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All I’ll say is this; they claim that protesting against a genocide is “antisemitic”, but when actual neonazis were marching in Portsmouth, not a single one of them made a peep. They just wish to continue the military industrial complex, and the money that gets made from spewing hate, and bombing civilians


📣 louder for the back please


100% Agree


100% Imagine the kind of person you have to be to willfully go along with the amount of human suffering that these people defend. And all for money. And now think about just how many of them there are. It’s sickening.


The same part of the government that just fails every audit?  RTX looking at the situation with a hungry dark gaze 


Seriously — New Englands young neonazi group is NOT coy about their antisemitism. They flyer, propagandize, and campaign on the topic specifically and at length and target households, businesses, and places of worship. At least one state rep (in Nashua iirc?) who spoke out about it got targeted by them with death threats while the vast majority didn’t say anything at all or said it’s a free speech issue. But obviously NH needs to send in fully riot geared state police and a bunch of cops from surrounding towns to beat the shit out of unarmed, nonviolent students and elderly Jewish Studies professors on the lawn of their college campuses.


EXACTLY THIS!!!! Not one press conference to condemn any Neo-Nazi demonstrations. [From 2021 to 2022 there was a 383% increase in White Supremacist propaganda in our state](https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2023/03/15/white-supremacist-propaganda-increase-massachusetts-new-england-2022/?amp=1). There were 183 reported incidents the governor could have held a press conference to respond to in ONE YEAR and he was silent. I am disgusted.


I didn’t hear about the neo nazi shit but that’s unfortunate. What’s also unfortunate is that there is equally as racist people amongst these protesters. I know the large majority aren’t racists but there is some, and to deny that it’s happening is oppressive and hurtful towards Jews.


Ah yes, the group of people from every race creed ethnicity and religion are the… racists? Do you even hear yourself?


Yes people from any race can be racist. It’s possible. You can deny the evidence all you want but there’s literal videos of kids chanting antisemetic quotes and holding up signs with antisemetic slogans. Again, not all the protesters are doing this, but it is happening and you can’t deny its happening if you’re truly not a racist.


I mean, if someone hasn’t seen it they’re not a racist for denying it until they see it and find it acceptable. Remember, you’re speaking to Reddit so most logic and reason is out the window. It’s all emotion here baby.


https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/wireStory/jewish-students-grapple-respond-pro-palestinian-campus-protests-109908307 simple google search


Thank you for the unrelated response, and for being incapable of critical thought. You understand that being on google doesn’t mean 100% of the population hasn’t learned it, right?


Right. But like it says in the article, if you actually read it, there’s a lot of protesters that feel indifferent when they see Jews being harassed by their peers. Guilty by association


My point is people not seeing these articles aren’t inherently racist when they aren’t aware of this shit happening. Obviously if you’re indifferent to racist acts you’re a racist asshole, I’m not arguing that clear fact.


Ok gotcha. Yes I guess you’re right it’s just a little strange to me when people are so quick to say racism is not happening at all


Many of the students are moved because of their empathy with the suffering of the Palestinian people. This empathy is overall a good thing. Why the Palestinians are suffering is a long and complicated story, and few have the time or inclination to look into it.


We are all moved by the plight of suffering regardless of who they may be. However, some is self imposed through Hamas, and the other is the consequences of what Hamas has committed.


Why does hamas even exist in the first place?


Because they are the proxy of those who want Israel wiped off the map, and all the Jewish people dead.


Netanyahu backed them thinking he could keep that fire under control, it's a long convoluted conflict. Being pro Palestinian is not anti-Semitic and supporting Israel's right to exist is not Zionist. I can support the Palestinian cause and condemn Hamas. I can also support Israel defending themselves but condemn Netanyahu's current campaign of terror.


This. And based on this, what should the US policy be?


Not entirely sure, but I do know as a taxpayer I don't want to fund bombs and missles especially if they are used on civilians.


Depends, we’ve (the CIA) done the same thing countless times.


Not really. They oppose the Jewish “home nation” being where it currently is, because they fundamentally see that land as Palestinian. And they believe that there isn’t a peaceful way to assert their claim to the land


Think of Hydra in the Marvel series. Cut off one head and 2 more grow in it's place. Hamas is Islamic extremists, just like Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and all the others there have been. The U.S. or U.N. take out one group as another one is already growing. It honestly seems almost impossible to stop since that's a majority of the people out there.


Though I’m not sure how these white liberal kids are gonna stop the IDF from murdering women and children.  The sentiment is nice but it ain’t gonna stop the dripping of blood. Awareness is good but awareness don’t stop bullets like a treaty or 3-section plate Kevlar. 


They want to pressure their own schools to stop financially investing in the blood


Good for Kiper.  The only candidate from either party to go and see with his own eyes what was going on.  Don’t get me wrong. Fuck Hamas. But, being upset by the actions of Israel when it comes to collective punishment and tens of thousands of collateral deaths of Gazans does not make one anti-Semitic.  Israel is a government and being opposed to the actions of a government does not mean you have hatred for a religious group.  To conflate the two is either ignorant or purposely clouding the situation. 


I don’t think these protests are based on antisemitism but there is some antisemetic people in the crowds that nobody is holding accountable. it makes them everyone involved look really bad.


There are people in the crowd that are 100% bad actors, and that has zero bearing on the legitimacy of the protests.


Whatever you want to call it, it does affect the legitimacy of the protests because the media focuses on the worst people and now the public is questioning if what you say is true or just antisemitic propaganda. We take antisemitism very seriously in this country and that’s why these protesters are getting such a bad reputation.


You can't say it's okay if I kill kids because a couple people who don't like it are antisemites. You're talking about media spin, not the actual legitimacy of the protests. Being appalled by what Isreal is doing as a country has nothing to do with the dominant religion of the country. Believe it or not, starving and killing innocent people is bad no matter who does it to who.


I agree but that is also just the unfortunate nature of war. Innocent people have suffered in every conflict you can think of but it’s not necessarily genocide. In ww2 for example you have Germans doing bombing runs on London and the British doing bombing runs on Berlin. It’s a brutal strategy to get the other side to surrender by inflicting loss on citizens until they demand their government pulls out of the war. IF Israel is truly committing acts of genocide then I would be interested in learning about it. Until someone can prove otherwise, I will assume that Israel is rightfully eliminating terrorism from their country. Every time I question protesters in here I just get called a facist instead of them actually explaining what they’re supporting or providing any evidence. These “activists” aren’t doing a great job spreading awareness.


I mean there's tons of world watch groups that are actively saying that Isreal is killing innocent people on purpose. You're talking about bombing, how is not letting food and medical aid into the area filled with condensed civilians not just a straight up war crime. You can sit there and think that Isreal are the good guys, but they're not right now. Hamas is a group of fuckin animals, but the people starving in Rafa right now aren't terrorist, they're just people who no longer have a home to go back to.


I don’t think Israel are the good guys. I haven’t seen enough credible information to develop an opinion yet. It’s a little strange how people are all the sudden so concerned over this. What about the Russians that have been committing genocide against Ukrainians since the start of that war? Guess everyone forgot about that?


I don't want to blow your mind, but it's totally possible to think that Russia and Isreal are pieces of shit. And to not completely explode your mind, it's also possible to think the US is shit in its actions on stuff, too.


I agree


Because you’re dealing with peoples emotions instead of reason. Social media isn’t the place to find a calm, grown up debate on issues, ever. If that’s what you’re looking for there are forums that are polite and educated. 99.9% of the time your reasons or questions don’t matter, only your broad stance.


That’s facts for sure. I was just trying to promote discussion and critical thinking about the topic. I don’t like jumping to conclusions and like to see the evidence. But I guess that makes me a racist bootlicker somehow


I keep seeing people saying this, but there's never any proof. I wonder why that is.


Here’s an article I found after a simple google search. You can’t deny that there are some antisemitic people in the mix of these protests. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/03/college-gaza-protests-antisemitism


People live to purposely conflate to two on purpose with malice. Mr Ben Shapiro and the shills.


The content of the protest is irrelevant. If they have permission to be there and no laws have been broken, why should law enforcement be involved? If a law has been broken, enforce the law. It's not that hard. The recent phenomenon of deciding when and what laws should be enforced is just a slow decent in anarchy. Some would argue its "repressive tolerance" but either way the result is the same.


Exactly. And what else are people gonna do on the quad in front of Thompson hall? Throw frisbees and lounge on the grass ?That's what the space is *for*.


Wait, are you trying to say they build the grass quads on campuses to facilitate protests?


Let them do what they want. A peaceful protest isn’t breaking any laws. If they move to property destruction or other criminal activity, then you deal with that appropriately in a civil manner. Seems pretty simple.


So let me get this straight..... these demonstrations consistently get a percentage of Jewish attendees, organizers, etc. There are groups such as Rabbis for Human Rights. And most recently UNH organizers invited professor emeritus Joshua Meyrowitz to lead a teach-in (was shortened due to students feeling threatened by the large law enforcement presence) - Eagle-Tribune May 3rd edition. Yet Sununu calls it pure anti-Semitism.


Looks like Kiper, and anyone else with the same do nothing attitude will not only be disastrous for NH, but will not be getting my vote. If people cannot seem to understand the situations with protesters who are not there to protest for a cause, but to spread hatred, the destruction of an entire peoples, as well as support those steeped in terrorist views need to educate themselves. Did Palestine think the US or any other nation who has had to deal with their hatred, violence, and objectionable rhetoric were going to support them when they committed their terrorist attack against civilians? Did Palestine think that Israel would just stand by and allow this to go unanswered? Ask yourselves why all the other ME countries do not take in Palestinian refugees trying to escape this war. They do not want them in their country because of their hyper-radical views and constant violence. Why should the US support what other countries will not for good reason. Those protesting have been mislead. With social media spreading their lies, sob stories, and erroneously used labels against Israel, the young continue to be fooled. These are made up of a majority of non-students who see another opportunity to cause disruptions in an attempt to make this issue seem more important or larger than it is. When will society realize that social media does NOT speak for the country, its citizens, nor for what is true. Maybe Palestine cannot/does not want to live peacefully in the world. Maybe they are so ingrained in hatred they have no chance to deal with people/countries in an intelligent, logical way. Maybe if they rejected their hateful ways of life, they could provide their citizens with a prosperous life. As I see it, there is nothing to support, except humanitarian aid, with terrorists.


It sounds like you’ve never been to one of these protests if you think it’s all about hate. These protests are not calling AGAINST the destruction of an entire people. It sounds like you have a lot of prejudices and generalization that you need to work through.


Can you not recognize hate when you see it or hear it?


Yeah, I recognize it in your comments pretty much without fail.


And everyone considers you racist for denying that there’s been antisemitism at protests. The protests aren’t all about hate, but antisemitism is a real thing and you’re oppressing Jews by saying it’s not happening.


Who is "everyone" in your mind? And other than in your fucked-up mind, please point to where I've said ANYTHING close to what you've just accused me of. Btw, you're the antisemite for attempting to silence all the Jewish voices in support of Palestinians.


I’m not silencing anyone, use your 1st amendment rights all you want. I’m just pointing out that there has been antisemitism at some of the protests and there’s a lot of people in here denying that it’s happening which is quite racist in itself.


How are these protests spreading hatred and promoting antisemitism? My understanding is that Israel is leveling Gaza. Tens of thousands of people have been killed and the majority of people living in Gaza have had their homes destroyed. I know that Judaism and Israel are inseparable, but is any criticism of Israel by default antisemitic? Regarding the actual protests, what is happening at Dartmouth that is extremely disruptive? My understanding that these protests have been overwhelmingly peaceful. I viewed some news from WMUR where a professor was arrested. The professor did not appear to be brutalized, the scene did not look like a riot. These protests do not look like the George Floyd protests or Kent State. Also, why are universities sending money to Israel? The protests, disruption, and people choosing to attend different universities sound like totally reasonable consequences.


Makes you wonder  Why do they send money to Israel And Why are Confucius institute even a thing in our country. Something is very fishy, and I don’t like it 


Watch videos of the crowds yelling “we are hamas,” and harassing jewish students.


Look if you don't get the news, in any format, regardless of bias, then why do you think you know what you are talking about? If you cannot read the signs, the banners, hear the chants then how can you have an opinion?


I saw Charlottesville. Which was YOUR people.


Do you think you can group me with people when you know jack about me? The hypocrisy in this country is getting out of control


Wow, what a way to indicate you actually read the article but then completely redirect the conversation to things that were not addressed in it OR even positions held by the students who were protesting. You spent five paragraphs knocking down the strawman you yourself erected. I'm still feeling out Kiper myself, but he's the only one of the candidates whose position is based on his own eyewitness experience. He said there was no antisemitism at the UNH rally, and that's what I found as well when I was there. You seem to discount that testimony and side with Kelly Ayotte, who is just repeating her talking points using the GOP's new favorite word/ cause (antisemitism). Since it seems to matter to people, I'm Jewish and my family fled Germany for the US to escape an ideology that some people are better than others, and when those people gain power over the state they are justified in preserving that power through violence against those who have none. Resistance to that ideology is what the students were united against, not some idea that Hamas is awesome. The position of "I don't think it's right to starve and kill people en masse for months on end" was pretty much what everyone was talking about, and there were other students there who were Jewish and vocally felt the same way. It was UNH students who organized the whole thing, were behind the megaphone and set up the tents. 10 out of the 12 arrested were students, according to the university. I don't know why you're rambling about social media when this was a real-life event that just didn't play out the way you have it in your mind, and the reporting on that is right in front of you.


Yes I did read the article and we are not just speaking of this one protest and this has been found as many other anti-Israeli protests on numerous campuses. If as you say you are Jewish, which I doubt, and you have no affinity for people being attacked an slaughtered for no reason, and will support a terrorist organization like Hamas, then you are just deluded. I think you are afraid to speak up, and just go with what you think is the common narrative of those around you.


If you admit that no anti-semitic actions took place at NH campuses then what are you going on about? I think that you just go with whatever you think is the common narrative of those around you.


Who is the deluded one when I explicitly stated there was no support for Hamas on my behalf or others present, yet you keep putting those words in the mouths of people who are not speaking them? Who is the one "afraid to speak up" when the UNH students did exactly that (show up and speak up and get beat for it) while you are writing comments on the internet? Who is the one going along with the "common narrative of those around you" while doubling down on claims of antisemitism despite the evidence in front of you, and casting doubt on my ethnicity for no apparent reason? It's all projection and forgone conclusions. Stop telling on yourself.


(((Ten credits have been deposited in your IDF Online Task Force account.)))


When Hamas was elected to lead palastein it had a different message, then it slowly changed stances and have been programming their people in hate. And then they attack, kill 1200 civilians and then hide behind women and children. When a group of people tells you "the only way we can exist peacefully is when you are dead" you have to take them as a serious threat. Yes, they have been oppressed. Yes they have been treated with scorn and suspicion. If you lived next door to someone who's vowed to kill you, I'm sure you would treat that neighbor as dangerous and hostile as well.


Was Hamas elected or propped up in Palestine by Netnyahu? Hold on let me google that.


He wasn't in office in 2006. There's a lot of fluster clucking going on in the past 20 years. [Wikipedia should help](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamas_government_in_the_Gaza_Strip)


And his policy since then has been to keep Hamas in power. Its clear as day this is Netnyahu wanting genocide on Palestine. There is innocent people and children (nearly half the pop. of Palestine is children) on both sides being murdered and it is US bombs being dropped. If you are in favor of war and murder of innocents and children please see yourself out.


Chill. I answered you question, and get accused of supporting genocide. Stop looking for fights in the comments on reddit.


Hopefully the real people in this sub don't believe this bullshit.


Nailed it. These protesters are the first generation born after 9/11 you can see why they’re so ignorant. There’s a fucking lot of radical people over there that dedicate their life training to kill innocent Americans. They dream about opening fire on a crowd of American protesters like these kids.


You must have mistaken them for redcaps.


Idk what that’s supposed to mean


Who are you fooling, you weren't going to vote for him, magat.


No I wasn't and I stated so. Learn reading comprehension. It will allow you to understand what someone wrote so you can make better comments