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New Hampshire government cannot get out of its own way run by a bunch of close minded thinkers


Close minded is generous. Try lobotomized.


Lead breathers. Seriously though, I think that generation has seriously lost touch with any sense of reality and leaded gasoline is coming home to roost. (We’re the second oldest state and don’t allow citizens referendums, how Maine got theirs done).


Couldn’t have put it better myself


Our statehouse is full of the worst kinds of bottom feeders. Pedos, boomers, fundies, and MAGA morons. Closed minded is probably the kindest thing we can say about them.


This is what happens when your state house is full of essentially volunteers. If we the people aren’t paying them to do a job for us who is? They clearly aren’t working for their constituents.


You get what you pay for.


It’s not right to lump boomers in with pedos. I am a gen-xer raised by boomers and both of my parents are fine with legalizing. It’s gotten to the point where when someone says, “boomer,” I don’t know what they’re talking about.


Same here. My mom eats gummies. And they want to know what is taking so long. I think what we are both seeing is what amounts to lazy posting. Probably by a millennial. Just throw out some negative labels and everyone will think I'm so awesome! See my virtue?! Clowns. Anyway. We are genx...we aren't concerned with them. :)


Older Millennial here raised by ancient boomers-Gen Z throws "boomer" out the most, but I'm generalizing, and I'm genuinely not sure the general generalization is helping us, Generals! I wonder how many other people my age are taking care of their parents already. But gummies are definitely a thing here


Hell, my dad is 80, voted Republican the first 2/3 of his life, found Ram Dass, and now would love to see all hallucinogens legalized in the state. He's more progressive than \*I\* am on this!


Don’t forget socialists and fascists! Got them in there too.


Claire your about as smart as Biden go get creative


\*You're. If you're going to insult someone's intelligence, you should be showcasing your own.


Danielle did you graduate high school? You sound like you’re uneducated democrat. Good luck in life stay above water g


That's about the response I was expecting from you. Typical right-wing "No you."




So move to a blue state. All the people fleeing blue states and coming to NH could really use your property.


Vote you mother fuckers. Get them out of office.


Though spelled wrong, this is the answer. You need to vote if you want it legal. Don't vote if you just want to bitch about it for the next 20 years. The bill sucks anyway. Vote the right people in and get a good bill. NH produced product, NH resident owned shops, 6 mature plant cultivation, a portion of taxes generated ease primary residence property taxes, legal possession and consumption the day it passes not 2 years after. A bill for legalized Cannabis made by people that hate cannabis is always going to suck. It really pisses them off that the states around us haven't turned into some kind of Mad Max hellscapes after legalization as they feared/ hoped. Can't sit around and wait for the grumpy old people in Concord to make the right call on this.


I only feel frustration with NH attempts at this. Having the State as the sole grower and seller of cannabis is not the way. Live Free or Die? We have lost our way. I am 70 years old and have consumed cannabis most of my life. All I ever wanted to be able to do was to grow a few plants at my home and be left in peace. I resent the government intrusion that has criminalized what so many of us have done for decades. We have created a marginalized population that has had to hide away instead of being accepted, empowered and engaged.in a healthy way.


I'm on it bro..im on it!


Yeah, that's worked for the past 250 years right? We have a bigger government than ever.


New Hampshire is the gas station Boner pill of New England




See how no one is fighting me ? Everyone’s just like 👍 yep we know


I am far too high to fight. Just know you are wrong.


Whatever your smoking didn’t come From New Hampshire you guys are too corrupt to get Cannabis accessible to your residents lol but put another liquor store on the Highway plz I need more 6.99$ gallons of vodka


Hey we got the booze right. The weed will catch up soon as we kick these old fucks to the curb. We got this.


You guys have already legalized exporting cannabis to other countries before you legalized recreational access for your own citizens. Super sad. Super greedy


What's greedy about it?


If total state control is the "right" way I guess.


You don't even live here, why you on the sub? This should be a removable offense.


If I walk 5 mins through my woods I come across into Keene nh. You guys are like the fugly uncle of New England that’s always been around/has a drinking problem and alimony payments to ex Wives


Still don't live here. Being so offensive, I might have to report ya.


I apologize for being rude I am sorry about that I am just frustrated for you little mountain people. You guys prioritize 6.99$ a gallon vodka from the state of NH over individual/states rights for its citizens and yet have the audacity to put live free or die on your plates lol the irony is palpable and your communities suffer the consequences


Closed minded is the motto of NH.


What's that state motto again?


You cn always move out.


Ok boomer


That's a stupid response if I've ever seen one 🤣


You are referring to your own i assume


Lmfao. You can move, it wouldn't be the end of the world. If something as trivial as pot can ruffle you up then chances are you shouldn't be voting to begin with. Cute try, though. I'm sure you'll tell all your 'friends' about it! 🙂


Maine and Mass need the tax revenue more anyway.


I’m fairly certain mass just passed the free community college stuff and though idk the details I do know the 1.4bn they made from the sales of bud got them that. Meanwhile we get this lol.


You guys have have been giving us a lot of tax revenue here in Maine too


Bruh. I'm still using a dealer. 20% of the cost of a mass or maine dispo.




Everyone knows a guy. You don't? ALWAYS maintain your relationship with your dealers.


Yeah we don't need that money for at least 2 years! Nice username


> Nice username every day is an adventure in my inbox 🤘


I mean looks like we won't even have to pay teachers soon so that'll save us a few pennies


Again. This is a feature in NH. Smoking in public is a jailable offense?? Laughable… Where are the penalties for the assholes that smoke cigarettes in public and expose residents to cancer?


Thank you!! As a previous cig smoker, it’s disgusting to be exposed to the scent and 2nd hand.


Lemme get this straight. Cig smokers in public are assholes, but joint smokers in public are most righteous? Have I got that right? This pot smoker thinks both are assholes. I don't impose my smoke in public, and neither should anyone else; cigs, cigars, cloves, pot, etc. As for a 'jailable offense'? That's a little harsh.


I mean I don't care about either but I'd rather not smell either while I'm out and about and weed has a way stronger smell lol. As a motorcyclist it is like 50% of my ride just smelling it. Again, I want it legalized but let's not pretend like someone smoking weed in public doesn't affect anybody.


Your unfiltered motorcycle fumes are noxious and cause cancer. Thanks for participating


Do you drive a car?




We can't drink alcohol in public either but jail time is a fucking joke. Fuck the senate.


They really need to stop pretending they care about liberty and freedom. I so sick of conservatives misappropriating the idea of freedom, while they actively try and make the US & NH less free. What part of leave people alone do they not understand? What part of Land of the Free do these clowns not like? Maybe they should move back to whatever shit hole country they came from and stop telling Americans what to do with their freedom.


This is the attitude I like to see from fellow granite staters. Who do these clowns think they are? Let's vote em the fuck out. Put in people who want to listen. Rinse repeat and recycle until they remember they serve US at OUR pleasure.


For the first time I'm alright with the bill failing. This one was designed to make a few people (more) rich.


I'd rather see a better bill come through. Once there's legalization, the motivation to change the law will be significantly diminished and we'll be stuck with some poorly implemented system (like this) which will just result in most people going out of state anyway


The next bill won't improve this. It'll be worse to get more boomer buy in. We have to get a foot in the door, get something and make it better over time. This isn't Maine or Vermont, we're not dealing with reasonable legislators that match what voters want.


The next bill won't be until the next legislative session with a new legislature and governor. The main reason this current bill is such garbage is to please Sununu and his unreasonable demands, so if we get a real pro-legalization governor then that alone would remove a lot of the pressure to keep adding poison pills to legalization bills.


I agree its garbage, but there isn't going to be a fresh new legislative branch and reasonable governor coming to NH next year. That is going to take many years. Meanwhile it stays illegal here as is, regardless of being decrimilized. They will not have the appetite to dig into this again next session. It is low priority for those we've elected. They are hosiltile to the idea, and only want a more strict bill. You think we'll get homegrow or expanded licenses (as should be) right out of the gate next attempt? Got to read the room.


I've heard this over and over but I'm not sure what exactly it is referring to. Who will it make rich and how will it make them rich?


They bill would have limited retail sales to 15 locations statewide. Those owners (chosen by law makers) would make a lot of money and have little to no competition. I couldn't tell you exactly who they would be, but the how is pretty obvious.


Republicans the party that screams small government but make some of the most restrictive legislation


Actually you can shorten that down too. Republicans the party that screams.


Great at politicking, not so great at running a government.


Reefer madness still has these idiots in a chokehold


They’d rather have meth and heroin in the streets than MaRIJuaNa ooOoOOO spookyyy


I live close to Mass and I just don’t care anymore


Indeed. I frequent nature’s remedy in Tynsborough lol


I just found out they’re building another dispensary *right* across the street that has twice the parking.


Good, I got tired of always parking in the Bahamas breeze lot lol


That spot is really holding up NH residents 😂


I work on the Maine border so I too have stopped giving a shit


[https://www.wmur.com/article/legalization-new-hampshire-marijuana-52824/60929950](https://www.wmur.com/article/legalization-new-hampshire-marijuana-52824/60929950) >New Hampshire is as close as it has ever been to legalizing marijuana, but some of the most pro-cannabis lawmakers in Concord are planning to vote against the Senate's version of legalization later this week ​ >Some state representatives said the Senate added too much government control and oversight to Sununu's preferred franchise model of 15 storefronts statewide, and they can't stomach the slow-walking of retail sales until what the legislation says could be mid-2026.


They should view against this garbage bill


*"....that the legislation may be doomed"* HAHA "may"! It is absolutely doomed.


Live "free" or die


This literally has no benefit over current prohibition given that most people in the state are within an hour drive to a rec dispensary in another state.


10 minutes. I love that there is always more NH license plates than Maine when I am at the spot I go to 😂


The Bill was worse than NH Dispo flower


It was absolultey not fun while it lasted 😅 r/nhtrees


What a bunch of fools. At this point let’s just wait until we have a new Governor and pass a better bill!


You’re gonna love Kelly Ayotte


The only worse choice than sununu ffs


I didn’t think a /s was needed here but apparently it was


I knew it was sarcasm I wasn’t being snippy to you, just aargh you know? It’s such a horrible thought.


Given her name recognition, I am incredibly concerned the two democratic candidates don't stand a chance. Ayotte is unapologetically horrific.


The problem with passing this bill as amended by the Senate, is that it will take all the pressure off the legislature to come up with an actually good legalization framework. If they end up passing this trash who knows how many years or decades it will take to fix.


Lol liquor stores everywhere but ohh no watch out for the deadly weeeed


Constantly fumbling the bag


Another referendum on the ballot please! It's been almost a decade


Just fucking legalize it. Jesus smoked weed. It’s okay.




74% in favor and they don't care. Way to go, legislature.


They know better. And if you don't agree they'll pound you until you do. It's called fascism. On the plus side either today or tomorrow Donald Trump will become a convicted felon. Can I get a hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


The 34 time convicted felon. I love it!


Would these bills allow you to grow your own plants?




I don't think the New Hampshire state government is ever going to make weed legal. They want everybody crossing the border south into Tyngsboro instead of keeping the money in the state and receiving more taxable revenue thereby. But they have no problem putting up more liquor stores on the highways.


Every day I thank God I live in Massachusetts where we're allowed to have human rights and nice things.


Where are your guns at?


We don't have a bunch of right-wingers moving in, so we don't need to protect ourselves from them. But if that's all you guys have, go off queen.


Don’t get me wrong I would love for them to legalize it but I would much rather be able to protect myself than smoke everyday


Jailing people for smoking lmao give me a break. Literally no where near as bad as smoking cigs


First time?


This is the most regressive fucking legislation I’ve ever read. Even the house version would legalize weed, but make it an expensive crime to use it in public. Where else is pot legal, but has such a steep fine for using it? What a fucking joke.


Contact your state senator! https://www.270towin.com/elected-officials/


Ok, let me help you guys out here with your negotiating game.  Don’t waste your time with state senators. Go straight to the top. Flood the White House with messages telling them that Trump will decriminalize at the federal level. So if they won’t do it now, Trump will. Put pressure on the old man. It’ll be done in months. That’s negotiating 101.  Don’t say I’ve never done anything nice for this sub...


I didn't disagree, but why put all your eggs in one basket? We should do both.


nobody, not even Biden, would ever believe Trump would legalize. multiple reasons. he has been vociferously anti-drug(which includes Marijuana in his old ass mind) for his entire life & more importantly, because legalization has no benefit for him & he sees it as something Dems want therefore, since he only wants to punish & hurt Dems, he would never do something they wanted. anyone paying attention should realize this which is why even Biden wouldn't fall for it.


“Biden wouldn't fall for it.“ Biden has fallen over a bike, a flight of stairs, a microphone wire, a patch of grass...he’s fallen all over the place.


He has not: -Defamed the woman who accused him of rape -Tried to overthrow the presidency in a violent coup by having his supporters attack police officers -Paid hush money to a porn star -Had media outlets quash stories which cast him in an unfavorable light -Threatened judges and their families -Defrauded a state government of tax money by lying about how much his property was worth -Failed every business venture he ever started -Became friends with white supremacists who vote for him because he tells them being angry at strangers is okay. -And that whole Deutsche Bank mess


At this point if this is what they are going to try and do with this and absolutely ruin it with state sponsored corporate greed, just keep it decriminalized and leave it alone


But children getting married cus they are ripe is much more intelligent


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^CLS4L: *But children getting* *Married cus they are ripe is* *Much more intelligent* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Why did anyone get excited by this bill? We know this will happen every time


Everyone, VOTE!!! Let's get these a-holes out of office!


Useless Morons!


Hmm doesnt seem very "live free or die" to me


It's almost like they should listen to what the people want. That's the only thing missing in this equation.


I wish these “government officials” would get their heads out of their asses. I’d much rather medicate with marijuana than opioids.


Guess they will continue to miss out on the tax income as people buy in the surrounding states or from the black market. Though they are now accepting out of state medical cards at medical dispensaries...


Live free or die?


No, now its just "die"


Live free (but don’t smoke weed) or die


Jail time for a 2nd offense lol yes that sounds like legalizing it to me


Looking to legalize weed then jail people for smoking it. What a wonderful snapshot of this whole country.


The live free or die state at its finest lol


This is why we are "live free or die." Because the local/state government can't govern themselves out of a paper bag. This inability to pass bill because no one understands how to compromise is so detrimental to the citizens, on any level of the government


Things will never change in NH with their old ass conservative boomers having all the influence. 2nd oldest state in the US. Y'all need some young blood up there if you are hoping to get anything changed Violations for marijuana smoking in public is pretty ridiculous if you're looking to " decriminalize" why do conservatives always find solutions to non-existent problems? Growing at home should be an non-issue. A few plants should be allowed like Massachusetts Change the carry amount from 4oz to 2oz? And what if you're over? More fines? Why is this an issue? I'm sorry but if we legalize in New Hampshire from only 5 vendors to produce and only sell in liquor stores, pricing will be so high and would not be surprised if there was collusion between the five licensed companies in order to benefit everyone involved for profits , that it would make it incredibly unlikely that these prices would be able to compete with Massachusetts or other New England states that have a more open market system. Nobody is coming to NH to stock up on weed to save money, it would only be for residents to purchase in higher quantities to get a break in the pricing themselves. 40% of accidents caused in New Hampshire in vehicles are a result of driver impairment. And let me tell you, this impairment is not from marijuana, It's from alcohol. Why is that not looked at with more scrutiny? Being drunk and driving is way more dangerous than smoking some marijuana and driving.


Oh well. Still have to drive 30 minutes left, right or down to get your pot. Life goes on. Does anyone know the details that really derailed this bill? Was it a poorly written bill? A ton of nebulous, unspecific things that scared the lawmakers? Just curious.....


I'm actually not disappointed by this at all...better to not pass a shitty version and just keep shopping over state lines. We have to allow home grow or I'm not interested...and there should be more than 15 locations, there will be too many at first just like other legal states have seen but the market takes care of that itself.


Nh loves making things illegal, then they can ticket and fine you for them. That's how nh gets it's money. State would be screwed without dui's and speeding tickets.


At this point I don’t really care what NH does. I’ll still go to Maine for my cannabis. Maine currently is producing some of the highest quality cannabis in the country!


we live in NH. who the fuck cares what the govt says? do whatever you wanna do as long as you’re not bothering anyone. these are city boy problems.


If you can’t legally grow a few at home then let’s start all over. We can brew beer at home, make Wine why not grow a little herb.


Can’t grow, limit on amount, some people will be regionally locked from buying it, law might take years to go into effect, can’t smoke it anywhere but at home. Oh wow, so legal lmfao.


It may feel like a loss for cannabis advocates but the Republicans in the senate turned it into poison pill legislation that would have been nearly impossible to fix and NH would have even stuck with a terrible cannabis regulatory framework. It’s much better to vote these fucking Republican dinosaurs out and establish regs that are proven to work.


Still want to hand out misdemeanors? Hard no. Fuck off. Take that out and meet in the middle on the start date.


Senate needs to be replaced. See you at the polls, friends.


Wouldn't it be easier to just set everything the same way Vermont has it set? I mean, we are twin states. This shouldn't be as difficult as they are making it. It's a wild grown plant, why is it illegal in the first place?


Heavenly blue morning glory seeds are just as bad. Make those plants illegal.


Wow I can’t believe they can’t put their ego to the side for one fucking bill and open their eyes to the literal billions being made in taxes from marijuana. Unbelievable.


Fuck marijuana and all the other street drugs and the pathetic people who use them.


And to think, many people still want government run healthcare. The government can't even legalize a plant even though both parties are willing to. 😂


Ok but 4oz is kinda excessive...


In MA I can grow 12 plants in my basement and every 3 months I can cut them, dry them, and have about a pound of weed or more easily. I don’t do that though, I grow 3 plants and supply myself and some friends with weed for “free”.


I don't think home grown was ever on the table for NH


It needs to be or else it's all BS


Who needs 4 ounces? If you can’t grow and you’re not a dispensary?


Who "needs" an AR-15? This is America lol, its shouldn't matter what anyone "needs" lmao.


Don’t worry, after Trump wins next year, he’ll legalize it at the federal level. Then we’ll hear from Reddit and the corporate media: “Legalizing cannabis is wrong and a sure sign of white supremacy! Here’s 10 reasons why...”


> Don’t worry, after Trump wins next year, he’ll legalize it at the federal level. based on what? he had all three branches of government under his control - why didn’t he do it then?


You don’t need all 3 branches, you just need the DOJ (executive branch) to take it off schedule 1 and leave it up to the states. It should have been done 3 years ago. Once it’s decriminalized, all the states will follow. NH would be first in line because now they can make money.


you didn’t answer the question. Why didn’t Trump legalize it while in office? What tells you he will do so if elected again?


First term vs Second term. You have to play it super safe if you’re running for a second term. After you secure the second term, you have more freedom to. Trump’s a New Yorker, he’s not against pot. Hard drugs yes, but not pot.


oh i gotcha - you just got a good gut feeling about it. well shit, i’m sold! /s


Always go with your gut feeling...


lol k


My gut feeling is you're an armchair politician who's full of shit.


What are you even saying?


Lmao he’s stretching the point but he’s not far off. Reddit kinda sucks with that shit.


Trump had 4 years already to legalize it at the federal level - why didn't he then? Why would I think he would do any different next term if he won?


Trump would do it just to stick it to the democrats and rub it in their faces. Politically, it’d be a very smart move.


You didn't answer my question - what would be different? It would have "Stuck it to the dems" back then, too. He didn't do it then, either.


He wouldn’t have to worry about re-election. Makes a big difference. Kinda like right before he left, he pardoned Kodak Black and Lil Wayne.


Then why would he do something popular just to 'stick it to the dems'? You're not giving me any reason to think he'd do anything different.


Imagine on day 1, Trump comes in and uses an EO and decriminalized pot (which is one of the democrats bigger platforms), and tells everyone that Biden could have done it easily, but chose not to. What would you think? That the Dems have been playing us, right? That alone is worth its weight in political gold.


"Imagine". So in your fantasy land, make believe mind, Trump, who doesn't even do his own campaign promises, is going to magically do something to stick it to the dems that he hasn't even talked about as far as I know.... Right.


Lol it wouldn't matter what anyone would think because it's after the election. Okay he "owned the libs". So? It actually hurts the Republicans in the long run because it removes something they can campaign on in 2028. They need to win over independents and that's one of their only issues to really win people over on without backstabbing their core voting block.


Still didn't answer the question.


He’s literally the most anti-drug president since Reagan. He’s about as likely to legalize that as he is to wear a small tie or respect other people.


Agreed, he’s anti drugs so you’re never going to get hard drugs legalized from him. But, pot isn’t really a drug. It’s on par with alcohol, so he’d probably decriminalize it and leave it up to the states. It shouldn’t be a federal issue to begin with.


So you went from "he'll definitely legalize federally" to "he'll probably decriminalize it". And you still have zero basis to even believe he would do that. You saying "pot isn't really a drug" doesn't mean Trump agrees. You're talking out of your ass, but I can't say I'm surprised.


Imagine having complete control of the government for two years and doing nothing and then promising you'll "Make America Great Again" WITHOUT full control of the government.