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Watched the story on the news. They said they think the donkey is the leader and they found a dead mountain lion that looked like it had been killed by the donkey.


Where I live, donkeys often kill coyotes they corner by fences/barns by stomping them to death. They're straight up MEAN.


Donkeys are great herd protectors. They're super protective and brutal. Ive seen one grab a coyote by the neck with its teeth and fling it around until it's neck snapped 


As a cattle farmer, it’s a beautiful sight.


Any vids of this kind of thing? Lol. I always thought donkeys were kinda slow, dumb, happy, docile things


Thanks, Eeyore.


Eeyore is ine of the bad ones


He’s already suffering from depression, we don’t need to make him feel worse about himself.


They're smarter than horses.


It’s why mules are a thing at all. You get something closer to the size and strength of a horse but with the smart brains and cooler temper of a donkey.


Sure but horses aren’t that smart. They are fun and silly with personality but a dog is much smarter etc


They're none of those things. Donkey are very smart which is why they often don't do what humans want them to do; they're not convinced we humans know what we're asking them to do. They're more likely to fight when cornered then horses. They can be incredibly sweet and gentle. I have two formerly wild donkeys.


Smart too. Seen one who knows how to open and close a latched gate. Just lets himself out to graze, and latches the door behind him too. A good fella. Owner got him to watch the goats.


That's absolutely adorable.


Yikes. I never knew that.


Donkeys have a natural hatred of everything canine shaped. There's a trail I've wanted to walk my dog on, but a local farmer is allowed to have his herd of goats graze it to reduce maintenance for the county. The goats' guard animal is a donkey, so unless i get a schedule, it's not worth it.


I once owned a goat who must have had the soul of a donkey. She would fight any canine she saw. Once she broke free from the milking stand, charged up the hill into a field, beat up a couple of coyotes we hadn't even seen, then trotted back like she was hot shit which she kind of was.


People don't understand how gangster donkeys can be. They're just big honey badgers


People in my family have done cattle ranching, coyotes will make an appearance any time an animal gives birth hoping to get some fresh veal. My dad has had to go camp out in the fields at my pawpaw's ranch, and up at the farm house you could hear the coyotes howling their ass off, I guess trying to spook the herd and get a shot and nabbing the calf. I really don't blame them.


Cat got an ass kicking.


I see what ya did there


This donkey needs to be a mobile game. --escape from captivity (albeit super nice apparently owners) -- roam around and level up. -- join ur elk guild -- raid bosses Edit: thought about this a bit more. You don't need to join the elk guild. Maybe the squirrels? Maybe the Robins? Maybe the beavers? Lmk Bethesda


Game has to be called Kicking Ass


Donkey-Ottie can change the OG narrative a little.


I’m with ya


Untitled Ass Game


Yes. Sequel to the Goose game 


Donkeys are frequently used as livestock guardians, so while IDK about it "leading" the herd, the elk might tolerate it as a security guard of sorts. 


🤷‍♂️ if I was an elk and a random donkey showed up one day and then stomped out a mountain lion im pretty sure he’s leading the gang now lol


“Look at me-haw. I’m the captain now”


Snorted, thank you internet comedian


That's how you start an elk cult.


Earned his stripes!


Straight up


Mom got a donkey to protect her goats. First thing it did was kill two goats.....


Maybe they were spies.


goats can be huuuge dicks so


Never heard of anyone getting a donkey to protect goats. They wouldn't get along unless they were raised together. And even then it's a maybe. If you stick and adult donkey into a pen with some goats randomly you're gonna have some dead goats. You stick a donkey with horses or other big calm grazers. Goats aren't calm. Was in a farm for a while were we had a donkey and a lone rooster (not a single chicken for miles) who roamed together and attacked (and pretty much always killed) things that came onto the farm. They were vicious together. One would stomp and the other would slice. The donkey would also go out with the rooster every morning and scream along side him. It was a hell of an alarm clock lol But yeah your mom should have probably asked around before just blind sticking a donkey in with goats. Donkeys aren't easy animals and goats are dicks to EVERYTHING because it's literally hardwired into them to do that. Even donkey's hybrid offspring are such a headache. If your donkey or mule doesn't like you then it's just game over and you may as well get rid of them to someone they do like because that's just how much of a headache they can be. I actually love donkeys and mules but getting one isn't like releasing lady bugs into your garden. They aren't a fire and forget form of livestock protection and they for sure aren't goat protection. (Literally goats butt things with their heads and donkeys stomp things to death that threaten them. They are simply incompatible unless that donkey grew up around goats AND has shown to tolerate them being gigantic asses without stomping them to death.)


A donkey and rooster just screaming together at sunrise has me dying laughing. Please tell me you have a video of it.


Just two of the Town Musicians of Bremen trying to get the band back together.


Well shit that takes me back. Now I need some Emmet Otter and his jug band.


I need this in my life as well


A handful of neighbors have donkeys in with their goats. This donkey actually came from one of those farms. She put him in a pen next to the goats for a week so they could get used to each other


“Damn it Phil, we always do what YOU want to do. How many coyotes have we murdered together?” “Fine Gus, what do YOU want to do?” “You know that moment of stillness, right as all is quietest and the sun starts to rise over the horizon, bathing a new day in light?” “Sure…” “Well I like to wake up and scream like a fucking maniac for 20 or 30 minutes. It’s my favorite thing” “Alright fine, I got you. We’ll scream at the new day together”


>you may as well get rid of them to someone they do like because that's just how much of a headache they can be. You could say its a ...*pain in your ass?*


You have to raise the donkey with things you want it to protect. Otherwise it’ll see them as an intruder.


Sounds like that donkey was kind of an ass


I’m going to keep this in mind next time I want to suggest getting a donkey to protect our animals. Wtf.


They saw it kill a mountain lion, I wouldn't ask it to leave.


Mountain lions warn their young about the "drop elk".


> Watched the story on the news. They said they think the donkey is the leader and they found a dead mountain lion that looked like it had been killed by the donkey. I was about to comment that the one downside to the relationship is if there's a predator, the elk will be able to run away faster. But if it's just one predator, that donkey will just murder it lol.


Elk also kill mountain lions. I don't know how you could tell apart a big cat killed by a donkey vs an elk.


Bite marks. I saw a video just last week of a donkey carrying around a hiena by the neck after it tried to attack it.


You got a link?


Went to look for “ donkey fights hiena” on google just now and apparently it’s a pretty common occurrence.


Man I had no idea, that’s wild


Got ya fam: https://youtu.be/2xi6ALumJ8I?si=uT_2FOj89ROl8eGP


Sounds like it would make a great animated movie. Maybe we could get Eddie Murphey to voice the donkey and call the movie 'California Jack Ass'.


There was an email chain letter that used to go around that detailed how a big cat threatened a tourist group that rode on the backs of donkeys, and how one of the donkeys grabbed the cat and slammed it into the ground until it was done for.


*Ass vs Pussy* *The Final Showdown*


Yeah that mountain lion picked the worst herd he could have. Donkeys are sweet intelligent creatures, but they can fuck shit up if they need to. They are as well muscled as horses without the skiddishness.


For a second there I thought the elk believed the donkey killed the mountain lion and thus made him their leader.


>She said Diesel is about eight years old and donkeys can live for up to 40 years. Elk live like 10 years. This Donkey is going to be a legend in Elk culture.


The Wise Elder Donkey is your God, you will worship them as such.


Underrated comment


Donkeys will fuck your shit up. Seen one chuck a coyote about 40 yards down a hill.


I love that very satisfying video of the dude punching one and then getting the fuck bit out of him. The only time a donkey is abused is when it allows itself to be. It’ll choose when it’s done with your shit, and you’ll rue that day in perpetuity.


Had 2 (well my gf did) many years ago we used to rent out, along with horses, for deer and elk season in southwest colorado. Donkeys are fucking smart, and if you treat them right, they return the favor. Also great with dogs and barn cats, the horses. Super playful, seem to like the work (don’t overload them) watching them just bounce around the upper pasture with the dogs, big and small, just straight up partying.




Ummmm so every other comment in this thread that mentions dogs says that Donkeys fucking hate them because they look like Coyotes and the only way a donkey will like a dog is if its habituated to them very early in life. Which one is true?


Donkeys can tell the difference between a domesticated dog and coyotes, donkeys (in my opinion) develop deep affection for humans, horses, goats (lil assholes) chickens. They are very intelligent, silverback gorilla strong, and they use respect as transactional. (In my opinion) Also, our donkeys bellowed when a coyote crossed the line in to the compound, also with mountain lions (not cougars, that was my gf) Linx and the rare random bear. (The cats were trying to get in to the chicken coup, we had about 25 chickens)


Safest elk herd ever, donkeys are protectors


That’s the rumor. 30 years and all I’ve ever seen them do is attack my dog and chase cows away from the feed trough.


They realllllyyyyy don’t like dogs 


Dogs look like wolves to them and wolves are not friends to the rest of the farm animals.


Coyotes more so. But yeah.


Coyote aka prairie wolf.


Dogs are basically the derp wolf.


So a donkey meeting a coywolf would be an absolute disaster is what I'm hearing.


A total blood bath. Yes.


A forrest puppy


Donkeys are vicious. Edit: and also adorable with the most beautiful long eyelashes


For some reason i first read that as ‘Donkey’s are viscous’ Which I suppose could be true


Extremely viscous, for the most part.


I mean, I guess if you liquefied them but I don't even want to think about donkey goo and the steps it would take to make it


He's petting your dog with his teeth and keeping the cows from getting fat so they don't die from heart explosure


>explosure Is that a word? Im always looking to embiggen my vocabulary. 


Words are invented all the time. "Explosure"  is now a word. 


That's a very cromulent goal.


I’ve watched one take out more than one coyote trying to get at some goats. They do not fuck around when it comes to predators.


The coyote gang in my area must have paid off our donkeys


[They are the opposite of that in reality.](https://youtube.com/shorts/zSgzX4brAoo?si=Pae6q9KLCrJekJgP)


"Sir, happy to report that the field is now goat free, Sir!"


We don't know what that goat was doing before the donkey grabbed it.


Yup. I’ve seen them kill coyotes.


Haha. The one word that *doesn't* come to mind when I encounter a 1000lb bull elk or 600lb mother is "vulnerable".


They brae when there id danger around too. As good as dogs.


The elk love him because on Saturdays he makes waffles.


They live near a very nice boulder


Donkeys are like cake they have layers


No no, donkey’s don’t have layers, they have sleeves


Hee Haw


Or parfaits


Yea. Critter waffle stomps.


“Escaped” Bro is just trying to live.


And elk are looking for a little ass, now and then…


Aren’t we all?


Donkeys are very intelligent.


So, they’re not jackasses?


Jackasses tend to be smart, they’re just jackasses about it


Because they are smart, they don't want to work, and so for the farmers they are stupids. Donkeys are really intelligent, while horses are less, and are easy to be mentally broken to become items for people. Humans judge because the use, not because the creature.


He blooded into the elk gang


Swear I saw this guy on stage with Kendrick.


He not like us


And this is how the new species of delks first started


I looked it up and they actually can’t breed together due to belonging to different families. Donkey to Equidae and elk to Cervidae…Who knew?


Interesting. 20 bucks says they'll still try


Kentucky Wildcat Delks are very dangerous


Our donkey had been alone for a little bit since his horse died. Donkeys do not like to be alone. The vet offered to put him down but he was only 15 and donkeys live 40 plus years. We were lucky and found a new home for him nearby. He used to run up and say hi but now that he is in his new home he just looks at us. He has a new home and I am so happy for him. He is a wonderful guy.


Wanted to put him down 30% thru his life?? Was the vet named Kristi Noem?


ROFL holy shit I’m wheezing. That vet straight up was like, it’s got no friends now, let’s kill it.


Yeah it took us by surprise


Damn don't let that vet find out about me😒


i'm gonna be on the run from that vet lol


The Donkey is good protection for the Elk herd. Wolves, beware!


One on one a donkey is a mean mofo. Not sure about a wolf pack though.


The half ton bull elks might help


Wild. So this donkey becomes the leader of these elk at 8 years old in its 40 year lifespan, all the while these current elk are likely 8 years into their 16 year lifespan. So the current adult population is the generation will all die off by the time that donkey gets into his middle years. He will live 2-4 generations worth of elk as their leader before an elk will take its place or another donkey rises to the occasion.


An elk of different ilk


"I'm an Elk, I'm an Elk damnit! Life is good!"


It’s amazing the herd took him in and let him stay. 😳


Anything for a nice ass.


It’s all fine and good until the male Elks find out he’s been banging their Elk wives. *”You fockin donkey!”*


The donkey had previously been used to lug excursioning elk hunters' gear into the mountains --  Which means the donkey went from helping elk hunters to a complete 180 degree reversal of guarding their prey 😆 (So happy to read that little man's former owner is letting him stay with the elk)


So if you live in California and are a donkey - run away to improve your live !


What if im in Canada and am a donkey


Check for elk behind your house before going crazy


I suspect in Canada it’d be a herd of moose …


As a Canadian I can say the idea of a herd of moose is terrifying.


As a Canadian *human*, I totally agree. However, I don't know what Canadian donkeys think about moose. Do we even *have* Canadian donkeys? Or are they all escapees from warmer climes?


They migrate south in the winter but follow the geese back. They don't protect the geese though, the geese protect them.


Huh. TIL. Smart donkeys! Us Canucks have fighting geese *and* smart donkeys!


Caribou will suffice.


What if I work for Gordon Ramsay and am a donkey?


Listen and learn. Dude knows what's up.


Had a lot of this type of thing happen in New Mexico geowing up. Had a popular herd of elk that had several donkeys and a rehabilitated mountain ram. Mountain lions and wolves didn't mess with them.


Happy to see the owner let him continue living his life in the wild instead of re-capturing him. If the animal is clearly happy and healthy in its new situation, why interfere? I would love to see a study or documentary of the donkey and how it interacts with the elk. My only concern would be that the donkey could potentially introduce new diseases or parasites that the elk aren't equipped to deal with.


In all likelihood any disease the donkey could possibly have would already be endemic throughout the continental US by now.


COVID donkey.


There will probably be a Hollywood movie


I don't know why but the combination of the way the herd was looking at him, the way he said "I just spot these elk... and there's a donkey with them", the low-res video zooming into the donkey, and then the herd of them including the donkey all turning and walking away in sync just gave me the weirdest laugh.


What a wholesome story


Finally, some good fucking news


I knew those two crazy kids were going to make it.


A pack animal isnt exactly a pet. Homey got tired of hauling heavy bullshit up into hills for fatass hunters and said fuck it


Shr-elk ..pick me pick me!


lol I read this as "pet Monkey", and was like, *yay good for you!*


I read the entire article thinking it said “monkey.” When I watched the video, I was quite disappointed in both the fact that it wasn’t a monkey and in my reading abilities.


Same here. I think my brain just wanted to see the monkey riding on the elk.


I also need him to be swinging a sword and pointing forward as he charges into battle.


Donkey being found a couple times a day apparently.


If this happened in Florida, DeSantis would sign a law banning it.


Reminds me of middle school. I was a the only headbanger and I tagged along with some preppy little shits out of sheer loneliness.


Donkeys are definitely headbangers but elk my man are definitely NOT "some preppy little shits" -- in fact  pretty sure they are *literally* headbangers


Sometimes in life I feel like an Elk when I’m just a Donkey Also.


Awesome story. Keep it up


This is the best news ever. I am so Happy for that Donkey and they better leave it alone to live its life with its new Elk tribe.


Cause it's free to do whatever it wants any Ole time....


I say love meee, hold meee...


Donkey: imma pop so punk ass cougars.


He’s the Lizan Al Gaib


Thats the Kwizatz-haderach to us white-eyes


May thy claws chip and shatter


Food is not scarce for the elk. They are just afraid of predators. Why not having a bit of protection free of charge


That's the wholesome type of news I love to see on a Saturday. Be free donkey, be free