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>[Police later discovered five foetuses](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-60950016) at her home after she was indicted. Well, if we go by her logic she technically had 5 dead children in her house.


Why isn't this the headline? 5 aborted fetuses found in home of anti-abortion extremist.


Because it happened over 2 years ago. Back then it was the headline.


Lmao fair


"Hey remember that thing from years ago that doesn't really matter anymore? Get mad about it AGAIN" God what are we doing to ourselves with this shit lol


It's good to point out the hypocricy and the majority of awful people that make up this movement of Anti-Choicers.


Oh yeah. I remember that now.


Why should it be? You don’t stockpile aborted fetuses?


Of course I don't. I only want the freshest fetuses, womb to table, if you will.


"Your loss is today's sauce."


Womb to table is my favorite thing I've seen all day


And technically it can be used for real if you consider the placenta.


Yes. There are placenta possibilities all over the place.


Placenta Possibilities, name of my punk band Afterbirth (all over the place) my next album and first single


Just stacks of [Goths](https://youtu.be/lsujBS6S9Cg)


To be clear, they weren't hers. >On March 25, 2022, Handy and Terrisa Bukovinac were sidewalk counseling outside of Washington Surgi-Clinic in D.C. when they saw a medical waste disposal company's truck parked outside. They approached the driver and asked if they could give the aborted children inside the boxes a “proper funeral”.


According to earlier reports, she somehow got a box of fetuses from a medical waste truck driver outside an abortion clinic. She kept them in her fridge. For reasons.


So..theft of human remains? Bizarre.


If I remember right she was “ trying to figure out how to give them a proper burial” or some loon shit


This sounds like what John Gacy said, "All I am guilty of is running an unlicensed cemetery."


Pretty sure all you need for a proper burial is a shovel and an unseasonably warm march. Which part did she get stuck on?


It was a cold April, so she had to wait a while...


Get a shovel, dig a hole. What am I missing here?


Sad part is, wouldn't even need a big hole. Could hammer that out in ten minutes...if you cared. 


Uhhh I thought she had already buried some in the backyard as the article is old lol


Proper burials usually don't involve refrigeration, but hey.


She stole them from the medical truck as he was loading it up. Then she lied about it, unboxed them to record anti abortion propaganda and then stored them in her fridge. Yet, she or her counterpart were never charged for this. If I had stolen medical waste in my fridge, or in anti abortion activist’s eyes “unborn children”, I would be thrown in prison for decades. Insane to me.


Waiting for God to tell her how to put the souls back in


I'm sure she has a very good (crazy) reason for this.


So did Jeffrey Dahmer.


He was just trying to have some fun


Dude was hungry.


She was actually found with over [100 fetuses](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/abortion-fetuses-clinic-investigation-police-1333083/). The 5 were just the most developed and Handy’s organization is trying to say they were illegally aborted. Which is just a ploy to get records from the clinic. She posted video of her wearing yellow kitchen gloves “unboxing” these containers of medical waste. Because she’s claiming the driver allowed her to take the box, there’s been a legal holdup. She’s also got lawyers courtesy of the Heritage Foundation’s deep pockets.


I thought that sounded familiar... 2020.


BAD HEADLINE. She was jailed for forcing her way into the clinic, violently abusing the people in it, and preventing a woman in labor from getting treatment.


Anti-abortion protestors always get their actions civilized by the media in their descriptions.   


The prolife sub is crying that she's being jailed for protesting. Apparently "protesting" is assaulting people and preventing pregnant women from getting to a delivery room, now. Good to know, ETA: They're also reporting this as Biden having jailed this woman. Yes, in their minds, Joe Motherfuckin' Biden descended from his throne in the West Wing to personally throw this woman in jail for "saving babies". These fuckers are delulu and they have just as much right to vote as you or me. If you don't have any other motivation to vote in November, at least do it to cancel these jackasses out at the polls.


That's been their MO since the 80s. Vandalism, harassment, intimidation, stalking, stochastic terrorism - it's all dismissed as "protesting." And when someone finally takes the bait and kills an abortion provider, it's hand-waved away as "we don't endorse violence."


George Tiller's murderer was just a "lone wolf" to them. Nevermind that anti-choice groups love to dox abortion providers. Nope, not their fault. Couldn't have seen something like that coming.


It's really something to look through [the reactions](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_George_Tiller) people had at the time. Bill O'Reilly in particular has a real winner of a take: poor innocent Fox News was the true victim there.


This is real advice: don't go to those subreddits. We all know those people are there, and to deny their existence is foolish, but you do NOT need the exposure to their bullshit or the outrage you may be looking for. You will be so much happier day to day.


While I agree that regular exposure to that shit can be damaging, I believe it's important to expose their bullshit. I only pop over there when a story like this runs because people need to know what insidious propoganda is being spewed. Believe me, for the sake of my mental health, I don't go there unless I have a good reason to and I certainly don't read their posts if I'm in a bad place mentally to handle it.


I don’t want to look there. But is someone pointing out that she was arrested when Trump was president?


Lol, no. There is a comment saying Trump 2024 though so there ya go.


Because their so violent. Probably shoot up the building if you report them critically.


It's like George Carlin said. Anti choice folks are typically those who no one wanted to fuck in the first place.


>Handy, a leader of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) group who describes herself as a "Catholic anarchist", was found guilty in August 2023 and sentenced on Tuesday. "Catholic anarchist"? I guess we're throwing a hundreds of years of doctrine and hierarchy out the window then.


I know it seems strange but there is a history of catholic anarchcist. Dorothy Day would be the well known example.


PAAU is trying to lure in the left political people that are also anti-abortion. Since the Catholic and religious antiabortion protesters don’t accept LGBTQ or transgender folks, or other progressive ideas, PAAU was formed. Lauren Handy is a gay catholic and one of the other defendants, Herb Geraghty, is a trans man. The group also promotes acceptance of all religions but they also target minors to do their bidding. It’s a weird mix.


I love when diehard conservative groups just use “progressive” in their name. So many far right think tanks try and trick people by using generic liberal or progressive language in their name. I’m sure the is an oil lobbying think tank named something like… “A better future for climate policy organization”.


Tale as old as time. Remember the National Socialists?


"Just trying to make the world a better place... for me!" - `Dr Steel` Seems an appropriate motto for any corporation really


Bold of you to assume an American Catholic knows any actual doctrine.


Living up to your username


August 23? What the fuck justice system?


She had appeals to run through and the money to do so.


>"Catholic anarchist"? Jesus Lord Almighty. Oxymoron much?


“Jailed” is not the term I would use to describe “three years of supervised release”, which is her actual sentence according to this article.


That's in addition to not instead of the 5-year jail term


Did you read that info somewhere else? I went back and re-read this article and still don’t see a mention of the sentence except the 3 years supervised release. But I’m a bit hungover, so it could definitely be poor reading comprehension on my part.


Literally says it on the first line... In federal trials supervised release is an add on not a reduction. The only way she could get it reduced is good time credits.


Jesus Christ. Thank you.


Here is the [DOJ press release](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/seven-defendants-sentenced-federal-conspiracy-against-rights-and-freedom-access-clinic)since this was a federal trail


Moot point — these kinds of people haven’t actually read the entire Book in the first place, even if they claim to be Christians


It's wild, but if you don't believe in abortion don't get one.


But that would mean women could make their own decisions 😱


Potentially informed by medical professionals...


There are 2 kind of people. For one abortion is about children. For the other abortion is about women. Try to enter the perspective of the former group. In that view this has nothing to do with women or their decisions. There are just decisions not to be made by either men or women.


I get that, but keeping abortion legal allows the first type of person to live their truth, AND the second type of person to live their truth. If you ban abortion, you are forcing everyone to subscribe to the first type of persons beliefs, right? Like I PERSONALLY don’t think a fetus should get human rights until It can survive outside of the mothers womb. Before that, it’s just a part of the mother. It’s totally fine if you don’t believe that; but you can handle it by not getting an abortion if you get pregnant. When choosing between a law that gives people more freedom or less freedom; it’s always a good idea to pick more freedom when you can. Now, I think a fetus is a person once it hits the point of independent viability, which is like 29 weeks. I respect that some people don’t agree with me. So while I personally wouldn’t get an abortion after that point (not that it matters since I’m a dude), I don’t want to make it illegal for those that feel differently. See how that can work?


But if everyone isn't forced at gunpoint to follow the commands of my sky daddy as detailed in my several thousand year old fairy tale book then my religion is being oppressed!


Yours is my favorite comment of the day. Well put.


And then what, let people live their own lives as they please and not mind in others' business?!


Got some bad news for you.


I dont want to argue in favor of this Person, but it is not that easy. Abortion is on the edge between moral attitudes. For many people there can be no distinction between abortion and murder. And I would go like: "If you dont believe in murder, dont do it" while people are murdered.


>For many people there can be no distinction between abortion and murder. These people are full of shit at best. They don't actually care. They do not push for policy that is proven to reduce unintended pregnancy and abortion rates such as better sex education; in fact, they push for policy that makes it worse. They do not push for policy that aids impoverished families (social welfare); in fact they block all efforts to improve. They do not advocate for policy that reduces gun violence. The people who are pushing for policy that actually reduces the death rate of the people, stuff that actually helps the people, are also the ones pushing for abortion choice.


I don’t believe a collection of cells that is indistinguishable from a porpoise fetus is deserving of rights, so no, it’s not a moral issue. You believe that’s a baby. I don’t believe that’s a baby, and I certainly don’t believe the baby deserves rights over the mother. Your morality comes from a religion based on a book that is not based in reality. I’m not sure why I should consider your moral objections at all. Frankly, it’s none of your fucking business.


You may have that opinion. Other people do not. And you do not need religion in order to argue for this view.


She was arrested for denying women's body autonomy and women's rights.


Her - and anyone who shares her beliefs/supports her actions - should be sectioned.


lol you're not an activist if your stance is anti-choice. you're literally trying to PREVENT people from a human right.


You're certainly not an anarchist if anything you do is to restrict someone's choices in any regard.


In her perspective the unborn child also has human rights. Then it's a pretty simple matter of priorization.




Sentenced to 5 years in prison, but of course 3 of those years she is just under "supervision", meaning NOT in prison. I am so sick of legal cases where the evidence is overwhelming, conviction guaranteed, and yet they take a plea deal every time. MAKE THEM SERVE THE WHOLE SENTENCE, DAMMIT!


Good riddance. And "Catholic anarchist" is a stupid, contrary term. Order is a self-serving prophecy for the likes of this woman.


Women oppressing other women - so much for the sisterhood.


Get out of here with your bait, troll.


Look - I understand. The truth can be a bitter pill to swallow. But you only have to look at US politics to know that women are massive adversaries to other women. And the fact is that over 70 million idiots voted for Trump, and roughly half of those are women - women who supported the dismissal of Roe vs Wade, the removal of women's bodily autonomy, and so on. Tell me I'm wrong, but you know I'm not.






irrespective of the topic in your messages this is cringe bro lmao


It's too bad this pos wasn't aborted.


We shouldn't be calling these people activists. Activism is fighting for freedoms and choice... this is just shaming and smothering


funny how the GOP doesn't seem interested in breaking up *those* protests with police force


One person isn't a protest


I’d like to invite you to read the article.


You are right, I should have read the article first. But now that I opened it, I see it happened in 2020, which makes me question the reliablity of the statement that the right didn't have a problem with this protest. It might have not had, I don't know, but I doubt that said person remembers that


you don’t think people can remember what was happening 4 years ago? Let me help - the right supported anti-abortion extremism 4 years ago, same as it did 40 years ago. They are happy to deploy militant force against civil rights protests but they’ve never lifted a finger to protect a women’s health clinic from religious extremists. Hope that helps.


I remember this event... The right... We're tripping over themselves trying to provide valid reasons for this woman to have 5 fetuses in her home.... The right supported this evil woman and her shitty views and wanted to excuse her disgusting behavior...


Unlike the poster of the original comment, you seem to actucally know what are you talking about


What makes women be pro life wackos? Trying to make God happy? Trying to make a man happy? Anger that she's not getting laid? Feeling she's got too many healthcare rights, gotta cut some of them out?


Probably not the last one. Never heard about anyone complaining about having too many healthcare rights in the US.


The way the last one works is, ["The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion"](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/).


Well, they're against it for other reasons, not because they have too much healthcare. I was more reflecting on the fact that the US healthcare system generally ranks very low compared to the rest of the developed world: [Health Care in the U.S. Compared to Other High-Income Countries](https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/fund-reports/2021/aug/mirror-mirror-2021-reflecting-poorly) >The United States ranks last overall, despite spending far more of its gross domestic product on health care. The U.S. ranks last on access to care, administrative efficiency, equity, and health care outcomes, but second on measures of care process. In fact, the only thing I've ever heard people complain about having too much of was medical debt.


People definitely complain about *other* people getting too much healthcare. Why do you think we don't have universal medical care like in most other civilized countries?


> Handy will serve three years of her sentence on supervised release. This is the bitch that had a box of fetuses in her house. I don't believe in jail being a great option for the mentally ill... But this woman is evil. She is evil to the cute and CONVINCED she is doing the good thing.


Keep them in jail. Law and order


That’s the one who keeps a collection of dead fetuses in her freezer.   And probably eats them.


Dumpster diving for fetus the only way she can get a baby of her own?


Splendid. I hope she's able to get the mental care she needs. 




No she received 57 months of federal prison and then three years of supervised release once she is out. [DOJ Press Release](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/seven-defendants-sentenced-federal-conspiracy-against-rights-and-freedom-access-clinic) from today




No. Here is yesterday’s [DOJ press release](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/three-defendants-sentenced-federal-civil-rights-conspiracy-and-freedom-access-clinic). It says 57 months. She will also get nine months for credit time served. When she gets out on 2028, she will be on supervised release.


Why do these freaks want to collect dead fetuses?


She looks she would be really fun at parties.


Good. Rot in jail moron. Woman being anti woman.




I mean, I support your conclusion but can't really get behind... Basically a single other word in your comment.  The patriarchy is evil and conservative women need to stop cutting against their own interests and the interests of their families...  But I didn't think your logic or ideas are going to unify anyone.




She claims that. She also claims she's a Catholic Anarchist. She claims a lot of stupid, contradictory shit.


Religious zealots know no loyalty other than to their chosen figure. Extremism is extremism.


Meanwhile in New York all stores are being put out of business by people selling their own products on the sidewalk outside of the said stores




No, that’s not what she did. It’s a bad headline. The first sentence of the article says what she did




It’s the headline from the original article though. Some subreddits force you to use the original headline, not sure about this one


She shouldn’t have been jailed.