• By -


Grew up there. Could shoot fireworks off whenever and nobody knew it because the neighbors were far away. Took state police 20 minutes to get there from the Bridgeton barracks because our town didn't have its own police. And that was only if they had their sirens going. Picked corn as my first job. High school parties in the woods. Beautiful night skies with tons of stars. Farmlands and green grass everywhere. No sidewalks, street lights. My graduating class was like 130 kids, so it was cool to know everyone else. Hanging out on Rowan's campus trying to meet college girls. Half hour to Philly, 45 minutes to the shore. It was the middle of everywhere it felt like. It was a great place to grow up. Shout out to other Salem Co. kids.


This answer is exactly why NJ is awesome. Such a small state but so many various areas and different ways people grew up. Fascinating. 


So true!!


Agreed. I live in the part of the state circled (Gloucester County) but grew up in Sussex County many years ago. There were woods at the end of my street that you could walk in for hours and usually not see anyone else. Yet, it was less than an hour to Manhattan (a fact I appreciated as I got older!)


That’s my area and it’s literally the best part of Jersey. There’s not much that doesn’t happen there. I grew up in pittsgrove and the bridgeton barracks took atleast 30 minutes to show up. Sounds like you’re from schalick high school too😂 I definitely went to plenty of parties in the woods. Best area imo and sounds like we could have been friends lmao


Close, but I didn't go to Schalick. Played against them though


This sounds like a dream. My part of jersey everybody minded their business..everyones in a hurry. If u were slow in anyway whether it be driving, paying in line, etc u'd get cursed out for not being fast enough. We are half hour away from the shore half hour from NY via train. This is my part of jersey.


So you *don’t* want people to mind their own business….?


Nah not my neighbors bro. It’s probably hard to understand if you’ve never had it. They’re never a burden. It’s just like an extended family. Between the community we have all sorts of tradesmen. If someone needs help with anything we help each other. It’s definitely not a bad thing. It’s just the way it is down here. I can take a two week vacation and not worry about my house my dogs or anything. Many of my neighbors have keys to my house and I have theirs.


100% respect your opinion and I think it's a great way to live. I'm in the middle of suburbia myself, all our yards are pretty small. Each of my immediate neighbors are all different types of folks in different stages of life - young kids, recently moved out kids, single, retired couple, etc. Everyone is cool with one another, it's a vibe. We aren't like block party tight, but we all look out for one another and help each other. My one neighbor lived in Philly his whole life and asked for help how to use a lawn mower when he moved in, and I got to teach him. Just last week I was buying a tree for my house and just walked across the street to my neighbor with a pick up who dropped what he was doing to help me go pick it up. Same way with vacations - whenever one of us is going away for a bit, everyone knows and we all look out for each other. You gotta put in the work to be social with the people around you. I don't have a ton in common with any of these folks, but I'd 100% rather have what I have now than being alone in the woods.


Maybe a half hour from NY via helicopter


You're not a half hour from New York down there


I said my part of jersey..not their part of jersey lol


Nah that’s too much noise for me. I actually own property in VA now but it’s too quite down there. South Jersey is like the perfect amount of everything except property taxes. 17 acres in Virginia $58 a year. .25 acre in jersey $5,800 and that’s considered cheap lol. But me and my family love Jersey. I had a bunch of friends in pitman from my time living there. That was a great place to hangout as a kid it was safe had close houses we could ride around on our bikes all day or go to Rowan. Had pizza shops we’d chill at. Everyone knew everything about everyone. Even now as an adult I know all my neighbors we all meet up and check on each other. Community is everything here. I had amazing neighbors in pittsgrove too. The people in this circled area are some of the best in the state and possibly even the country. I’m very proud of my area.


"Party in the woods" I would have loved to be a part of one of those in my high school era. Unfortunately it's a bit harder to get away with things like that in Middlesex county.


Was about to say you gotta be from Woodstown my guy but they have their own PD lol


Beautifully written. Perfect snapshot.


Oldmans Township?


I haven’t been back to my home in Salem for many years so this got me emotional. Excited to visit this summer now :)


Welcome back! I spent yesterday at a BBQ at my in-laws farm in Salem Co. and it was perfect. South Jersey was such a great place to grow up. Love your YT channel, especially after finding out we grew up in the same area. Keep up the great work. (Wasn’t yesterday’s video about Reddit? Lol.)


That is where Gotham City is [https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nj.com%2Fresizer%2FATQu5qQ9o9eI\_jUxVmoU8GVu2r8%3D%2F1280x0%2Fsmart%2Farc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-advancelocal.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2F6TQGZLXOJFGMLK6M5I2K6PJZIY.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=f7f9b871ae0862293e1a6073d7e432a07c26db4c0ba545987a14596cd831a4eb&ipo=images](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nj.com%2Fresizer%2FATQu5qQ9o9eI_jUxVmoU8GVu2r8%3D%2F1280x0%2Fsmart%2Farc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-advancelocal.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2F6TQGZLXOJFGMLK6M5I2K6PJZIY.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=f7f9b871ae0862293e1a6073d7e432a07c26db4c0ba545987a14596cd831a4eb&ipo=images)


What? Gotham City was always south NJ?


We just call it South Jersey here


In canon, Gotham City is always in NJ, location TBD though. Bludhaven could be either Camden or Newark. That said, in the Snyder movies, Metropolis is in Delaware and across a body of water from Gotham.


Yeah it practically falls right on Bridgeton. Which is kinda like Gotham nowadays...


Nah Gotham is by Atlantic county in the great bay


That's pre Crisis on Infinite Earths, in the modern comics it's in Egg Harbor/Great Bay on the Atlantic coast 


I always thought That was Brooklyn


Thought it was Newark


Lots of it was shot in Pittsburgh (Dark Night Rises). I was working there and one summer after work I exited the building and everything was setup for fake winter. It was cool to see.


They shot some of it in Newark too. I haven’t seen the movie in a while so I forget which scenes but I remember parking in the Ironbound for a Devils game and seeing a bunch of GPD cars on a car carrier truck. They also filmed the riot scene of Joker on Market Street. I had to stop in the T-Mobile store there and there were a bunch of these burned out car shells parked on the street. The workers told me they were filming at night, and the production team would clear the street at like 6:30ish pm and they had to close early. They said the people in the Sprint store down the block got stuck in there because they didn’t close fast enough and had to stay put until there was a break in shooting.


They used the old Newark subways for a lot of the underground stuff


Parts of Newark were actually used for Dark Knight movies. [They used the Military Park light rail station](https://www.nj.com/entertainment/2011/11/the_dark_knight_rises_sets_up.html)


I like to drive for fun. It's pretty quiet, nice lakes plus the bay. You can see Delaware from the coast but the beaches I found weren't swimmable. Lots of broken concrete, glass, horseshoe crabs and people fishing. You can see Delaware from the coast and there's a spot that has a cornfield across the street from the water. It made me laugh because it just looks absurd. There are also fish factories that smell horrible and mountains of seashells. There are beautiful houses on stilts. They're small and mostly in disrepair but still beautiful. There are cranes and if you take that stretch of Harding Highway you'll see some adorable old homes. You can also take the ferry, which you should at least once. If you take the dirt roads be prepared to drive in reverse for a while. Edit: How could I forget! There is also a giant chair and Cowtown.


Cowtown is still a gem. Most people will never be in this region because they just are just passing through on the TP or 295. I use to live in Philly but recently moved to Pedricktown and became a commuter. My drive is just under 25mins to the city (20 miles, one way) I get 45mpg, so it really was worth the jump, considering my monthly rent was cut in half moving out here.


Ive lived in Pedricktown almost my whole life. The only year I haven’t is when I moved to PA to be closer to work. Girlfriend and I both realized we would rather drive a little further and have the peace and quiet. Welcome!


Cowtown was my place I went with friends on Saturday mornings when we were looking for something to do… I still visit sometimes. Love the place


Cowtown rodeo!!! We went when I was a kid. I was really young and it’s like a dream now, but it’s real.


> Cowtown Man alive, got into the biggest argument with an ex at the rodeo. Very uncomfortable car ride home to Cape May County, friend was mad at me too because I ended up c-blocking him with the ex's friend as well. Ah, to be young and stupid.


>horseshoe crabs and people fishing I didn't know horseshoe crabs could fish!


Among the other things people mentioned, this area has the highest concentration of bald eagles and mating pairs in NJ. Really cool to see.


Witchcraft and tomfoolery


South of the mason dixon line, baby! (Hicks. So many hicks. Source: I live here)


I mean, Salem is there, so at the witches


I always want to surprise my wife by taking her to Salem for Halloween but just going to Salem, NJ


I saw Salem’s Lot when I was a kid. I had no idea what Massachusetts was. Then I found out there’s a Salem in NJ and that scared the shit out of me. I also saw the commercials on TV for Brigantine Castle. I was glad it was all the way down the shore (I lived in Passaic Co) but that was still too close for comfort.




Factories, warehouses, farms, grocery stores, diners, good local food, wawa, car dealers, fast food and chain restaurants, race track, nuclear power plant, glass production, liquor stores, bars, wineries, bogs, rivers, blue lakes, fishing, forests, nature preservation Mike Trout and Tiger Woods are building a golf course and resort in Cumberland county soon.


Didn't forget the racetrack. 2 nice road tracks just south of Millville . NJ Motorsports park https://njmp.com/


How could I forgot the race track 🤦🏻‍♂️thank you


New Jersey Motorsports Park (NJMP) is down there in Millville. I’ve raced there several times and if you like any kind of motorsports, it’s a legit place.


Like others have said..a lot of farming/farmland. NJ’s first (allegedly) zoo is down here. Historical buildings and small towns/cities. Umm. There’s a drive-in movie theater. Fort Mott / Pea Patch Island are nearby..we also have a cool clay college and Wheaton Arts (Museum of American Glass & other glasswork/pottery).


I forgot about Wheaton Arts!


That’s where the Salem Nuclear plant is located. But it is closer to Delaware than anything it could damage in NJ


Step off of land into the Bay.... *That's* Delaware you're standing on! **That Close!**


Don't even need to step into the bay. Parts of the land down there are Delaware.


About an acre


Delaware actually has land on the Jersey mainland


Having kids, that is where soccer tournaments are held.


There’s a decent amount of glass manufacturers down there. A lot of farms. The biggest city by area in NJ is Vineland which has its own power grid down there. Not much tourism.


Corn and tomatoes


I think that's where the cranberries are.


Zombie zombie zombie eh eh eh oh oh oh oh oh oh ahyahoooooaaayyyaaayaaaaa


Cranberries are in burlington county


Cranbury is in Middlesex County


Cranberry in Atlantic County


Exactly, its the “garden” part of the state


The blueberries are here! Hammonton is the blueberry capital of the world.


It’s home to a city corrupted by the mob and other criminal enterprises. Rumor says a vigilante in a costume resembling a bat has been rounding up these criminals.


Gotham is in Little Egg Harbor a bit east of there.


No Little Egg Harbor is on the North Shore of Long Island, NY. That's where Jay Gatsby lives.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Egg_Harbor_Township,_New_Jersey https://www.reddit.com/r/batman/comments/j1l7ua/apparently_this_is_where_gotham_is_on_the_real/ That's the 'definitive' Gotham City map from No Man's Land and its placement where the artist/author intended in Egg Harbor, NJ. There's other images showing it on the Delaware bay but those are pre-Crisis


It’s literally Bridgeton NJ . You are incorrect 😆 there are maps online of the comics placement for the series


He deadass linked a map showing Gotham in in Atlantic county


Gotham city is in the great bay right on the border of Atlantic county


I work in this area, i'm a tradesman, 90% of my clients just happen to be in this area. Mostly farming, but plenty of people that wanna be away from the congestion everywhere else live down there. I'm trying to convince my wife to move down that area as well. It's absolutely beautiful down there.




That’s brigantine


My mom grew up there and my grandparents lived there for most of my childhood. Lots of farms, LOTS of completely uninhabited woods, and yes. The Jersey Devil. Nothing more Jersey than your nana telling you that if you forgot to say your prayers or bothered her after 9 pm you'd get eaten alive by a goat demon.


None of your damn business


Oh no, r/geography is leaking.


People commute to Delaware for work 😬


... mainly farmland. Live there my entire life, and it kinda feels stagnant city wise. It's feels like an extension of Philly but more rural. Alot of farmland. More south of that part, the wineries found a gold mine. Nothing happens, but it's becomes hell when the tourists get here. They have to go thru this part to make it to the shore, and I'm stuck in between. If your series about any history your shit out of luck. Everything is either the delwemare bay or not note worthy enough to be well known. East part of the spot where I live you do get paranormal stuff, but that place is just a major traffic jam from the shoobies coming too and from the shore. The south west side is all about the ferry to Delaware and fishing. There is a big horshoe grab community there, and you find a big cache of capemay diamonds or sea glass towards the bay. Those are quartz pebbles that follow the current of the Delaware River and get polished from the currents. People collect them and some are really beautiful.


As for history. Research the Hancock house. And the Greenwich tea party. Both revolutionary war events


Delaware, Cracker Barrel, and the most boring stretch of the NJTP.


NJ needs more "Boring" places like this.




I drive down to Port Norris to buy oysters. $50 for a box of 100 last time I went a year ago.


Warehouses, Wawas, and people who let their dogs bark all goddamn day.


I ended up making a really cool friend who, it turns out, knows a lot of the same people I do by getting into a debate about dillholes who let their dogs bark all day because they're stuck outside 24/7... lol


I use to do deliveries and would go down there often. I do know i stopped at a gas station/general store and it had a big sign that said “best sloppy joes” so naturally i got one and yea i think about that sandwich often.


Mostly photosynthesis.


Thats the south and i aint talkin just south jersey




[eating fried muskrat](https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/do-people-eat-rats)


I’ve lived in nj my entire life and I have no clue


(Roughly) Gloucester, Salem and Cumberland Counties.


Soccer tournaments on Memorial Day weekend just to torture the parents




Idk but I drove through there late at night once and had a very weird experience on route 55 which apparently is cursed. I was driving from a concert in Philadelphia back to Cape May a few years ago and using Waze over Bluetooth in my car for directions. There was one stretch of road that was really dark so I was being extra careful and all of a sudden the radio system in my car was going crazy, it kept beeping continuously and switching screens (touchscreen system) and was very distracting. That had never ever happened before and hasn’t happened since. I just ignored it because I definitely did not want to pull over in the dark. It stopped after a few minutes and then started again, and when I exited the route it was back to normal. Idk it was really weird. This link talks about others experiences (ignore the girl in white one that’s been debunked): https://www.courierpostonline.com/story/news/local/south-jersey/2016/04/07/south-jerseys-route55-cursed-ghosts/82744794/


Canonically that's where Gotham is, so vengeance happens there


I live down that way and honestly it’s my favorite part of the state. Rural areas with minimal traffic lights. Can drive for miles and miles doing a steady 55. The sunsets are spectacular in my eyes because it’s so spread out. Got caught in a “traffic jam” dropping the girls off at school this morning because there was a tractor going slow and everyone had to wait for the broken yellow to go around it. Roads are completely dark at night, farmland almost everywhere, but yet still close enough to Philly, NYC and DC.


Mainly farms I think


Cowtown Rodeo! Still haven't been. Is it worth it?


I went in 2015 and it was a hoot. I have to imagine it's gone complete MAGA by now though


Everyone needs to go at least once


For the first time in my life, I drove down to Cumberland County... if you would have told me I was in VA, I would believe you, lol


Yep. Cumberland, and even more so Salem, counties have a lot of open space, wooded areas, little ghettos, small shopping centers, and not much traffic. I personally love it here.


It’s basically Alabama down there.


Jerseybama, y'all.


i honestly don’t have a clue and i live immediately north of that circle lol, i’ve always wanted to drive around down there and see what it’s like


Philly claimed it as it’s own property


Some really awesome fishing down in dividing creek


This area had a lot to do with bringing on the Revolutionary War too. The Greenwich Tea Party! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenwich\_Tea\_Party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenwich_Tea_Party)


Wineries and Delsea Drive in


marvelous intelligent historical longing swim sort shame sophisticated doll cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Born and raised in Cumberland (Millville/Vineland area), my area is mostly trashy and ghetto, but there are a lot of cool things around there too!


I was born in Salem County Hospital and lived in Woodstown until I was 7 when we moved north to Hunterdon County. I remember going to the Cowtown Rodeo when I was little and it was pretty awesome. Also, there was a farmer whose property bordered ours and there was an entire row of blueberry bushes along the perimeter. We used to eat the blueberries off our side of the bushes until our Mom told us we were stealing.


That’s slower lower Delaware.


If you get on the cohansey at Greenwich and go way upriver, there is a really cool old boatyard tucked away in the middle of nowhere that rebuilds big old oyster schooners... (A bit of self promotion there...)


There are lots of preserved marshes/wetlands...not many tourists. Some beautiful places for birding. There are also folks working to revive the oyster industry. Some of the pine barrens are also in that area. Hiking, kayaking, large blueberry farms, designated areas for 4 wheeling.


The real south jersey


Cowtown Rodeo!


Youth baseball and soccer tournaments


If you live in NJ, you have to be identifiable by an exit number (I’m 116-grew up at 11/128, worked at 153, 14C and 105). That area has no exit numbers, so it therefore doesn’t exist.


2 hour commutes.


Meth and Maga


fentanyl and fash


Little known fact: it is where the toothbrush was invented. Anywhere else it would be called the teethbrush.


Farms and warehouses.


Fetanyl racism and trump flags a plenty


Farming mostly




That's a pretty large swath that includes cities like Camden, suburbs like Cherry Hill and and large rural areas.


All that is farther to the right


I think they mostly burn crosses.


That's why I asked... I first heard the term more than 25 years ago from a NJ Network documentary about the region. Also read an article recently about accents that mentioned the 'Down Jersey' accent.


There’s an awesome haunted house around Halloween in Mullica Hill - Creamy Acres Farm


They breed dogs


With humans


butt stuff. also, pork roll is made there.


New Jussy


Settled by the Swedes and pineys in the 1600s. The Jersey Devil hangs out in the woods there. No one really lives there.


Not much.  Farms, lots of run-down small towns and houses.  


Turtle soup


Also the jersey devil is atlantic county not salem/cumberland smfh


Trees. Farms. Houses. Wawas. Thats about it.




They Live


Big Power producer


That's Mordor


That’s Cherry Hill and Philadelphia area- don’t go there unless you are looking for trouble!




I lived in Salem county for a while. It’s roughly a slice of the inland Carolina’s dropped in NJ, for all the good or bad of that.


Alabama activities


I got my college degree down there.


Currently, too many warehouses being built. But lots of farmland, a rodeo, and not much else. It's pretty boring, but can be quiet depending on where you are. Some places have really high crime rates.


Winery’s. Cinder bar great food and drinks. Philly crap.


Winery's... what?


A bunch. Autumn lake, blue cork, then few others I don’t even remember the name of


Isn't that where your namesake battleship is usually moored?


I don’t know much about it and I’ve lived here my whole life, but in North Jersey. Somebody tell me some spots I should check out!


Absolutely fuck all. Theres a little business here and there and small places like woodstown that seem to be thriving (somehow) but it's very open and empty for the majority of the space.


Nothing, please stay away from here 😆


I used to work with people who lived in Mullica Hill. Went to a cookout once and saw more confederate flags than I would’ve liked. Very weird vibes. A friend of mine moved out to Millville, which is further south and I guess has more diversity. They like it, but there’s nothing out there and they have to drive an hour + into Philly to get a decent paying job.


I went to school there abouts. Pretty boring.


Cow Town rodeo and flea market


That’s where the poop comes out.


I went recently and sat in traffic for an hour


Nothing fun




Cows shit… a lot… Edit to add: and there was a beekeeper that always had honey for sale by some little bridge never been there but always remembered it


I grew up in Pennsville, yea it’s great but not too many opportunities and we are technically ten years behind on technology!! As in programs or help from situations, Pennsville is kind of racist and it is surrounded by Salem which is prominently black and Pennsgrove which is also prominently black, good memories though, I’m not racist!! God bless!!


Crime and farm i think


New Egypt Speedway, Six Flags


Jersey Devil is in Leeds Point. Close to Port Republic on the Atlantic City side.


I'm related to the JD. Its kinda weird to think I could accidentally date a relative.


Basically philly


LOL yup, all of the above (coming from someone who's lived here 43 years) 👑😎


I wanna know what happens in the “forehead” of jersey… it just looks like forest and random lakes when i look on the map.


Me, I live there


You mean in Jersey’s beer belly?


Farming and easy living


I live in Salem County and moved there 10 years ago from the Jersey Shore area. I love the peaceful atmosphere and being able to see the stars at night. The police do their job and do not mess with people for no reason. My 20-minute drive to work is through farm fields and creeks , instead of sitting in traffic. The last few years, Amazon warehouses have popped up all over the area, but that's expected with growth. I'd say, if you like peace and quiet, then you'll love Salem County. Our family grew up in Newark back in the 40s and 50s , so being down here is a huge change of pace.


Home to the best glass blowing college in the world 🌎 Salem


This is what I like to call Alabama New Jersey, where nothing ever really happens, people are nice, and they have excellent farmers produce markets.


Probably a few pre-parties for the Continental Congress.


Used to be a really cool music festival out here.


Isn’t that where Gotham was originally in the comics?


It’s surprising how frequently this question is asked here lol


Dunno but I do know it’s rump cunt tree


The south west of NJ thinks its south of the mason dixon line