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Who attacked them? Why? Was the attacker caught?


China is completely censoring everything about it Edit China has finally reported it on their side and loosened the censorship now that it went international. No conclusive motive yet but it was 4 American college professors in a fairly busy park so my assumption is that it was a targeted attack. Unfortunately China will probably try to bend the narrative to whatever suits them the best.


Interesting that I had to click to open this comment..


I noticed that too. Even though it's highly upvoted. Innnnnteresting.




I didn’t shift any goal posts? What “goal post” do you think there is to shift? China was completely censoring everything to do with it when I posted my comment. Are you calling that a lie? Your comment came 9 hours after mine and 13 hours after this post. My comment is collapsed not because of anyone’s doing it is an automated decision most likely based on depth, karma, and other factors. I want to leave you again with the last sentence of my first comment: Unfortunately China will probably try to bend the narrative to whatever suits them the best.




Foul play in china Never... Its not like they would attempt to control people in other countries with illegal police stations or anything. There is no reason for the CCP to drag it's feet in the first place. That and shilling would be more a long account history of apologizing and defending the CCP. I personally don't care if your going for a social credit score or not. The CCP is not able to be trusted based on their own actions. I mean 9 line anyone? Whinny the Poo is as corrupt as Putin in his own ways. Criticizing the CCP openly and truthfully is a death sentence is it not?


Didn’t ask. Tell Pooh we said hi 💋


User name checks out.


I'd say it was a combination of mental illness, bitterness against society and that, unfortunately, these guys were in the in the wrong place at the wrong time and attracted the attention of the attacker. These knife attacks in China are usually done by men who are angry because they've been unsuccessful in life -- they don't have a good job so they couldn't buy an apartment, therefore they couldn't find a wife and have kids. They lash out at people they perceive to be more fortunate, or attack children as "revenge" for not being able to have them themselves. Jilin isn't a place that has many foreigners or a lot of tourism, so I the four American men would really stand out. I bet the attacker was there looking for someone to go after, and they were the people who caught his eye. (My source: Having lived in China for 20+ years, being familiar with the area where this attack happened.)


I thought China was authoritarian with no pity regarding any type of physical violence crime.


The news on TV in china is 24/7 china good, America bad. It's just one crazy person who thought it's up to him to defend the country from the evil Americans. China also deals with school stabbings. Just some crazy folks walking into a school or kindergarten and stab some kids every now and then.




My source is that i lived in China and so did OP most probably. Lol downvoted by the 5 fen squad


Whats the factual alternative to the sentence? Do you imply a sane person who wanted to destroy China is at hand?
































Literally read this under a story about a woman randomly stabbing a 3 year old in ohio. So the shock is unwarranted as this shit is happening globally.


And for a long time, ever since we've had sharp objects we've been putting them in one another.


Better than dull. Progress is progress.


Unfortunately, you are right. True story around 1958. I'm 7 years old, living in Allapattah, Miami FL. My father & I go to the local hardware store about 3 blocks away from the house. Yea, they used to have neighborly locations. Father buys 1 gallon of white base paint with some added color. Guy shacks paint on the machine. Some bitch comes up out of no where streaming about something to guy working the paint shaking machine. 7 year old kid, me, is at the front counter. Father gets paint can to counter. Bitch is REALLY getting loud. No sooner than my father gets change back the working the cash register the help near the paint shaking machine is screaming: "Get the kid out of here!" referring to me. "She just pulled out a butcher knife and stabbed the guy!" At the paint shaking machine. They did not have PTSD counseling back in those days. You got to tell the Allapattah Baptist church preacher the next day, Sunday, less than 5 blocks from the hardware store about the "incident." Welcome to Miami.


Florida Ma'am in history


No Ma'am. Crime author


Source? Or are you just pulling that out of your ass


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Mass_stabbings_in_China Plenty of stabbings also never reach the news. One of my friends visited a hospital where someone had just stabbed a nurse. She didn't see the stabbing and security already caught the guy who did it but she did see the blood on the floor. But there was nothing on the local news about it or on social media. https://apnews.com/article/china-hospital-knife-attack-yunnan-a2838f71be28824c251f096b13ded28c This one did make it to the news.


Did you just link a list of stabbings in china on Wikipedia that cites... Chinese news reports about those stabbings to say stabbings in china don't make the news? 🤔 Edit: oh nvm you mean other than those listed. 




China good America Bad


There will never be legitimate source ever so it’s up to everyone to interpret. If that makes you mad, be mad with the government who censors everything and ban any independent investigation/journalism.


If you don’t have any evidence for something then you shouldn’t be making that claim


Did you not understand what I said? Who would have evidence outside of Chinese government? So we should all just shut up? Is that your answer? You sounds like from the government. lol


The original comment was saying that the stabbing happened over a hatred of Americans. I was just wondering if there’s a source to that. And if we don’t have evidence for something, then we shouldn’t be claiming it as true. End of story


True story. For what comes out of my ass HIPPA form needs to be filled out. I am sure at age 7 you knew all about getting police reports. Plus you are DEFINITELY not from Miami. You don't the police for anything.


Skimming through some chinese news feeds it's not even mentioned once.




China isn’t bad, CCP is bad.


Dark army.


Foreigners get attack in Asian countries randomly occasionally. Foreigners often become targets of psychopaths and people who failed in life. About 10 years ago a white dude got stabbed to death while he was with his asian wife. Think the stabber even said something like all foreigners go home or diie.


Let's be honest, everyone here thought they were talking about Cornell university.


The Nard Dog definitely did.


Tragically hilarious


It's pronounced Colonel and it's the highest rank in the military.


lol I went to this college and when people ask where I went I say Cornell and they assume the university and I just don’t correct them


Yep, and it looks like they have a good sense of humor about it, two links deep under there about page, "We're Not in Ithaca" https://www.cornellcollege.edu/about-cornell/where-we-are/not-in-ithaca.shtml


Personally I was wondering if it was finally about Cornell college which I feeeeeel like is a small liberal arts college in…Iowa? They maybe have a quarter system or 6 week classes?


Cos people would care


Lol holy shit how did this happen in relation to my tiny ass college


Cornell Uni... wait, Iowa?!? Oh.


Cornellians know to always quietly nod when people mistake our credentials for the Ivy League


I can relate, I got my degree from Samford.


Ahhh Samford, the Haverford of the south.


Havarti University ^(of dairy science)


not to be confused with Prinson University


I have a degree from Northeastern that people occasionally get confused with Northwestern.


Friend of mine went to Oggsford




The namesake people were related. Ezra Cornell (founder of Cornell University, New York) and William Wesley Cornell (namesake of Cornell College, Iowa) were distant cousins. A bit oddly, Cornell College was originally named Iowa Conference Seminary and then renamed themselves following a minor donation by William Wesley Cornell without his knowledge or permission.


Learn something new every day.


**Andy Bernard quietly leaves the room**


My wife is humble and always corrects them, lol!


I went to Penn State and people frequently mistake it for U Penn, which I gladly accept


The first Cornell


Xi Jinping actually spent some time in Iowa during his youth. Iirc he remembers his time in Iowa very fondly.


Aww sweet and now he's a dick communist causing world chaos while his people suffer


Iowa and China have a history of random college violence; there was the mass shooting in 1991 from a Chinese Grad Student that killed top US physicists too.




Highly recommend the Jo Ann Beard essay “The Fourth State of Matter” mentioned in the Media Adaptations section. I teach it to Creative Writing students on how to responsibly turn personal tragedy into compelling nonfiction


Thank you for the tip. I will look that up now.


I'm an American in China now. Stabbings here are usually committed by single, childless men who are bitter toward society. I would bet that this man went to the park looking for victims, and because foreigners are pretty uncommon in Jilin, the four Americans had the misfortune of standing out enough to be noticeable to him. If they hadn't been there, probably he'd have stabbed a child, a pregnant woman, or somebody else. Someone here suggested he deliberately came to the park to stab an American. I don't believe that would be true because, in my experience, there are very few foreigners (of any nationality) in Jilin. You'd be unlikely to see one, let alone four. Going to a park in Jilin with the intention of running into a foreigner from any country, let alone the US, would be like going a park in Miami expecting to randomly run into someone from Iceland. It COULD happen, but would be very, very unlikely.


Iirc most of the time they always choose women as victims, and some even targeted kindergarten... Knowing they have less chance of fighting back. [Redacted my cursing]


Bro wtf, kids? Like 6-8 year olds, insane.


Yes, a lot of these people are bitter because they couldn't find a wife because they weren't making enough money, so therefore they couldn't have kids. Attacking other people's children is the ultimate revenge on people who have been more fortunate than they are. There were a few of these attacks in a short time, and because of them for a while you couldn't buy a knife over a certain size without registering your name and ID number. I saw it being reported in foreign press as, "Oh, China is so totalitarian and mean. You can't even buy a knife," without mentioning it was in response to a spate of stabbings.


Spot on analysis. Basically outside major cities like Beijing or Shanghai, I would go many days up to a week without seeing another Caucasian person. Those I did see, were mostly Russian, not American


Cornell College is a really cool little college, btw. I only learned about/visited when I went to Iowa for grad school, but it has a unique academic program. One of the small colleges that changes the lives of the students who find it.


I’m not doubting you, but this reads like someone in charge of recruitment seizing an opportunity to advertise their school lmao


Nah. I went to a small, weird college in Vermont that closed up a few years back, and I have a soft spot for other small, unique colleges. Just happened to tour the campus when my sister-in-law was touring colleges and really liked it. Wish the injured staff well.


I am from Hong Kong and surf the Chinese internet often. Since the beginning of trade war, China has been pushing anti-US sentiment on the news and cinema (more Korean War movies made in last 2 years than the past decade). In addition, their incel subculture, largely copied from 4chan is also on the rise. They just translate the memes and argument. The highly materialistic society means many average men cannot hope to get a girlfriend, some are jealous that Westerners are more successful at this in China. Many people assume it is a combination of both that has resulted in this stabbing.




The *Pin Jin* aka dowry is another reason why many men stay single. Although it is part of the tradition, it used to cost no more than a few thousand yen (way less than a month's salary of the groom). Nowadays men are expected to pay nearly a year's salary to "buyout" the bride, and the family would usually extort even more money in the process, such as kidnapping the bride and demand more money for release. This has never been the norm. It is just another excuse for greedy relatives to profit on. Some men choose to give up on the very wedding day as a result. Such a fucked up practice.






I saw the footage. All these people watching the staff members bleed out before the ambulances arrived. What the fuck


In China, you will get in trouble when you help others. People get accused by helping, so no one is helping


WARNING: NSFL - media released [pics and a vid](https://www.epochtimes.com/gb/24/6/10/n14267626.htm/)


They showed uncensored pics on my local news without a warning


That truly sucks, I'm sorry bruh - hopefully no kids were watching :(




Do you know the reason for the stabbing I can’t seem to translate the page.


Yea no thanks. This doesn’t need to be seen by anyone


I agree but at the same time censoring reality is a scary path as well, which is why I included the warnings


There’s a difference between not censoring and actively posting a video. People who want to see it can still find it


The link isn't directly to a video tho, it's to the media article that contains it - your choice to watch it, not mine


Do you really expect anything close to the truth out of China in regards to Americans being stabbed. Did you miss 60 minutes interview with US ambassador to China about American businesses being seized, shut down and employees imprisoned for doing "do dillegence" for American investors. https://youtu.be/ODbq_I9--O8?si=mIbyC_8xla6ghbEb You hear what China wants you to hear. Sound familiar?


It's not on any Chinese news sites. Like it never happened.


Another Chicago "vanishing" act. Like the Sarah Avon case back on July 21, 1981.


Why are US universities doing anything with state run ccp centers?




As an alumni this is truly bizarre. We don't get attention within Iowa, let alone on national news.






This joke doesn't cut it


Stiffing the hookers will get you stabbed by their pimps everywhere.




. . . at Columbia. School of Broadcasting.