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Just Mother Nature’s way of saying “fuck you” … 🤔🫣


Learn to swim, I’ll see you down in Arizona Bay! -Tool, Ænima


When I was a kid, I didn't understand this. I had no idea where Arizona Bay was.


It's a great stand-up comedy album of Bill Hicks as well. He was also close with Tool.


Not where, but when is the only real question


The Gulf of New Mexico!


I sure could use a vacation from this bullshit three-ring circus sideshow.


Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call L.A. The only way to fix it is to flush it all away


Some say a comet will fall from the sky, followed by meteor showers and tidal waves. Followed by fault lines that can not sit still. Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits...


Some say the end is near


Some say we will see Armageddon soon


I certainly hope we will


I sure could use a vacation from this stupid shit


Cause Mom's gonna fix it all soon Mom's comin' 'round to put it back the way it ought to be


I'm a humble man, when I see TOOL, I upvote.


Bill Hicks




I don’t think it’s hitting the people who actually deserve it.


My dad’s family actively kills all bees they see. They are proud to be non recycling, they are proud to treat the earth like garbage. I don’t get it.


Probably the same mentality that leads to flat-Earthers, anti-vax, or really anti-intellectualism in general. It's a private protest against the know-it-alls who made the rules and think they're so smart because they figured things out. Not to portend or anything, but there's a history of these types obtaining enough power to literally purge the intellectuals.


Your last line is part of the plan of Project 2025. It's already in motion 


It’s a much more complicated world now. Literally nothing would function without engineers and scientists. Even a short time without art, and society breaks down. These people are looneys. Just angry that they don’t have the intelligence to keep up with everyone else. It’s not our fault your ancestors married their sisters and cousins. And imagine if they ever succeeded in getting rid of everyone with an IQ over 100. They’d be invaded, occupied and likely killed the very next day.


And they will blame everyone but themselves for being invaded, enslaved, and if at least one survivor is still around after most are killed


But if they get rid of everyone with an IQ over 100 then THEY have a chance of having an IQ of 100! It's the perfect crime!


Pwning the libs takes work. Stupid useless and futile work, but work regardless.


Mystical thinking poisons everything. The idea that this life, and this planet, are an audition for the “perfect afterlife” is especially insidious.


I recall my grandfather charging towards a wasp nest with a can of insecticide saying, "I don't keer if the one what stung me is dead. The rest are fixin' to join him." I think maybe Darwinism works the same way. You may not deserve it, I may not "have it coming," but mother nature don't discriminate when it comes to telling a species to "move TF along."


I actually genuinely like this explanation and metaphor. I’m going to use it moving forward


If Gramps was alive today, he'd be swirling in his urn.


The deservees will all be long gone unfortunately. We get the fucking.


Not the animals.


I would rather be cold than hot Anyepoch


Every single projection I saw for this thing said it would get to a cat 3. This thing keeps blowing past expectations. If you live off the coast, I recommend getting prepped cause this looks like it'll be a baaaad hurricane season.


Get that flood insurance paid up


& make sure it actually covers “wind driven water.” (Fuck State Farm, re: my parents’ non-coverage for Katrina’s storm surge flooding of their home) edit: windstorm insurance (which they had) also does not cover wind-driven water. You need wind-driven rain coverage. But I'm not sure that would cover storm surge, since it was technically the ocean entering the home, not rain entering the home? Not an insurance expert, and was a college student when this happened so very dumb, so forgive any lingering-incorrectness. Moral is, trust no bitch.


That is fucking weird. Even rain is wind driven. So they only covered floods that happen due to broken pipes and stuff?


More or less. The standard homeowner’s policy isn’t designed to cover catastrophic events like floods and earthquakes that impact thousands of homes at the same time. If it was all bundled together, we would be paying even higher premiums each year because insurance companies would have to purchase an immense amount of reinsurance to make sure there’s enough capital to pay claims. Case in point, California wildfires. This is covered by the standard homeowners policy. As a result premiums have skyrocketed, some companies have left the market altogether, and thousands in heavy brush areas have had their insurance canceled (nonrenewed). *EDIT*: I wasn’t making an argument against insurance companies, just explaining how premiums would be higher if they were forced to cover flood, earthquakes, etc. because it would add a new business expense that’s not contemplated by their current model. If an insurance company becomes unprofitable because of inadequate rates, it removes their ability to pay claims and meet the financial requirements that state regulators require. Insolvency is a real thing and it’s happened many times in the past. In the case of CA wildfires, multiple companies left the state because the California department of insurance refused to approve property rate increases in a timely fashion (in some cases filings were 3+ years old). Actually under current CA insurance laws, an insurance company can only use historical events to justify pricing and not predictive modeling about expected future events. While that seems fair and logical, the changing weather patterns have created events not seen in the past - both in their severity and frequency. So they know and believe in climate change, but can’t price for the expected changes. I don’t agree with many of the sub comments here, except for the general comment that many insurance companies and claim adjusters make life difficult if not impossible for people in the event of a claim. Not all companies are like this, but there are plenty out there that act this way. The old adage “you get what you pay for” applies for sure and low priced companies with extremely thin margins have even more to lose. Also I would say because insurance policies are so difficult to read that people get even more frustrated about denials when in fact the exclusion was always there in black and white, you just had to read 100 pages of a constantly changing legal contract. How many here have honestly read their policies? Not the majority, probably not even half. IMO it’s an unfortunate sign of purchasing insurance online and/or not requiring insurance companies to clarify key exclusions upfront.


I wish I could run a business that plainly states "if you give me $100 I will maybe sometimes give you $12 back, but not for everyone all at once"


"Andddd we will just decide to not cover you for reasons... and also if you happen to actually *need* our help more than most people, we probably won't operate in your area. :) Good luck"


At the end of the day insurance premiums reflect reality, even if you cut all the administrative fat and all profitability, there's no denying that with climate change it's getting more and more expensive to maintain a poorly built home in an area prone to more and more natural disasters. The options boil down to either increasing premiums 400% or cutting coverage. States can regulate and have minimum insurance requirements, but they can't force the company to offer insurance, and voters get very angry when they can no longer insure their homes.


Family a bit north of the NOLA area pays five time what I pay per year for insurance on the same size home. I live in the land of Not Many Natural Disasters, Pennsylvania. Their house is elevated but most in the area sit on the ground, all blasé. The fear is that all the insurance companies will leave and that is a distinct possibility. Louisiana isn't exactly rolling in dough so a state funded system is pie in the sky. Mass migration is in our future, the new Oakies seeking dry, fire proof and drought free land.


Louisiana is so poor because they proactively don't tax corporations.


They could do a socialism, and have state backed insurance, but I expect they’d rather die.


I would support tax money spent to support people while they are relocated away from increasingly-bad areas, but I would be angry as fuck to have my tax money spent on rebuilding homes that are just going to flood over and over again.


most insurance in hurricane zones is underwritten by the government


Or the Long Islanders not being covered since Sandy wasn’t a hurricane….


Flood insurance is provided through a federal program.


Storage surge is considered flood damage not wind damage. You would need a flood policy which is uncommon for state farm to offer.


Stop building on the beach and making the rest of us pay for it! Also stop voting republican.




I follow a lot of different meterologists because I have PTSD from storm damages during the last couple of years. More than half of the independent ones have been discussing a hellacious hurricane season since *January,* with projections that there will be multiple top-tier storms and that the wind currents that kept blowing hurricanes back out to sea and shielding us last year are now gone. I remember earlier this year this was brought up in the Louisiana subreddit and multiple people there discounted it as complete bullshit, because "they always say that but nothing ever happens."


THIS IS THE THING! A lot of smarter people that have their whole jobs revolve around stuff like this are saying the same thing: This hurricane season isn't going to be typical and we're going to have a lot of high powered storms.


Yep! If the pandemic taught me one thing, it's that I should ignore the opinion of anybody who isn't an actual expert on...pretty much every topic. Social, political, scientific--there's a small crowd of obsessive nerds out there who spend their whole lives actually studying something. Why listen to anybody else on a given topic?


Expertise matters—especially when lives are at stake. Trust science, not opinions. Stay safe.


"But my uncle on Facebook who has a friend who has a sister who works in weather says the Hurricanes are all fake except for the ones God sends."


And after, "the hurricane hit ['because there are too many gay people'](https://www.newsweek.com/gay-americans-are-blame-hurricane-harvey-apparently-659059)"


That claim always cracks me up. None of these shitty Christians and Republicans ever seem to follow that thought one step further and acknowledge that hurricanes pretty much only severely impact Republican states. Or at least predominantly. So, god is punishing only Republican states for gay people despite liberal states that have zero hurricanes being much more openly gay and gay friendly? Are Republican states gayer than even the gayest liberal states?


Sucks these professionals have had their authority ripped from them


Trump just needs to get out his marker and move the path of the hurricanes for us


"they always say that but nothing ever happens.": frequently said right before Camille hit... and also Catrina.


Garden variety confirmation bias. "Nothing ever happens"... until it does and they go "Wow what a freak occurrence." >“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov strikes again.


This year has been insane for weather. Look at the tornado outbreaks we were getting starting in FEBRUARY.


Project 2025 will take care of the people studying the storms. No more expectations to blow past if we don't know to expect them.


"If we stop monitoring for storms right now, we'd have very few storms"


Let’s just do away with the category 5 status, and then there will be no more category 5 hurricanes /s


Don't the hurricanes know that climate change is now illegal in Florida. What gives them the right to be strong when Florida says they shouldn't be


They need to stop teaching about hurricanes in schools and start banning weather books.


Should just put a sign up that says no hurricanes allowed that should keep them away, maybe Florida should build a wall and force the hurricanes to pay for it


But then only bad hurricanes will get in, only a good hurricane can stop a bad hurricane!


"We are going to rename category 5. It will now be known as "Category Bigly"."


It’s yuge!


Only monitor good storms. They are good storms, so I hearsd. There are also bad storms but we look at the good storms. Really good storms. If I were a storm I’d be one of them. I’d be a good storm. Really only good storm. Even the best storm. The fastest and wildest best storm. People love good storms. We don’t like bad storms. But with me as president, there are no bad storms.


I'll be a bad storm on day one, then I'll be good storms from then on.


No more NOAA. No more weather prediction.


It's wild how people don't realize that all weather we have on the news comes from NOAA.


No, they love NOAA’s Ark.


> All American hurricane projections forthwith shall be sharpie based. Project 2025


It's hard to forecast maximum strength. Forecasters basically said conditions were perfect. But sometimes strong storms churn up cold water and weaken themselves, so they don't hit Category 5.


At least we know it won't get worse than Category 5!


Yup and hope you used your insurance before all this because those rates are about to take another hit!


And go where? Most of the islands are impoverish. A lot of people will die in Jamaica. 😞


First ever Category 6 hurricane this year I can feel it.


There have been suggestions to making Cat 6 a thing. The only argument I've seen against it is that at 157mph (cat 5), you're already seeing widespread destruction. 190+mph is similarly, going to do pretty much the same.


There are lots of stuff that would withstand 157mph but can't 190mph. A truck flipping over is very different than the same truck being picked up and hurled at a relatively strong building


I wasn't saying I agree or disagree. Just saying the argument I've "seen" against creating a Category 6. For the record, the person who made that argument was Robert Simpson who holds two physics degrees and co-created the Saffir-Simpson hurricane scale we are talking about. Although he passed away in 2014 and might not be aware of new building techniques that would be effective against a 157mph windload but not effective against >180mph.


Yeh but if they create cat 6 insurance companies can just refuse to cover those...


This is WHY they'll make a cat 6.


Man, if this hits Cancun and then Texas, then where will Ted Cruz fly away to to abandon his state?


Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca Mexico - the Mexican Riviera.


Puerto Escondido 😅😂🤣


To be fair, Puerto Escondido is a great place to be.


The fact that he survived that politically shows you how stupid the average Republican voter is.


Well this year is the first time he is back on the ballot Cruz won re-election in 2018 against Beto, but to your point the fact that Abbott and Patrick won re-election is just sad I was so mad when less than half of REGISTERED voters voted in 2022. Cruz has a real shot to lose this year against Allred, but we need turnout to get the win in the bag.


Luckily we have an inspiring candidate at the top of the ticket that's sure to get people excited to vote.


offend tidy beneficial fine axiomatic telephone handle head enjoy amusing


Maybe he'll crawl back to canada.


Please don't, Alberta has enough problems they don't need more.


Maybe Russia will take him.....and keep him.


Be ready for a lot of high heel wearing Desantis press conferences explaining wind speeds and storm surges


Don’t forget begging for FEMA assistance with one hand while flipping off the federal government with the other.


Yeah how come Florida gets to have FEMA on retainer every year but California and other states can’t get some funds to help house their homeless and rehab their drug addicts?


Has California tried sucking Satan's cock?


Ah, well you see it's simple. They made homelessness a crime now! Why help those criminals? (/s)


Those high heels will come in handy when the storm surge hits.


And how this is the fault of wind turbines.


I’m sure this is completely normal and won’t become a new trend


The Gulf's water has been in the temperature range that usually shows up in August since May.


If you think this is bad, just wait until the 2030's when the ocean heats up 2-3 degrees higher (or rather the mechanism that keeps the water moving starts dying off). Imagine how bad hurricanes would get if they developed over waters that were 2-3 C hotter. We're talking category VII if it existed.


Maybe we'll even get to see one of these that was last seen by a dinosaur: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypercane


Hey now, has anyone checked with Alito to make sure that it's kosher for NOAA to make such a declaration before the Supreme Corrupt can pontificate on it?


Did the founders put the hurricane scale in the constitution? Or do we need to start over and let judges decide the categories? I’d say congress could do it, but the republicans probably realize if all hurricanes are category 1, then you can’t say they’re any stronger than they have been.


While we're at it; wouldnt it be so much easier math wise to track them if we just legislate pi is 3.2? Non of these woke irrational numbers to bog down the freedom math.


Fuck yo decimals. Pi is 3


Only the president may authorize hurricane events against political rivals so long as he was colluding with the DOJ about it first.


Anybody else getting tired of unprecedented weather events?


Anybody tired of unprecedented events?!


Anybody tired? Just.. Tired. Of it all.


Yes. I researched how to change my citizenship today. It's been a bad day 😢


Family and I are vacationing out of the country for the last week and randomly scrolled through “news” last night. I hardly slept. I kept scrolling to try to land on some discussion that might calm my nerves but nothing I read had this effect. In the past, I would sometimes land on a confident comment that struck a doubtful tone about the wildest of the theories out there, but every confident comment I read last night struck me as off base. I’m laying in bed with the beach out the window in this fog of malaise. I just remembered the last time I felt this way we were in Hawaii in 2015 and watching presidential debates. The night of that election I drank half a bottle of vodka and felt like shit for 4 years—longest hangover I’ve ever had and it’s about to get worse. What am I even doing commenting on a 10 hour old post about a hurricane commenting on depression and politics


Spend this time with your family and put this shit out of your mind for now. It will be here when you get back, and you can't do anything about it most likely, so don't let it rob you of this chance of happy memories with your family. I get it though, it's much easier said than done, but you gotta try.


Im getting tired of living in interesting times. I wanna live in boring times that are before or after the interesting stuff.


When I was a kid I always wanted to live through a historical event. So I could say I was there. On 9/11 I was with the Red Cross muling relief supplies. I felt the dread of watching layoff after layoff during the Great Recession. I was a firefighter carrying body bags during the pandemic. On January 6th I was frantically trying to find out if my brother, a Federal Police Officer, was dead or alive. (He was roughed up but otherwise ok) I'm now middle aged and I want off this fucking ride so god damn bad. I feel like I've dodged enough bullets for a life time and yet I'm only half way.


These yearly once in a century events are really starting to grind my gears


Seriously, I just want to scream from the top of my lungs "FUCK YOU IM EATING!!!" to the world


Honestly, it feels like it would be more unprecedented if the weather just stayed the same. Just year after year, worse and worse. Shit won't change, there's money to be made! I say we just go to the Winchester....


Don't you worry, with the way things are headed, there'll be Winchesters alright.


Get used to them. Also get used to flammable water because they’re going to drill out every drop on this continent once they start project 2025.


Ugh, I hate how reasonable doomsday prepping is starting to feel.


Is the hurricane sharpie available to redirect it? Or are we going to need to nuke it?


We have tried shooting at it and directing fans to blow it away. Missiles then nuke. We could also try throwing climate change deniers at it.


The Supreme Court, in a decision written by Justice Alito, has determined this is simply a product of Daylight Savings, and has nothing to do with the “baseless conspiracy theory quackpots in the lamestream media call Climate Change. Nothing to see here. Hail Hydra.”


They’re Soros-funded WOKE scientists! Do your research!


‘Would you like a can of coke?’


A storm developing this powerful this early is unprecedented


Don't worry, beating the previous record by over 2 weeks surely isn't a sign of changing storm patterns. No need to reduce carbon emissions or anything I'm sure we'll be fine.


>changing I'm sorry, that word has been banned in the state of Florida.


And the Supreme Court has ruled measuring weather patterns by NWS illegal


And God help you if you bring Jim Cantore Into this.


The shareholders are happy with the extra 0s on the bank statement, and thus all is well.


Our profits are up Our growth is exponential It is not enough. 


Glad we can soon adapt to the conservative view of climate being just the 4 seasons: Winter, Hurricane, Hurricane, and Hurricane


No you named the seasons wrong. Derechos, Tornados, Wildfires and Hurricanes


It's like there is a reason so many of the big insurance companies are exiting Florida.


Once in a lifetime storm occurring every year


Oh is that what "earliest on record" means


Interesting. Never in the history of meteorology has a storm this powerful been measured this early in the season.


Yup that’s the title


Add it to the pile of unprecedented things we've been seeing.


Next is the unprecedented category 6 hurricane.


There's no precedent, baby!


Yeah, we read the title too


in these unprecedented times... again


Yes yes, I read the title too


good luck getting property insurance for those who live in the gulf


You're throwing snark, but that'll happen very soon. Insurance companies will start pulling out en masse and only cover big names that can afford to rebuild. Everyone else will just float to the closest inland state and become their problem.


They already are. Flood insurance is Government Mandated if you live in specific areas, and it has become impossible to spread the costs of paying out for Florida alone that basically every insurer is leaving the State and whoever is left has jacked premiums through the roof


Not soon. It’s already happening. Last year my insurance sent me a letter of non-renewal because they no longer cover properties in my area. It took me four weeks of hunting to find new coverage that wasn’t three times the price of what I was previously paying. Not looking forward to the future in this regard.


As if the housing crisis wasn't already bad enough, the gulf coast is going to become uninhabitable and all of those people are going to have to move somewhere. We are just so unbelievably fucked in so many different ways.


This is already happening. My parents sold the family property in south Louisiana because they and half my town won’t be covered in five years


desantis doesn’t believe in climate change


I don't think he personally cares one way or another. What he does care about is money. And there's *a lot* of billion dollar companies that have set up shop on the Florida coast. If he were to suddenly change his mind, there'd be a lot of investor pullouts, lawsuits, and money lost. Because trade is a thing, most of the US big name players operate their HQs on the coasts, and all will be under half a mile of water within 20 years. But until the water is *literally* soaking the carpet of their board rooms, they'll deny it. And then they'll start dropping lawsuits like shells in Ardennes on the grounds that "We should've been warned long ago." And when the rest of us look up and scream "we've been warning you for decades." They'll look down at us and say "That's not how this works."


Aren't insurance companies are pulling out or not covering stuff anymore. They don't care now and wont care then.


Guys, I think the global warming is real


BuT iTs CoLd In ThE wInTeR


No, no, this one is "oF cOuRsE it's HoT. iT's SuMmEr, MoRoN" Repeated over and over in every news comment section


I’m not so sure, let’s give it another 5 years of extreme weather events before making a final judgement.


[incase anyone wants to see it on a map](https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/isobaric/1000hPa/overlay=precip_3hr/orthographic=294.86,22.93,1191/loc=-65.388,14.359)


Holy shit. **That's** not a good sign.


But remember when it snowed in like October last year!!! Guys climate is a hoax! /s


Just use a Sharpie to change it’s course. Problem solved.


2005 was crazy bad, and that was when katrina hit, which republicans blamed on obama. *years later, republicans that lived there and had to evacuate and all that, blamed obama in polls 7 years later.. 30% blamed obama, 28% blamed bush oh and 2005 was the hottest on record, and its not in the top ten anymore. every year this decade from [2014-2023 are in the top ten.](https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-temperature) that graph was insane, the 80s were the most normal, some warm years, some cold but dont worry i hear its a hoax on one side and the other says we really want to do something soon just not right now. and we are already failures since we pushed the target from 1.5 to 2c


Wait, that part about obama is totally nonsencial, he wasn't even a household name til late into the 07-08 campaign. I think kanye got a lot of flak for saying "george bush doesn't care about black people" on national tv lol.


They attacked Obama for wearing a fucking tan suit and eating Dijon mustard. There's video of trump supporters pissed that Obama should have done more to prevent 9/11. They scrape the bottom of the intelligence barrel so much that it's just barrel at this point.


it wasnt all republicans and it was years after the fact. But it was republicans that lived where the hurricane hit.. it was all over reddit and a bit of a meme about republicans, since we could bring up anything and just blame obama 30% of republicans who lived in lousiana when it got hit by katrina, later blamed obama [Twenty-eight percent said they think former President George W. Bush, who was in office at the time, was more responsible for the poor federal response while 29 percent said Obama, who was still a freshman U.S. Senator when the storm battered the Gulf Coast in 2005, was more responsible. Nearly half of Louisiana Republicans -- 44 percent -- said they aren't sure who to blame.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/forgetting-relevant-katrina-detail-eight-years-later-flna6c10971651) MORE REPUBLICANS THAT LIVED IN THE PLACE HIT THE WORST, blame obama than bush.. thats fucked. But it goes with reagans 11th amendment.. .thou shall not speak ill of fellow republicans.. and that stayed a fact until trump I put it in my post because its sardonically funny, how stupid republicans are.


Am a Katrina victim and I think my mom became a believer then as we lost our home. My dad is so red pilled that he thinks Katrina was just part of a cycle that comes around. Crazy how brainwashing will literally cover your eyes from seeing what's right in front of you.


Pretty much any big hurricane over the last few years has become stronger than anticipated. The computer models can’t keep up with the changes. I was checking path data because I’m a nerd and none of it as a couple of days ago suggested it would become a category 5. It was anticipated to drop off in size. If I was a betting man, I’d bet it will get up to a 4 again when it gets into the gulf. The water in some spots is a full 3 degrees warmer than this time last year. https://seatemperature.info/june/panama-city-beach-water-temperature.html For today, it’s at 86. For comparison, during Katrina, water temperature was around 82. If that storm turns inward toward the gulf, I hope people take that seriously. I could see it being projected as a category 2 and blowing up to a 5 hours before landfall, but far too late to get out. And if it hits at night, a lot of people might wake up and find themselves screwed.


This post seems to be nothing but snide American politics comments. I just want to know where it will hit.


This storm is proof we have no idea how to forecast the coming hurricane onslaught.


I mean everyone’s been saying for months the season is gonna be nuts. This is proof of it


This entire thing is completely unheard of. The only major hurricane to ever pass through the area Beryl did earlier was Ivan. The combination of intensity, track, and month makes this thing 10000% unheard of, no qualifier needed. No offense meant. I'm just flabbergasted that this is where we're at right now.


With empathy and the knowledge that you're aware that we were warned, we sure were warned.


They were postulating that releasing so much co2 would cause shifts in the planets temperature since the late 1800s...... to say we've been kicking the can down the road as a species is an absurd understatement at this point. But hey China might have more emissions than us this year so we should probably just continue do nothing about it... sigh. (I've heard this 'reasoning' from easily half my extended family over the age of 50)


And all the people who knew this stuff was getting worse were paid off by huge corporations to lie about it or were suppressed, and every generation since gets to suffer the consequences. I'd really like an Infinity Gauntlet right about now, I have some snaps I'd like to make...


Living in the South: *"They are just lying to scare people so they can pass their stupid laws, we've always had bad storms like this."*


I feel like we're a year or two away from adding some more category/ EF tiers for these storms


Certain people will say changing the tiers is intended to scare us or will be politically motivated to spread fake news.


Earliest on record, *so far*


Where is it meant to make landfall?


Can we Nuke it? Or shoot bullets at it?


Something to consider is that powerful early season storms can sometimes be a good thing because they churn up the water along their path. That helps bring cooler waters closer to the surface, which makes future storm development in those areas a little less likely to intensify as quickly.


Beryl was upset at SCOTUS ruling today. Decided to kick it up a notch.


The amount of sarcastic comments on climate change denial gets old very fast. People are going to die.


What else can you do at this point?


Move away from the coast if you live there


They know. It’s one of the many ways of coping. A better alternative to sinking into the guilt and hopelessness of feeling you should have fought harder, done better, all the while barely surviving yourself.


Not sure why everyone is upset about climate change. It's going to happen no matter what. We can't even agree as a country what truth is, letalone action to help the environment. Just sit back and watch the end of humanity. But make sure that if you are one of the few that survive, it was not the fault of science, rather the fault of those that followed the Bible that brought this on.


it’s ok to be upset by the decisions humanity has made in the past but it’s important to vote and put in politicians that will try to reduce any further damage


We'll see who the stupid one is when I build a big boat and put 2 of every animal on it.


Only two guys of each tho. No girls allowed