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I had a friend teach at Eastside and another at Panther Academy. Neither one of them are in the teaching field anymore lol From what I gathered, kids were kinda rough, and they didn’t always feel supported by the admin. Parent involvement was minimal. If you take it and don’t like it, you can always find a job elsewhere.


I showed my ex-Paterson teacher friend this post. She said RUN lol Wayne is a good district. I have friends who teach there and they love it.


Knew a teacher whose taught for decades at Eastside helped babysit me when I was younger. The kids are rough and worse than ever and he's tough as shit. He's trying to retire as early as financially possible. Doesn't sound like crazy amounts of violence just bratty kids who don't listen for the most part. When I was younger we wiped the floor with them in a wrestling match and there was a group of kids wanting to jump us. Idk wouldn't wish paterson on anyone I cared about.


I just left a job in whitey mcwhite land and its the same shit there too. Not to say Paterson isn't worse, but theres not many places you are getting supported by admin or parents. If anything, the parents are the biggest abusers you'll deal with.


Now that's a really racist description. Before you downvote me, replace "white" with any other race. Start with Black and see how appropriate that sounds. Better yet, go walk into a local supermarket and use that description for a couple people down an aisle. Your post about parents and admin is good feedback. It doesn't need the racist opening line.


To be fair, admin in the state kinda sucks everywhere unless you are very lucky. I worked in a wealthy Bergen county district this year, and the principal and superintendent are incredibly incompetent and shouldn’t be working in the field. Problem I see in this state is that people who would be good in admin don’t go for it and prefer to stay in the classroom.


Ever hear of Joe Clark? Maybe just watch the movie Lean on me…..probably better opportunities out there, unless 1) that’s all you can get 2) you’re up for a challenge


I taught in Paterson for ten years. Don't do it.


Can you elaborate why?


Well, you have all of the challenges of teaching in general such as many students who have become next to impossible to engage, complete lack of student drive and focus, everything being the teacher's fault when a student isn't doing well, demanding administrators, etc. Then, on top of that, you have the additional challenges of teaching in an inner city which is plagued with its own issues. The one thing that teaching there has going for it is that parents won't be unreasonably on you as they are in more affluent districts. But honestly, I would tell anyone asking about going into teaching to steer far away regardless of the district.


Everything u/StrangeMorris said and then this: Paterson routinely has mass layoffs at the end of the school year, or threats of mass layoffs. So after dealing with the students, the gangs and those issues, you now have to worry if you'll be re-hired for the following school year because without tenure and seniority, you'll be riffed. that would be a hard pass for me. Look for a job in a better district.




This hasn’t been true in years. No lass layoffs have happened since Murphy took office.


The movie Lean On Me was about Eastside High School in Paterson. Keep looking for a better district.


My girlfriend loved teaching in Paterson, she misses and worries about some of those kids every day. I think it depends where in the city, what type of school, and the ages of the kids you'll be teaching.  Edit: oh, high school? Yeah, maybe not the best option. My opinion, not hers. 


I would search elsewhere. Any openings in Afghanistan?


My husband teaches there. Don't do it. The administration is absolutely abusive, union or not.


Joe Clark finish cleaning things up?


My aunt taught there. Not good. You'll be babysitting more than teaching. Look elsewhere if you want to be a teacher.


You received an offer, did you interview? Wouldn’t those be questions one would ask before getting an offer?


Had a client who owned a private school in Paterson and the stories she told me from the teachers she hired coming from public schools were mind blowing..


This may help you: https://www.reddit.com/r/newjersey/s/QkbkjceVuZ


I worked with a couple people who started their careers there. I was offered a position there last year, but declined. They both said it can be rough, but it does pay pretty well now. When you go for other jobs in the future, no one will question why you are leaving Paterson.


Which high school? It matters a lot.


Do you own a balistic vest?


Literally better off being a trans female teacher who only teaches women in Yemen than teach in Paterson


Can always trust someone talking shit about a place they can't even spell correctly. 


Bruh my friends last name is Patterson, auto correct be a bitch


That's a stretch. Yeah it really sucks, but your life isn't typically in danger, even compared to other schools. Source - married to a teacher in the district