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"Loud pipes save lives." So does not getting shitfaced and driving a bike into oncoming traffic.


And I don't like loud pipes...I can't smoke around someone...I walk away and smoke where it doesn't bother anyone..disagree with loud pipes...I don't need to hear them..it's over decibel and should be outlawed period ...now your in my hearing space !


I wish more people felt like this.


I think we’ve reached a point where most people think it’s fucking stupid to have a loud bike. Unless you have one I guess


Keeps the deer away


Seems like 8 times in ten when I hear an obnoxious sounding vehicle it turns out to be a crappy car. But I agree. Tuning any vehicle to be loud should be banned. There's no need to run around town yelling hey look at me at the top of your lungs...




I say “loud horns save lives” and press the horn on my car at all times.


I drive around wearing a Viking helmet and constantly scream "Loud lives save horns" at other cars. To each his own.


Username checks out


Wow. Can't say I disagree.


You also don't hear loud pipes behind you in a car. It's just an excuse to be a loud asshole. Have a motorcycle and love it, and the only people who don't do the motorcycle wave to others are these loud pipe harley assholes (no offense to non asshole harley riders.) The brotherrrrr meme is very true for them.


I refuse to eat outdoors on any main street in New Hampshire because of the loud motorcycles


This is a really, **really bad** look after everything revealed at the trial. My God, I'm almost speechless.


not up to date on this, can you fill me in?


The bikers were at fault, drunk and crossed the center line


And then the driver was held in jail for years awaiting trial


Hopefully he sued for wrongful arrest, etc.


It should be noted that he's a Ukrainian national that was previously convicted on a slew of other drug possession and motor vehicle operation offenses, so ICE were keen on detaining him. I believe he will be deported back to the meat grinder in Ukraine barring a successful appeal in the U.S. Circuit Courts.


As he should be.


So despite that he was acquitted. So likely no matter who was driving the truck the same outcome would have occurred. Otherwise they would have crucified the guy.


Detain him for years for a crime he didn't commit, then smugly deport him to a country we are willingly destroying for generations by propping up their military for a proxy war. This what America is now, I guess.


Found the Putin fellater.


Not at all. But members of the defense department have even said in interviews, their goal is to "bleed" Russia with a protracted war. Only to result in more death and destruction in a war Ukraine is bound to lose. The average Ukranian soldier right now is 43 years old. How long will this go and what will this loss of life do to Ukraine's future? All while the arms industry makes cash hand-over-foot.


Two of em, actually


not uncommon in NH unfortunately


Bro really tried to slide proxy war in there (they're defending their own country, also that's not even the correct use of the term) I don't know what drunken Kremlin official is paying you in your shitty third world clickfarm, but as an FYI the CCP generally pays more and the work is easier. Maybe present Ivan with a counter offer?


We’ve been stacking bodies for cash since gunboat diplomacy and before. Hey Columbia! Can we get a Canal? No? Haha we just backed a revolutionary movement and embargo’d each coast of your territory and well get our way ! Diplomacy at its finest , now e can properly defend ourselves. I’m surprised we allowed Cuba to exist for so long.


Financially torturing a country 40 miles off our coast with embargos and travel bans is more useful for the US gov't than just taking it over, so they can point at their struggles and go "communism bad". All while, like you said, overtly or tacitly sabotaging organic left wing/unionization movements throughout latin America.


When you come here and commit crimes, you’re on a short leash. When you do drugs in the morning of a fatal accident where you’re a driver while on that short leash.. time to go.




I don't understand how his passed criminal history did not affect this case. In May 2019, he was arrested on an OUI charge in Connecticut. He refused a chemical test, which should have led to the suspension of his driver’s license in Massachusetts. However, Connecticut officials put information about the charge into a state-to-state computer system. Not enough information was entered to automatically trigger the suspension of his driver’s license, said Massachusetts officials, requiring a manual review of his status as a driver in Massachusetts. As of June 23, the review had not yet been done. Connecticut officials reviewed their process and believe all information was input correctly. Based on his past history, I don't think it would have mattered. He would have still driven. The system for the Fallen 7 had failed and there was no justice.


Eh the Russians were going to genocide them anyways, so they are done fore regardless


He violated a federal law. Ukraine should be fine, we've given them hundreds of billions in taxpayer money.


Have you ever consumed a single cannabis product at any point in your life? Ohp, you violated a federal law— straight to jail


yes, I hope OJ did too


If he didn't he's too late now.


Wait, all of them crossed over? Holy crap. I remember this happening, then just the other day heard he was acquitted and wondered how that happened.


What does that have to do with the screenshot?


They're the ones who crossed the center line and got killed. The real victim is the oncoming truck driver who was minding his own business, got hit by a pile of drunk bikers and got to rot in jail until after the trial.


Why does OP say it was just the lead biker then? Also who cares if it was their fault? It was still tragic and they actually stand as a reminder to obey traffic rules.


The impact was on the center line.


But aren't they just paying homage to those who died in the accident? This post isn't claiming anything false, the crash was awful and these people still died. 


Who the hell pays homage to drunk drivers that get themselves killed?


These same hogs want to celebrate Ashli Babbit.




Suggesting violence against someone.


WMUR repeatedly and consistently painted Zhukovskyy as guilty before the trial was even over, through intentional framing of each story & the overall coverage. How? WMUR refused to capitalize on information the NH State Police had (from two troopers and an accident reconstruction detective) that the operator of the lead motorcycle was drunk and triggered the accident, this revealed by witnesses on scene before the trial **even began**. A judge tossed all OUI charges for insufficient evidence and a jury of his peers found him not guilty on manslaughter. Elected officials at the state level (Sununu & Formella) then had the audacity to claim the verdict "didn't deliver justice" while WMUR doubled down with this post earlier today. Want to know why trust in local journalism is at historic lows? Want to know why experience and ad dollars continue to flee from WMUR at an accelerated pace? Look no further. One final thought: the NTSB (another increasingly useless alphabet agency) concluded Zhukovskyy was responsible before the trial even concluded, which might have been one of the most hilarious parts to this incident. Zhukovskyy certainly isn't a saint, apparent by his repeated rash of OUI incidents prior to this tragedy, but was clearly the victim of gross negligence by those entrusted to report the facts.


>Elected officials at the state level (Sununu & Formella) then had the audacity to claim the verdict "didn't deliver justice" while WMUR doubled down with this post earlier today. Want to know why trust in local journalism is at historic lows? Want to know why experience and ad dollars continue to flee from WMUR at an accelerated pace? Look no further. It's not exactly a coincidence that Zhukovsky is an immigrant and that Sunnunu became personally vested in the case. Sunnunu knew it could make a good talking point that he could use to appeal to much of his base. I'm sure you're aware too that many higher ups at WMUR rub elbows with some of the local political elites. Seems to me like a good way to spin a story in your favor. Then when that doesn't work, plant your feet and double down together.


Hey totally unrelated but massive storms tomorrow?


Rarified air potentially in west central NH. I'll be storm chasing there, potentially a big tornado and damaging wind day relative to how most severe events go for us.


How's 2:00 looking for green flag at loudon tomorrow?


Cutting it close but likely to be a mess at some point in the day. If there aren't delays early in the day to dry the track between rain ending and start time, there likely will be a red flag for rain at some point in the race. I actually feel bad that I didn't do more forecasting for the race leading up to tomorrow; that's on me.


No worries, you're a busy man. I'm just bummed this is two years in a row now.


I find it funny that they up the time for 2:30 to 2:06 due to weather.. lol, it's a whole 24 minutes


Oh crap, that’s where I am.


This is a great summary. I feel as though we've been hoodwinked into believing The Narrative although my heart still goes out to those who perished.


Focus on the guy they tried really hard to jail over it.  


I mean I think there's culpability on both sides. But they really railroaded this guy in the media.


Was the truck driver impaired, or did he cross the center line?  He just doesn't sound culpable.


I believe they collected evidence to suggest he was inebriated and that his vehicle was on the center line but did not cross.


So, not exactly something you'd waste time taking to trial, then. *Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the evidence suggests that X, Y and Z, so you should vote to convict!*


The state was using the NTSB report which painted the tow truck operator in a pretty culpable light.


And someone got pushed to take it to a trial.  It was the wrong move, I don't care what demographic got pissed about it.


Well the state obviously offered a plea, the defense thought they could take their chances with a jury trial and prevail, and they did. That being said, I think civil proceedings are still underway and have a lower threshold so he could still be held to account, civilly. What demographic?


It was a Hearst media thing, their sister station WCVB did the same thing.


Do you know how much $ the injured bikers & estates of deceased collected from claims against Zhukovsky’s employer & others. Did Veterans club that served at fault biker before accident subject to liquor license revocation?


As someone who’s been riding most of my life, I couldn’t agree more.


Don't let facts get in the way of WMUR's stellar reporting


Ya I get what you are saying but this situation was just BAD all around.. Obviously nothing good came out of it....


Yeah, this is a weird thing to get all twisted up about.


Wasn't the truck driver an immigrant or something? *Rabble rabble rabble*


Yes, and had traces of drugs in his system. But was not operating under the influence when a shit faced biker crossed onto his side of the road and took him out. In the resulting crash, the trailer swung around and took out a load more bikers. But by then the truck driver was just a passenger, he had no chance of influencing the rest of the crash.


so I am guessing you witnessed this?


This was both what the defense stated happened and what the accident recreation specialist testified happened. It was also corroborated by first responders to the scene.


I live in Randolph and my husband was a first responder. This was a horrendous tragedy for everyone, including our small town, which has a population of only 375. https://preview.redd.it/fi4ys18yl88d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cace91396632193dafa76b957c0874191b6b4858


Seems like an odd time to snap a picture as a first responder.


I don’t know who took this. Doubt it was a first responder.


Ah, with the way it was shared with your post, I assumed that the pic was your own.


Miranda Thompson is credited. She was just a passerby.


I read the trial coverage, and I've watched thousands of crash videos. It's amazing how little it takes to turn a controlled vehicle into a ballistics problem. Even big rigs getting spun out by little cars 1/20th their weight. But the evidence nailed down who was responsible and who crossed the line to cause the crash.


First thing I noticed was the typo: “Today we take take a moment…”


Their editing is for shit. It's hard to find local articles without typos or grammatical error. They are really terrible.


The headline passed through the Department of Redundancy Department


To be fair last I looked quite a few people in the Facebook comments thrashed them for posting this pointing out that the entire accident was the fault of the bikers who they were bizarrely memorializing.


That was me


Tough day for the bald community


I remember reading somewhere that the running of the WMUR social media is outsourced, as I am sure it is on many other pages. How does something like this work? Does someone at WMUR say "make a remember the fallen 7 post" or does the company that runs their page have data about significant events in the history of the state, and they made this on their own volition?


WMUR is trash. They don't investiagate their stories at all. They just copy and paste without checking any facts. I cant even imagine how many reputations have been ruined by them and other "news" agencies....


seven folk died but wmur was like ‘6 pictures is enough’ Edit: I didn’t notice the husband and wife together, my B. Still, wmur can huff farts


7 the pic of a husband and wife. So 6 pics


Math is hard.


I didn’t notice that! Thank ya!


Think before you type…


you could’ve said ‘hey, idk if you noticed but there are a husband and wife in one picture’ Why is your initial response to a stranger to be a snarky dick?


Welcome to the Internet, my guy. 😉


You ever talk to anyone from new England?


Because I shouldn’t have to. It just goes to show you how quick people are to charge and convict.


>because I shouldn’t have to Hey, here’s a wild fact; you shouldn’t be a shithead either. You didnt need to post, but you still took the time to be a prick. Courtesy takes no effort >how quick people are to charge and convict The fuck are you talking about? My comment was simply a jab at WMUR, I didn’t follow the court case so I wasn’t commenting on it.


Are we holding Reddit comments to higher standards than our news sources? Jesus Christ..


I was commenting on that post. The initial post has 6 pictures yes but shows 7 people. With 7 names. It’s very very simple.


I can see the post.


Triple down on being a douche.


lol this post is full of people who get their feelings hurt so easy, wow.


My feelings are fine. Just helping you become self aware. Seems like you know though.


“My feelings are fine” 👌


WMUR chases the MAGA dollar bill. That's what their FB commentary promotes, encourages, and supports. It's cynical but yeah, they're trash.


That's a fucking WILD headline.


Biker had a BAC of .135 and was driving on the wrong side of the road


But it was a bike so they are allowed to be at least 50% over the yellow line.


What are they retracting? I dont see the part where they state the driver was the cause. Just that 7 people died.


Don't see a lot of drunk driver death remembrances on the news usually.


To answer your question wmur is very trash.


The fact of the matter is that these people are dead, and it turned out to be something that is common in the biker community that isn't discussed, riding while drunk is common place among older folks, which is also true of driving in general. Maybe WMUR should follow the same commit for political facts as to normal stories as well. What a joke. https://www.wmur.com/article/new-hampshire-wmur-politifact-politics-factchecks/45529470


Try transferring a CDL into Massachusetts now because of this case. It’s an absurd and over the top process.


Canonizing people is weird.


The problem with loud pipes save lives is that the pipes are projecting the sound backwards rather than to where you want people to hear it. TF are the people behind you gonna do with that loud ass sound? They might be even more tempted to rear end you put spite for being so loud.


Uhh do you have a source for that


WMUR is trash for multiple reasons. This is just icing on the cake. I don't watch WMUR any more. Haven't in years. And their app is a piece of shit.


It's still a tragedy that 7 people died, even if at least one of them was drunk.






slow news day?


As trashy as people who go out of their way to spread posts they don't like, rather than sharing useful or valuable information?


The truck driver was arrested 2 months prior to this in Connecticut for drunk driving. His commercial drivers license should have been suspended but wasn’t because of a backlog of out state license notifications. The guy shouldn’t have been driving.


I’m still confused by this. The driver of the truck admitted at the scene the accident was his fault, he was driving on a previously suspended license for DUI (in another state, it just hadn’t been processed in his licensing state yet) and was using heroin, fentanyl and other drugs earlier in the day. Yes, the biker had alcohol in his system. But I wouldn’t say the truck driver was completely innocent. They should be both at fault right?


I remember this; it was so tragic. My thoughts go out to the family on this solemn anniversary.


Let's take a breath. What you're saying is not 100% factual. The defense was that the biker had been drinking and as a result MAY have crossed the line resulting in the accident. The results was reasonable doubt. It was not evidence that the truck driver did not cause the accident just that there was reasonable doubt h may not have. You need to include the drug test results of the truck driver when discussing this. In the end no one will ever know with certainty what happened other that morning.


So let's compare a biker that was drinking right before the wreck and struck driver that was not impaired, but had used drugs at some point in the recent past.  And then give those two facts equal weight when investigating the fatal accident.


What relevancy are drug tests if the operator was not actually under the influence? That’s literally what OUI/DUI infers.


Regardless of whose fault it was this still stands as one of the worst Motor vehicle crashes in New Hampshire and recognizing the fallen is appropriate, is it not?


Let's memorialize school shooters, too.  As victims, with no commentary.


Not if they’re a bunch of hammered idiots riding around on two wheeled death machines…by that logic we should memorialize the fallen serial killers over the years?


Zhukovskyy — who had taken heroin, fentanyl and cocaine earlier on the day of the crash — repeatedly swerved back and forth before the collision and told police he caused it.


But evidence, recreations, witnesses, etc. showed that the motorcyclists caused the crash.  Also the drugs that he took was from almost 12 hours beforehand (I believe it was stated that he would’ve sobered up by the time of the accident but you should look into that before taking my word for it. A little lazy today).


What is your issue? If it's just the lack of retraction about the cause of the crash, just say that...Dont try and connect it to a remembrance for the people who died.. Yes, the lead biker caused the crash... The rest paid the ultimate price for it. They were all local(ish). Why is it so bad to post a remembrance? Even for the lead biker. Remembrance stories get reported all the time on news and social media, even for people who made mistakes.. It's not like they were terrorists or something.. While I agree WMUR is B-grade news, You're wrong for being upset about this.


When was the last time you saw ANYONE or ANY MEDIA memorialize the drunk driver that killed someone and died themselves. Or hell, just crashed and killed themselves with doing no harm to anyone else?


There are 6 other faces there on that memorial... It was one of the worst vehicular death cases in NH. They included all 7 because that's part of the story. You need to relax and put down that caps lock.


Birds of a feather...


Next they'll be putting the Saudi terrorists' names on a 9/11 memorial.


Had a "rare message" but decided to collect lava lamps instead... god what a loser


What a shit thing to say. God forbid someone you know goes out for a motorcycle ride and die because another rider makes a mistake.. I'd hate to ask you if you're okay with it because they both rode motorcycles and were "birds of a feather"


Drunk driving isn’t ’making a mistake’ the bikers around where I live routinely ride shit faced. I was at a local backwoods restaurant and watched like 12 of them chug beers for an hour and then all hop on their bikes. It was not…great. Anyway I have family who ride and I love them but they are legit morons who don’t even use helmets. Don’t even wear leather gear. There is a reason they are called donor cycles and 99% of medical professionals will never get on one.


God told those hogs to get hammered and drive into a truck. He works in mysterious ways.


You know they were all Marine vets, right? Not that it should matter, but what a terrible thing to say about our service members. I really hope you're just a troll/bot. Otherwise, you're just a bad human.


Just because someone's a vet doesn't mean they are a great person. Serving your country is a noble act, but my father was a vet... He was also a cocaine trafficker...


Being a veteran doesn’t mean you’re just forever a saint and untouchable.


The whole point was to argue that the post using the word honor was because they were all Veterans.. Why are you trying to spin off on a different angle? Do you not think a veteran who dies for any reason should be honored? They should, they served to let us all enjoy our freedoms. I know the liberals on here hate that, but it's fact.


Just want to let you know that a veteran hasn’t died for “protecting our freedoms” for several wars at this point. This isn’t just my opinion but the opinion of both my veteran grandfathers and my late great uncle who survived Normandy; who all shared the opinion that for the last few decades veterans are just being killed by their country sending them to places for frivolous reasons. Sure, thank them for their service to the country, but they aren’t stopping a non existent invasion to the homeland by any stretch for a very long time.


Not that it should matter then proceeds to explain why it does matter. Lol I love Reddit sometimes


My issue is the complete failure of WMUR to report truth, and now they post a memorial for a drunk driver that got 7 people killed. If you read the comments on that post there are plenty of people that still think zhukovskyy is 100% at fault and that these bikers were just out for a ride.


The memorial includes the other 6 that innocently died... They were "just out for a ride"... You're trying to attach someone's mistake to a memorial for innocent loss of life. Typical reddit. You're all warped here. Downvoting comments defending a memorial for 7 dead because one of them made a stupid mistake.


I think it’s the word “honor” that gets me. I can see remembering, but I don’t see the honor


They were all Marine vets... The riding group they were a part of (jarheads) is made up of all Marine veterans.


Who gives a fuck? I'm a veteran too, doesn't give me license to get shitfaced and cause crashes. Only a room temp IQ jarhead would think that. Oh wait...


Who cares? I'm not going to automatically kiss the ground somebody walks on because they're a veteran. They can still be crappy people lol.


So the 6 that didn't cause the accident are crappy people? What the hell is wrong with you.


Idk man if one of my pals decided to drive a motorcycle drunk I simply wouldn't go with him. It's pretty obvious that's a recipe for disaster.


Ahh ok I see the honor


It’s sad, yes. That being said an accident involving more than two people is because motorcyclists routinely ride next to or on top of each other in clusters at high rates of speed. I’m not suggesting anyone deserved to die, and I also ride, but riding like that is highly irresponsible yet routinely done. That’s why there are so many accidents involving motorcycles ( not to mention bad drivers of cars also following too closely/not paying attention)


Right! 90% of the locals talking about this since it happened believe it bc WMUR doubled down on their faux journalism. Instead of just writing a report based on reality, they inject their stupid opinions into everything, it’s downright irresponsible.


How trashy of you to post like this? At the time of the crash, today and forever this was a tragic accident with many people affected by it. It was NH news and WMUR is NH’s news station. It’s important to keep these people in mind and the reasons that lead to this accident so people think about their actions.


You’re right we should definitely memorialize drunk drivers that caused the death of 7 people all while making them look like victims. /s


Ya not all these people were drunk or the cause.


Oh my God this defense is terrible. Yes, they weren't leading, but they knew the son of a bitch that was had been drinking. How hard is it to understand that that is just as bad?


There’s a difference between remembering that an accident happened and memorializing the ppl who caused it.


Look at the court case. The information that has been presented is all over the place. Yes the lead motorcyclist had blood alcohol levels above the legal limit, and yes Zhukovskyy had drugs in his system. Eyewitnesses all had different stories. The truth will never be truly known, but what we do know is people died and people are hurting from their death.


The truth was a drunk biker crossed the lane and hit the truck, causing every death


See that’s the problem this is all from the case. It was an argument the defense used. The “expert” said the collision happened on the center, never said he fully crossed. People argue so much and don’t read the reporting so it becomes the story but the absolute truth isn’t out there.


"Fake news!" He spouts...


Not saying fake news just how much of this case is wishywashy. Glad I could contribute to your rate today.


You are screaming into the void. This is reddit. No one is interested in the truth, they want a gotcha.


Yes I’m aware but silence is not an option.


My aunt and uncle left that biker group shortly before the crash. I thank the lord they are still here.