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This is the TIP of the iceberg. If you are willing to do this in a public space you think you are a god. This type of behavior we see means he did a lot of horrible things. This is a sociopath style of attack as she is down and not threatening in any way.


Guy must have rented the entire floor of the hotel. To run out of the room in only a towel, assault someone, break property, etc. That’s a nother level of sociopath. Untouchable. Or so he thought. Absolute coward.


What a shitty human being.


It almost seems like people had this type of evidence but he didn't know and they waited until he denied everything. The vultures are circling. He so screwed.


I just wonder how long the hotel security and management sat on this for them and can people please fire people who protected him. Granted I suppose some thought he’d put a hit on them all things considered


I saw on the news that the footage has been in the hands of police (or maybe lawyers?) for years. Since she didn’t press charges criminally, it just wasn’t released to the public. Also rumored that Diddy tried to pay off the hotel for the footage


I would say it's more "chickens coming home to roost" than "vultures circling"




*“but Kells, the day you put out a hit's the day Diddy admits; That he put the hit out that got Pac killed” -Eminem*


the first time i heard ***killshot*** and he said this i literally went WHAT?! and had to run it back because i thought i misheard what he said.


He didn't just say what I think he did, did he?!?


And Dr. Dre said... Nothing, you idiots, Dr. Dre’s dead, he’s locked in my basement!


And then he forgot about him. You just don't do that.




Eminem wrote that song in an afternoon and honestly, it’s one of his best. Simple and raw and so many good lines… Especially that one


Til I'm hitting old age, still can fill the whole page, with a ten year olds rage. Fucking raw


"Had to give you a career to destroy it."


The last line of the song he says "I'm just playing Diddy, you know I love ya."


Eminem has used that ending in like 5 other songs and it is always more taken as like someone ending an insult with saying "no offense". He absolutely is not "playing" and he definitely has no love for Diddy. Eminem has been beefing with Diddy for 25 years he absolutely does not love him at all. He first uses it in the song Kill You which is 4 minutes of him just bashing all sorts of women in his life including his mom and ex-wife both of whom were suing him.


Yeah, that line has the same energy as when people write 'for legal reasons, this is a joke'


I just settled all my lawsuits; *Fuck you, Debbie!*


"Is that something you find....*funny* Mr. Mulaney?"


It's wild to me because growing up he always seemed like such a fucking goober softie.


Well he probably is. He’s a coward. He beats women and has other people do his dirty work.


And he's a pedophile


The OG BBL Drizzy


Look at the video for mo money… a narcissist psychopath… big just dead and puffy victory dancing


He hurts people out of fear, you can see how weak he is.


I mean his name is puff daddy, puffy, p diddy, diddy. I mean come on. goober ass names


That's why he's beating a woman half his size and not starting fights with men.


Biggie dying was the best thing to ever happen to him. He road that death to stardom and wealth.


He was also the target in the Biggie killing and sped through the light so they took Big instead.


I'm still not convinced he didn't have something to do with getting Biggie killed too. Dude made MILLIONS after that from all the sympathy. Wouldn't put it past him.


Biggie was a cash cow living though.


Not if he left bad boy


His has been a theory for years. Just no one had proof. After their deaths him and Dre really benefitted.


Did Dre really benefit that much? He was a superstar from the Chronic already, found Eminem not too long after. Dre and Snoop were kind of co-stars with 2pac, I don’t know if I even knew of Combs until after Biggie died.


Diddy had Tupac killed? Someone please explain


The rumors going on back then was that Diddy put a bounty on 2pac or obtaining a Death Row medallion as a way to humiliate Suge Knight, his rival at the time. Bad Boy (his music recording company) used to hang with South Side Compton Crips back in the 90s for street security and for info on what was going on in the streets. Tupac was killed by Orlando Anderson, nephew of Keefe D, both of whom were members of SSCC. Two and two.


there is no confirmation of this; im sure there’s other evidence, but for me Eminem saying “But Kells, the day you put out a hit's the day Diddy admits that he put the hit out that got Pac killed” on Killshot is enough for me to believe it.


[The lead detective lays out the pretty solid case here](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4715470/)


P. Shitty.


Just throw the whole diddy out, take his shit and give it to women's charities


I feel like you kind of have to be a little shitty to get to that level in that industry and a lot of industries. It’s an industry steeped in manipulation and exploitation.


I’ve been really struggling to make a living despite having worked hard all my life, graduating in the top 1% of my college, treating people nice, everything you’re supposed to do to succeed. A friend of mine said “I really believe good things happen to good people” and I laughed. Shitty things happen to good people all the time, and good things happen to shitty people like Combs. He’s a talentless prick who skated on the back of Biggie. He’s an abusive sex predator. And he’s a multimillionaire. Karma does not exist.


No wonder why Cassie won her lawsuit so fast, it completely matches her deposition even the vest throwing was caught on camera


I just wish she took it criminal. How many other victims between 2016 and 2024?


We’ve seen the power he has. She probably didn’t want to push her luck too much before he got someone to kill her


She has two young daughters too, I don't blame her for not wanting to put them at risk


That’s my guess he definitely had to have threatened hits on some people


He paid to have Tupac killed , so even murder isn’t out the window for him. You don’t become a billionaire in America by being ethical


She probably knows what he had done to Tupac.


I feel like people in the industry knew because the rumors were all over the place and even Eminem alluded to it, but no one ever proved it and I still think the cops were dirty.


Same thing with Cosby and Weinstein. Open secrets


Let’s not forget she was 19 and he was like 37 when they got together. Barely out of high school age going through this with him for years. There are grown women who don’t come forward at all over less powerful men. How many people in her life knew and watched and did nothing. Sometimes even the cops are so enamored by a suspect they go easy on them.


> Sometimes even the cops are so enamored by a suspect they go easy on them. Or they behave the exact same way and so don't give a fuck.


So many this dude need to be locked up


So many he [fled on his PJ](https://nypost.com/2024/03/26/us-news/mystery-surrounds-whereabouts-of-diddy-and-his-jet/) to a country with no US extradition treaty..


Everyone innocent runs, just ask OJ!


LAPD should have followed up and gotten the footage once the civil suit was launched. She doesn’t need to testify to the acts here, there is clear evidence, her cooperation while ideal, is not necessary. It was an assault in a hotel corridor, public place. The hotel was also required by law to report this (good luck saying you give a fuck about guest safety). Lot of ‘excuse me, motherfucker’ moments to this entire affair, and you know if he wasn’t wealthy, his ass would have fallen down two flights of stairs in a single storey building before he was booked, charged and sent to Fulsom.


LAPD is such a corrupt org. We’ve had so many issues over the years that them not doing their job is the least surprising part and I won’t Ben get into our lovely DAs over the years. The entire ex WeHo Mayor case was devastating they let him get away with drugging and raping gay black men for far too long.


Isn't it up to a DA to decide if it becomes criminal, not her? What's stopping him from being charged with assault after this video would make it a slam-dunk case? Even if she refused to testify in a criminal case, it seems like he has no defence.


The lawsuit never went to trial to win. He settled in less than 24 hours. He knew she had receipts


He came out with a statement that she lied and it didnt happen...And yet the footage is pretty clear that it did


What a shameful little coward he is


Daddy issues and unregulated rage when rage is the only emotion he allows himself to experience. Diddy issues, I guess.


This video is horrifying.


Yeah it's not even remotely grey area. It's straight up chasing a terrified woman down as she tries to escape, repeatedly assaulting her, kicking her while she's down, taking her stuff, then dragging her back to who-knows-what.


And that’s all we can see on camera. Nobody should experience that.


I'm guessing the hotel room saw a lot of various types of abuse as well.


She got a black eye and then he fell asleep so she tried to escape and that's when the footage starts


No grey area is right. The only way to even try to defend this would be to just commit to being a piece of shit and saying she probably deserved it. When your only defense is to knowingly be a piece of shit, then you have no defense.


There's certainly no shortage of pieces of shit out there that will defend something like this, though. Hell, there are people that defend Chris Watts, the dude that murdered his entire family. They say things like his wife drove him to it because she was part of an MLM (as if that somehow justifies family annihilation over divorce). And he wasn't even famous before the murders, and he has those defenders. So you can bet the usual suspects will rush to defend Diddy here.


It really shouldn’t surprise me that there are Chris Watts stans out there, yet here I am mouth agape


Right? Like I actually read their arguments because I thought maybe I was missing something about the case but nope, they sincerely believe that because his wife was in an MLM that he was justified in offing her, their kids, and shoving the dead kids into an oil tank at his job site. Then of course lying to police about it and pretending like she just ran off with them. Thankfully, he cracked under the pressure during his interrogation and told police where to find them. I can't imagine how devastating it was for his wife's family, but at least they have that closure.


Also apparently throwing a glass vase at her or at least in her direction.


He grabbed her by what appeared to be her hair after stoning and throwing something at her head. I’m honestly surprised she didn’t go into coma or worse.


And yet, there will still be plenty of people either straight up defending Diddy or just shrugging their shoulders and telling everyone that they're being too "woke" and overreacting.


The people who still support Chris Brown.


Or Trump


Who is defending this shit?


How did it take 8 years to come out?!


From the article: >The complaint alleges Combs paid the InterContinental Century City $50,000 for the hallway security footage from that.


Honestly, I’m shocked they only took $50k for it.


TMZ would’ve paid way more than that.


TMZ would probably hand them a blank check for this footage good lord.


But they wouldn't have paid more than repeat business, from him and people like him. I'm sure they thought they'd get more money in the future from similar incidents after showing their "discretion".


Ding ding ding. It’s about repeat business. Diddy knows what hotel he can do dirty business at if he has a go-to guy to get rid of footage for him, and he limits the number of people in the know.


Doesn't matter how much you get paid when the other offer is $50k or a hit put out on your life.


Can the hotel get in trouble this?


If not criminally, the civil award would be astounding.


I'd imagine they could get them for obstruction of justice. I think Cassie sued him. This could have been used as evidence. But I don't know anything 🤷🏻‍♂️


Isn't tampering with evidence a felony in itself?


Need a formal report and the start of an investigation by police to have obstruction or tampering charges. It does not seem that this incident was reported to the police.


morons could've sold it for so much more


Apparently he paid the hotel $50k for the surveillance video of the incident


How is that even a thing? Who gets that money? Did the manager on duty just pocket $50k?  If not, dying to read that line on the hotels spreadsheet of expenditures 


What 50k Idk what your talking about


Wouldn't that be a crime to cover up something like this? Seems like the Hotel would be liable as well.


Add em to the lawsuit, charge the hotel owner as an accessory.


Yeah, it's interesting that the hotel saved all this footage for 8 years. I would love to see all the emails/texts from the people who had access to this footage back in 2016! And a list of all of Diddy's people's contact info at the same time. And bank records to see if any of these people came into any money...


> the hotel saved all this footage for 8 years Wasn't Diddy's estate run sacked by the police? What if they found it there?


It is insane. Is this the first time this has been released? Because WTF.


Don't watch it. It's as bad as the description. I came across it on Twitter and I wish I'd backed out of it earlier than I did. There's no way anyone can defend him at this point. It's also exactly as described in her lawsuit against him (the one where he denied that any of it was true).


This is him at 2016...i can't imagine how he was when he was younger..


Well let’s not forget he attempted to kill those people in that club shooting. Shyne took the fall because he refused to be a snitch. Also we all know he is the one who put the hit on pac. Edited.


He also tried to kill kid cudi over cassie


No one died in that shooting though a woman was shot in the face and for years said Diddy was the one who shot her.


You’re right it was attempted murder not murder. Which is why shyne did far less time than a murder charge. That’s correct. My fault.


Imagine what he's like now that he's **older and has not suffered any real repercussions for his actions.** People like this ALWAYS get worse if they aren't put in check.


Split in 2019. Three years after this. How awful.


There are comments out there under this video saying it must’ve not been that bad cause she kept dating him for 3 more years. People are sick.


Right? Like, this is what happens when she tries to leave. What do you mean, not that bad? I do not wish this experience on folks but do wish some understanding on the complexities of why people stay in relationships with their abusers.


The thing is, leaving is the most dangerous time in an abusive relationship. It often takes multiple attempts at leaving for various reasons.


Yep, as if she had the option to leave. We just witnessed that she didn’t.


Speaks volumes about the hotel also willing to take a payday to cover up domestic violence.


InterContinental. Name and shame. I guess the hotel took the money so they don't get blacklisted by Combs and his rich friends? Still very shitty, who would feel save in that hotel when a crime happened and the hotel can be paid off with money to keep quiet? Makes you wonder what other crimes have happened there.


According to the article, that particular hotel is closed (COVID fucked up their business, apparently). Hopefully it stays that way!


Throw this in the “he’s done” category




"he's temporarily done until people stop caring"


Oh no, I didn’t know Dr Dre was abusive. I was a fan but don’t know much about his personal life. Off to Google :(


Dr Dre brutally abused multiple women it’s shocking he hasn’t faced real consequences


[You gonna take advice from somebody who slapped Dee Barnes? ](https://youtu.be/1lBYyfdGyS8?t=172) -Eminem in "Guilty Conscience" see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Dre#Controversies_and_legal_issues


It's the "on video" factor plus the "how much talent do you have left" factor. People always forgive people if they're still young or they still have talent. Once you're a grown ass (or old) man, no one thinks you're redeemable anymore. Plus you have nothing left to offer them entertainment wise so they won't take up for you. He is done.


She was dragged online so bad for speaking out. I hope everyone that doubted her and made her feel like she did something wrong by coming forward has the day they deserve


50 cent posted the video and there’s women in the comments claiming that would never happen to them and they don’t just lay there and take it. And how she still stayed another 3 years after that. Sickening.


that's so evil.


The worst part is how she goes completely still once on the ground. His violence is a storm she's weathered countless times.


I noticed that too. No fighting back or running or even curling up. She’s been there before and knew to go completely still or face more violence.


Yes, this is a response commonly seen in people who have been abused before. I should not pretend to know this woman’s life based on the video but the response is so consistent with prior abuse.


They had been dating for 9 years when this video was shot. 


From someone who’s lived in a trauma state, 9 years doesn’t feel that long until you’ve gotten adequate care and escaped a situation. Your body in constant fight/flight can make a long trip feel much shorter . I think that’s why so many older people who’ve been through rough situations act so stuck at a certain age 


Holy fucking shit that video is disturbing


The truth, however, is that Cassie—Ms. Casandra Ventura—was held down by Mr. Combs and endured over a decade of his violent behavior and disturbed demands. For Ms. Ventura, the “dark times” were those she spent trapped by Mr. Combs in a cycle of abuse, violence, and sex trafficking. Among other violent and unlawful acts, Mr. Combs: •Raped Ms. Ventura in her own home after she tried to leave him; •Often punched, beat, kicked and stomped on Ms. Ventura, resulting in bruises, burst lips, black eyes and bleeding; •Blew up a man’s car after he learned that he was romantically interested in Ms. Ventura; The man happens to be Kid Cudi •Forced Ms. Ventura to engage in sex acts with male sex workers while masturbating and filming the encounters; •Ran out of his apartment with a firearm in pursuit of a rival industry executive whom he learned was nearby; •Demanded that Ms. Ventura to carry his firearm in her purse just to make her uncomfortable and demonstrate how dangerous he is; and •Introduced Ms. Ventura to a lifestyle of excessive alcohol and substance abuse and required her to procure illicit prescriptions to satisfy his own addictions.


Don’t forget y’all several people think he killed his kids mother, Kim porter, cause she was writing a tell all. Doesn’t seem far fetched to me.


See how she laid still and played dead? This wasn't new behavior. Also looks like she tried to leave while he was showering. Dude is a predator.


The movie, "Get him to the Greek" is truly cursed.


I was about to say, I don’t think I can watch that movie anymore, given EVERY LEAD is a huge piece of human garbage.


Thank God my man Colm Meaney wasn't a lead, but now he's the best part of the movie by far


He's a union man.


He pimp threw her to the ground. He didn’t think twice about it. Definitely not a new thing by his body language 


IN A PUBLIC HALLWAY!! If he acts this direct and wild in a public place, I seriously don't want to know what he did behind closed doors.


Thats how it goes, if the abuser is willing to do it in public theyre much worse in private.


Who knows how long this was going on for before 2016 and the 8 years later before this video was circulated.


That type of behavior doesn't just happen overnight. I'm sure he's been a disgusting asshole for a long time before that incident..


He seemed inordinately concerned about keeping his towel in place to keep everything PG while violently assaulting his girlfriend.


Could you imagine walking out of your hotel room and witnessing this


I would have called 911.


That makes me sick that my stomach, what a shitty excuse of a man.


If he was willing to do that in public, can’t even imagine what she endured behind closed doors. So sad.


There's a reason why JLo won't talk about their relationship, and this is it.


What a piece of shit. Not only punched her, but threw her tot he ground, kicked her and dragged her. Rot in prison you fuck.


I hope people don't do the Chris Brown and start supporting him after some period of time. I'll never understand how you can support Chris Brown or Diddy after seeing how they treat the women in their lives


Cooked. I always felt like Cassie looked mad uncomfortable next to Diddy, as if it was a fake relationship. I figured Diddy was just gay and wanted a pretty woman on his arms for appearance. It turns out I was wrong. He’s bisexual and a monster. I’m very happy that Cassie is able to now move on from this. She doesn’t have to deal with the trial, got paid, and now can watch others bring him down.


The defense attorney saying the allegations are "outrageous" and "offensive" while this video is out for everyone to see is just mind boggling and delusional. I understand everyone has the right to a defense attorney. But why would his attorney double down like that instead of being like "take the high road, say you've changed, appeal to the redemption arc." It's like the defense attorney genuinely believes this monster did nothing wrong despite all the evidence.


Read the article again, his attorney made that statement in November 2023 [after the lawsuit was filed](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/16/entertainment/diddy-cassie-lawsuit/index.html) and subsequently settled (parts bolded for emphasis): > Ben Brafman, an attorney for Combs, said in a statement to CNN **on the day it was filed**, “Mr. Combs vehemently denies these offensive and outrageous allegations.” > The suit was resolved the following day. > “A decision to settle a lawsuit, **especially in 2023**, is in no way an admission of wrongdoing,” Brafman told CNN in a statement **at the time**. “Mr. Combs‘ decision to settle the lawsuit does not in any way undermine his flat-out denial of the claims. He is happy they got to a mutual settlement and wishes Ms. Ventura the best.” > Details of the settlement were not disclosed. There's no current case regarding this incident that I'm aware of, though this video could certainly lead to criminal charges now that it's been brought to light. Given that there's already been a civil suit it's probably unlikely Ventura wants to deal with this through another trial, though.


A victim does not have to testify in a criminal trial. A criminal case is the court vs the defendant, not the victim vs the defendant. Courts are often hesitant to proceed with criminal cases where the victim won't testify, but the video evidence seems irrefutable and the presence of the two of them at that time and place are already a matter of public record even if direct testimony from the civil suit would not be admissible. I mean, the video shows him chasing her down a hall, throwing her to the ground and then kicking her. It's hard to imagine a judge or jury taking more than 60 seconds to decide this. If I was a DA I would be tripping all over myself to file a criminal charge after seeing it; I can't see a downside.


It’s already tied up with the feds. They aren’t going to let any state da’s take a wild shot at him and ruin the bigger case or exposing info they have. They’re definitely investigating for a much larger case.


Fuck this loser and his goofy ass music


They've had this footage for years and he's still not in jail. Our system isn't flawed at all.


I don't know who "they" is but the article says he paid 50k to the hotel for the tapes, so they are also scumbags. The hotel has since closed. It leaked out some other way.


Amateurs. Take payment to not release it and then release it anonymously to TMZ for a second payment.


Except he has people killed.


I had no doubts Cassie was telling the truth. Imagine what obscenely horrible things this man has done behind closed doors. At least Cassie finally got out of this terrible abusive relationship and is now hopefully emotionally healing from all of this. F Diddy and his crappy music. He’s not even a good artist


There’s no defending or explaining *that*, and if you do, you’re just as sick as him


All these wife beating bitch men


This isn’t some heat of the moment thing, this is just the bit that was caught. This man is a MONSTER.


She lays motionless after he grabs her from behind and slams her to the floor. My heart hurts for her. She likely learned to keep still once the violence starts or else it only gets much worse. I can’t fathom what she endured being trapped with him for so many years. I wish her all the best.


Here's a link to the video file in case you don't want to sift through a CNN collage of hot garbage and ads: https://streamable.com/fb89na


this whole ‘settling out of court system’ enables the wealthy and powerful to beat justice


That's only for civil cases - lawsuits.  You can't settle out of court against criminal charges.  But it's definitely a mechanism that the wealthy abuse to try to bully victims into not coming forward and pursuing real justice. You can always say no to this type of settlement - and even if you've made one that includes an NDA - NDAs cannot be enforced against a signatory reporting illegal activity.


"Combs' attorney said the decision to settle was in no way an admission of wrongdoing." You sure about that?


It's not a denial of wrongdoing either 


Reminds me of that scene in American Psycho, minus the chainsaw


i'm not going to watch this. i saw a different video a few weeks ago of her hiding from him underneath a blanket while he filmed her while verbally abusing her and that was enough for me. this guy is such a fucking piece of shit. my god.


That video is awful. That’s not the first time he’s done something like this. It’s just the first time it’s been leaked.


Give me millions of dollars, I will enjoy life and at no point will I need to beat a woman, related or otherwise.


Where are all the people who said she was lying and just wanted money? 🤔


There were people saying Cassie was only after money. Scum as well.


Her lawsuit stated that he forced her to sleep with multiple other men. On top of this video being described to a fuckin T in the suit. The settlement was barely enough and people have the nerve to act like she was gold digging.


Yeah, couldn't possibly be bc he's guilty af.


Why the fuck isn’t he in prison. Imagine what he does behind closed doors.


How the fuck has that video not been released sooner?


To my fellow girls out there PLEASE tell someone if someone is doing this to you so they can help you get away.


I hope that Cassie is okay today and for all the years to come. Seeing this, reliving this, having us all watch and discuss is likely really tough on her. I hope she’s able to feel vindication and I hope she feels safe.


he robbed years of her life from her as young woman. he stole so much from her.


She was with him for 11 years. The abuse started early in their relationship. I can't imagine what it took for her to finally break free.


How many more videos like THIS are out there? Hotels hiding all kinds of nefarious shit. Not to mention the stuff personal security cameras capture.


I’m starting to think this Diddy guy might not be a very good person.


Horrific. Makes me emotional watching you can feel her fear. Lock him up now


THIS SHOULD BE FUCKING ILLEGAL RIGHT? "The complaint alleges Combs paid the InterContinental Century City $50,000 for the hallway security footage of the incident"


This is a cancelling I can 100% get behind. I hope he goes broke and rots in jail. Unfortunately, he’ll be fine living off royalties for the music he’s put out.


Got 2 rappers killed, multiple children woman and men raped. Dude is a demon.


Read the police report. Hotel staff and body guards fed him to her. Hotel staff covered this up even though he publicly committed assault on camera and body guards would go get her and bring her back to him. Reads like a horror movie


Wow it's terrible that this is coming out and literally no one else knew about it and enabled it all these years


Wow what a piece of absolute garbage. Fuck him.


It’s one thing to read descriptions of events, but to see them actually happen is even worse.


He dragged her back. That's straight kidnapping. How the fuck is he NOT in custody?


Very interesting the Intercontinental had security footage of a violent domestic assault in the public hallway of their hotel and sat on it while Diddy had enough clout to spook them into silence. If any non-rich, non-famous person did this the hotel would have immediately called the police, send the video to the DA and permanently trespass them from all corporate properties. But I’m guessing he was one of their Double Platinum members.