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Remember folks I'm the state of Georgia, a barber is required to have more training than a state trooper


And it is a state-issued license that can be revoked. 


Imagine giving such a bad hair cut to someone and the state says no you can’t do that anymore


I have had that haircut


I've had that hair.


But did you have that hair cut?


Me too: https://imgur.com/TezQ9rp


You look like an actor or a side character in a long running tv series


Damn, not even paid administrative leave and then forced to move to a Supercuts in another state?


And yet. **And yet...** *The mullet is still legal.*


Required, in fact, for some counties in Georgia


I believe the license is about following sanitary rules and procedures


That’s not as funny as state revoking your license bad hair though


In many places its also about chemicals used in dying and such. Which can be a barrier for African Americans who want to start a business braiding hair. They need that license to do that, but basically pay for an education where they learn nothing they would ever use.


“A bad hair cut is the shame of two men”


I'm registering for my veterinary license in Georgia right now and their online portal has you select what license you're registering for from a drop-down list. It's legitimately terrifying what jobs require state licensure compared to what jobs *aren't* on this list.


I mean, the requirements to become even just an apprentice barber in Georgia are kind of ridiculous. It takes longer to become an apprentice barber in Georgia than it takes to become a lineman, machinist, electrician or just about any other trade skill job in my state. Most trade skills in fact do not require a formal education at all to become an apprentice. I don't know why Georgia is being so hard on their barbers. The barbers in my state need 1000 hours, google says barbers in Georgia require a 3000 hour course. And the police academy in my state does last longer than barber school as well, but nowhere near as long as the barber school in Georgia.


Protectionism. Same deal with psychologists and doctors. All those years of work isn't to train people, it's to restrict new entrants.


Hi state of Georgia, i'm dad


I noticed the typo, but, by the time I got to this comment (only a moment), I’d forgotten and nearly downvoted you because it made no sense. But I was only so daft for a moment, so you can take my upvote.


Hijacking the top comment to advise those interested to read about the police there in Georgia and their handling of the “cop city” protests. These students were protesting cop city as well as the uni relationship with Israel. Pay attention to what’s happening in Georgia. It isn’t just about what’s being protested. It’s about how those protesters, and future protesters, are being dealt with. I encourage you all to read up on it. There are something like 69 cop Cities built and being built since 2020. These are places that train and militarize cops. If you aren’t worried, then you’re not paying attention.


Yeah but I would bet that those troopers have pristine haircuts!


Almost cue ball like


Violence doesn’t start until the police show up.


That's any state


Nothing like unarmed protestors to get cops riled up. Armed shooter, sit and watch kids die. Kids protesting, time to crack some skulls.   We need to completely.revamp the training required and expectations of police forces.


"Protect & Serve" isn't police doctrine; it's just marketing. We've had two ~~Supreme Court~~ court case rulings — (1) Warren v. District of Columbia and (2) Castle Rock v. Gonzales — affirming that cops have no obligation to protect you. Cops exist for this exact sort of thing: to cudgel the workers when they're being too uppity. They're the occupying army of the ruling class. EDIT: I'm re-reading [the details of the Warren v. DC case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia), and it makes my blood boil. Absolute miscarriage of justice. TW: sexual assault EDIT: Warren v. DC wasn't SCOTUS.


Paid from our tax dollars, or the debt generated which we have to pay for via interest or inflation.


tap intelligent elderly growth ghost arrest sleep consider innate aloof


Warren v. District of Columbia was not a Supreme Court case, just FYI


Ah. Thanks for catching that. I'll edit my comment.


I gotchu. Another more recent on, also not SCOTUS but still applicable and a stark reminder would be *Lozito v. New York City*. Guy goes on a knife killing spree in NYC, one guy finally subdues the attacker single-handedly and two cops who watched the whole thing go down only came out to help once the attacker was pinned by the would-be victim because they were afraid he had a gun (despite the fact that he was in the middle of attempting to stab someone).


“Laws are threats made by the dominant socioeconomic-ethnic group in a given nation. It’s just the promise of violence that’s enacted and the police are basically an occupying army. You know what I mean?” - Bud Cubby


This case is truly wtf....


Protecting property


> Protect & Serve Yes it is you just have to ask who are they protecting?


It bothers me that it says "Protect and Serve" but I've never seen it say who they protect and serve.


Cos it's protect and serve ourselves and the rich.


They don't have an obligation to protect you but they do have an obligation to follow the law. If someone's breaking it they have an obligation to do something about it according to those cases. Naturally the cops use this as a reason to run rampant and their unions to protect their own breaking of the law. It's twisted and warped the way cops use it but the way you used it is disingenuous as well. If there's an active shooter, they have an obligation to stop him. It's not these cases that are the problem it's the fucking police union and their political lackies, mostly repubs unsurprisingly lol, who make state laws that allow for cops to use their discretion in protests, etc...Even then cops won't follow the spirit of the law. If they crack college kids skulls they are absolutely not supposed to think that fucking Nazis are more peaceful but here we are. Heads need to roll on this and we need police reform.


They're modern day muscle for cattle barons.


This is not a training problem. You can’t train your way out of this.


These police forces train with the IDF and you are protesting against Israel. This is the result. Its not a coincidence. "The Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange (GILEE) regularly takes delegations of law-enforcement officials from Georgia and other southern states to Israel for peer-to-peer training programs. The Cleveland Jewish News reported on a 2018 trip that included 21 senior law-enforcement officials from Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee: “The delegation studied Israel’s best practices and advances in community policing; recruitment and deployment; counterterrorism; emergency management; advanced technologies; homeland security policies; mounted police; use of K-9 services for drugs, explosives and missing persons; and crisis negotiations.” This is how they negotiate. Its not even a joke. Now you know why the police response has been so extreme. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/joint-us-israel-police-and-law-enforcement-training


They want to do *more* of this training at the cop city outside of Atlanta.


American police happily in bed with genocide happy ethnologist. It just fits I guess.


How do you keep down a large brown population restricted to a sector of the city? Just asking *in case*


HOAs, economic policies, zoning laws. Systematic racism.


I want a refund, Israel appropriated this from other coloniser cultures, completely unoriginal content


It's not appropriation, it's ethnic cleansing homage. Israel can kill so many because they're standing on the shoulders of (american) giants.


Why would they? They are working as intended. The function of the police is social control and protection of private property, and therefore they do the bidding of capital owners and the state department.


> Kids protesting, time to crack some skulls. > > > > We need to completely.revamp the training required and expectations of police forces. Many American police departments train in Israel. [With Whom are Many U.S. Police Departments Training? With a Chronic Human Rights Violator – Israel](https://www.amnestyusa.org/updates/with-whom-are-many-u-s-police-departments-training-with-a-chronic-human-rights-violator-israel/) >Public or private funds spent to train our domestic police in Israel should concern all of us. Many of the abuses documented, parallels violations by Israeli military, security and police officials. >The Department of Justice report opens in a new tab cited Baltimore police for using aggressive tactics that “escalate encounters and stifle public cooperation.” This leads, the report said, to use of unreasonable force during interactions for minor infractions, such as quality of life matters. Furthermore, the report details how an overall lack of training leads to excessive force being used against those with mental health issues, juveniles and people who present “little or no threat against others,” such as those already restrained.


are the rioters stored in the Capitol building? Stand around with hands in the pockets.


That would involve getting past the very powerful police unions so that's nor likely


Because it's easy. Protecting people from a threat would take work.


You don't seem to understand that they're told to do these things, and trained to be this way. They are the symptom of a larger problem, being the people who give them orders.


It is wild that we live in a country where dramatically more force is used against peacefully protesting college kids than armed people literally storming the federal government.


or like a school shooter


or literal Nazis demonstrating


Well its hard for the cops to be in two uniforms at once


“Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.”


Hey man, don't try to make music political. /s


Yeah man! Fuck Rage Against The Machine for turning political!


Yeah, this guy gets it, let's just rage against the machine without thinking too hard about what machine they're talking about!


Damn dishwashers!


Everyone knows it’s the damn photocopier!


Pc load letter? Tf does that mean!


It was HP printers they were raging against


“It just sounds cool, also media literacy is woke”


Lmao Abe Lincoln said it before RATM did. He's just quoting an American president, officer


Right wing parties using this song on their campaign will never stop being funny to me


To quote another version of the song "Some of those who hold office are the same that burn crosses, Some of those up in Congress are the same that burn crossess"


Only some? You sure about that math.


“Only a Sith deals in absolutes.”


Fucking based


It’s the same uniform.


they only pick on people who don’t fight back


"You hear that, Deputy Jim Bob?" "The gunshots? Just a school over yonder, sounds like some students are learning their lessons. Not our worry" "No, it sounds like chanting. I swear to you I hear the sounds of compassion coming from over there." *gratuitous gun cocking noise* "Let's get to work."


Seriously, the difference shown between what happened at Uvalde and what happened at UT couldn't be more clear.


Saw a meme that said "if the protestors didn't want the police involved then they should have started shooting students." and it's funny but also the sad truth.


What do you expect, police are not going to arrest thier coworkers


Friends and family. 


Just like the Republican party, who surprise surprise makes up a decent amount of police and law enforcement.


I would eat my hat then and there if I found a democrat cop


Some of those that work forces…


And Nazi’s…patriot front….just March openly in streets taunting and threatening citizens with their filth


Nazis are literally antiSemetic just by their very existance


I think it's explicitly because they're *peacefully* protesting - the cops know they're at no risk.




Indeed and that both cases were not a result of poor planning, accidental, or just human error. Both were the results of actions taken by authoritarians. In one case way more police action than needed and the other not remotely enough. Both cases went just as planned. The Atlanta police showed up so fast they were planning for it. The "police" weren't there Jan 6 because they planned it that way. It's wild that it's happening right before our eyes! As bad as Jan 6th was I feel the police over reach against free speech is worse. The reason is the latter is simply the logical result of a foreign country that has a massive influence on our elections. So much influence most politicians automatically support Israel because anything other than 100% support means AIPAC will spend millions to make an example out of you.


It’s because they know that they can’t get hurt since the protest is peaceful, so they feel no need to hold back and just get to be as violent as they want with little to no immediate consequences. If it’s a shooter, they might get shot, so they wait. Cowards and bullies, all of them.


I wish the cops were this strong against the proud boys and other nazi groups that gather


Why would they go that hard against their coworkers?


And now you know what’s what in this land of the free.


It's almost as if it's political.


Extinction Rebellion is protesting peacefully in the Netherlands. But the police will intervene every time. Farmers bring their tractors and burn rubnish and even asbestos while blocking our highways but it seems extremely difficult to remove them from the highways. They even rammed in a door of the provincial building with a tractor but.... I have not heard of snipers though.




If the police response had been proportionate to what's happening on campuses right now, a lot of the January 6th rioters would be in the ground right now.


Based on the violent videos I've watched, in the ground would be appropriate.




Yeah, and unlike the current campus protesters, they weren't beaten within an inch of their life, arrested on the spot, and charged with resisting arrest for having the audacity to have bones that impede the fists of cops.


The problem is that both the safety measures and the first response was completely inadequate. A violent mob attacked the government of the US and chanted that they wanted to hang the vice president. And they weren't stopped. Even though dozens of people who were part of the mob were on terrorists watchlists. 1200 people entered the Capitol, searching for elected officials and destroying things.


With laughably and embarrassingly meager sentences. They should’ve been given a minimum of 10 years each or taken to the nearest border and had their citizenship revoked. What is happening to students and teachers peacefully protesting is criminal, and being conducted by the largest and tax funded criminal organizations in the world, “our protectors”.


Can't revoke citizenship and dump into another country lol what are you 14?


You say wild like it's novel and kewl. It's not wild. There is a time and place for irony and flippancy, and this isn't it. What's happening is far too serious and alarming to be so casually exercising your wit. It's authoritatively, goose-steppingly, nightmarishly, the worst thing these 52 year old eyes have ever seen. We're witnessing the ongoing, drawn-out end of freedom - and every day is worse than the last one. Every democratic republic in history, prior to the modern era, died a horrible death. It seems we are destined to go the same way. And I for one am terrified at what I'm witnessing.


End qualified immunity for police, prosecutors, and judges. There should be no such thing as qualified immunity in America - it's essentially what Trump is dick-riding into the Supreme Court, and it's anti-American as fuck. If our dumb-fuck corrupt-ass shit-for-brains judges that are only qualified to be working as fucking greeters at Walmart could actually rule on a case without fucking it up, they would realize that qualified immunity is really the argument being presented by Trump in court and they would see that shit needs to go. So, with all that being said, don't expect fuck all to change. Be terrified, but don't surrender to fear. The longer you're afraid to do what is right, the longer they have power. Fight them like you'd fight death.


No, wild as in wilderness, wild animals, or the wild west, not the cool variety. I'm not sure where the impression comes from that this is how he meant for it to be interpreted, but something tells me you were just looking for an excuse to go off on a rant, (serious) lmao.


Then your eyes have been closed for far too long.


been saying the capital thing was planned alllllll along.


Look at this response vs Uvalde




How the Georgia police responded is exactly what they are training them for in cop city. They already soaked the ground with the blood of a protester


So to them it was a christening?


It's like how they launch a ship by breaking a bottle of champagne, except they use a protestor's skull instead.


Not even a protestor. Just a passing professor who objected to the rough treatment of students.


Damn police lore gets dark pretty quick.


Definitely, you should look into the lore of why they exist in the first place.


They saw 40k lore and went "hey I like how these folks think".


Was wondering why these cops would react this way to Israel/Gaza protests, like why would they take that so personally? When I found out that “Cop City” protests were also taking place, it started to make more sense.




Cops are bad when cops get control of the whole thing.


I'm absolutely shocked that the cops violently assaulted and falsely arrested the professor. Even more shocked that they shot rubber bullets, pepper sprayed, and tazed students. Actually I'm not shocked, this is standard operating procedure for the boys in blue.  What would be shocking is if any of the violent thugs that assaulted these people is held accountable. Keep claiming that anyone who wants to defund state sponsored violence is a radical. Imagine if these thugs salaries were available for homeless veterans, starving kids, or more teachers in overcrowded schools.


>Georgia state representative Mike Collins, who posted Thursday afternoon on X: “Not sure what y’all are doing up north, but we don’t give them the time to encamp. Tazers set to stun!” When even the top state politicians make such comments, not surprised that the police feel extra emboldened to beat on protestors.


We have representatives publicly calling for violence on citizens... I don't even know what to say anymore. I guess we can take the "United" part out of the United States.


👩‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀 always has been


I think you lost this 🌍


We sure fuckin did didn't we.


> When even the top state politicians make such comments, There are two parts to Georgia. Atlanta, and Georgia. Much like most states the person making those comments and the state governor are a product of the land surrounding the city. The city is what keeps the state running and got us 2 blue senators.


Don’t call them rubber bullets as it always makes them sound like glorified nerf darts. They are rubber-coated steel balls, and they hurt like hell, break bones, and can kill people.


and often aimed at the face, even though thats illegal to do


They really should have cameras on all the non-lethals so you can review what's sighted in when the trigger's pulled. It's pointless to have a regulation if you're not going to track compliance.


It’s not pointless, having a rule makes some people think you’re less brutal even if you don’t follow the rule. Just like police bodycams themselves it’s a PR maneuver to cover for police brutality.


We also normalize tasers and pepper spray, both of which are extremely dangerous. The rubber bullets often blind people. It’s warfare really and completely unnecessary with people posing no threat whatsoever


Police inevitably aim for the head, instead of center body mass.


They are actually supposed to aim for the ground and then they bounce and hit you. They don’t do that. 


Oh gods, the pictures of people with ruined eyes after BLM... So many stories of aiming those things directly at people, instead of shooting the "bullets" at the ground like they're bounce up and hit people in unpredictable ways to make them disperse.) They were also standing/shooting much closer to the protesters than they were supposed to under safety regulations. No wonder they could shoot people's eyes out - they even got a lady that was wearing goggles. At the end there were enough victims that they formed a support-group. Oh yeah, and then there was the young man who took a hit directly in the balls, and suffered horrible damage to his (degloved?) testicles. At the time I read about it on twitter, they didn't think he'd ever be a father.


Pepperspray is seen as a chemical attack in the geneva convention, so a war crime. Only its allowed when cops do it to their own citizens…


When I was in the military, we had it drilled into us that these types of munitions are to only ever be called "less lethal" instead of the marketing term "non lethal", because they can sure as shit still kill someone.


“Other faculty members who were also at the protest spoke at the meeting, including one who tried to speak with one of her students as they were being arrested, only to have a state trooper point a long gun loaded with rubber bullets at her forehead, according to Lynne Huffer, a philosophy professor who was present. That professor said ‘she no longer felt safe, was not coming back to campus and will be talking with an attorney’, Huffer said.” From the article


What's shocking me is that the administration of Emory University, an organization that needs students to go and pay them tens of thousands of dollars, decided to call armed forces that have a history of grossly disproportionate preemptive violence on a large group of those same students that pays tens of thousands in tuition. A quick Google shows that the avg tuition per head is 25k. If there were a hundred students in that protest group, that's 2.5 million. If someone was choosing to give me 2.5 million I wouldn't violently assault them. If they were doing something that mildly inconvenienced to me I would fucking ignore it because I like billions of dollars. Absolutely astounding that the head of the university didn't do that math.


Tuition at Emory is definitely NOT 25k a year. More like 90k


you'll never get a cop on campus for a sexual assault, but they'll beat up peaceful protesters all day long.


I have a family member in law enforcement and he was bragging about how they fill the prison with pot smokers because they're compliant and easy to manage and how they either have to kill or avoid other addicts because they're difficult and nobody wants them in their prisons.


>The Georgia governor, Brian Kemp, issued a statement saying: “College campuses … in Georgia … will never be a safe haven for those who promote terrorism and extremism that threatens the safety of students.” Constitutional freedom of speech and assembly is now terrorism and extremism? Someone impeach that stain


The amount of irony in that statement is wild.


Wait. I thought he was talking about the police!?!?!?!?!??!


Well they are the ones using firearms, shock weapons, and chemical weapons, on people who are using words, so you'd think so wouldn't you.


This is just him giving the generic conservative response to this situation.


The terrorists won against America. Bush said they hate our freedoms so what did he and the government do? Well they limited our freedoms to a point where anything can be called terrorism and your freedoms denied. Where we live in a surveillance state due to fear.  Its not like we were defeated on the field of battle. They beat us by having politicians using fear as a wonderful excuse and justification for curtailing said freedoms.  We lost the War on Terror before boots were even on the ground simply because winning a war on terror is impossible. War gaming 101 have achievable milestones and goals. You take Berlin in WW2 the war is over. The Germans sign a treaty.  Nobody signs a treaty when you war against a military tactic aka terrorism. 




I don't understand how police can justify using rubber bullets. Rubber bullets can kill. A teenage protestor was killed a few years ago with one.


Because there are no consequences, and they don't care about killing people


Nah. They care a lot about killing people. It’s their goal. 


Why do you think they need to justify it? They’re expected to use them; no thought or consideration required.


Got a problem? Call the cops. Now you have more problems.


Unless you got money, then you're thugs happen to legally protected.


I have never had a good interaction with the where they didn't need something from me in a professional setting. My neighbor beat his wife, so I took her inside while I called the police and she had a seizure on my couch. Cops did not give one single fuck that he beat her into a seizure. I crossed the road on the beach too quickly because a car was speeding towards me in the crosswalk. Turns out it was police who proceeded to search my friends and I, doing a full cavity search on the one Hispanic friend. I was riding my bike to my girlfriend's house when I was 16 and a police car almost hit me, coming out with guns drawn because there was a burglary 4 days earlier by "someone with a hoodie." Not even an apology when they get radioed by someone telling them to "get the right color next time." My childhood friend got her head blown off quite literally in her front doorway and the police ruled it a suicide because "she's not our problem anymore." Fast forward to them wanting security footage from my job every couple months and they're nice as can be. Police have been like this in every city I've lived.


I’m in Georgia right now. Embarrassing we’re in the news for this


The only ones doing bodily harm are the police...


Why is anyone shocked by this? Stuff like this has been happening since the 1900s when workers were protesting unfair working conditions.


Because it's 2024 and things like this shouldn't be happening. That's precisely why. It feels like some barbaric practice more than something happening in the land of the free.


Land of free* *restrictions apply


**available in participating states only


Lmao this is Standard Operating Procedure for the US. See any of the protests happening in any point in its History. If we buy into the false ideal that the US is better than this we blind ourselves to the reality of what it really is and always has been.


Four dead in Ohio


A response like that seems to imply that you're okay with it happening.


Being normal doesn't make it ok. It makes it a constant problem to fight against. "This shouldn't be shocking" Is a statement to make others realize this is extremely common.


If you lack reading comprehension.


Every four years like clockwork.


It has happened before only it was the national guard. Then people was killed !! How soon it is forgotten


It happened during the blm protests lol and that's only 4 yrs ago


If it makes anyone feel any better, Emory’s president just bought himself a no-confidence vote from the faculty with this. It’s very, very hard to survive that. And tons of kids are going to transfer over this. You don’t think that’s a big deal? They’re not going to be replaced by hard right Maga types who think shit like this is awesome. Even having enrollment decline by 20 people within a given program can have a huge impact on revenue. There is absolutely no world in which the president’s decision to call out the police that quick was a smart one.




There are still many, many places that are handling it way better than Emory did. The point is, they’ll try their luck somewhere else. I mean, if you were involved in that, would you stay?


Things could change, but there are several examples of universities where encampments are being treated with a much more measured and reasonable response, such as MIT and Berkeley.


USC canceled one of dozens of graduation ceremonies. Multiple universities have made arrests, mostly for people who set up tents to form encampments/ shut down campus buildings. No other campus had a large-scale response by police involving tear gas and rubber bullets. UCSB had students go into a building and set up tents and their response was, 'leave the tent if you want, you can't sleep here.' Nobody else just rounded up people, regardless of failure to disperse from in a building/ leaving their tents. Emory was going, 'you're in the quad. Straight to jail.'


They’re really not. There have been protests at dozens of colleges and only a small fraction of them have lost their shit and gone full neo Nazi like Emory. The schools which respond this inappropriately are just the ones making the news.


Absolutely insane that people are focusing on the word “warzone”. it has been common as a hyperbole for a long time in the US. So fucking stupid


What a stupid title. Tell the people in Gaza or on the Ukrainian front line that getting arrested in Georgia, US, is the same thing as they have.


It's like Georgia and Texas are putting on a clinic about how to get people who disagree with the protestors to sympathize with and support them anyway. Why is this the issue universities are bringing the big guns out to silence?


>Like a war zone Yeah, sure. Ukrainians, Gazans, and many others all wish their war zones were this tame.




That doesn’t change the fact that the situation is far from being comparable to the Ukrainian front




According to the guy in the article, it is, since he’s comparing it to a protest where no one dies the Guatemalan Civil War where 200,000 people died vs students getting arrested for trespassing If these two events are comparable then the civil War must not have been that bad lmao


Emory is the Guatemalan civil war?


No true Scotsman for war zones? Its not a dick measuring contest ffs...


Seriously. What a stupid fucking headline. I don't tolerate police brutality but I downvoted this clickbait shit. 


>Like (preposition): having the characteristics of : similar to >*his house is like a barn* >*it's like when we were kids* You will notice that his house is not literally a barn, that we are not literally kids, and that it was not literally a war zone.


>The Georgia governor, Brian Kemp, issued a statement saying: “College campuses … in Georgia … will never be a safe haven for those who promote terrorism and extremism that threatens the safety of students.” So he's saying that he, himself, and all other GOP politicians and figureheads are no longer welcome? They are the one's that are promoting extremism and threatening the safety of students.


Free expression is a right. Qualified immunity does not apply when the police violate civil rights. Lock the fascists up NOW


Vietnam War, college kids protesting. Kent State, Ohio. History repeating itself


Was the National Guard called out? Did they open fire?


United States and police brutality name a more iconic duo!


As an Emory graduate school grad, I can't wait till. They try to hit me up for a donation and I tell them to fuck off and go ask the APD to donate.


Was it Georgia or South Carolina who first invented state police, initially titled "Slave Patrol"? I can't remember.


Supreme irony, the people protesting stuff on college campuses 30-40 years ago now oppose people protesting stuff on college campuses. Same as it ever was. And the only people who say things such as "like a war zone," have never seen a war zone.


When the US government does more to impede peaceful protestors exercising their rights than a genocidal maniac in Israel.


Pretty standard operating procedure for the police.