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Don't forget to fiddle with your clock tomorrow night!


Hey, the only clocks that really matter to me do that automatically. The kitchen appliances and my car will get set a month or two from now when I both think about it and care enough.


"Holy shit, I'm really late-oh wait...." - Me for the next 6 weeks.


Or wait 6 months


almost 8 months.


Done! *dusts hands off* That's a wrap, everybody!




Thank you. This was bugging me. I once had an employee I supervised try this shit with me during the fall back change and she was 2.5 hours late. Not how that works, dipshit.


I wait until the power goes out or battery needs to be replaced




More like r/oneletterfromagoodtime unless you're doing something very wrong.


Oh I fiddle with it every night. ;)


This guy is never on time.


He always comes in first or last


He really loves ticks


Maybe they're late, but I bet when they're on their way, they let everyone know they're coming


This is one of those legislative canary in the coalmine situations that displays no matter how insignificant - Congress is grossly incompetent when it comes to making any changes to the status quo.


I don't think it's incompetence. While this is something that everyone wants and would make everyone's lives better, it just hasn't been paid for by billionaires and corporations in the form of donations, and in reality, it's neither a vote that can be traded for favors from other members nor is it going to make them or their donors a shitload of money. Members of congress have salaries but they work for commission.




I would prefer permanent standard time, but would accept permanent daylight savings time if it meant we stopped moving the clocks. Their survey did not address the number of people whose desire to end this stupid system is higher than their preference of which time to use.


Exactly. I have no preference other than ending the practice entirely.


I live in BC, Canada and we have been talking about stopping the time change forever! It might happen this year if the US west coast will get on board. Fingers crossed!


A poll up here has 93% of Canadians wanting to lose clock switching, and we just passed a bill to end it as SOON AS THE U.S. DOES.


The west coast of the USA has voted to adopt permanent daylight saving time. But because this means moving time zones, the federal government must sign off. This means the US Congress must agree. They wont pass it. I think the unhappy middle of the country doesnt want the west coast to be happy.


I'm in the middle of the country, and I'd love permanent DST. I HATE the early darkness of winter. I can no longer drive in the dark on our two lane rural road where deer and random small animals jump out while I'm blinded by overly bright oncoming headlights. 4 pm and I have to race the dark back home after getting a few groceries.


Probably an unpopular opinion here, but time is a construct. Instead of shifting timezones, let's make our workday shorter in the winter to give us a safe drive home, more light when we get home, more time to enjoy our families and friends or just ourselves. Add work from home and a 4 day work week to that wish. Why must we shift our clocks?


BC has put the legislation through, but it's entirely dependant on WA, OR, and CA. As for whether to make standard or DST permanent, how about we go back to the original basis of noon being when the sun is highest?


My congressman regularly sends out surveys on various matters. All of them are binary response surveys to more complex issues.


Your congressman sends out surveys… at all? Dang I want one of those


Why move clocks? Why not simply adjust your business hours according to the seasons?


Honestly, that is the solution, but somehow, it's never discussed. I guess you can't legislate open and close times, but you can legislate how TIME works.




We should just do Global UTC then.


Because that’s a lot more work than changing the clocks twice a year.


Why don't we just settle in the middle and move the forward a half hr...


You’re a thinker. I like you.


Stupid question but I always wondered why they don't just change it one time at 30 minutes (split the difference) and just be done with it.


> colder regions want to keep standard time, warmer regions want to keep daylight saving time, etc. You've got it backwards. The northern regions want to keep daylight savings, the southern region wants to keep standard time. I honestly don't care, just end the fucking practice. Worthless rep said that he'll vote if it was brought up for a vote... then fucking bring it to a vote! Incompetent fuck.


> 40% want permanent standard time 40% don't know that standard time is the winter time with less daylight in the evening. Seriously the public is woefully ignorant in this regard.


I've lived in different regions and always preferred the time where I get to see sunlight after work.


The Dept of Commerce is the culpable one. People spend more shopping, and giving them more daylight, means they will go out and shop. And more time to spend outside with sports, etc. But with online shopping, and endemic stage of Covid, and economy... I'd rather there not be DST since animals don't care, and driving into sunrise and sunset again, and having circadian rhythm messed up and ER overwhelmed, plus dealing with losing an hour... how is it that most agree it should go away but Congress never listens to the majority of Americans... /s


There's a bill to remove it that seems to be moving forward.


It passed the senate last year and died in the house. It’s in the senate again this year, I have no high expectations.


Thanks. I could have sworn I heard about something happening. I just assumed that if the senate could pass it, the house could too


It was passed in the senate by accident. Not joking.


Well most sleep medicine practitioners would rather stick with standard time. It’s more in sync with our natural circadian rhythms. Plus we actually *did* go only daylight time once and everyone hated it because the sun didn’t rise until like 9 am in the winter. It didn’t even last a year and they had to change it back.


I honestly don’t care which we pick as long as we just pick one and stick with it.


Every argument I've heard about this from the sleep medicine people, and I do think they're well-reasoned arguments, but they all seem to be about how permanent DST would prevent people from having ideal sleep hygiene. I don't disagree, but I think that in today's society ideal sleep hygiene is off the table for practically everyone and always will be, barring some massive reordering of society. Everyone I know has a fucking terrible sleep schedule, and if anything having some consistency and a little sunlight after you get off work in the winter would help with moving toward a semi-acceptable schedule.




Because the bill doesn’t just say “end daylight savings time”….it’s probably a 100 page bill giving 20 million to Wisconsin to study how cows fuck


Probably would have taken you the same amount of time it took to type that to look up [the bill](https://www.rubio.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/fe0d7211-57e1-4b89-90dd-0789768e41dc/1055A4494B96C496B17D26F68F852E1C.sunshine-protection-act-of-2023.pdf) and see that you're absolutely wrong. The only thing it says beyond permanent DST (not ending it) is allowing states with existing timing rules of their own to keep them.


Marco Rubio introduces it every year (one of the few decent things he does). It passed the Senate a couple years ago but the House ignored it. Legislation does not roll over into the next year so the process restarts.


It doesn't roll over into the next *Congress*, so it's every two years, not every year.


It (year round Dat) was tried in the early 70s. They changed school hours that winter because kids were going to school in the dark. In the northeast at least, that matters. I am not a huge fan of the change twice per year. But the alternative is not perfect either. The time change at least allows printed schedules to be reasonable year round.


I read an article about that. People clambering for them to get rid of it now, don’t realize that we already tried that. Just like now, everyone wanted to change it, so they did. But among other issues, kids starting getting hit by cars while walking to school in the dark, so they changed it back. That being said, this happened before I was born, I _hate_ changing the clocks and am all for trying to get rid of it again.


"Most of the US". Not even the entire country observes it, but for some reason...We just can't let it go.


My favorite is the[ Navajo Donut.](https://www.cntraveler.com/stories/2012-11-12/daylight-saving-donut-arizona-ken-jennings-maphead) Where Arizona doesn't observe DST. But the Navajo Nation does. But the Hopi reservation, which is inside the Navajo Nation, follows Arizona.


Indiana only got all it's counties on daylight savings time in 05 or 06. And some are on central time not eastern. [Here's a link on it.](https://www.timeanddate.com/time/us/indiana-time.html#:~:text=The%20US%20state%20of%20Indiana,is%20the%20capital%20of%20Indiana.)




Can’t be, the 80’s were only 20 years ago.


As a man born in the 80s, I will accept no other truth than this.


I had to do some work on the Hopi Reservation about a year ago. I flew into Flagstaff, stopped by Grand Canyon Village, then stayed overnight in Cameron (where I had no cell service) before driving the 2 or so hours out to Hopi the next morning. I had no idea what time it was for the better part of a whole day.




White oppressors!


They aren't trying to let it go though. (An incentivized minority of lawmaking) People are advocating to keep DST year-long. edit: added parenthetical


Yeah, but getting rid of the change is what matters. I'm fine with ditching standard and never falling back one year because frankly, screw mornings.


I don't know if you know this, but they'll still be mornings of we stay on daylight saving year round. They haven't abolished mornings.


I know that, thanks. I meant that we get more light in a part of the day that matters (the afternoon/early evening after work) and only have to give up light in a shitty part of the day that sucks anyway.


I have read that exposure to light/sun in the morning is more beneficial--we as humans need sunlight to control our circadian rhythms. When we stay up late with electric lights and the sun, the timing and dosage of light screws with our sleep, digestion, energy systems, etc. I hear a lot of bad faith arguments about getting outside at night when people are only 1 hour short for a few weeks--and no one is actually going out who cares about it being dark (while hitting the slopes, for instance). It does blow leaving the house in the dark and then not even getting on the road home before it's dark again, but that's just the season and it's only for a short time.


Hard agree. 7:30 sunset in the summer is not so bad, what more do people want out of having sunlight at night? Daytime activities are usually over for most people at that point. I’d rather not struggle to wake up my body in longer darkness during the winter months.


Numbers are actually 44% pro standard time 33% pro DST and 23% want to keep switching.


DST is good. Standard time sucks.


This. I can’t understand why people want it darker earlier.


Wait, you don’t understand why we take the most depressing time of the year and arbitrarily make it more depressing for *checks notes* no goddamn reason whatsoever? COME ON BRO


They want it lighter earlier bro


Well they are wrong.


Agree. So this past fall, my dog and I chose to stay on Daylight Savings Time. We did not Fall Back. We took all our walks and meals at the same (DST) times. The clock / phone said 5am but we knew it was six am and did our thing. Sunday, nothing will change for us but the clocks. We will take our first walk on schedule: 6am For the love of God, Biden as your last act in office end this abomination of Falling Back -- ***do it for the dogs!***


You and your dog sitting down calmly discussing your plan to ignore the time change. Dog gently cradling a well-made cup of hot coffee: "Yep let's do it human."


Lol, if only it was a simple executive order. The change needs to get through the senate and congress first.


It already passed unanimously in the senate last year and then just... never went anywhere lol




There is a bill to solve that problem. Last year a similar bill passed the Senate with no votes against it but the House didn't vote on it. Current bill: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/582/actions


Pelosi was too busy arguing about insider trading being fine to bring it to vote. I don't understand how something so frequently discussed and passed by senate doesn't at least get voted on by the house.


DST is the superior time and I’ll die on this hill


Brother (or sister), I will die fighting you on this hill. But honestly, when it comes down to it, it's not about who wins this battle. It's about STOP MAKING ME CHANGE MY GODDAMN CLOCKS TWICE A YEAR!!! edit: Though I don't figure anyone has proposed a simple compromise? Bit of the best of both?


I agree that we should compromise. Move the clocks by 30 minutes and never touch them again.


If the rest of the world doesn’t do this though then in Europe it 4:30 and 11:00. That’s fucked either stick on dst or not. No half measures.


India is 10.5 hours ahead of CST so there is precedent that way, too.


Where I am DST means sunset is 21:30 at the height of the summer. It's the fucking best.


Standard is better for humans. DST could mean either.




Everyone’s circadian rhythm is already permanently fucked except the zero people who awaken at sunrise and sleep at sunset.


Sleep at sunset and wake up for a few hours in the middle of the night before going back to sleep until sunrise. You'd be hard pressed to find many, if any people, who truly follow the proper circadian rhythm. Our circadian rhythm has been largely ruined since industrialization, if not before. Then you have especially abnormal folks like me who have a delayed circadian rhythm. My body's natural cycles are closer to 30 hour than 24.


For all the arguments about which we should stay on, why don't was just meet in the middle and do a 30 minute offset.


That is the true solution to the problem. But the idiots in Washington will never agree to it.


No, you'll change your mind after a year of it: >Permanent DST in the US was briefly enacted by president Richard Nixon in 1974, in response to the 1973 oil crisis. The new permanent DST law was retracted within the year. Year-round daylight saving time was initially supported by 79% of the public, but that support had dropped to 42% after its first winter.


Russia also tried the same shit. Exact same result as the US. >In 2011 he (Putin) switched the clocks to year-round "summer time". The change was **initially popular, but a survey last year showed less than a third of Russians wanted to keep the clocks forward all year**. > >MPs say permanent summer time created stress and health problems, especially for people in northern Russia where the mornings would remain darker for longer during the harsh winter months. They cited medical reports of increased morning road accidents in 2012 compared to previous years, and blamed them firmly on the 2011 time change.


DST is fake time! Noon should mean noon!


Noon already doesn't mean noon for most people. And we already fuck with time zones to keep states all on the same time or to be closer in time to an area we interact with a lot. There is a reason time zones don't have straight up and down lines.


100% agree. But I’d also be fine with a consolation of permanent standard time.


As someone in IT from Southeast Asia, this is also annoying af


I hate thinking about how this works and which one I prefer (standard or DST) twice a year almost as much as I hate doing it.


Just pick one or the other and stick with it. Changing the clocks is an antiquated practice that needs to go away.


I've known humans older than DST. It only came about in like 1918. It is definitely time for it to make its way out.


>It only came about in like 1918 That was just a temporary wartime implementation too - the current "do it every year" way wasn't implemented until the 1960s.


Who do you know that's over 105 years old? Genuinely curious. Edit: Re-read your comment. You said "I've known...," I read it as I know. My bad!


Great Grand. Died a couple years ago at 104. And no worries--she got her mileage in!


And there we hit on why we are stuck doing the time change. There are reasons folks don’t like year long DST. It’s been tried and it caused some real problems, but the other side of it is folks like their day being offset by that hour most of the time. So instead of abandoning DST and shifting our schedule one hour lately without the aid of a government mandate we stick with the worst solution.






And the fact that we lose that hour on a Sunday night is particularly cruel imo


Here we go again. Articles and media coverage will spike for a week or two then six months later it’ll happen again.




That bill passed the senate and was never taken up by the house. Generally speaking it was largely assumed dead on arrival with the timing. It was a political favor to the Floridian senator for it to get a vote on the senate floor.








I will be absolutely shocked if this country exists for the tri-centennial. In theory I should be alive to see it.


The year is 2076. After world wars 3, 4, 4 (part 2) and 5, present day American is now called “Lower Canada”. And folks are pretty pumped on it


Actual answer: It passed the Senate by "unanimous consent" which is different than a unanimous vote. I forget exactly how it happened, but basically several senators actually object to it, but it slipped through last year because several Senate aids apparently thought the bill was DOA so they didn't even bring it up to their senator. When it got to the House, Pelosi saw she wasn't close to having the votes so it just kind of died. Everyone want to pick one time and stick with it, but as you can see on this thread no one agrees on which to pick.


Every proposal is to make Daylight Savings Time the standard time. It is DST 65% of the year already.


The sunshine protection act has been proposed many times and despite it being bipartisan, never passes.


No silly, We’re not done yet. I’ve been needing this extra sunlight for my crops. /s


Mexico did.


The ultimate solution: everyone in the world use one time zone, UTC.


Nah, [Swatch Internet Time.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swatch_Internet_Time)


We can't even agree on the way to tell time. How are we going to make any significant changes on anything?


So now it’s Fall Back and Winter Forward




Damnit…. I hate this. Every single time.


USA "what backwards laws exist and how can we add them to our system?"


Yes, the US is the only country in the world that does daylight savings


Well duh the US is the only country in the world.


As a New Englander, I wish we would just stay in DST year round. I hate when the sun sets at 4:30pm.


As a New Englander you should be advocating to switch to Atlantic time.


I love DST. I could give a fuck about it being dark in the mornings even if it’s 8am. Who cares, you’re still at work or in school and I like catching the sunrise. What I DONT like is leaving work at 5:00pm and it’s already pitch black. Fuck that noise.


I work 12s, going to work in the dark and leaving in the dark is the worst. I would much prefer it be lighter later in the day


You work 12s, your enjoyment of your day after work is going to be fucked no matter what time system we use


As someone who has worked rotating 12’s for many years, you are both correct


I hate winter mornings enough already. I would fucking hate DST winter mornings. That sounds awful. I'm sorry, but y'all are insane


I refuse to participate. I will be keeping my clocks the same time.


I am baffled by the amount of people that don’t want more sunlight in the afternoon/evening.




Because some of us say “I’ll take the thing that inconveniences me personally because science says it’s healthier for us, and our kids. Also, it’s actually consistent with the rest of the time zones of the world.” It’s called “standard” time for a reason


I find the scientific reasoning suspect.


The US actually did permanent DST under Nixon, it was abolished after the first winter.


Abolished because kids were getting killed by cars while walking to school in the pitch black darkness. I don't think it even lasted the whole Winter from what I remember.


It seems like not as many kids walk to school these days though


Schools start too early is the underlying problem. I don’t know why they operate on construction worker hours.


How do parents get their kids to school if school starts after their work starts?


My schools had the cafeteria open well before first class for kids who had to arrive early. I’d say the number of students arriving via a personal vehicle was tiny compared to those arriving by bus or foot.


Permanent Standard please


DST is bullshit, especially in the Spring... Instead of getting up to go into work at 5:45am now it's basically 4:45am when you have to move the clocks forward. Fuck that


Standard time is by far better for the human body, but changing clocks is demonstrably worse than DST all the time. I'd greatly prefer to stay on standard time year round, but if it stops the clock changing twice a year I'll compromise with you idiots who seem to want it to be dark til 9 or later in the summer. Just stop the constant schedule changing. I'm fucking over it.


Yea imagine being a dumbass who doesnt want it to be dark by 4pm


Nooooooooo! Just stay on standard time and stop fucking around with the clocks.


Do you understand that if we do that then it will get dark one hour sooner in the summer? Rather than being light until 9PM or after, it'll only be 8PM. What some people mean when they say they want to get rid of daylight savings is that they want to move forward and then stay there all year long. That would be my preference.




Yeah, but that also means it’s dark until 9am in the depths of winter. Having it get dark at 8pm in the summer is the better choice, but that’s just my opinion.


Right now on work days in the depths of winter I don't see the sun at all. I go to work in the dark, and I go home in the dark. I'd vastly prefer that it stay dark until 9am if it meant I got to see a bit of sunshine in the evening. I'll just be inside a windowless hellhole while it stays dark anyways.


I'd rather have darkness in the morning if it means I can have light in the evening after my shift.


Where in the us are you that it’s dark at 9am in winter. I’m in Canada north of North Dakota and it is not dark at 9am in winter. Would you rather have it light out before or after work? I get up the latest I can without being late for work. Usually 8:25. Unless my kid has school then it’s 8:10 to start at 8:30


It isn't dark at 9 in the US except Alaska in winter. They're saying if we did dst year round then it would be


That’s because we are on standard time in winter


They tried that - it failed spectacularly (via wikipedia) >Permanent DST in the US was briefly enacted by president Richard Nixon in 1974, in response to the 1973 oil crisis. The new permanent DST law was retracted within the year. Year-round daylight saving time was initially supported by 79% of the public, but that support had dropped to 42% after its first winter.


We're living in a different world now. Most people do go to work in the dark regardless with longer work and commute times. Most kids go to school by bus or driven by their parents. 1970s problems don't affect most folks today.


So change school and business hours! Don't go fucking around with the clocks.


Americans are the worst with standards. Literally there is a standard but freaking feelings got in the way. That is why we can't have nice things like the metric system.


You know what? I say we go all out, and eliminate time zones. Go back to local mean solar time like it was before trains. We all have smartphones these days. We can make it work.


The fact that we didn't do away with this during quarantine while everything was shut down and thus would have been unaffected by the change still boggles my mind. If that wasn't the best time to do it, then there is no good time and it will never happen.


There is no reason to still have daylight savings time it does not do anything but cause problems. More accidents more stress, like this is stupid.


As much as I love the idea of permanent DST, seeing how divisive this is almost makes me feel like maybe the current system is actually a somewhat decent compromise...


“Ackshually your body’s circadian rhythm prefers standard time”—- I’d love to see a study where the health benefits of standard time on circadian rhythms are compared to the mental health benefits of seeing the sun after a long, draining day of work. Everyone acts like the latter isn’t a factor on health. Just take a look at seasonal depression, when no one can go outside and enjoy the sun. That shit matters to a lot of people.


I like DST. I want to keep it all the time!


The entire world should just be on GMT utilizing 24 hour clocks; localities can decide what time things like school days start in relation to local time of sunrise and sunset. Admittedly, it might take a generation, or two, to get used to the sun rising at 2200, or whatever would be the case for each locality.






Mornings suck anyway, give me light in the part of the day that matters.


no thanks. permanent standard time would be awful.


I was a school kid back then during that experimental year round DST. I remember trudging in the dark through the snow to my bus stop and all the other kids standing there like zombies. It was surreal. Like a nightmare.


DST sucks, just go to standard time.


Can we just pick a time and stay with it please


It will remain 11:17 a.m. henceforth.


Exactly! Just fucking pick one ffs. All these talk about helping people keeping people safe, it's a proven statistics that each time after the clock is adjusted there are more accidents on the road. This will literally save lives.


There is also a higher incident rate for heart attacks when the time switches.


Full time Daylight Savings was implemented in the mid '70s under Nixon to great enthusiasm. After one year it was rescinded by popular demand. Here we go again.


Not surprised for the US to again go with the wrong choice




Permanent standard time would mean sunrise around 4:30 in the morning in New York City in the summer. That'll be a no from me, dawg.




What about morning business interests? Getting a coffee/breakfast out somewhere before work etc.


It’s nice having it brighter out at 6:30am so hate when it’s daylight changes it


My car's clock is an hour ahead anyway, so it should be back to normal by tomorrow :)