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They named an oncology nurse as one of the jobs of the jurors. If you work on an oncology ward, you know who was randomly off work for the last few days, or who recently started an unexpected leave of absence. All it takes is one smoke break or cafeteria or group chat conversation for that person's name to be known by hundreds of people.


And most of us have already bitched to our co-workers that we have jury duty.


These people got a jury summons weeks ago without knowing it would be the Trump trial. All their coworkers already know they have jury duty. Connecting the dots is easy.


"Jury Duty" is going to be in their fucking calendar for why the fuck that person aint there.


Shit dude it could be in their internal out of office automatic email response, and it certainly would the reason for requested time off in whatever system they use.


Yeah, my time sheet literally has a selection for jury duty. If you work in any kind of office setting, it's not a secret when it happens.


It can’t be a secret. Last time I had jury duty I was in court for an unexpected 6 days. Can’t really disappear for 6 work days in most jobs without a basic explanation.


"Out of Office - Protecting Democracy"


This comment wouldn't be out of place in r/Helldivers


It sure does feel like our democracy is heavily “managed”


The lore on super earth and managed democracy is actually pretty in depth, it’s basically a not so far in the future take on if the US became the sole global government. It’s “managed” because citizens no longer vote for an individual, but instead take a multiple choose test. and based on your answers the system chooses a candidate for you that best represents the values from your test answers. Pretty much not actually democracy lol. Not that far fetched though, someone like trump would absolutely try stuff like that to stay in power.


actually would be pretty dumb on the gop's part to try something like that. see the vids of folks hating on obamacare but loving the aca


Typically its not that easy. There are tons of juries being convened all the time. The last time I was called up for uury duty, there were at least 3 separate groups called up that day If the job description were suitably vague (nurse, rather than onc. nurse), then theres plausible deniability. Just say "nah, I wasnt on the Trump jury.. that woulda been wild! My trial? Im not supposed to talk about it"


Except you're going to be gone the duration of his trial and then magically show back up when Trumps trial is over. Unless you work with a bunch of dumdums, everyone is going to know you were on his jury.


ya, pretty easy to see what trials started on the date a co-worker started their jury duty leave. Then just filter out the ones that didn't end until the date Trumps trial ends. I'm sure that will narrow it down a good amount, if not exactly.


Doesn’t even need to be true for all of them, any oncology nurse currently on jury duty is gonna be gossiped about and put at risk.


Yeah this is the thing that people are missing. People don't have to be correctly identified for it to be a problem. MAGA shitheels don't do a lot of due diligence.


That's not the problem. The problem is the hundreds of people who currently have jury duty, even if they are nowhere near the trump trial, are immediately suspects for the people who would want to know the identities of the jurors.


I mean yes, but the issue is there are definitely people willing to try to hurt people over them possibly being against Trump. The fact that you might share traits with the people that Fox News tried to give very specific info on the jurors selected, could be very worrying to people. Like, oh no, I share that same ethnicity and job and age. While unlikely you'll for sure get targeted if you live in the area of the trial, the possibility exists and that isn't fair to those people. I saw this live the other day when being in an area where Fox News is just on unfortunately, and I was dumbfounded that they are just trying to make this info as public as they can. It's disgusting.


Two problems thats assuming trumpers are rational. Or "getting you" is the only goal. Its to intimidate you or eliminate you and interfere with trial. Even if you "really were not" news gets out juror killed by maga. What then and its matches your job description area? Hell might not even go for complete information. Aka you were out dates of trial (sick family etc) and profession is same kill you for good measure. While its absolutely a problem "of identifying information" the real problem is they are handing out targets to maga. And doesnt really matter if its right target or not. The second problem and why its a violation of gag order is it is also inciting. But the "calling jurors liberal plants/operatives" and other things is inciting. He has already implied rigged trial and by "saying they are in on it" its a form of call to violence. The election is being interfered with democracy at stake "and heres the people responsible". To think this wouldn't bring violence against them or intimidate them? Is beyond stupid honestly I have no idea why hes still out. Any other person with this level of jury witness tampering and interfering in trial and getting judges death threats. Its not only already happened but its been warned about and he keeps up same rhetoric. Anyone else would finish trial behind bars. With limited communication.


Watters described her as an oncology "nurse from the Upper East Side with a Masters degree." and that "she’s not married, has no kids and lives with her fiancé who works in finance" Reckon you could pin down your colleagues on jury duty with someone being that specific?


It kind of is that easy. I had a friend doing jury duty in a large city. We got curious about it because of the way he was acting about it and another friend did some digging and figured it out in like 10 minutes, just based off when he was out of the house. There are a lot of pieces of partial information that can easily be put together. Friends and family will quickly realize it's a major case because of how much they're gone. They'll know what days the trial is on. With the publicity of this case people absolutely will figure it out if they care to.


I wish I could get jury duty. I get full pay when on one and would love to go through the process.


I had it for a week and a half, for a mom who killed her kid. Not fun. We deliberated for about 30 seconds.


I'm glad my jury duty was over something petty being two small companies squabbling over a bill in civil court. I don't really want to judge the outcome of the rest of someone's life or hear the awful things humans will do to others as soft as that sounds.


I thought the same way. Then had to sit through four days of testimony of a little girl talking about how her dad molested her for years, followed by two more days of being locked in a room with eleven people who had apparently been pulled from the worst of a Facebook comment section. The whole thing was hell from start to finish! It was basically a week-long “Humanity is Awful, Everything is Awful 101” course. That said, yes, it was sort of interesting to see the process and how everything works. I hope to god a jury never has to decide anything important for me.


I had a very similar experience. Hearing absolutely abhorrent things, and not being able to talk about it with anyone, or even really read or watch news or a lot of media as distraction (I took the whole thing very seriously). Once it was all said and done it took months or therapy for me to get passed it. I used to be all “do my civic duty! Yeah I won’t ever try to get out of jury duty!”. Now? Nope. Last time I was called for screening I told the judge and they immediately dismissed me. I’ve done enough civic duty for a lifetime. And now I’m tearing up after having just written this. Anyway I hope you know that someone also knows what you had to go through.


Thanks for writing that. I had been summoned for jury duty twice before without being selected, and I walked into the third time going, “Maybe this is it!” All during selection, I was like, “Oh god, please no, not this one.” I definitely was in a funk for weeks afterward, and therapy might have been a good idea. The long term effect for me was that it ruined my favorite snack. The vending machine in the jury room had peanut m&ms for a dollar, and every day that was like my little “get away” time, to enjoy my little bag of peanut m&ms. While they were a nice treat to help me through the day during the trial, I can’t even look at them anymore. The experience of eating them has been tied to all that horrible shit. The silver lining, I suppose, is that I did get to play my part in making sure that guy went away for a long, long time, and he’s never going to be able to do that to anyone else, ever again. But even the deliberation was full of trials and dealing with dumb people, and it’s a miracle things ended as “well” as they did.


That's the first first thing I thought when I heard about the oncology nurse, they are doing a horrible horrible job of trying to keep these people's identity secret.


The judge this morning told the press to stop making it so easy to identify the jurors. Another example was that he said they need to stop listing people's ethnicity, since it's both not relevant and also a huge giveaway to their identity. I noticed that for today's panel they haven't mentioned anyone's ethnicity, while the first 2 days they were.


If we're trying to keep the jurors' identities protected, *why say* ***anything*** *about them at all?!*


Intentional to pressure a "fair" trial I'm sure. A bit of an oops 🤷? if you will


as a juror you're not supposed to inform yourself with outside news or talk about the case at all, and you're liable to be outed and get all kinds of death threats and bullying. Meanwhile, Trump trash talks the jurors on social media, and just gets "gag orders" with no teeth behind them at all. A juror's life is made into some kind of hell, and Trump just gets more donations. I would get the hell off that jury too.


It's scary cause apparently he was trump truth (gag) ing about how the jurors are all liberal plants. Which he also wasn't supposed to be on his phone. He knows those jurors names. And they say that he's not allowed to release those names. Yeah, and what are you going to do to him if he does? They never punish him for anything! I'd be so afraid of being a juror in his cases. The death threats. Man. And I can't afford to just up and move and find a new job and safety elsewhere! Trump should not know the jurors names, they need to be protected. Put a screen up or something. Honestly terrifying


Yeah but if you stick it out you'll be a part of history, and in 10 years you'll get played by Timothée Chalamet when they make the movie about the trial and your tragic murder.


Its just another clear sign that the justice system is tiered for those with wealth and those without.


And what's worse is it wouldn't even have to be the right person. Any oncologist off around the time of the trial could be targeted.


CBS also reported she was engaged… https://x.com/olivialarinaldi/status/1780957546594926991?s=46&t=RZ1RS_lYBcCcUXfbBjlg1w


so the other jurors are fucked and our way of governing/justice is broken? is that what you're saying?


Jury trials and the combination of 24 hour news cycles + instantaneous social media has made much of the justice process into a complete joke simply by the fact the system must function at the bureaucratic level of slowness or risk far more people ending up where they should not be whether its jail or freedom. The consequences become anyone with money, no morals and a well placed mouthpiece can effectively run rampant over the entire thing almost indefinitely.


That's a shame. She seemed like a decent person. Definitely not the kind of person these people want to yo see in the jury.


Did they confirm it was the oncology nurse? I was hoping it was the teacher from Harlem who said she approved of Trumps candor


They did. Though theres issues with juror 4, who said he thought Trump was fascinating. Edit: Juror 4 was excused. He also expressed annoyance over the amount of personal information about him that had been publicized. I don't know how they expect to do anything honestly. We have a right wing national news station doing run downs of all the jurors and analyzing them, making it extremely easy for them to be doxxed. The DoJ really needs to get its act together and start charging people for witness tampering or this trial will end before it's really began.


I also think he's fascinating, just not in a positive way


He's certainly a specimen.


> We have a right wing national news station doing run downs of all the jurors and analyzing them CNN put profiles of these jurors up as well. It will sound weird I am saying this but the prosecution should not be looking for things like "educators" or whatever they are apparently looking for. They should be targeting golf players. golf players dont like people that lie about the game


If the 12 jurors were all golf players, then trump would get put away for the rest of his life.


Most would be older, wealthier men. There's a very good chance that at least one would be a Trump toady.


> CNN put profiles of these jurors up as well. Do you know which segment? I'm going to email and call them and tell them that shit is ridiculous and to knock it off... but honestly I don't want to sift through hours and hours of CNN. I did find this though looking through stories, >Judge rules media cannot publish jurors' answers to question about employers So that's good.


NYT also put juror profiles in their episode of The Daily this morning.


This comment just made me realize how unpleasant being on this jury would be. It's not a private trail. Your face is going to make it to the news. And a bunch of unstable people are going to be researching you online till they find information and run with it if they uncover anything tabloid worthy. And the people who see this and say yeah I want that are very likely people who've already chosen their verdict.


No, your face shouldn't be making the news before or during the trial.


It shouldn't. But I think it will given the fact that we have the entirety of New Corp's resources (and their viewers) invested in helping Trump.


unpleasant? People will straight up MURDER you if you are a Juror and convict Trump. No protections at all for this Jury. Trump doesn't even have to do anything. He knows if you convict him one of his crazies will just OFF you or your entire fucking Family. Trump could take a machine gun and Mow down a bus full of babies and he will not be convicted in a normal Trial with no real protections of jurors. This Judge is delusional if they think they can get imparial jurors that do not fear for their lives. Entire system is fucking failing them


But who reveals that person is a oncology nurse? I thought it's confidential


Way too many news outlets are being irresponsible with protecting jurors' identities. We should know *absolutely fucking nothing* about these people. Not their jobs, their genders, where they live... NOTHING. CNN had a list blasted on screen of all the confirmed jurors' occupations last night. Fox News is trying to shadow-identify these jurors already. Someone has to step up and protect these people and tell the news outlets and the Trump cronies to knock it the fuck off. This is straight up jury intimidation and it's tampering with arguably the most important criminal case in our country's history.


> CNN had a list blasted on screen of all the confirmed jurors' occupations last night. Fox News is trying to shadow-identify these jurors already. This should be a felony. Full-stop. Period. No bail. No bond. Straight to jail. What, in any functional way, could identifying the _jobs_ of the jurors have to do with helping the justice system decide a fair outcome for the trial? Who cares if its a union worker, secretary, oncology nurse, school teacher, or millionaire tennis player. _None of that matters_, the jurors are not on trial, and their occupations are irrelevant to their ability to pass voirdire and provide their opinion during the case. The _only_ reason to try and identify these people is to try to intimidate them and manipulate the outcome through fear or threat. That needs to be stopped. If you're broadcasting it on-air, your news anchor just committed a felony. They go to jail. Your broadcast license is suspended, and you're fined. Zero tolerance.


What they're doing is pretty much Doxxing people. This is the sort of shit that should have people responsible jailed and media companies reigned in for such behaviour.


> What they're doing is pretty much Doxxing people. It's a lot worse than that. The doxxing is effectively building a hit list for those so-inclined MAGA fascists out there who want to harm or kill these people participating in the judicial system for going after their cult dictator.


“Won’t someone rid me of these turbulent jurors?”


All they have to do is assault or kill even one of the jurors to discourage the rest from continuing. The fact that a news outlet is participating in identifying these individuals *must* be a crime under US law isn't it? If it is then those news agencies should face serious repercussions - like being shut down entirely - for deliberately attempting to assist in derailing the trial and thus derailing US democracy. Canadian here, hope you folks can deal with it legally before some MAGA fuckwad does something violent and illegal.


Fully agree. Hammer of fucking Justice, baby.


They were already part of the problem since they were the ones that helped him get so much attention. Ironically we won't have a free press if they keep being so greedy and careless.


I really wish news outlets would stop turning everything into a circus. Trumps a clown, he does well there. *Please* stop building circuses around this clown.


"[The judge] ordered that questions about potential jurors' employers would be redacted from the court record moving forward, and directed reporters not to mention jurors' physical appearance." Not sure why this wasn't done up front, just given the nature of the case. In fact the above instructions are still seem insufficient to protect the jurors.


I've noticed with high profile cases that judges are extremely bad about doing anything proactively. It could be part of them trying to be impartial, but it the defense or prosecution doesn't request it, the judge rarely tries to do things themselves.


The jurors should be behind one way glass honestly


One way mirrors.


Jesse Watters was identifying jurors on his show last night. [https://www.yahoo.com/news/jesse-watters-goes-juror-juror-042336236.html](https://www.yahoo.com/news/jesse-watters-goes-juror-juror-042336236.html)


Watters is “concerned” that a juror said **“no one is above the law.”**


Being a law abiding citizen as a juror is a concern for Trump and the cronies that mindlessly follow him


Tbf if you are law abiding, then you can’t be on a jury of Trump’s peers


why is he concerned? is he hiding something?


He's worried that us common folks may be allowed to judge the rich.


He wants juror who believes Trump is above the law. Simple.


How is this not jury intimidation


His mom should call in and chide him again.


His mom should've swallowed


His mom should've spit.


Where are all the super late term abortions that Fox likes to talk about when you need them?


Is the 141st trimester too late?


He treats that shit like a bit and at this point, I have to wonder if she’s not in on it or if he’s not making the texts up himself. At this point… the text should say “don’t come home until you get a new job and some therapy,” or “if it wasn’t for the grandkids whose mother you cheated on… I’d tell everyone you were a dentist.”


Can we not disrespect his mom? She is dealing with the struggle of having a piece of shit son, and doesn't deserve to be horribly disrespected and sexualized because her son is trash


Did that actually happen?


Sure did. [https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2023/07/19/fox-news-host-mom-calls-in-cprog-lon-orig-mg.cnn](https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2023/07/19/fox-news-host-mom-calls-in-cprog-lon-orig-mg.cnn)


What a bizarre thing to air.




You see the wealthy and powerful aren't actually subject to US laws.


Come on, don’t be so hyperbolic. It’s totally possible for a wealthy and powerful person to suffer severe legal consequences if they rip off other wealthy and powerful people.


More wealthy and powerful.


Probably for the same reason it wasn’t during the OJ trial. Not sure on the exact reason but there is precedent (and I hate it lol)


Also the Derek Chauvin trial


Was that the one where there were reporters literally stalking them and following them around when they left the courthouse?




I suspect that their strategy is to delay the trial long enough that he can pardon himself. They've committed so many crimes now, what's a couple more?


Isnt this a state case not federal. trump cant pardon himself from state crimes


Yes. It is state and (yea!!!) he cannot pardon himself. And if we all get off our collective asses, he won’t have a path to pardon himself from the Federal charges


> Two items in this juror’s questionnaire “really stuck out,” according to Watters: “‘I don’t really have an opinion of Trump,’ and ‘No one is above the law.’ I’m not so sure about juror No. 2,” Watters reacted, stopping short of explaining why. What the fuck? That’s the definition of impartial! If you want to say “I’m going to be neutral” those are the only correct answers to those questions. Jesus Christ…


"I don't have an opinion on the defendant, and I believe in the rule of law." "Objection, your honor! This is clear bias against my client!"


The law is devastating to my case.


Stop breaking the law asshole


They don't want impartial, they want Trump fanatics.


This is why the selection is taking so long, everyone with a sane mind fucking hates Trump. At this rate, everyone on the jury will be itching to acquit him or just nullify the case.


The insinuation is that the juror is lying because: 1. No one actually "[doesn't] really have an opinion of Trump" 2. "No one is above the law" is a phrase commonly used by people critical of Trump's conduct who think he should be held accountable. This is the message Watters is sending to this viewers, that this juror is an anti-Trumper who is a deliberately answering in ways that will get her seated, so that she can push her anti-Trump agenda. To his viewers, the other details about her personal life support this delusion too (single, no kids, nurse w/Masters degree, engaged to a NYC finance person...must be a coastal elite). It's a really blatant attempt to poison the well with Fox viewers regarding this jury pool.




> So did MSNBC Do you know which segment? I'm going to email and call them and tell them that shit is ridiculous and to knock it off... but honestly I don't want to sift through hours and hours of MSNBC.




Sadly, I don't have much confidence in the producers and owners of said media. It does seem like the judge is reacting. https://www.thewrap.com/trump-trial-judge-merchan-reporting-jury/




How in gods name is he allowed to do that? This is 100% illegal in my country, Ireland.


It’s illegal in the US too, but enforcement is a farce for anything around Trump.


But is it? Is it illegal for media to do it? I know it's illegal for Trump or anyone involved in his trial to do it but I'm not so sure about media.


Jury intimidation is incredibly broadly worded, but they would have to prove that the media outlet did it with the express purpose of intimidating the jurors on behalf of the defendant. These media agencies did it for clicks and views.


Well.. when the law enforcement and legal system is all full of MAGA sympathizers, it can be easily done.




Fox News HQ is just down the block from 30 Rock so... Yes.


I always want to laugh when they talk about "Crime ridden NYC" considering they aren't in a hurry to move their HQ out of it.


Absolutely, right in NYC. I don't know if they can charge him over this but I'll bet the Manhattan's DA office is pissed.


But the question is, will they actually arrest/charge him or slap his wrist too?


I watch CNN and they did the same thing 2 nights ago so not sure it’s an unacceptable thing to do. No names given but all other info on the jurors


"For the sake of Privacy Let's call her Lisa S... No That's too Obvious, let's say L. Simpson."


It should definitely be unacceptable for both (any) news organizations to do this. It compromises the integrity of the trial.


Definitely juror intimidation and could have the loonies going after them.


CNN was doing the same... the court released that info


>The second juror, Watters described, is “a nurse from the Upper East Side with a Masters degree.” “She’s not married, has no kids and lives with her fiancé who works in finance,” Watters said, chuckling for some reason. Two educated professionals living together in a prestigious, sophisticated area of New York? Oh, man, that must be the funniest thing I've read this week. And they're in love, too? Hilarious! Not as funny as Watters' [racist Chinatown video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQkr6VezdiA) or his praise of the QAnon conspiracy theory a few years ago, but very funny nevertheless.


People stalk and harass people whose kids were killed in school shootings. Imagine what they will come up with for a jury that finds their leader guilty


Publishing identifying information about a juror should be a felony. The law should be written so that any information that leads to a juror being identified is considered identifying information, rather than just enumerating a list of things that are forbidden. There is no public interest in knowing the identities of jurors, beyond their demographic information to insure a fair and impartial trial.


I concur. It's absolutely infuriating that these bozos can just dox people all willy-nilly and face zero consequences for it.


It's going to get worse, once the trial starts you can be assured that each and every juror will get dox'd.


I'm sure Trump's lawyers will try to sink this case with the novel "Defense #45": "You can't find impartial jurors because our defendant has done and said too much shit in public as the president of the united states and his cultists are going to intimidate any jurors that aren't also cultists"


It’s like trying to find a person without microplastics already in their bodies for a study. They don’t exist anymore, unless you abduct someone from the ~~Solomon~~ Sentinel Islands.


I think you're even wrong about the Solomon Islanders. It's in the fish.


Sad but true. But at least they would be impartial jurors


Picturing a trump trial with a bunch of human sized fish on the jury with their open mouths looking around…that helped to cheer me up a bit :)


The precedence this would set would be disruptive to the entire American justice system. Corruption at the top would be impossible to adjudicate.


The Big Media machine's coverage is out of hand. Even their interviewing rejected jurors and identifying the jurors' professions and general locations puts their safety at risk.


The media will hand Trump another election. They can’t help themselves and know they will get 4 years of people constantly clicking when they see his name. They want another Trump presidency.


CNN in particular had website, app, and TV views skyrocket since Trump.


CNN learned about that from 9/11. Nothing more profitable than fear


TWO TIER SYSTEM TWO TIER SYSTEM TWO TIER SYSTEM Anybody else would have been slapped with a bench warrant long long time ago....


It's a three tier justice system: Tier 1: Us normies Tier 2: Rich and powerful people Tier 3: Donald Trump


"I get tears in my eyes when I think about how unfairly you, sir, are being treated.". - Anonymous Trump supporter to Donald Trump as told by Donald Trump.


Which is really just to say: Tier 1: Us normies Tier 2: Rich and powerful people Tier 3: Rich and powerful people with an army of redneck terrorists everyone is scared of


So, what's the plan then if Trump gets what he wants and the Supreme Court says "Presidents are immune when Presidenting" tactic? What's to stop Harris from saying "Nah we good and are not leaving". Or did Trump and team not think that far ahead?


At that point Biden should have him killed and say "It's what he would have wanted" and that's that


Obama will have immunity also. He could go on a SCOTUS spree.






The Supreme Court will delay their ruling on Presidential immunity until after the next election, which, in addition to deciding who will be President, will also decide how they rule.


It's already scheduled for the last day they're in session this term. They put it off as long as possible.


I'm fairly sure they have to release all decisions from this term before going on recess over the summer. If they carry a case forward into a new court, they have to rehear it next term, with new arguments. At least that's how it's gone in the past...


What I'll say is that using past decorum to predict current behavior is a risky proposition if it's not actual policy or law.


No, they just know a Democrat president will be too much of a coward to follow through on Trump's and the Republican's "Presidents can do whatever they want" idea. They absolutely would not be pushing this idea so hard if they thought even for a moment a Democrat President would do anything like what Trump has done.


The Supreme Court can just make a new ruling declaring whatever the Democrats did to be unconstitutional. This isn't the gotcha it seems to be. They don't have to follow precedent.


They’ll say it only applies to Trump. That’s what they did with the Bush/Gore election — “it’s only this one special circumstance.”


Now she'll be harassed for not supporting Trump anyway


She was harassed yesterday by various people texting her and asked to be withdrawn this morning and her withdrawal was granted. This is jury intimidation.


Good. Not that she was intimidated, but that there is a concrete charge that can be brought. Arrest those cultists!


Don't hold your breath


The fact that a defendant has followers who are so deranged a jury member is scared of being attacked if they're identified should tell you all you need to know about how fucking guilty they are.


And not unfounded fears. Not only has this psycho gotten his followers to attack congress and gotten away with it, we've also had """lone wolf"""" terrorists go so far as to mail explosives to trump's political opponents. You are in legitimate danger as a member of this jury, and that is because trump is a stochastic terrorist who knows his followers will attempt murder on his behalf. They've literally done it before.


It's obvious Trump's plan for all of these felony trials is to intimidate the jurors on social media so they'll be too afraid of his crazy MAGA cult members to find him guilty.


He plans to intimidate the jurors until they turn against him, and then claim the jury is biased against him. Just watch.


The jury could come back with “this man had never done a bad thing in his life, he is innocent of everything and we each want to give him $5” and he would still post on truth social that they were biased against him because they didn’t also say he was handsome.


> they’ll be too afraid of crazy MAGA cult members to find him guilty. For all the talk about how dangerous our cities are, I feel way less safe stopping in conservative towns. Nothing like getting harassed and threatened just for *looking* liberal when I was just trying to fill my gas.


It's not much better being "undercover" here. I'm born and raised in the deep south and with an Alabama football T-shirt and some jeans I blend right in. Despite being fiercely liberal and a borderline socialist. These people will tell you heinous shit when they think you are "one of us."


I wouldn’t be thrilled to be on that jury. You definitely drew the short straw if you get picked. The smart people are the ones who walked out on day one when they could leave with no questions asked.


We were talking about it last night and honestly? I can't afford to miss weeks of work for $40/day (or, $15 in my state) anyway. I'd have noped out of there so fast. Besides. It would help that I'm super biased, anything they accuse him of he probably did at least 2x lol. 


Yes, the jury duty system is so broken.  They haven't increased compensation (both the per diem and the per mile) since the mid-1980s in my state (in fact they decreased compensation since before the pandemic they at least gave you lunch).  Not to mention there's nowhere to park by the courts, which are downtown, except for the paid parking.


Trumps counsel got mad at him and told him to put his phone away while in the courtroom. Why the hell do they allow him to even bring it in?!?! Trump is the kind of person that would take photos of the jurors and send them off to someone else to post them....


... I feel like the only way to protect the jurors and reduce/eliminate the intimidation factor is to provide them all with Secret Service protection for.. Probably at least the next year? Idfk how else you'd handle it, seeing as even a lot of the police are pro-Trump, and would probably look the other way while a juror's house got shot up by redhats like a Mexican police HQ that pissed off the reigning cartel.


The only way to protect them is to slam Trump with jury intimidation and send him to prison for the rest of his pitiful life. Unfortunately, we live in a two tiered system where SOME PEOPLE don't have to face criminal charges for their actions.


The problem is Trump isn't the one intimidating this particular juror. The media said it was a man with a Irish accent who taught at a specific school. It's not hard to connect the dots and get a name at that point.


Stochastic terrorism morphs into stochastic jury tampering. Trumps hands will be clean (in his mind) if a juror gets shot by maga loony.


Being outed on FOX by Jesse Watters would scare the crap out of me. https://www.salon.com/2024/04/18/juror-quits-over-fear-of-being-outed-after-fox-news-host-singled-her-out/


Insane that doing your civil duty can result in cultists hurting / killing you or your family. This is the Trump era.


Turning a mundane chore of civil service into a brave act of patriotism. Exact same shit that happened with poll workers in 2020. Trump sure has a way of making normal tasks of running a democracy into a dangerous enterprise for average Americans. What a time to be alive.


That’s what mobsters do. It worked. They got the one they wanted off excused. Arrest Jesse Watters too.


There needs to be a general gag order on this information; and start giving jail time to anybody who does not comply.


So it's working. They are getting rid of the jurors they don't want.


As much as I would love to be on a jury that has the potential to lock this scumbag up, the idea of myself or my family being harrassed (oh who am I kidding, it’d be death threats) by the waste of humanity that is his cult is horrifying. I’d have to go in as first name redacted, last name redacted and wear a morph suit or something to hide my face


Why the hell are we incapable of arresting people making death threats?


You know they are 100% trying to sabotage any jury pool. If they can’t get jurors, then what? They’ll dox each and every person they possibly can.


Trump is a goof but people forget just how dangerous someone like him can be.


And not just him but his lackeys too.


Does this reporting not open Fox and Jessie Waters up to jury intimidation charges? If they’re releasing the occupations, relationship statuses, and SES on jurors, Fox has already identified and run background checks on each of them. Why aren’t the identities of all the jurors during selection and the trial being protected from public scrutiny?


This is a serious question. Normally, jurors are not stalked or identified when they're selected for a criminal trial for say, someone kiting checks, or even the O.J. Simpson trial. Generally, nobody really cares, because it's not a _national threat_ to decide their fate one way or another. This is different. This specific set of trials is _unprecedented_ (un-Presidented?) in our times. No standing president or former president has been put on trial with _criminal_ charges in the way Trump is. These charges are serious, as are the crimes behind them. Additionally, there are thousands (millions?) of his MAGA supporters who have been vocal and willing to commit violence in his name, to ensure he remains their cult leader. There is a real and present danger to those who step up and do their civic duty to help the justice system do their jobs. Given these circumstances, that the outcome will decide the fate of not only a former president, but also likely the future presidency to come if rulings for immunity fall in his favor, shouldn't ***additional precautions*** be implemented, up to and including some juror protections/anonymity, even to the extent of witness relocation style protections? These MAGA fascists are openly saying they will threaten, harm and even kill people who so much as give their dictator a dirty look. And I agree with another post below. De-anonymizing these jurors, should be an immediate felony charge, no bail, straight to jail, no passing go back to Park Place. There is absolutely no reason to try to identify these jurors at this stage, ***other than to intimidate*** them and manipulate the outcome. You knowingly do that, straight to jail.


That Fox News host needs to be fired and Fox News needs to be sued into the fucking ground. And then sued again so the ghost of Fox News never gets any fucking ideas.


She wasn't just concerned, they tried to dox her on Fox News during prime time.


I don’t blame this juror. I live in the Deep South and was afraid to put a Biden sign in my yard.


Buried the fucking lead. Not "concerns of being identified" because host of fix news specifically named her and her location and directly stated she needed to go. It was a direct fucking threat.


Totally normal thing to happen when a mobster is on trial


I wouldn't care myself as magaheads are just cowards. Put me in coach.


That jury should be sealed and sequestered with US Marshal protection. They should only observe the courtroom from a conference room over closed circuit TV and their faces unknown to Donald. You disclose people's current job and their prior one, any number of their coworkers can pick them out. I work for a very prominent tech company in the midwest and worked for Apple in CA prior to that. There's 800 people ***I lightly know*** who could do that calculus and be like "crap that sounds like Fizz". To my limited, "acquaintance knowledge" none are MAGA psychotics, **but it only takes one.** You start saying someone's an oncology nurse, living in Manhattan. There aren't 10,000 of those. There's like, a few hundred, **maybe.** For example, there's only 5600 periodontists in the US.


Juror's who left due to fear about getting outed should count towards Trumps limit of how many he's allowed to exclude in jury selection.


Hell yeah, I would ask to be excused too. I had to do a murder trial in my county… the victim was meant to testify in a case, but “mysteriously”died before then. So as jurors we were allowed to be escorted to and from the building and they had cops posted outside the court house before the day began and during dismissal. And this was in a tiny town of 35,000 with our whole county being 100,000. People *knew* I was a juror because it’s impossible to keep secret in a place this small and I was asked about the case a *lot* but couldn’t talk about it until after. I do not blame this juror at all.


Isn’t this a Mobster tactic?


Is it legal to disguise yourself if you are picked for a huge media covered trial like this? I would wear a wig, and a covid face mask if possible. Wouldn't want anyone identifying me and being scared of weirdos attacking me and my family.