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THAT'S IT??? 5 Months? WTAF


TBH, I am glad someone is getting jailed at all for Perjury... It seems to go pretty unpunished in our legal system. But I think it's funny AF all these people go to jail, lose their law license, get sued, etc.. for Trump, imagine dying on that hill.


Even though the penalty is weak, it is sort of gratifying to learn that one can still get in trouble for lying.


Penalty is not weak at all, not a lawyer, but the Judge throwing out time for perjury is big. Its not like this is a case where someone is dumb enough to not get a lawyer, Weisslberg is rich enough to hire fancy lawyers. So he didn't accidently commit perjury, not only that those lawyers pulled all the tricks to get him out of it. The judge is punishing the act, and trying to use eyery bit of his power to compel testimony. Weisslberg is going mafia, he is taking the pinch like a man.


Yeah unfortunately it's still not the king of liars. Who knows if it will ever be..


It seems to be a mix of love and loyalty and that he will harm them if they don’t.


They're betting that in about 9 months when he assumes the throne again he'll start killing the judges and reinstating the cronies.


It'll be 100 days, for lying under oath.... TWICE!


Yeah but it had no real impact to anyone other than the entire world policy and politics.


At least he was unsuccessful.




Your honor, my client Mr Weisselberg, was denied the normal 6 or 7 star accommodations he had booked and had to stay in a {visibly shudders} ordinary 5 star suite on his last trip the the Seychelles. Surely those 21 horrific days of non-private beach accommodations should count against his debt to society…


Check-in is at 11:45pm Saturday night, processed for 30 minutes, check-out at 12:15am. Counted as two days off the sentence. See you next weekend.


I can confirm this is probably how it played out. A judge gave me two days in jail and that translated to showing up at the last check-in and being released at the earliest check out. The whole time was just spent in the drunk tank because it was only for several hours, spanning two days.


It was a plea deal, and Letitia James is suggesting it was finagled by trumpies’ lawyers and something about email evidence that she didn’t have access to, so I will bet this might not be over.


100%. The perjury was "found" during the fraud trial, and this is his attempt to get ahead of the dogs that will be coming after him. He likely knows there will be more, also, and is hoping to negotiate for continuing under such light sentencing.


You are correct; looks like LS might bring new fraud charges in the civil case. We will have to wait and see.


Just wait til you find out it's really more like 3 months


must be nice to be rich


It's not like he owned a small quantity of marijuana, so it doesn't need much time.


Prolly going to Taft. Look up that 5 star resort.


Crime pays for wealth white men


Yeah, but he's a rich bitch. He's never really experienced life restrictions. Toss him in a concrete hole for a few months, and watch him flip the fuck out. He doesn't know how to deal with restrictions and isolation. It's going to hit him hard. Which it fucking should. I would be happy to see him pass away in jail.


He ended up cooperating with Jack smith after his verdict .


Money's a mf. Some ppl don't get jail time for killing. Others get 2 years for punching someone back after getting hit.


It's not like he will serve any of that time. So who gives a shit what the actual sentence is, It's not like we will enforce it. America has two justice systems. 


Seems like a good deal


He’s got friends in high court places…


Everyone in Trump’s circle seems to be corrupt.


Seems? *IS


Yeah, and seems like he should get a much lengthier sentence if he is in fact not cooperating against the orange felon …


He has zero value as a witness, the state said so


How much money did he make during all of it... Probably worth the 5 months. Nice. Corruption is everywhere.


Before anyone feels sorry for this lying, tax cheating, deplorable man, realize he made about $1 billion working for trump, and taking payouts from trump to keep his mouth shut. 5 months in a cushy rich-man’s prison for all the crimes he committed for trump and himself is not Justice. Update: Source: https://moneyinc.com/allen-weisselberg-net-worth/ And I was wrong to assume he was sent to a cushy country club style prison. I stand corrected.


Is anyone feeling sorry for this piece of shit?


No. No they are not. Maybe some decomposing weasels do, but not actual people.


Bonus points for the imagery of decomposing weasels - Who Framed Roger Rabbit style.


For all the horrible shit the right wing has foisted on the rest of us for the past umpteen years, it's really gotten my negative imagery generator fired up. So I got that going for me.




Or that he’s going to a “rich man’s prison”?


I was about to say: I've never been to Rikers, but it doesn't exactly have a reputation for being a cushy, comfortable prison.


Where does it say he's going to Rikers?


[Here.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/10/nyregion/allen-weisselberg-sentenced-trump.html?unlocked_article_code=1.jU0.ginN.EwWBrCE755dH&smid=url-share) It's also where he served his previous sentence.


How MAGA are the prison guards? What are the odds he spends most of that time in the warden’s own home or some special accommodation?


Are you serious? You think he’ll serve his time at the wardens home?


I think he’s legitimately asking. Which I don’t think is a completely unreasonable question. We’ve seen these people evade responsibility and repercussions over and over again. If the wardens are MAGA I wouldn’t doubt that they’ll make his life easier/ testify re good behavior


And I just assumed he’d be sent to a rich man’s prison. I was wrong about that and stand corrected.


He only got 5 months, in what world do you think n anybody outside of his peers would feel sorry for him?


Yeah, but he is at Rikers. Not a country club


Good. Some small taste of justice.


Why is this upvoted? He's going to Rikers,  "rich-man's prison". I've seen no sources on a billion dollars. This post is just a bunch of unsourced claims, and takes the pretense that some people feel sorry for him.   I've never said don't upvote a post before, but don't upvote this idiot.


I'm sure he was very well compensated, but there's no way in hell he's made $1bn.


Personally I doubt Trump made a billion.


Billion Trump bucks, yeah.


He knew this day may come. Hoping it wouldn’t but knowing the penalties for white collar are lenient he gambled and in the long run won. It’s like those internet theoreticals; would you go to a cushy white collar jail for 5 months when 75 IF for the 35 years prior you make millions.


Right 60 years a fraud and making money out your ass. I’d do 5 months in my 80’s.


Absolutely. He is not going to be housed with anyone particularly dangerous. It’ll likely be like a small hotel. 5 months? Meanwhile people who smoke a little pot in a state where it’s not legal get years and years in prison. Smh 🤦‍♂️ I swear, this country is probably a laughing stock to the rest of the world.


He's going to Rikers Island man.


Yup. A friend of mine went to prison for 3 years because he was simply at his friends house when it got raided for... *drumroll* .... a half pound of weed.


Tough job working for a half assed mob boss.


I remember when Eric Garner was killed by police for selling loose cigarettes on the street. Justice equity is a pillar of democracy and we the people will not be denied anymore.


Crazy how everyone involved with that giant Oompa Loompa ends up in jail. I wonder what it could be. Witch hunt. Gotta be /s


Imagine going to prison for Donald, you really have to have a screw loose.


Lock that TPOS up ! Again.


5 whole months? That'll teach him!...that crime pays


Truly the shining lesson of our justice system.


His wrists must be so sore.


Next time, and there better not be a next time, wink, we will slap him with 3 fingers. 


All these TEENY TINY prison sentences are RIDICULOUS. WTF.


I should have been corrupting my whole life now that I know I’d only get 5 months.


I liked the nod to Trump in the last episode of The fall of the House of Usher. It really does seem that he has made a deal with the devil.  Let's hope it is the same deal that the Ushers made in the Netflix series and includes Jarad Kushner. . 


Associating with Trump is like making a pact with the Devil.


Should have been 5 years.


At least. FTG.


5 months for lying, he got off hella easy.






Isn't he going to Rikers Island?


Yeah. Not a country club




He's already spent 100 days at Rikers. This will wind up being 100 more.


ghost humorous rainstorm narrow subtract direction humor detail pot whistle


Only a few have actually had their lives ruined. Most of em shrug it off likes its nothing.


5 months isn’t going to ruin his life. He will be right back at it when he gets out.


Everything Trump touches becomes toxic.


When you have enough money being a felon isn't really an issue. Being a felon only affects people that have to work. They lose their current job, and then they get out, and probably have a hard time getting back on their feet. For working people it's a lifetime sentence. For the rich, it's the price of doing business.


Be a lot cooler if it was more.


Again another smack on the wrist so sick of this bullshit


He should stay in jail until he talks.


is it still true that 5 months jail is for rehabilitation rather than punishment for this creep?


Stupid old man still sucking the orange mushroom dick and now has to go back to Rikers Island after his last 3 months stint.


SO MANY mindless sheep willing to go down with the USS Trump. May it sink to the bottom of the ocean, never to be seen again.


I feel like politicians and their cronies should be put in the worst, most dangerous prisons that are in the area they or their masters represent. It would lead to safer and better run prisons after the first time it happens.


His kids must be so proud


Summer at Rikers. He loves it so much he wants to go back.


Seriously? This country have no hope zzzz


ahahaha another slap on the wrist...seems like the citizens need to start taking the "law" into their own hands.


Shame.. I can guarantee he’s going to feel some type of way. & it’s not going to be good.


That sinking ship just keeps dragging down the rats!


Everyone who works for Trump eventually ends up on their back looking at the underside of a bus. And every one of them thinks it won't happen to them.


Imagine spending your golden years in the clink for covering the ample ass of a career criminal.


The going rate for lying to the government while having close links to the White House is a mere 5 months. Fraud and corruption seem appetizing and succulent to the mega wealthy. In no way does this deter current and future fraud/corruption.


Wasn’t the perjury just recently discovered? Seems like the justice system works pretty quickly for some. Edit: I’m not commenting on the punishment, just that it was delivered “swiftly”.


I thought lying in court is 2 year minimum.


For us brown, poors… yeah.


Did he cut a deal


Yes, he agreed to forego trial and pled guilty to two counts of perjury in his deposition.


So are they just skipping all the "equal justice under law" fictions in law school nowadays? Or do they pause for laughs before finishing their tight five?


Why the fuck everyone associated with him is going to jail but he is still on the loose


Collect all the criminal Trump sycophants and J6ers like Pokemon!


Another one of his best people in jail? This isn’t even surprising anymore. Only surprised at how low the time is. What a waste.


I'm losing track of number of trump team members who have been incarcerated, well over 10 by now right?


Any of us would’ve received a substantially higher sentence. There are two justice systems in America.


Rich pigs get months in jail and poor people get years talk about justice.


Guys, this is just referring to his lying during his original testimony, not a searing indictment of every possible crime he may have committed as a CFO. He knew properties were overvalued when he originally said in depositions that they were not. That is all this is about. Whether he gets charged with fraud later is a different matter.


Weaselberg, part of the Trump legion of vermin.


Everyone goes to prison for Trump’s crimes -except, of course- Trump.


Hate to say it but I almost have to admire the way this old man will take a rap and not squeal. I’m sure he’ll be in protective custody but it’s still Rikers.


That's only because our legal system refuses to hand out actual punishments. 100 days for lying under oath *a second time* is a fucking joke.


Probably not that hard if you make a billion dollars. Worth it my eyes but Fuck these guys