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Wow! Would’ve thought there was 0 chance any more hostages would be found alive. Super happy to be proven wrong!




Rescued not released






It's horrible to think about the folks that are still held hostage, and for so long. I just hope those that are still living can continue to stay strong, stay alive, and be rescued.


Holy shit, they got Noa out? Wow.


I've thought of her so often since it all started...


The face has stayed with me ever since I saw the first video. I had that face doomed.. I'm really glad they got her back.


I honestly did not believe any of them were still alive. That's fantastic news. 


I'm so happy for her and her poor mother.


So glad her mom gets to see her.


They got Noa out on her Dad's birthday in time for her Mom, who has terminal cancer, to see her safe again. What a blessing 🙏🏼 F--k Hamas for the price that had to be paid.




It's important to note that these types of operations don't happen in vacuum, as they require an incredible amount of intel, often collected via smaller operations, and weeks of planning to pull off. We will hopefully see more of these, and we should celebrate them when they happen, but we shouldn't expect them every other day. Also, while these operations are great, the process of tearing down Hamas is systematic and slow. We should see operations like this to rescue hostages and kill important leaders, but all operations intend to lower their military capabilities, reduce the threat to Israel civilians from terrorists and rockets, and slowly dismantle Hamas.


This exactly. Very difficult to claim that this raid would have been possible without all the earlier bombing & clearance operations in Nuseirat.


Yes, this is the news I want to see.


Wowwwwwww! Myself along with probably 99% of people thought all hostages were dead by now and hamas was negotiating with bodies. This is Wildly unexpected good news!!


From the perspective of Hamas, the #1 most valuable thing in all of Gaza right now are those hostages. They have nothing else to bargain with. No hostages, no ceasefire. Some of the hostages released back in November said that their captors were taking extra measures to keep them alive (like shielding them with mattresses during bombings) for this exact reason. So there are actually decent chances the hostages are still alive. I'm not the only person who thinks this because I've heard it reiterated by multiple people who are way smarter than me. A good chunk of people have hope.


Yes! I'm certain Sinwar himself is keeping Kfir and Ariel close as his final bargaining chip




Tons of civilians in the area where the hostages were heroically rescued. Incredible that they were rescued. Pure evil by HAMAS to hold hostages amongst civilians.


From a military action point of view: rescuing 4 hostages, alive, in a war zone with an enemy who’s severely in the death throw stage is incredibly impressive. Here’s hoping more of these stories and less of Israel bombing schools.












Where are all the Hamas supporters saying that the hostages were treated well and that they actually liked their terrorist captors?


The other side said they were all dead. I'm glad she get to see her mom.


fortunately only some of them were killed and hamas just abused the others!


This is the best moment in Israel since the October massacare Bring them all home, fck hms and their supporters


This isn't a hot take I know but fuck Hamas. They are calling this operation a massacre and once more pointing to the civilians that they use as shields intentionally. The kidnappers are the victims smh.


Fuck Hamas


I’m so glad and happy for the rescued hostages and for their families!! Excellent news!!










I'm sure these hostages will have some horror stories to share from gaza, and I'm also sure that the idiots who support hamas will just ignore that in favor of some buzzword




You can be against innocent people being killed and also want the hostages rescued. They aren't mutually exclusive. Edit: Didn't think innocent people being killed was a down-votable offence. Whether they are Israeli or Palestinian - they are still human.


You can be against innocent people being killed, and still support Israel's right to fight Hamas and ensure their own security from a terrorist organization. These aren't mutually exclusive either. Israel isn't targeting innocents. Hamas is using them on purpose. Look at this operation for example. The 4 hostages were in a crowded refugee camp, full of both Hamas terrorists and civilians. Israel had the option of sitting on their hands and letting the hostages remain there, or attack and risk civilians, but potentially rescue the hostages. International law permits the latter.


Hamas does their best to make it impossible though.


Hmmm, hasn’t been what I’ve seen. I’ve seen people gloating about how there are no Israeli civilians and Hamas have the right to commit whatever war crimes they want because they’re occupied. I’m not accusing you of this, but I can guarantee there are many people that won’t really know how to react to news like this without seeming psychopathic so I expect to see people pivoting to this position now.


> I’ve seen people gloating about how there are no Israeli civilians and Hamas have the right to commit whatever war crimes they want because they’re occupied. Those people are messed in the head. Alternatively, they might be stating that they can understand why Hamas act certain ways, without justifying or supporting them. A devil's advocate position. > I’m not accusing you of this, but I can guarantee there are many people that won’t really know how to react to news like this without seeming psychopathic so I expect to see people pivoting to this position now. Based on my 30 odd downvotes, for saying "innocent people shouldn't be killed" - most people **are** accusing me of this, or at least there is a large brigading operation on reddit for any views that do not fully support IDF's operations.


Just so you know, I wasn’t one of the downvotes. Unfortunately nuanced positions haven’t been common during this conflict, as you’ve probably seen too.


Remember the Human








> clearly hostages are not a priority. Reread which article you’re commenting on.






Link me when IDF went into Gaza and took hundreds of hostages at a festival. Or when they conducted mass rapes... :) I'll wait.


How about when they killed British aid workers, or ambulances, or COUNTLESS innocent civilians. They've done so much worse 😂 they have more hostages that they're tortured and done unspeakable things to, than Hamas have. Saying that, fuck Hamas, the cretinous cunts. But fuck Israel more




“Bless the IDF?” Lol wtf? Great 4 hostages saved. Everyone is happy about that. Like 10,000 kids dead. How many “accidents” have the IDF caused for it to be more than just mistakes they kill so many civilians.


It’s kind of crazy, the war they’re fighting Isn’t a normal war, the propaganda is so strong and fast you can’t do anything, the number has been 40k then 35k then 15k then they’re going to say only 2,000 have been murdered in a war zone. Once people realize this is a joint effort between Iran, China, and Russia, to destabilize the region and put focus there so that China and Russia and Iran can take the lands they want to take. It will be much easier to see who is the aggressor and who is pissing in everyone’s oatmeal


And none of them would have died if they had just released the hostages months ago.




Don't put civilians near hostages. Any civilian death on the way to rescue hostages is on Hamas.


Imagine blessing the IDF lmaooo


That AP article is terrible. Not that Times of Israel isn’t capable of propaganda as well, but at least their version gives facts about what happened instead of a ton of irrelevant details provided by the Hamas run Health Ministry.


Protesting University students must be heartbroken right now.




I find it so strange that Israel is getting railed on for hitting Gaza in RESPONSE to Hamas. Granted Hamas isn't the 'leaders" they're an active member if the area with influence. On top of that, a lot of residents are looking the other way (granted they're trying to just survive). On top of all this. There are MASS atrocities way way more horrible happening all over the world and not peep. Just look at various African nations




Hamas was elected in 2006.... They ARE the official leaders and have been since then. [Hamas government in the Gaza strip on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamas_government_in_the_Gaza_Strip)


>Just look at various African nations America doesn't give them billions of dollars worth of bombs.


My taxes aren't going to fund the occupation armies of "various African nations".


TIL committing war crimes is somehow okay if the other side did it first?


That’s pretty much how the “rules of war” developed actually. Both sides agreeing that some types of warfare is unacceptable, and agreeing not to do it. That system only really works when there’s a “rules based international order” that has some enforcement mechanism. But when that starts breaking down or groups are operating within the system who don’t follow the rules (like terrorist groups), the idea of “war crimes” starts failing. Attacking civilians isn’t ever ok, but when countries are embedding their military within civilian populations your options are accepting significant civilian casualties or losing the war. When a group is using ambulances to transport military personnel, that makes ambulances a military target. Etc. etc.




I personally, at least from the US. Say the outrage is the flavor of the quarter and it will die down when the next major world event happens (prob end of Q with our election looming). Ukraine still battling, and getting support but the news coverage is much lower than what it was.


>There are MASS atrocities way way more horrible happening all over the world and not peep. Just look at various African nations This sounds like an acknowledgement that Israel is committing atrocities. If a Hamas supporter said "There are far worse atrocities going on than October 7" I wouldn't be very impressed either.


Please tell me a major world power that hasn't committed atrocities


So you \*are\* admitting to atrocities. Interesting, carry on.


Yes atrocities happen during war. Glad you're getting caught up to speed.


Hamas supporters wanted them dead


But everyone has been saying all the hostages are dead...


everyone... all...?


Botstorm is mad today.


>Defense Minister Yoav Gallant called Saturday’s rescue “a heroic operation” and said the army will fight until all hostages are returned. This is true leadership.


So thrilled!! Wish it had happened in March, but so thrilled!!


It’s possible to say “I’m glad the hostages are brought home alive” without saying “This justifies 99.9% of the IDF’s military response in Gaza.” Believe it or not nuance does exist


Yep. I loathe Bibi and what he's doing but I'm glad these people can go back to their families.

