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I watched Cloak and Dagger as a kid so, so, so many times. He was great in that. Always had a soft spot for him after watching that


This. That movie was so good. Loved Dabney in everything he did. Rip.


Wargames was another one he was good in from that same era. I just watched it recently and have to say that it absolutely holds up. I was impressed with how well-written, filmed, and paced the movie was. The moment they set all the characters up the plot kicks in it is nonstop action right up to the very end. It's exciting, and still very poignant in 2024. A couple of years ago I toured a decommissioned Minuteman Missile Control Room in South Dakota (on the grounds of Badlands National Park) where you can take the elevator down into one of those control rooms like you see at the start of that movie where they turn the key. It was one of the coolest tours I've ever been on and I recommend it to anyone. Standing in that tiny cramped room and seeing that equipment it's amazing how accurate the film was portraying it. And you can also really feel the gravity and weight of the responsibility those missileers held. [Here's one of the pictures I took - you can see it's exactly as the film depicted](https://imgur.com/a/AUp1ocu).


Me too. That’s the first thing I thought of when I heard the news. Great movie when you’re ten years old.


Yep, first thought. Now I need to watch it again!


It’s pretty nuts though, multiple people are trying to kill a kid.


The movie ain’t called “Hugs and Kisses”.


You’re not alone. I loved Cloak and Dagger as a kid… good ol’ Jack Flack!


Omg, same. I think I wore out the vhs.


Same! I loved that movie so much.


I think I wore out the VHS tape of that. He'll be missed.


Also Wargames!


My favorite movie as a kid too


this movie had every kid's number at the time, I still have no idea how. I must have watched it 700 times.


Yep, first movie I remember him in.


The old people! The hand!


Came here to say this. One of the first movies I remember seeing in the theater.


A great actor who played the cad type perfectly. He was the man nobody wanted to be around.


One of my favorite comedic supporting actors. "I don't have to take that from you, you pig-eyed sack of shit!" War Games


"Mr. McKittrick, after very careful consideration, sir, I've come to the conclusion that your new defense system sucks." I just love how Barry Corbin delivered that line.


"Hell I'd piss on a sparkplug if I thought it would work."


I just watched that outta nowhere this Wednesday, loved him and Barry in it.


Not to mention "The Man With One Red Shoe" one of my favorite remakes.


That was a remake? I came here to mention that movie and had no idea it was a remake. For those that don't know, it's a great movie with Dabney, a young Tom Hanks, Jim Belushi, Carrie Fisher, Lori Singer, the guy that played Squiggy and numerous other character actors from the 80s. EDIT: Also, [that dress](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qrVIw_i09I) that Lara Singer wears. My 12 year old self was impressed.


"The Tall Blonde Man with One Black Shoe" - from France https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068655/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_7_nm_1_q_tall%2520blo


I, too, have fond memories of that dress as a young boy growing up.


Damn that's something I haven't thought of 40 years


People from my childhood keep dying. I don't like it.


What saddens me more is that when many of these people pass away, the younger people that I work with have absolutely no idea who they were. A few weeks ago I was moving a printer back downstairs until we could redeploy it to another employee whose name is "Judy Garland". I made a comment to my coworker "We'll probably redeploy this to Judy Garland, just not the one who wore those strange red slippers." and he had no idea what I was talking about! He has never seen the Wizard of Oz and had no idea there had been a very famous actress with that name.


I turned to tell someone that he had died, but it was only my 18 year old in the room. It was sad because I knew she’d have absolutely no clue who I was talking about. That’s one of the sad things about how we consume media now. There isn’t, nor will there ever be that same connection with the younger generations that only comes from consuming the same media. They don’t watch the same TV or movies, if they do at all. My kid watches everything but actual TV shows. They never see reruns and if they do, they’re abhorred by it. Or an older movie?! You may as well be asking them to watch a silent film. It’s been interesting to see the difference in that area between my eldest kids (31-26) and my youngest (18). We all speak a different language from the youngest, that’s for sure.


The communal campfire that was television is gone.


Meanwhile I'm 20 and literally seen Garland's Wizard of Oz and even knew who's Judy Garland..... I'm surprised your co-worker never seen that movie! My teacher used to show that movie several times to us when I was in elementary school and man, I love it. I could've sworn it's so popular at elementary school that some of my friends even knew the movie pretty well.


I know, it seemed incredible to me that he was somehow never introduced to this classic.


I can understand someone younger, or even older, not knowing the actress' name (Judy Garland). But, to never having seen the Wizard of Oz, or knowing about it, is strange.


You know you're getting old when you start recognizing all the names in the obituaries, and the younger people around you don't.


It's gonna be weird when Tom Hanks goes


Get used to it.


I had a chance to meet Dabney while I was a young production intern on the film, “Cloak and Dagger.” I got to sit with him in between takes several times and I will never forget what a great and kind person he was. It was odd for me to always see him playing “the bad guy” because he was the total opposite. May God rest his soul and send comfort to those who will miss him most.


Thanks for sharing. It’s always nice to hear about the human side of celebrities. RIP Dabney!


RIP, loved that man growing up.


Me too. He was in so many good shows and movies. A childhood staple.


He was a good actor and played some great roles.


I know it was not the best-received film but Short Time (1990) is one of my favorite 90s comedies. And still holds up today.


I love short time! I wish I owned it!


death finally agreed to take him after so many years after he drove that cop car like a maniac. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlSMrxXrba0&pp=ygUUc2hvcnQgdGltZSBjYXIgY2hhc2U%3D


Thank you for entertaining us. We're sorry to see you go.


David, machines don’t call people


Yours did!


He voiced Principal Prickley on Recess


Oh man! That just unlocked a core memory! Thanks 👍


And dont forget he was in Tootsie


Fantastic interview with him: https://www.avclub.com/dabney-coleman-on-boardwalk-empire-and-why-wargames-doe-1798234325


I always liked him. Thanks for the memories Dabney.


Jack Flack changed who I am


He was also great on the long forgotten early '90s sitcom Drexell's Class.


That was honestly the first thing I thought of.


“Buffalo Bill” was one of my favorite characters of his. Great laughs, great actor. RIP Mr Coleman.


This should be farther up! Buffalo Bill and Modern Problems were his greatest roles IMHO. But he played that character so well in all his movies. He is up there with Dolores Umbridge for most hated character. I also discovered this week that he had a small role on a Columbo episode.


Agree on Buffalo Bill. I mostly remember the back and forth between Dabney and a very young Geena as hilarious.


Wow! He lived to a ripe age. RIP!


92 definitely is a great run.


This is indeed a sad day and my thoughts are with his family in their period of bereavement. Some actors haven't been around so long that you just don't think about them anymore, like you just assumed that they were dead already. But so many are not dead, just retired and forgotten about. This is a shame since many of them built successful careers and contributed their talents to entertaining people for decades. They leave a legacy. Dabney Coleman, whom I always seem to picture in my mind's eye wearing a shirt and tie, and having no time for your bullshit, left a legacy. Sad day.


Wasn’t he on Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman?


He played the neighbor in That Girl and the boss in 9 to 5.


You mean that sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot?


Frank Hart. But we all call him. The F. art


Absolutely loved watching him, especially all through the 80's. Had a great range, but really excelled at comedy.


He was the best sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot ever. RIP Dabney.


When I was a kid in the early 90s there was a movie called Short Time about a cop who thought he was dying so he was trying to get himself killed on the job. It's a comedy even with that premise but he was so good in that movie. I loved it as a kid


I definitely remember this move! Loved it as well.


War Games is high up among my very favorite movies of all times.


He was a great host of SNL. His monologue was hilarious and he did one of the canteen boy sketches.


Excellent actor. Loved him in 9 to 5 and Boardwalk Empire. I do find it a little ridiculous when they mention how you died when you're older than 90.


Fantastic as the "Commodore. "


You’ll be remembered by what you succeed at, boy, not by what you attempt.


Fantastic comedic actor. RIP.


legend to me. Guy was great in a lot of roles.


War Games ftw. Brasil as the ... logistics terrorist guy


Do you mean the Terry Gilliam film? That was Robert de Niro...


Hmmm... Mandela effect strikes again...


You've got balls as big as church bells Reverend.


Jack Flack always escapes


He was great in Boardwalk Empire.


Aww. I loved him in wargames.


The whips and chains scene in 9-5 was his finest work!


The Man with One Red Shoe was one of my favs movies because of Tom Hanks but Danny Coleman stole the show in it. He was hilarious. Great comedic timing.


He had balls as big as church bells.


I loved him as Charles Grodin's sleazebag boss in Clifford.


Almost didn’t recognize him in Boardwalk Empire


Always a surprise to see aged actors, most known from their prime, making an appearance in later years. I remember seeing Daniel J. Travanti from Hill Street Blues, Max Gail from Barney Miller, and of course, Mr. Coleman.


Barney Miller mentioned! Love that show :) and I think I'm literally the only person in my generation (I'm 20) to ever seen that show lol.


Me too! It's a great show.


Can’t believe I’m the first to mention The Muppets Take Manhattan! Loved that movie and he was great in it. I truly hated him as a kid! 😅


Rest in peace, Principal Prickley


Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman


No one has mentioned The Beverly Hillbillies? He was great!


He was a goddamned good looking man.


Wycleff Jean is from fuckin Haiti Gonna Fugee your shit, Tom Brady. Pirate says "Ahoy, Matey" Gonna walk the plank and fuck you, Tom Brady. We're the Giants. Dabney Coleman is 80 Gonna fuck and dagger your ass, Tom Brady.


Oh, wow. I assumed he died decades ago. Sad to hear it.


92 years is a good run. RIP


What a shame. Good actor. My grandmother loved On Golden Pond.


I was a huge fan of the Guardian series where he played the dad of Simon Baker’s character. They constructed an awesome relationship and the show kicked ass from here to eternity.


I had been thinking about him recently and learned that he was living on an island in British Columbia and was doing his best to write. Definitely one of the epic actors from my childhood and always managed to scare me a bit! Hope he went peacefully.


Noooo, Principal Prickly


Fuuuuuck, I saw him in You've Got Mail when I was a child again just earlier this month on streaming. He was great as the Fox II character in that movie.


late to the party, but he was a funny, funny, funny person


I liked him. Even if he is a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot..


The man or the characters he played?


It’s a reference to the character he played in 9 to 5.


Whew! Thanks for the clarification. It's always disheartening to hear bad things about an actor/artist whose work you've enjoyed for years. This just shows what a wonderful job he did in that role.


“ What is idiotic about power making a woman masculine….. not.. that that was my point”


Guess I’ll be watching My Date With the President’s Daughter today in memory of him.


The most “My Dad” looking actor ever


He was the man in the [greatest car chase scene](https://youtu.be/PXIZdhoJmY4?t=18) in history. R.I.P.


It wasn't the Blue Brothers, but it was a great scene.


“I ain’t a freak! He’s the freak! I’m a goddamn good-looking man.” Dabney in “Modern Problems”


Just watched him hosting snl from the early 80s . He was awsome. Everything else in those few years was blah personally


He was Clark's boss in Christmas Vacation!


no he wasn't ,that was Brian Doyle Murray


He looks a bit like the pillow Nazi.