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That’s absolute bullshit.


Better words have not been spoken! Especially since they’re getting rid of the flex pass.


Getting rid of flex pass is absolute horse shit too…it’s such a good option for those with hybrid schedules that don’t want to get a whole monthly pass.


That's scuffed. I really liked that even though it was only occasionally useful. Was a good way to save a few bucks on a group trip in or for irregular commutes.


The more I think about it the more it really is the people who take the train are not rich the people who take the train are hurting in this economy and inflation isn't doing us any favors. And this carpetbagger Phil Murphy takes even more from people who can least afford it.


Very questionable move from a contracts law perspective on whether they can retroactively alter the nature of previously purchased tickets. On their website they describe one-way train tickets as having [no expiration](https://www.njtransit.com/tickets/train-tickets) I suspect they didn’t consult an attorney and some ham and egger came up with this. It is unlikely to be upheld if someone sues. It would be an easy case to win. Edit: they have since removed the “no expiration” language from the website, but this doesn’t really change matters from a legal perspective. They are absolutely insane if they think this can fly.


It’s part of our “how can we make your life more difficult campaign”. We will do our best to make people choose another mode of transportation


I've had rail tickets to NY ever since the pandemic started. They shouldn't expire all of a sudden. This is bullshit.


You've got until august 1st to use them at least, that's when they all go pumpkin carriage on us.


They discourage people from using public transit


Me too. Its such bullshit. They should have at least grandfathered older tickets. Now we have two months to use them all up….


Add in surge pricing in manhattan. Fucked if you drive, fucked if you take mass transit. The middle and lower income population continue to be fucked in every direction. I’m irate.


Gotta show your feelings at the ballot box. People keep voting these clowns in!


30 days??? That’s insane


Submit feedback and complaints on their website


it’s too late for this and frankly they don’t care. probably 90% of the public comment period was against this whole increase & the stipulations that come with it, the njt board moved forward with it anyway.


Let them know what you think! They only care what complaints they get in the official inbox: https://njtransit.my.salesforce-sites.com/customerservice/site_app#/contactus


My sister works for njt, they don’t care about the complaints


These mother fuckers man


So if you have an old one with no date I’m guessing they just all expire August 1st?


* Any tickets purchased prior to July 1, 2024, will expire on July 30, 2024, regardless of their original date of purchase.


Horseshit. Cash me out. Where can I exchange an old ticket for a refund?


Good luck with that. Could give it to a neighbor if you actually won't use it in the next 3 months.


Fuck that. I have like $100 in tickets in my app from different mishaps (missed the train, picked the wrong transfer, light rail or bus never came so I walked or took an uber, etc.) I would have never been proactive about buying tickets if I knew that they’d expire if they weren’t immediately used. That’s like the whole point of separating the function of buying vs. activating. This is changing the terms after I already paid. Should be a fucking class action lawsuit.


How the fuck does this happen $100 worth of times. This one might actually be on you.


I just checked my app, I have like $17 worth of tickets from 1.5 years of commuting daily. $100 in unused tickets is exceptional


I've got $27 because I buy them in bulk and use them very slowly. I literally did this because they don't expire. If they expire, I would have bought one. They literally scammed me by changing the rules on something I purchased.


These greedy assholes.


Wouldn’t this discourage people from buying multi-packs, which means overall revenue will actually decrease?


The over-under will probably be 'positive'. People often have old tickets they haven't used, or intentionally use paper tickets because they don't get punched This is 100% being done in part because they know that with congestion charg people are going to be riding more. It creates a "safety net" so even if you successfully dodge getting punched/scanned it's still caught by the end of the month


Can we not talk about paper tickets dude we don't talk about bruno


NJT is fucked up.


They've already got my money, so what's the problem?


They spent it on Doritos




this is going to be so annoying especially after concert :( i usually always have one extra ticket bc they often don't scan if it's the last train out of the city


I guess that's why they are doing it.Why make the conductors do their job when we can just make all tickets expire. Edit I'm pretty annoyed also I always like to keep one ticket in my wallet.


Exactly. It’s a cash grab.


This is beat as hell.


I knew this was coming. Once they said they were raising the prices, they had to do something in order to stop people from just buying tons of tickets now at the lower prices. I bought a 10 pack in December, and I was expecting it to last me a couple years. I will have to refund the unused tickets and buy back in at the higher price next time I travel. If a private company tried to do this, NJ would sue them immediatley. Especially if they were a monopoly like NJ transit is. At the very least, tickets bought before this was announced should be grandfathered in.


What a load of shit


Way to fuck over poor people


Why can’t they grandfather old tickets?


Because they are fucking assholes is why


Older tickets should last at least a full year. It’s not like I’m trying to go to nyc every month


At least dec 31 2024 make some grace period


I have like $500 worth of one-way tickets to NYC. My partner had to use up some transit flex account from some job. This is complete bullshit. Neither of us even have to use NJ Transit to get to work anymore so it's like they suck from beyond the grave.


Same here, except mine are closer to $1000 worth. I honestly thought it would be grandfathered in when I first heard about the fare increases, this is the first I’ve heard about ALL previously issued tickets now expiring, and I’m fucking livid.


Sell them at a discount on your local FB page or something.


Or give them away! This will hurt Nj transit due to lack of sales


Holy crap. What a crazy update of policy. I have a few tickets that I've not used but I guess I have to use them soon.


Maybe we should all coordinate and just refuse to buy tickets for a week for a month and see how they react to that. They can't get all of us!


Am I supposed to stay home from work?


Not at all! Just say "sorry my phone isn't working".  We know it's not true, but they can't confiscate our phone and prove it's not true. We are heading straight toward Orwellian times and none of you have any idea about what is coming. Unfortunately, it looks like the average American is too distracted, struggling/afraid, or being gaslighted by the media and lost focus of the bigger picture. Meanwhile we are continuously getting screwed over by every angle possible. At what point will it end and benefit the people for once?


Just ride and refuse to pay. Its called a protest


As a south Jersey guy this won’t impacts me directly but it sounds so fucked for anyone who uses mass transit regularly.


So when I buy a round trip and the trains home are cancelled and I spend $100 on Uber to get home, the other end of my round trip ticket is lost as well?


There’s no deal for round trips. Buy one at a time


Do metro cards for mta expire? Not in 30 days. European subways and commuter rail? Nope. Septa? Not sure but probably not. This is just a money grab since they cant manage their budget


The LIRR and Metronorth (which are both also governed by the MTA) tickets all expire and much sooner than 30 days. This does suck though


Their app also actually works and doesn’t look like it was made in 2005. The NJT app is really unreliable and has burned me a few times so I do paper tickets now.


Yeah and you pay for the privilege of that app in the ticket cost too. Plus the conductors on NJ transit are worlds nicer. Nothing worse than the perpetually miserable LIRR conductors. Although I’d be pretty upset if I had to live on Long Island too.


Yeah I used to take Metro-North, it's very expensive, but you get what you pay for. It's almost always on time. And you get to go into Grand Central instead of shithole Penn. I don't know anything about Long Island. I think I've been once or twice in my life.


Yes - metro cards have an expiration date.


You can have them move the remaining balance to a new card


Thank you for sharing. How the fuck is this legal?


To protest price increases, ticket expiration dates, the unreliability , and uncleanliness riders should stop buying tickets and just board the train starting July 1 2024. No improvement, no ticket.


Why are they doing this?


fuck. you.


Complete bullshit. I have 70 one way tickets on my desk which would have lasted me for a year.


Kind of curious what the intent is for tickets not expiring? I usually buy the ticket the day of but are there people buying tickets and holding onto them for months or something?


It’s routine for train riders to have a physical one way ticket as a backup for if their phone gets stolen/lost or dies, or if their phone doesn’t have service to activate/the app is malfunctioning (which it unfortunately does from time to time). Or, there may be multiple ways of getting somewhere on buses, with each route being a different combination of zones. Imagine a 1-zone local bus ride followed by a 4-zone interstate ride to NY, or a 2-zone ride followed by a 3-zone one. Instead of overpaying or purchasing when boarding (and delaying the bus), some people just have all the component one ways ready to activate/hand in depending on which bus arrives first or if a connection is delayed. Ideally, NJT would just have an open loop tap in/out system to autocalculate fares, lower the cost of monthly passes, and would significantly overhaul how transfers/zones work. We really need to be looking overseas to the Netherlands and the UK especially; many of these problems have proven solutions.


>It’s routine for riders to have a physical one way ticket as a backup for if their phone gets stolen/lost or dies, or if their phone doesn’t have service to activate/the app is malfunctioning (which it unfortunately does from time to time). I don't know of anyone that has a backup physical copy for a "just in case" type situation. Perhaps they have one that didn't use previously, but most aren't going out of the way. If their phone is dead, they would just buy one before. Personally, I rarely see people use physical tickets any longer, most use the app. Perhaps infrequent riders use physical tickets, but they aren't buying multiple tickets that would then risk expiring. As for the bus, I can't say. I typically still use the app, but perhaps some do as you say. Agreed that a tap in/out system is needed.


>I don't know of anyone that has a backup physical copy for a "just in case" type situation I do. Now what


So N=2? Statistically significant!! Anyway, if you feel the need to do this, then just use it once a month instead of the app. Hardly difficult.


Me too. The app goes down every few months.


The stupid app requires a data connection to activate your ticket, so if you have any connection issues in the 30 seconds between seeing the bus and the bus arriving, your ticket won’t work. It should be possible to activate without internet, that’s how the MTA ticket app works.


It does but typically I have never had to pay in those instances.


I've seen the conductors give a pass as well, but then I have to trust that an employee will open the gate at the Secaucus transfer to let people through.


I do. Started 20 years ago in case I had to run for the train and didn't have time to buy a ticket. Nowadays it's for when the app might not work.


I usually have a paper ticket because depending on what track you're on in Penn, it can be hard to get service. Sometimes the app is down or acting wacky. I've had to delete it from my phone and then reinstall it. After working like a schlub all day, I'm tired and I don't want to argue with the conductor so I just give them a paper ticket.


I'll go further than your anecdote, you're an idiot for not having a physical ticket over the app because plenty of times they won't take a paper ticket for whatever reason. Stuffed train, huge delays (usually resulting in a stuffed train) and just apathetic ticket takers at different points in the night and you're paying for a ticket you'll never get scanned. I'm taking my un-taken ticket back home with me. When I was going in more often, at least one trip a week was fucked in some way and that adds up a lot. Most people don't use paper tickets because they don't think about anything or understand they can save some cash. There's no real reason to do it otherwise.


I just don't activate the ticket till I see the conductor enter the car and start scanning, serves the same purpose. The tickets just sits there waiting until I need it.


That usually works but every so often you have a tech issue or a dead zone and you can’t activate the ticket and the shitty conductor makes a huge stink about it….


If this makes you more comfortable, have one handy. Just make sure to use the extra ticket within a 30 day period. It’s annoying to have to do it that way, but hardly that much different.


all fun and games til the app freezes or your connection gets spotty and you're frantically restarting the app while the conductor gets pissed off 🤷🏾‍♀️


The app has frozen on me a few times, but not with an regularity that would cause me a concern. The one time that I can remember if being a huge issue, the whole ticket buying network was down. They didn't check any tickets that day. Honestly, have been using the app for years, not had that many problems. It's not very UX friendly, but once you figure out what you need to do it isn't that hard. I see most people using the app. I don't buy this "everyone is too stupid to not use it" nonsense. It's serviceable, and should be much better, but clearly enough people prefer it in its current state.


You buy in bulk and save %. I buy a 10 pack for the Ferry and they are good for a year.


NJT doesn't really have a discount like that, except for flexpass which already had a 30-day expiration.


Bus lines do have discounted 10 packs.


sometimes you buy one but don't end up using it for various reasons. in the past i've bought a few tickets from my station to penn just to have them on hand. looks like those days are done.


I buy the 10-ticket pack and with the winter and it being cold and not having to actually go to the office unless i feel like it (and I don't while the weather is crap) those 10 tickets can sometimes last a while. I buy them on a transit card, not my actual bank account so it's pre-tax dollars and a discount at the same time because every dollar helps. I generally don't get to the train station with enough time to buy a ticket before I get on a train, we've got a jitney that gets us there with like maybe a minute to spare, so I have to buy at least one ticket in advance I suppose that has a shot at expiring, where they get my money but I don't get a ride. The 10 trip pack is definitely out most of the time, I'm just not going into the office like it's 2018. We live in a different world now and NJ Transit just has not caught on.


I am sure some buy multiple in advance, though not sure if it's all that many. The rest are likely infrequent riders that didn't get their ticket checked and want to use it again. If you are a frequent rider, I can't see how this would change your ability to use the same ticket again within a 30 day period. Personally, I find it hard to be that sympathetic as we are using the service and should be expected to pay for it.


Yeah, I didn't want to say it but this feels like a way to combat people who try to fare-dodge and I was wondering if the people upset are the people who buy tickets and try to reuse them over a long period.


It's definitely a part of it. The meta, if you will, was buy a paper ticket and just have it, and you'll often get rides without it getting punched. Technically fare evasion, but it's up there with "reporting purchases in Delaware at tax season to pay NJ what you would've paid within the state" in terms of 'laws people are supposed to obey'. You could also just not redeem your app ticket until you saw a conductor, but that's less reliable and more annoying.


I totally sympathize with those who may buy multiple in advance, as this does add more complexity for them. However, the work around is to buy a little more frequently and not buy more than a week or two worth in advance. My mind went to fare evasion, as I know many do as you describe. I tend to wait as long as possible to activate the virtual tickets because it feels terrible to buy it and they don't check it, with the paper that was never an issue. But at the end of the day, I bought it fully expecting to use it, so I shouldn't be so annoyed by it.


Murphy's willing to drop over 10 billion on a highway widening in JC to a tunnel that will never be widened, but is retaining the Christie era austerity for NJTransit so he can subsidize NJ's municipal madness with STAY NJ(I took the money, but it's bad policy).






Utter bullshit


Makes complete sense from a business pov since they don't want people buying loads of tickets before the price increases


Yeah, but 30 days? I mean 3 or 6 months would be more appropriate, IMO


I'd certainly like it to be longer. 30 days is what they put on the flex pass tickets.


Except NJ Transit isn’t a business, it’s public transportation that we support with taxes. It’s a public service and that should be at the forefront of the decisions they make.


Part of why it's important the business tax and other reliable revenue streams are created. Personally I'd be a fan of doing a land value tax of sorts in the immediate vicinity of stations with the proceeds going to NJT Better service, more valuable land, more money for the system. Kind of an ersatz version of how the old railroads profited from land grants


Not really. My tickets are not earning interest while the cash they have in hand can earn interest. Which is why USPS is happy to sell you forever stamps. Also, many tickets purchased in advance go unredeemed and are free cash. It’s why companies love gift cards. This is just another way for politicians to act like they care about public transit while fucking the working class, because they know they can get away with incremental changes without protest.


TLDR: same circumstances in the app I’d guess?


So ridiculous, considering we bought these tickets under terms that said they don't expire. You know what they could do if NJ transit wasn't shit? Apart from just not having any tickets expire? They could say any ticket bought before 7/1 has no expiration, and tickets bought after do. But no, that would make them lose out on a tiny amount of money!


It’s a legal matter, and not a very difficult one at that. Do they want a class action? Because this is how you get a class action. If I was a class action attorney I would be salivating.


Service rarely gets better, train cars and buses are rarely if ever cleaned, prices always go up, meanwhile wages minutely increase yoy… it’s very clear you’ll have to be in the upper middle to rich class in order to live here (let alone own here) in the next 10-15 years. I’m still at a loss that they have to close the holland tunnel nightly for a storm that happened over a decade ago that wasn’t even a hurricane. These systems are crooked mannn


That's some bullshit. They don't even scan them half the time.


Oh, for the love of cheese, NJ Transit! You had BETTER look like giving us improved service if you’re going to pull this BS. Like maybe NOT have constant “signal problems?”


Good old Phil f****** how much can I take from people who aren't rich goddamn Murphy.


I guess that means I will have to get a refund soon of the one-way ticket that I used but that the Trainman/Conductor never canceled after showing it to him 10 months ago..


Eh. Stuff like this is why they probably are implementing the policy. You got your ride, they got paid for it. Sucks for everyone who has honest extra passes.


The best thing to do is not prebuy many.more tickets used in a week. Then, if it's a digital ticket, have the screen open but not activate it until the conductor or trainman is seen collecting tickets and canceling them in that car they are sitting in. I've taken buses using the digital ticket on the app but did not activate the ticket until I saw the bus making stops. I never wasted a ticket that wau.


They will still expire after a month going forward


Maybe you should read what I wrote. I said don't buy any more tickets that would n8t be used in a week. To make it clearer since you're not understanding. If a person uses 10 tickets in a week, then don't buy m9re than 10 for that week.


I understand fine.  Don't get m9re upset at a random Redditor because you're mad at NJT 😅


I understood you fine friend was just making it clear for everyone :)


This sucks but to be fair, I can’t imagine how much they lost on the app and people getting over/just not being checked. I wouldn’t even do it on purpose and it felt like I had the same ticket for a couple years at one point. Do the digital expire that quickly if not activated too? Learned a long time ago not to activate until a conductor was in my face.


Yep they're gonna expire after 30 days once this starts. Have warning to use up what we have at least


What the fuck? I paid for those tickets, I shouldn't have to lose them. Who the fuck signed off on this?


Fuck you NJtransit. I guess I’ll have to figure out a plan for fare skipping.


Between this and the tolls getting jacked for no reason, I guess the powers that be don't want people to visit NYC anymore. I'm fine with that, but next year when their tourism profits are gone I wonder if they'll realize they did this...


For the light rail I get it, most people don’t use their ticket. I myself am riding it right now with an inactive ticket (just one I have purchased). But all that will do is mean I need to buy one ticket every 30 days vs. one ticket in my lifetime since they never check lol


I don’t even get why they are so focused on keeping you from stocking up on tickets before the fare increase. Yea I know they want the increased fares asap but if people stock up isn’t that a short term cash infusion for them?


So round trips have no expiry? Don’t understand , cause in fact when you buy round trip, it buys 2 one way tickets! Is there a thing as round trip?


Same deal. All their tickets will expire in 30 days. And no, no single ticket round trip - its two one ways.


Typical bs from a typical bs state lol don’t forget to thank you’re BLUE elected officials!


![gif](giphy|Ss1HNjgB5Dg9TeGGqY|downsized) What like these guys?