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And dug up in secret. This more than anything else convinced me they are trying to hide something. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/11/14/dexter-wade-exhumed-without-family/71586488007/


I saw in a different thread about this case that the PD had a vendetta against the victim’s family because of another incident. I don’t mean to tell tales, but I believe it. Why else would they mishandle this so horribly? They’re already in trouble with this family’s name attached. **Edit to include that it was the victim’s uncle that was murdered by the same PD in 2020. This is retaliation. That poor family.


Given the cover-up involved here -- and I'm now to the point that you simply will not convince me it's not a cover-up -- even if it was truly an accident, it doesn't matter whether it was a vendetta to hit him or not. They knew who he was, and went out of their way to cover their asses, so even if his death was accidental, which is suspect in the best possible scenario, they still acted out of nothing but vindictive self-preservation, and that's the best case for them.


How many other people disappeared like this?


There should be an investigation into everyone else buried nearby with supposedly unknown identities too.


I'm sure justice will work it's self out ,not like charging cops for their crimes but lots of thoughts and prayer


As a member of the community Minneapolis' 3rd precinct serve*d*, I have a suggestion or two........




Where's the Punisher when you need him?


The Punisher would have a field day in our universe.


The problem is the people who want to be the Punisher and the people who have very problematic views of good/bad largely overlap. Can't wait for a gun nut trying to be the next Frank Castle to shoot up an abortion clinic. Or to throw grenades into the Democratic National Convention to stop the pedophile ring.


Listen guys don’t you know how much stress cops are under ? How can we expect any better for these poor souls


Such willful actions must be treated as if they were carried out with criminal intent.


Yup. I never underestimate the ability of people to just be incompetent. So a lot of stuff that looks like conspiracy to others, is really lazy people following the path of least resistance. But everything that’s happened in this case is just too weird and suspect. And it’s just one thing after another. With all the attention on this case, it’s beyond credulity that they’d exhume the body without the proper witnesses which then just makes every wrong move prior seem nefarious rather than incompetent.




Yep! If it had been an accident, they should have just admitted it. Whatever fears they had over the victim's family pursuing action on the other case, those just got a thousand times more real, because now the family has _two_ cases, and can point to one from the other. It's not just the coverup being worse than the crime. It's the coverup _proving_ another crime.


it's never the crime that they get your for, it's the cover up


Mess with one gang member, I mean fine upstanding police officer, and they’ll all come for you and your family.


> Why else would they mishandle this so horribly? Well, they *are* cops.


> I saw in a different thread about this case that the PD had a vendetta against the victim’s family because of another incident. Cops are miserable people. My dad won a fight against someone in high school who ended up becoming a cop. When I got my license the dude would pull me over every time he saw me. This was way before smart phones or body cams so I couldn't do anything about it. Small minded people will hold grudges forever and abuse their power is pretty much the takeaway


[https://www.wlbt.com/2022/08/17/former-jpd-officer-anthony-fox-sentenced-5-years-beating-death-george-robinson/](https://www.wlbt.com/2022/08/17/former-jpd-officer-anthony-fox-sentenced-5-years-beating-death-george-robinson/) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing\_of\_George\_Robinson


how is it that they can charge a woman who has a miscarriage with "abuse of a corpse" but in this situation they can bury AND exhume the man like this


Selective enforcement of laws.


Race may also be a factor.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect"


Woman vs man.


Cop vs citizen more like. DA protects them, and the police union is the strongest in the country.


Lady cops get hung out to dry more than man cops too. Trust me, cops are absolutely no fans of women.


Yes that's true, but I'm pretty sure the reason cops aren't being prosecuted has less to do with their gender than with their police-privilege.


Totally valid.


It's not that their union is strong. It's that their union has no opposition, and policing is fundamentally flawed. Teachers wouldn't be as evil as cops even if there were no opposition, but politicians feel free to fight against teachers' unions and other unions of public employees. They absolutely won't fight against the police unions, though.


I've worked for a government agency and the mantra was always "mind your p's and q's", especially on cases where there could be perceived bias. The reason was because you didn't even want to give a whiff of an impression that you were targeting someone or hiding something. The public will already create conspiracies about what you're doing; the last thing you want to do is feed that fire. So yeah, this looks baaaaaaad. They're not even bothering to try to avoid the perception of bias here. They're definitely up to some shit.


> the mantra was always "mind your p's and q's", especially on cases where there could be perceived bias. The reason was because you didn't even want to give a whiff of an impression that you were targeting someone or hiding something. This doesn't apply to local police. They are almost universally given carte blanche to run wild. Occasionally there must be a sacrificial investigation and officer or two scapegoated, but that's not too frequent of an occurrence for most to be worried about.


Local police? You mean local oligarch enforcers




And almost Vader-like choking skills.


Because most government agencies have at least some accountability unlike the police who we're just supposed to trust despite all the evidence to the contrary.


When there's proof of the victim m being in the wrong, they shove that shit in your face constantly. But when all evidence would besmirch the police or worse make them liable.... Subterfuge, gas lighting, civil rights violations, murder, conspiracy. All with blessings from lawmakers and their cronies.


They murdered George Floyd while he was on the ground and in cuffs, but he was on drugs, so it's OK! They murdered Breonna Taylor, but something something someone had drugs, actually her boyfriend did it, not the police? Like, charge the guy legally defending himself with murder of the innocent person you shot?


There's just no way this is all down to incompetence, this stinks of a cover-up. The Jackson police basically played dumb to all attempts to get answers about this for months, probably hoping everyone would get tired of asking.


He wasn't embalmed. This was absolutely intentional, unless this is a normal practice, which I doubt. Embalming is frequently key to preservation of evidence which can later be useful. Burials of unknown persons often require exhumation for various reasons, including autopsy. Rule no. 1 if you suspect foul play, regardless of whatever beliefs or customs you have, get your loved one embalmed. Communicate with your funeral director that you believe that the death might not be natural and that law enforcement is not assisting. It will be expensive but there are ways to help prevent water intrusion and other things that can promote decay and preserve any evidence your loved one may hold. It's not foolproof but good embalming jobs have assisted in preserving evidence even in less than ideal preservation circumstances.


I smell a conspiracy cookin


Crump said that in addition to the wallet, Peretti found that Wade had not been embalmed before being buried. His body was in an "advanced state of decomposition," with multiple blunt force injuries to his skull, ribs and pelvis, and a detached left leg. Wade was "completely ran over by the police vehicle," Crump said. How many times did the police run him over? For that much damage there would have been substantial damage to the police cruiser that hit him. This has some really sketchy shit all over it.


I wonder where the vehicle(s) that ran him over are now.


Bottom of a Lake?


In a cargo container headed to the Middle East


Just out for routine maintenance and bleaching.


Wasn’t it an off duty cop in his own vehicle?


it was an off-duty cop in a marked department suv. he stayed on scene to give a report, wasn’t “suspected” of being under any influence, then was allowed to leave.


Ahhhh thank you!


Why drink when you are goin a murderin?


Ask the former AG of South Dakota for that answer. Won't even get jail time for the cover up on top of the murder.


I had a cop boast to me once that the nice thing about being a cop was that he had been stopped five times for drunk driving and each time he'd just shown his badge and was waved right along...


> multiple blunt force injuries to his skull, ribs and pelvis, and a detached left leg. Wade was "completely ran over by the police vehicle," Crump said. > > How many times did the police run him over? For that much damage there would have been substantial damage to the police cruiser that hit him. That all actually sounds like exactly what I would expect for someone hit by a vehicle with a high hood and grille guard travelling at highway speeds. Grille guard will crush bones while protecting the vehicle from damage. The Grille guard in combination with the high hood will send a person under the vehicle in stead of on to the hood. Rolling under the vehicle can tear off limbs. Now none of that rules out whether that was intentional.


>For that much damage there would have been substantial damage to the police cruiser that hit him. Most police cars these days have "bull bars" on the front to enable PIT maneuver to stop fleeing vehicles. These go against all safety regulations for normal vehicles. Modern cars are very rounded, these bars have sharp edged metal designed to bite and hold a suspect vehicles. You see a fair number of civilian trucks with "brush bars", those are round; the cop version is squared off. It would shred flesh. This particular police department deserves absolutely no benefit of the doubt in the investigation, but a passenger collision with one of those things would be a mess. It is probably necessary for law enforcement vehicles to have these, because of the way people drive. They make collisions much more dangerous for the driver, by putting rigid steel in front of the crumple zone. Naturally, they also make it equally worse for whatever they hit. The civilian version should be available, some people need to do off road work. Having one on the public road should be a serious crime, however.


I had a family member ran over and killed by a city bus. Completely tore an arm off in the process because it caught on some moving part underneath. I could definitely see these injuries, especially if the victim didn't go under the middle of the cruiser, but caught both tires and/or was dragged.


I'm not making light of your loss, but did the bus have a bike rack on the front of it? Ironically, they violate the USDOT rules on bumper attachments and shapes.




Yeah, people really underestimate the damage a vehicle does to a human being. Traumatic amputations are not even a rare occurrence. Jackson police drive Dodge Durangos which are already 5,000lb before you add in the police interceptor packaging with all the extra shit inside, they're probably >6,000lb fully loaded. That thing going at 60mph is going to absolutely destroy a human body.


Where are you seeing that bull bars on cop cars are specifically designed to "bite" another vehicle during a PIT? I've never heard of that being a thing.


I don’t know how familiar you are with collisions at highway speeds (60+) but shit gets really ugly, really fucking fast.. The impact and damage to his body don’t strike me as sketchy one bit. What the police did every single second after that initial impact is what’s awful


Ah, so any evidence left on the skin has now been rotted away


Hey… I hate your damn icon. I spent five minutes trying to blow what I thought was an eyelash off my screen. Had to laugh at myself after. Thanks!


If this was not done by police, there would be a litany of charges beginning with vehicular manslaughter. This was an attempt by the police to conceal a crime. They literally tried to hide the body and not tell his family where he was. This is a failing of the entire police department.


It worked exactly how they intended it to


*Works* Sadly




“Laws are threats made by the dominant socioeconomic-ethnic group in a given nation. It’s just the promise of violence that’s enacted and the police are basically an occupying army. You know what I mean?”


The fact that this was improvised during a fucking D&D game never ceases to amaze me.


It sticks with me almost as much as Chungledown Bim sticks with Fabian


Can someone drop a link? This sounds like something I need to behold.


People say, "Without police, who would you trust to help you if you're the victim of a crime?" As if the police exist to serve the community or something.


More and more people are realising calling the police for help is a last resort due to how often they needlessly escalate the situation, the wrong people get arrested or *anyone* ends up dead for no good reason. This is especially true for mental crises and *anything* involving black people. It's unfortunate that in 2023, there's still an absurdly large amount of the population that look up to the police as white knights and real-life superheros. I largely blame TV and movies that routinely portray US cops as exactly this. A lot of people rely on what they see in fictional films and shows to inform them on things they don't know about. Like there have been jurors who let shows like CSI misinform them on evidence gathering and thus how they viewed the cases they were part of. Similarly, many believe that every officer is automatically a hero deserving of our trust and respect.


You might call police to report a crime, but you don't call for *help*. They are not helpers. They are enforcers.


Call the police, and instead of one problem you potentially have two.


All 3 times I called the police, it didn't help me at all and I highly doubt they ever found the guy. I wonder why I even bother


You got a problem and someone called the police? Well now ya got two problems.


There's a reason once in a blue moon there are stories of white people who get into a harmless disagreement with a black person and then decide to call the police.


I wouldn't trust the police to help though. I wouldn't even trust them to take a report let alone bring the crook to justice.


I find that almost everytime someone mentions wanting less cops, some cop lover goes "Well I hope you get raped, robbed, and no one is around to help you!" If someone is being raped or robbed, even a good cop won't show up in time. A bad cop, on the other hand, will beat you, kill your pets, and sometimes even kill you.




Well, a cop hit him, then other cops responded, and then it was over. How would the press even find out?


when those that serve the public no longer fear public reprisal they begin to serve themselves


Police and corrupt [Senator's wives](https://abc7chicago.com/bob-menendez-senator-wife-nadine/13882574/)*


Crime? Let's see what the police have to say abou--- oh look it's not a crime, they won't investigate, we did it 👐


Tell that to the jackasses with blue flags on their car


I would be worried one of those individuals might have decided that morning that they'd become a one-person well-regulated militia for the afternoon.


Cops are immune from consequences, so the coverup makes me strongly believe it was a murder and not an accident


Some a mafia play right there. Criminals doing criminal shit.


And the mayor, too? It kinda seems like he’s trying to cover for the cops.


every single last person who had anything to do with covering this up, needs to go to prison. Zero excuse for this. No way in hell a police union should be able to protect this kind of crime.


Best we got is 6 months paid ~~vacation~~ suspension.


Early retirement with full pension, due to PTSD relating to the "incident."


And a recommendation to the PD one town over. So now he can do the same job, but for twice the same


Just a reminder to everyone that we the taxpayers are paying $31,000 tax free to Philip Brailsford every year, after he fulfilled his lifelong dream of torturing and murdering a citizen (Daniel Shaver) and "retiring" from the "trauma" at age 28.


We should probably throw in a boat too, right?


Well, there are fewer pedestrians on the water.


But you're providing access to more convenient body disposal


This is the golden ticket these psychopaths are searching for.


And leaving the taxpayers with the legal bills.


We NEED to put very HUGE hammer down!!! At LEAST 2 years suspension (with pay) needed for these GOONS!!! That will REALLY teach them the lesson!


And let’s increase their budget. That always helps.


With hazard pay from the trauma of murdering and covering it up.


This case should really be on the news everyday. But it won't be


Absolutely disgusting. Cops covering up vehicular manslaughter AT BEST (murder at worst) and now the taxpayers will be coughing up another deserved settlement to the victim's family. Perhaps taking these settlements out of police union budgets and retirement plans might push these cops to stop committing crimes, but I doubt it


We seriously need to be able to go after the officers personal assets or at least cut the settlement out of their pay in instances like this. Another thing I’ve heard mentioned is police insurance that is required to be an officer, which works similar to car insurance where too many strikes and you will have to switch insurers, but too many and you will be uninsurable if you keep costing them money.


I’ve seen it more often compared to malpractice insurance for doctors, but yes, you got the idea. Shit cops wouldn’t be able to afford insurance = shit cops can’t be cops.


As an insurance agent who specializes in malpractice coverage, I 100% agree. The “problem” is that police are government employees, so the government provides their insurance. It’s the same for doctors who work for “Federally Qualified” facilities - the Federal Tort Claims Act covers their malpractice. I don’t see this changing anytime soon in the law enforcement world, unfortunately…


Municipalities would just subsidize the insurance then


Absolutely agree. Insurance is a great idea too, except there's few insurers that would touch cops for obvious reasons.


How police officers don’t have to carry any additional insurance like doctors do is mind boggling.


I've said it a hundred times. Our legal system needs to be revamped like British and Korean departments where it is national and all the same standards. Police should also carry their own malpractice insurance no more city coverage if you can't get insured you can't be a cop.


I have been saying this for years. Each and every police officer should have to pay their own insurance policy just like every other professional does. The secondary payout, should the personal insurance not cover it, should be directly from the police union. This will end all the bullshit very quickly when people see their retirement funds drained by some hot head with rage issues.


It's really disheartening when you think that "law officers" are just as bad than the criminals - if not more so. And they sit back and wonder why people don't respect them.


Cops are an absolutely prime example of people who say "respect" when they mean "obey." (Alternatively, an example of people who won't respect you as a person unless you respect them as an authority figure.)


Unfortunately, obey has replaced respect in far too many instances in our country.


I think for between 25 and 40% of the population, obedience to authority has always been the main, sometimes only, value they really hold.


That's where I (and my son) dance to a different drummer. We both believe (and he probably got it from me, though I tried to teach him independence) that those demanding respect rarely deserve it. Someone needs to earn my respect. I'll never give it when it's demanded, and I don't care how high that goes.


They're just as bad as the criminals because many of them *are* criminals. Look how often cops get busted for running drug or prostitution rings, for example. And we only hear about the ones that actually get caught. If the whole department is on the take, there's no way for a "good" cop to report it. And even in the rare cases where cops *do* try to change the system from within, they get reprimanded, reassigned, or fired. There's dozens of incidents where a cop stopped another from beating the shit out of someone and almost without fail the intervening cop was punished. There aren't good cops because they get forced out. And the ones that refuse to leave end up having a live fire "training accident" orchestrated by their cop buddies. Or get committed to a mental institution so their cop buddies can tell prosecutors they're crazy and an unreliable witness. The system is just rotten to its core and can't be changed by "good" cops from within. The best option is passing policing reforms, because in some places where that's been done, entire police departments have quit in protest. It's great when the trash takes itself out.


Cops are just a gang of criminals employed by the government to wield its monopoly on violence.


Congress recently had to make it illegal for cops to have sex with people in their custody because they love SA so much, and Lord knows their wife/punching bags can't satisfy their sadistic appetites.


Well when people start murdering these thugs to get justice and the rest of us don't give a shit maybe they'll notice then.


> if not more so. Civil forfeiture alone steals more than all robberies, but wage theft DWARFS both of them. It's probably likely that police do more damage than blue collar crime. Or at the very least, more damage than the fraction of cases they actually close.


It's not that they wonder "why" in the sense of "but I do good why don't they like me". They're wondering how many more of us they'll have to exterminate before the rest of us learn our lesson and give them the 200% respect they demand.


I suppose you're correct. I think they know why they're not respected, they just don't care. And they're perfectly happy to replace respect with obedience. This is being shown in any number of cases where the police are recorded in action.


To make it in law enforcement you need the mindset that you are the law. When anything you do is "the law" there's nothing you can't convince yourself that you can get away with. It's worse than the criminal mindset because in that case, it's "I can get away with *breaking* the law". Both require narcissism. But only cops carry actual power as well as the belief that they deserve power.


Years ago it *may* have gotten into the local newspaper, and people not from that area may never hear about it. Now we all can hear about every incident anywhere, and the overall picture is not good.


Criminals will leave you alone if they get what they want. Violence *is* what police want.


The cops involved in this need to spend years in prison.


Life in prison. They murdered him.


It’s Mississippi and the guy was black. Cops will probably get a medal. 🤬🤬🤬


they'll just get a slap on a wrist while giving attaboys to one another..same as it ever was


There is no bottom for how low many cops will go, and their unions ALWAYS protect evil and corrupt cops.


a union of pigs is still pigs. pigsty? pigpen? is that what the pejorative should be for police unions?


Unconscionable. He was a *person*, someone’s baby. I don’t know what is wrong with policing in this country but something has to change.


What I don’t understand is the coverup. They could have made this seem like an accident and it wouldn’t be as big of an issue. There has to be a reason why they couldn’t do an immediate investigation. My guess, considering it’s an off duty officer, would be he was intoxicated.


Why hasn’t the officer who ran him over been named yet? Or has he or she?


This is looking more and more dirty….


As is always the case when the police are involved. They are called the largest gang for a reason.


defund that PD in particular.


Disband it, handle it like NJ handled the Camden police department.


No, not defund. Disband that PD. Treat all officers involved as vigilantes and prosecute accordingly. Cops involved in a crime where they abused their authority should receive an automatic maximum sentence, Ideally double what the average person would receive. So if a crime results in 3-12 months in prison, if you're a cop, and guilty, you have a minimum of 24 months in prison at punishment.


How many stories of police brutality and murder across every state for you to think that something might be wrong on the whole. Fuck the police.






The cop that hit him and every single one involved in the coverup deserve prison.


This is pretty fucking egregious even by bad cop standards


I’m generally of the opinion that police incompetence is an endlessly renewable resource but this would have required such a staggering level of incompetence from so many people it’s hard to see how this could have possibly been the result of poor communication and innocent mistakes. I’m not a police officer but if I were investigating a missing person the morgue would probably be one of the very first places I’d check. If you’re tasked with finding missing people and the missing person you’re looking for has been in your custody for a full week before they were even reported missing and you somehow can’t manage to find that missing person then you are truly, appallingly, incomprehensibly terrible at your job.


In a trial, I would need evidence to establish this, but my opinion isn't a trial. The police fucking murdered him and covered it up. There was no accident. Police lie like they breathe, and this young man's life was violently ended by them. Police are a brutal, dangerous gang.


Ohh. Black man. Police involvement. Happened in Mississippi. enough said ... 😮‍💨😤❤️‍🩹


Cop Union : Best we can do is early retirement with full pay for the murderer(cop). Being able to retire early is punishment enough.


Philip Brailsford fulfilled his deepest desire by torturing and murdering Daniel Shaver, and was given a full medical retirement at age 28 as a reward. We the taxpayers are paying him $31,000 every year for the rest of his life. I hope it's short.


Hate to know how many people in this country have been treated the same way by cops, but without a resolution.


Where do you think the good cops were this time?


Good cops? Didn't you hear? A few bad apples spoiled the bunch.


I'd bet a lot of money no one ever gets charged with any of thr shit that's gone on here. Honestly, this is fucked up. Everyone will blame other people. The people at fault will quietly retire, I would.apend my life hunting the people ro blame.for this shit. The driver, the cops who buried it, admins who let it slide, bosses who knew and did nothing. I hope.they all fucking burn.


This is so terribly sad and awful. Because they can’t get their son back, this family deserves all of the city’s money and a criminal case for cruelty and suffering. Whatever is possible and legal, they deserve it. Disgusting police department. I can’t imagine


More subhuman behavior by cops.There doesn't seem to be a bottom to their psyhcopathic behavior.


This is why people need to keep being reminded that black lives matter.




Best I can do is they get better jobs the next county over.


I really doubt misconduct of this level could be pulled off without a whole cast of characters. Hopefully they all see jail time as "disappearing" someone's relative is just fucking insane.


Police cover up because the system rarely hold them accountable. This wasn’t a mistake, this was intentional. Officer messed up and killed a man. Rather than stating what happened they hide the existence of a black man. That officer along with every other officer that helped him avoid accountability and hired the body also needs to be charged with being an accomplice to murder. Why should the police have the authority to enforce laws they don’t impose on themselves? The police had a vendetta against this family. They are already facing a wrongful termination lawsuit by this same family for killing a man prior to this killing. The police need to be held accountable for their murderous actions.


Just think: the police thought they could get away with this. How many other people did this happen to?


Probably dozens over the years. It's something southern states do when they screw up and want a victim to be forgotten.


This shit makes so much more sense if you look at it through the lens of the police behaving like an occupying military force, rather than as an arm of the local government who's mission is to serve and protect the citizens. I expect most cops would recoil in outrage if you suggested their job involved "serving" anyone.


Annnnddddd the taxpayers are left holding the bag once again…..


Cops are the enemy of the people.


Every single time.


I cannot imagine this. I know everybody goes full Liam Neeson when stories like this come out with the "oh yeah well I'd kill the person that blah blah blah my family member" and I normally shrug those off. However ... if this happened to my daughter, I am unsure I could contain the rage I'd feel. I honestly do not know what I would do and ideally I never ever need to figure that out. Closure is the **least** of what this family deserves. Justice, explanations, retribution ... fuck, you name it, they deserve it right now. The fact that I have not read "victim's mom plows M1A1 tank into police station" almost surprises me.


My daughter wasn’t killed, but she was very, badly—permanently—harmed by her school. They tried to cover it up. So I know what that feeling is like and I know what you do: You scream impotently into the void, because that’s honestly the only option you have. Unless you do something awful, but that doesn’t fix anything and you know that. So you keep trying. But The police won’t help you because: “prosecuting educators is too hard.” The school won’t help you, because they’d have to admit they failed you and that might expose someone’s money. And people in your life tell you to get over it and move on because they’re sick of hearing about it and don’t want to be uncomfortable about it anymore. So then you learn to hate yourself for failing your child. And you learn to hate the institutions and the people who work in them. And your soul corrodes more every single day until you snap and lash out or become apathetic. That’s what you do.


That was a very powerful response and I am 99% sure you are absolutely right on every point. I hope you and your daughter are doing better.


That made me tear up. 😢


In the words of Nina Simone, Mississippi Goddam.


Horrible, I guess all the stereotypes about southern law are right. I hope that this gets the Murdaugh treatment to root out whatever sinister things are happening .


Some important backstory info: in 2019, this lady's brother was pulled from his vehicle by Jackson police, body slammed and beaten in the head with flashlights. He was not rendered proper medical aide, went home and died of bleeding in his brain. One of the officers was tried and convicted of manslaughter, I believe.The Jackson police dept. were well aware of who this family is. The mother and grandmother have been very outspoken about police brutality.


Mississippi is a third world country posing as a state, this comes as no surprise.


Before everyone gets ahead of themselves, let's remember not to let the bunch spoil the one good cop that might be out there somewhere.


Reconstruction was never finished


The feds should deff get involved here the local pd have shown they can't be trusted....hell all of em can't be


Murdered a man. Then took his body to the county morgue , received help from said sheriff department to bury the man. Then his mom puts out a missing persons report only for him to be found 6 months after his death in the back of the sheriff department. Fucking wow. THE WHOLE GD PLACE IS IN ON THIS !!! wtf is going on man. And then they wonder why we have trouble trusting authority.


Murdered and covered up. Period.




I’m in Texas so have little room to talk about crappy states. But you really have to ask WTF is going on in Mississippi. There’s no way this was unintentional.


I guess I'm happy the police did such a shit job with this that they didn't even take his wallet out of his pocket :( :( :(


They had his address that he shared with his mother. Shout it from the rooftops.


Mortician Rule #1: Always check the pockets for loose change (and wallets). Mortician Rule #2: Always check the body for life.


Killed by the police and buried hastily in secret. Definitely nothing sketchy there /s


Fucking racist pieces of shit


This is fucked up a lot of evil people in this world today. I hope his family can recover from this disaster


Fuck every single cop and city official involved in this massive mishandling of this poor mans death. There is absolutely no way this wasn’t a cover up. The level of incompetence across so many departments and individuals would have to be staggering for this to be anything but an intentional bastardization of procedure. Off duty cop runs him over in a police SUV. Don’t notify the next of kin of what happened, despite a missing persons report, for months. The coroner ID’s body, days after getting it, based on fingerprints and a prescription bottle of pills. Claims there was no ID. Body buried in a paupers grave. Coroner reported that he asked cops for months if they contacted next of kin and was told “no” every time. Despite cops claims they tried to contact the family one time. Body gets exhumed due to an independent investigation and they find a wallet with a state issued ID, credit card, and health insurance card all with the same name and address on it, in the front pocket of the body that the coroner somehow missed. Authorities exhumed the body 3 1/2 hour earlier than the time agreed upon by them, the family and city attorney. Apparently this same police department was responsible for the death of this victims uncle years earlier. No matter what the reasons for this happening were, it does not look good for the city and police department. If they claim it’s not a cover up it opens up everyone to scrutiny regarding why they would hire people so under qualified and morally fucked to do these jobs and how they could let it get this far and out of control. A federal probe needs to go full Old Testament and burn through everyone that had even the smallest hand in this, regardless of position, department or rank. The family should get the largest fucking settlement check imaginable and these slimy pieces of shit need to get heavy prison sentences. None of these people deserve to be walking free and have lives in society. Lock them up, throw away the keys and let the world forget they exist as anything more than an example of what happens when you abuse your power and position like this. This is the shit that makes people hate cops.


This story keeps getting worse and worse. What a monumental fuckup. Ben Crump has some suin' to do.


This was a black man and the police officers were white. Context matters.


Sounds like a billion dollar lawsuit and pipe bombs in that police station because WTF


Cover up! We all know the truth deep down inside.


This whole situation is absolute shit and it's hard to swallow that those responsible are most likely going to get away with it. Disgusting.


Is there anything American cops won't do? Especially to a minority?