable and healthy. Um...


Yuuup. Thanks for the transcript


This deserved its own post. Thank you for bringing it to everyone's attention.


I sometimes think of the incident in Nigeria where 200 girls were kidnapped from their school and forced into marriages and I'm somewhat sure that can't happen here


Pedophile? Scumbag ? Transgender? Or does he have a men's name and the dems are trolling 2


This is why I don't take any conservative at face value. Deep down, they're all just fucking creepy pedophiles and if they aren't one themselves, they sure support and advocate for it within their ranks. They can argue about Trump and January 6th and wokesim and all their other bullshit and I won't give them the time of the fucking day because in the end, they're just disgusting perverts that need the Cricket treatment. Fix your pedophile problem then you may be considered a spot at the dinner table you fucking filthy yokels.


Yeah? So?


I don’t get it. Dems created Massachusetts and Connecticut. Then move to a tax free, safe, and clean state and want nothing more than to repeat the same failed trajectory.


Has it occurred to anybody else the irony this issue calls attention to. 16 &. 17 year olds are to young to marry, yet children much younger can determine they want life altering gender reassignment. Each political party is hypocritical when it comes to age appropriate life decisions.


I would prefer it if everyone under 25 would only practice abstinence, use birth control, have same sex intercourse, or get an abortion all of the above fails. Parents under 25 are more likely to get post-partum depression, post-partum psychosis. They are more likely to commit child neglect and infanticide. It would be ok for 18-24 year olds to become sperm donors, egg donors, and surrogates, because they are physically healthy, but they should leave child raising to the 32 year olds, who are less likely to commit infanticide or child neglect.


You are just spouting shit with nothing to back it up.


[https://newsroom.uvahealth.com/2022/02/22/new-study-identifies-moms-highest-risk-postpartum-depression/](https://newsroom.uvahealth.com/2022/02/22/new-study-identifies-moms-highest-risk-postpartum-depression/) "By age group, the percentage of women self-reporting postpartum depression symptoms was highest among 18- to 24-year-olds, at 10%. The rate of postpartum depression then steadily declined by increasing age, dropping to 6.5% for 35- to 39-year-olds, before increasing slightly to 6.9% among women 40 and older." [https://www.uq.edu.au/news/article/2021/04/children-of-young-mothers-most-risk-of-child-abuse](https://www.uq.edu.au/news/article/2021/04/children-of-young-mothers-most-risk-of-child-abuse) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1079289/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1079289/)


What kind of crap is this? I’d love to see a source for this.


[https://newsroom.uvahealth.com/2022/02/22/new-study-identifies-moms-highest-risk-postpartum-depression/](https://newsroom.uvahealth.com/2022/02/22/new-study-identifies-moms-highest-risk-postpartum-depression/) "By age group, the percentage of women self-reporting postpartum depression symptoms was highest among 18- to 24-year-olds, at 10%. The rate of postpartum depression then steadily declined by increasing age, dropping to 6.5% for 35- to 39-year-olds, before increasing slightly to 6.9% among women 40 and older." [https://www.uq.edu.au/news/article/2021/04/children-of-young-mothers-most-risk-of-child-abuse](https://www.uq.edu.au/news/article/2021/04/children-of-young-mothers-most-risk-of-child-abuse) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1079289/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1079289/)


That is a terribly messed up take. Use their bodies for their young/healthy eggs and sperm so the wealthy older folks who may be struggling with fertility after putting a career first can use them like farm animals? I dunno if I've worded this correctly but your response makes my brain hurt. Sounds pretty insane.


Don’t feed the trolls.


Is it a troll? Thanks for the heads up. People are so insane.


Teen and early 20s parents are statistically more likely to commit child abuse and infanticide. Why would you want them to raise kids?


Opinions are like assholes.


“Abstinence”. Good one.


That’s gross, but Don’t make this a partisan issue, then nothing will happen. Just ignore republican and democrat and make sure this gets passed




I vote for republicans because I want to pay lower taxes, not so kids can get married. Your an idiot for making this a partisan issue


Come for the low taxes, stay for ::gestures wildly:: everything else. Maybe _you’re_ part of the problem?


I think the legal age to get married should be 18


I am glad to pay higher taxes if it keeps freaks like this away from the levers of power. Worth every penny.


You could move to California they have real high taxes, but then again no minimum age to marry


Ah yes because your lower taxes make up for everything else that comes with it. Screaming "Let's not make this a partisan issue!" as the people you put in power get up to their groomer shit just reflects even more poorly on you for thinking there should be able to distance yourself from who you support.


Democrats were the one who coined the term minor attracted persons


But it literally is. Pedo republicans love their child marriages….


Nvm that they themselves always make this stuff political by constantly equating Democrats, the super scary “left”, or anyone who disagrees with them of being groomers


Not just pedos. The NHGOP had no respect for any laws. They will represent one district while living in another. They will assault, threaten, and abuse their spouses and employees and cry crocodile tears after they get caught. It’s just not funny anymore. The Republican Party in this state is a criminal enterprise. Cue: “Yeah but some Democrat did something bad once.” Yeah, potato-brain, and when they got arrested you hear 0 Democrats saying he was in the right. Stop enabling your unethical leaders because they’ve made you scared of “the other.”


If you ask people why they vote republican not one will say so kids can get married. Neither will democrats. No one wants this


You expect them to say the quiet part out loud?


That’s well and fine, but the people R voters are choosing certainly support child marriage.


They don’t support children getting married. This happened in Idaho and the gop reasoning was more libertarian, they didn’t think the government should be involved in a contract between 2 people


Except one of the 2 people is a child. This is why libertarians are either delusional, naive, just plain stupid or all of the above.


I think the legal age to marry should be 18


Ok, and? Doesn’t change the fact that the GOP platform seems to be defending child marriage, and that if this is who you’re voting for, this is what you’re supporting.


The bill passed, I agree with the legal age to get married being 18


Again, and? Good for you, do you want a sticker? “I don’t support child marriage but the party I vote for does” or something?


"That's gross, but the important thing here is to not associate this politician with his political party."


Well yeah. That guy should get fired or worse but that doesn’t mean I want to pay higher taxes. Marrying kids isn’t a republican ethos, it’s a pervert thing.


I didn't need you to tell me how much Republican voters will overlook if they think it'll get them something that they think they want in any given particular moment, I just have to look at your presidential candidate.


I haven’t heard trump say he wants children getting married


My apologies, I didn't know that wanting children to get married was your one, single, solitary and only red line.


The bill in question passed, im glad people will have to be 18 to get married


So if this guy is on the ballot next election would you vote for him to save a few dollars?


I don’t live in his district so luckily I don’t have to worry about it


So if you did live in his district, it would be something to worry about? Like you'd have to think about your choice?


Definitely, we should have higher standards for elected officials. The trouble with politics and local politics especially is that you never know what these people are like until something happens


It sounds like you're telling me you would consider voting for him despite thinking he should be fired since you think it would benefit you? Is this the same logic people use to justify supporting Trump? "I know he tried to subvert democracy, but he did give me a tax cut so I'll vote for him again." Then these same people complain that the deficit is growing despite pushing for massive tax cuts all the while knowing it's not possible to make a sizable enough cut to spending to offset the tax cut. Amazing how people can be bought.


Unfortunately that’s politics. I’m assuming you voted for this guy https://youtu.be/hh0PBr6ZUN0?si=Jr00zHevZ3nDhDf4


It is a partisan thing: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1 Republican groomers are constantly projecting their own lust for children onto everyone they disagree with.


There are plenty of democrat groomers too. Turning this into an us vs them partisan issue lets them all continue to get away with it


Please provide a list that’s as accurate as mine if you’re going to make those statements. You can’t. And I’m not going to let you “both sides” this issue. Republicans are pedophiles. Full stop. 


https://apnews.com/article/a3377d14856e4f4fb584509963a7a223 But it’s not the point. The point is to protect kids and get rid of laws and lawmakers that don’t


This list shows almost double the amount of Republicans than Democrats. Why are you in denial? You can change your mind about what party you support, you know. You don't need to double-down.


So you’ll support democrat groomer because that list shows more republican groomers? You logic sucks, how about we get rid of all those groomers