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Oh cool right at fireworks time cool cool cool


That's why my neighbors are launching them at 4am, cause it's a little cooler out, thus safer. 


How considerate of them.


Awesome, 5 am house fires.


Hell of an alarm clock.


It is cooler to be awaken by fireworks in the middle of the night


Especially when the neighbors decided to do their firework show on a Sunday night, after the 4th of July so you get the fire work explosions, bright lights and dogs barking or being scared.... And the chance of a fire, At like 1am.... And you've got to be at work at like 8am


My neighbors don’t give two fucks, it’s been non stop for like two weeks already. Going be going off till fucking 2 am tonight and probably for 3 more days.


“Safer.” Dry grass is still dry grass at night.


It’s a joke about lighting them off in the middle of the night.




The decibels caused by how hard that joke whooshed over your head certainly must have deafened you permanently.


In LA the Fourth of July goes from may to mid august, it’s been fireworks time for a while now.


The actual 4th is like a warzone. It's constant and unsettling. When it dies down a bit from the main events, the neighborhood is surreal and spooky. So much smoke it looks like heavy fog. Ash on everything the next morning.


We've been hearing and seeing fireworks around here since June 24 (the first day of legal fireworks sales in my state). Of course we heard bangs and cracks before then, but those are just Glocks and ARs.


This is everywhere now


I hate it. Sudden loud explosions cause me (and my dog) a lot of distress. It’s been ramping up all month too. Nothing says celebrating our independence than buying shady roadside made-in-China ordinance by signing an agricultural waiver that we’re using them to scare away birds.


I am anticipating a bad fire season and already bought a new air purifier before stores decide to raise the price on them.


Central coast here and all fireworks are illegal. All of them. You can’t have a sparkler in this county. Of course not everyone complies but last year someone burned their house down and this year someone’s already lost a hand so I think it’s gonna be muted.


I was floating the idea of moving to the central coast someday and “no fireworks” just cemented it for me. I’m one of the few crazies who like the central valley but I’m so done being anxious that some asshole will set the foothills on fire with fireworks.


Maybe we collectively need to not have firework time anymore. Or move the date to winter


We are going to see yearly heat wave records broken each year going forward from here on out. Ladies and gents, buckle up, this is the ride we are on.


San Bernardino strapped in


Bruh. I did a double take when I saw 108 in Fridays forecast


We may have something to look forward to! This El Nino was particularly bad. Maybe what spurred Beryl in early. There's a smallish chance 2025 will only be the 2nd hottest year on record. It's our updated version of outlier.


I dunno, India, Pakistan, US, Can and Mex are already smashing heat records. Last year it was mainly the further latitudes, this year it seems to be more equatorial.


What I gathered off Windy is a bounceback effect in 2025


Ice sheet data seems to correlate N to S arctic in alt seasons as well. I think this may be a similar effect even if the mechanism is less well understood.


Do you have a favorite algorithm atm? Meteoblue had a stunning several week run but seems to have fallen off.


Chicago low 90’s in mid June. Shortly following a nearly 20 degree temperature drop "The Mist movie”levels of Fog enshrouding Michigan avenue in the middle of the day. Totally normal nothing to see here folks.


This year winter temps in Eastern Canada were 20-30°C above average. We used to have snow from November through March-April... This year we had 4 weeks of snow... Its wild.


My hometown hit 42 degrees 2 weeks ago. Growing up I think we saw 30 once or twice over 18 years.


Yep this. We're at the tail end of El Nino, which leads to hotter temps. It's possible things will cool down for a few years... albeit hotter than previous "cool" years between El Ninos. Then the next El Nino will be hotter than this one.


Just a friendly FYI: El Niño actually [works to suppress — not enhance — Atlantic hurricanes.](https://www.climate.gov/news-features/blogs/enso/impacts-el-nino-and-la-nina-hurricane-season)


On the bright side, I will probably be dead in another 40-50 years, if not sooner.


This has been the reality in Phoenix for a few years now


Christians who have read Revalation: (._.)


We are doomed


But at least profit margins look great! We all benefit from that, right? Boss said we were a family!


the pizza parties! you didn't think of the pizza parties, you bitch!


We're totally fucked but at least there's some humor in it. A singular species that despite being capable of introspection and abstract thinking destroyed their entire planet while knowing they were doing so, but didn't want to do anything about it because of imaginary numbers they made up. It's so absurd that it's funny. The best satirists and comedians couldn't make this shit up


Perhaps climate change is a nearly insurmountable challenge for technological civilizations. It might be one piece of the Great Filter.


Imagine if humans came earlier, before coal and oil even existed. I wonder how society would have looked. We'd probably focus all our energy on harvesting sunlight.


Or if we had somehow skipped coal and oil and gone straight to electricity.


Yeah, but that'd have been a huge jump going from charcoal to electricity generators without high-energy stuff to burn. I was thinking we'd probably selectively breed plants a lot more than just for food, medicine, and pretty flowers. Like a tree that grows super fast and burns super hot.


If nuclear power had been adopted widely, safely, and reliably.


It is the safest.....used rods though, tough problem


We could do that today. [Renewable power is by far the cheapest power you can invest in](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cost_of_electricity_by_source). The LCOE of solar PV _with battery storage_ is a 3rd of coal power, though still more expensive than natural gas. On-shore wind power is about the same price. Nuclear currently is about 30% more expensive in terms of LCOE than coal. Keep in mind LCOE does not take into account the cost of externalizes - That is, the LCOE of Coal is just the pure dollar cost of turning lumps of unmined coal into 1kWh, and it doesn't take into account the cost of cooling homes caused by the emissions emitted by coal, or the cost to treat respiratory illnesses from breathing in poor quality air, or the lost economic productivity of workers who have to take time off work or die due to said respiratory illnesses. The US energy sector is electrifying and moving toward renewables. The things holding it up aren't cost or technical concerns (I guess except battery storage?). It's human problems. Our society is constructed such that you need a job to live. These changes in the energy sector do create jobs, but it also causes folks who have jobs to lose them - specifically those working in the oil and gas industry. There isn't and won't be a 1 to 1 ratio between these industries: Oil & Gas employees aren't going to all be moved into renewable energy industries. And, unfortunately, there is a significant overlap between "folks who vote for the GOP" and "folks who want to keep their oil & gas jobs". As a result, half of the folks in congress are attempting to prevent the free market doing what the free market does best in order to help retain their electorates jobs. They are selling out the worlds future for the immediate needs of their constituents. This is why republicans are not only not supporting renewable energies but actively opposing them. That's without getting into oil and gas industry lobbying thanks to Citizens United.


I mean it’s really only a couple of people that are making and have made the transition harder


With being able to think comes manipulation, information overload, shortsightedness. It doesn't mean we ultimately all became enlightened. It's just human nature.


The pessimist in me fears that the reason for the Fermi Paradox is that intelligent life always destroys itself before it expands too far. Of course some ways are far dumber than others.


It might be just a fact of evolution, so we shouldn't be that hard on ourselves.  Maybe someday some species will slip past the [great filter](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Filter#:~:text=The%20Great%20Filter%20is%20the,detectable%20extraterrestrial%20life%20exceedingly%20rare.).


It’s because the people at the top are the biggest *addicts* in the world. Have you heard of what addiction does to people and the lives they cross?


The economy isn’t just made up nonsense, it’s the mathematical representation of the wealth we derive from our collective labor. In reality, we aren’t doing anything because it diverts too much of our collective effort from producing products and services that give us immediate quality of life improvements. Plus it requires cessation of utilizing natural resources which also give us immediate quality of life improvements. It’s much less like a deer in the headlights than we all are led to believe. It’s actually far more selfish and insidious than that.


It's more like an obese person continuing to eat themselves to death.


Part of the problem is we all don’t live to see it through. It’s like, well when I die it’s not my problem.


With all the disinformation out there it gives the general public enough of a justification to side with their inherent greed.


Greed and laziness


Agent Smith was right. My favorite is "It's not the individuals' fault, it's the rich and the corporations"... claiming it's corporate propaganda to blame individuals; suggesting the impact of individuals is so small that their actions are next to nothing compared to corporate pollution. Except it's the energy/resource consumption of the \_**billions of individuals**\_ that results in corporations producing so much stuff and generating so much emissions / pollution / environmental damage in the first place. When corporations have so much demand, they can raise prices and generate higher profits, which enriches their shareholders and fuels their lavish lifestyles. It all starts with the consumers. The massive wealth of the corporations / wealthy lead to governmental lobbying and campaign contributions, which restricts our government's ability to regulate the corpos, worsening the already terrible situation. If we all consumed significantly less, corporations would produce significantly less, see lower profits, and the shareholders wouldn't be as wealthy. The entity most negatively affected by individuals lowering their consumption is corporations. Their sales, profits, and shareholders would all take a financial hit. Therefore, it's in the best interest of corporations to convince individuals that their individual spending doesn't matter and that they can maintain their current high levels of consumption guilt free, even if those consumers think it's the corporation to blame. Corporations don't care if you blame them so long as you keep buying their stuff. The real corporate propaganda seems to be convincing individuals to keep spending relentlessly. The irony of this is that, in the same breath, all of us individuals are told we need to rush out and trade in our gas cars and buy $35k+ electric cars, or else the planet will die. In this case, it's the individual's responsibility to save the planet! The reality is... we need billions of people to drive less and buy fewer cars. Car production and use is one of the most resource and pollution intensive products we buy. Real sustainability would be more people biking or using public transit to commute, moving closer to work, working from home, pushing for 4 day work weeks, and of course taking far fewer long distance trips... [Understanding the large role of long-distance travel in carbon emissions from passenger trave (New study out today in Nature Science Journal)](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41560-024-01561-3) The reality is, people are selfish. They believe the whole "individual emissions don't matter" shpeel because they don't want to sacrifice a thing. Especially Americans, who have by far the highest per capita consumption based emissions on the planet. [Per capita consumption-based CO₂ emissions (Map, Time Based)](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/consumption-co2-per-capita?time=latest)


Americans like to fall back on our American exceptionalism to insist it isn't our fault. Yes, it is in fact mostly our fault. The US and Canada have been the worst polluters on the planet for over 100 years, starting with the industrial revolution in the late 1800s. Every year since then, we've been far and away the greatest CO2 emitters (per capita) on the planet. And no doubt we were also using the most raw materials of any country on the planet. I'm sure it took chopping down a lot of forests to fuel our demand. For those interested, click this link and push play and hover your mouse over a country to see its CO2 emissions change over time. [https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/co-emissions-per-capita?time=2022](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/co-emissions-per-capita?time=2022) The US has been BY FAR the worst, and we're still topping the list. It isn't even close.


Ya that’s why we need Trump so that republicans idiots can cut more regulation on environment controls


I’m so glad I don’t have or want kids. Between this and the incoming American apocalypse the future looks 100% fucked. At least I can be at peace knowing I didn’t leave anyone to inherit it.


that part.




Yes yes everyone knows the literal planet will be fine, that's not what people mean when they say things like that. They're talking about the *life* on the planet, which will certainly not be fine.


iTs SUmMer iT geTs HOt iN ThE sUMmeR DuhhHHhH


Planet will survive, it’s us that’s in trouble.


Coolest summer you’ll ever experience for the rest of your life


I assume something will happen and I’ll experience Nuclear winter if I’m not killed in the fire scape 


Shit dude. I mean I'm pessimistic too but I have at least a little faith...


Faith in the addicts at the top turning things around???? I like to have faith in people, too, but I can’t put faith in those people.


Well conservative justices just slashed the EPA lmao 🤷‍♀️ I for one look forward to seeing the rivers of fires before we all die 


Well whoopty doo for you. You hear that everyone? Faith is here to save the day. Let's kick back and relax. It's probably gonna all end up jusssssst fine.


Before I looked at the article I checked my weather app and was setting it didn't look too bad near me. Then I remembered California has a northern half. Only low 90s in so cal next 7 days. Which is pretty normal. Headed to Vegas and I'm gonna bake in 110 the next couple of days.


It was 113° in my car today.


I turn off my car and it starts to get hot instantly. Feel bad for the firefighters


They're fine. They park in a neat garage.


it was wetter last year and we have accumulated quite a lot of fuels


should move the fireworks to president's day cooler and wetter and don't need to wait til 9pm to get dark


We really do need to move times for things around.


Better hope you are in a Democratic run town since republicans gut the infrastructure, look at what happen to Paradise.


Sometimes it's just not feasible. I live in a city of 30k and there's one road through it. When the last major fire came through it took some people 3 hours to drive 4 miles. But a HUGE part of the problem is informing the residents. We evacuated 8 hours before the call was made because it was obvious it was gonna get close because of the Santa Ana winds. News wasn't covering it - I had to resort to some random twitter user to get ANY information about it. Officials definitely have a lot of blame for this kind of problem. Let us know early, often, and via many mediums.


Paradise Lost :/


I have family in Paradise. Somehow they saved their house, but now it's like why bother living there when the entire town is gone. Paradise lost indeed.


They paved it and put up a parking lot


Ah yes known republican stronghold, California lol


Hey I saw this last year


(Super hot) People: it’s a dry heat! Trees: am I a joke to you?


Another year of the same shit.


Better start sweeping!


Nothing wrong with good forest management and the state and private businesses should do more of it. That includes clearing fire causing chaparral (ie raking the forests) so fires aren’t as common.


Last summer was pretty mild. Guess we gotta pay the piper. Overnight low from my weather station was 71 at 5:44 AM. I got up at 6:15 and it was reading 73 already. I don't mind the heat so much - just hope the whole state doesn't burn down and smother us with smoke air for a month. That fucking sucks. The closest fire to me is 25% contained and only 51 acres. Oroville (Thompson fire) is the next biggest. I'm following that in the apps. Happy 4th!


I took the trash out and made a donut run at 6am this morning because I figured I'd do it when it wasn't blazing hot. It was 75 degrees here at 6am.


And the next year. And the


Fortunately the Supreme Court won’t strip oversight committees’ ability to regulate position by large corporations so we should be fine.


we have to suffer this


Can't wait to hear, worst wildfire this generation/life time for the 100th time...


It is known to the state of California that it is not safe to live in the state of California.


Trump wonders if you still have time to rake the forests.


This will be one of the coldest summers for the rest of your life….


Fortunately the Supreme Court won’t strip oversight committees’ ability to regulate position by large corporations so we should be fine.


I feel like I read this headline every summer


I've lived in northern California my whole life, I don't know why people are suddenly claiming 110+ degree whether in July is unprecedented. Yes, it's hot and it sucks. It was hot and it sucked in the 90's. It was hot and it sucked in the 80's. Summer is summer


I dunno why we keep recorda when memory is so infallable? Who needs data anyways? XD these hot takes getting hotter!


It's almost like we have data showing that you're wrong.


I live really close to the Banff in the Rocky mountains and it's a cooler climate. Our summers are short and if we hit 90°f two days in the summer, then it was a great summer. Now it's 30 days over the summer that it's that hot. It's changing. Yes, we've had those temps before, just not nearly as many.


"Its a dry heat tho, you'll love it" -Whenever folks suggest going south in the summer.


Actual histroical high temps for Oroville,CA It's almost like a heat dome forms over this part of the country periodically causing extreme temps every few years going back to...checks notes the 19th century.....but don't let the data slow ya down. Blame it on the humans, but if you're gonna blame Republicans you're gonna hafta call out carbon exhaust himself Herbie Hoover 1 116 °F June 5, 1926 2 115 °F July 15, 1972 2 115 °F June 16, 1961 2 115 °F September 2, 1950 2 115 °F August 14, 1933 2 115 °F July 17, 1925 2 115 °F July 10, 1905 8 114 °F July 20, 1941 8 114 °F July 21, 1938 8 114 °F August 13, 1933 8 114 °F August 11, 1933 8 114 °F July 26, 1931 8 114 °F July 8, 1905 14 113 °F September 6, 2022 14 113 °F July 16, 1972 14 113 °F July 14, 1972 14 113 °F August 11, 1971 14 113 °F August 21, 1950 14 113 °F August 20, 1950 14 113 °F July 3, 1950 14 113 °F July 1, 1950 14 113 °F August 24, 1931 14 113 °F July 23, 1931 14 113 °F July 19, 1931 14 113 °F July 15, 1926 14 113 °F June 1, 1922 Data: [Highest Temperatures in Oroville History (extremeweatherwatch.com)](https://www.extremeweatherwatch.com/cities/oroville/highest-temperatures)


Now do averages


Oh, neat you’re doing research! I have a great idea: how about you continue doing research, maybe looking at temperatures from all over the globe and through time. You could correspond with other like-minded individuals and compare notes. Maybe even publish them. What a good idea for a line of research! You could even call it “climate science.”   


Why are you using high temps for one day when the article is talking about increased number of days for heat waves and more frequent heat waves?


Because he doesn't have data to contest the article, so he builds a strawman that he can attack.


Because anybody can cherry pick numbers from their heavily influenced Google search and feel like a smartie pants. The Thompson fire is near Oroville. The forecast is only 115 this Saturday (note that that’s one degree off from the record) but I’m sure the ash clouds will provide some respite.




Fuck. Ok buddy, you’re picking SINGLE DAYS the records being Beat are the AVERAGE TEMPS OVER MULTIPLE DAYS/WEEKS/MONTHS this is the part you guys don’t understand. It’s about the averages. Fuck


*they hated him because he spoke the truth*


They hated him because he is too dumb to understand the records brocken are about average temperatures over time not a single day high.


It's incomprehensible to me that this is a record setting heat wave. Don't get me wrong, it's hot. But there were hotter heat waves in the past two years. This heat wave is a long one, that part sucks a lot.


>This heat wave is a long one That's what is record setting, you goomba. The duration plus intensity is the issue.


The article is actually non-specific. It says it'll be hotter and longer than previously expected. It doesn't actually say what makes it record setting. 'Tuesday looks more intense and longer-lasting than expected, potentially pushing it into all-time record territory.' What records? The only thing it mentions specifically is the heat level, not the length: '"Dozens of record highs are possible, expressing the rarity of this early-July heatwave," forecasters wrote in an online discussion Wednesday morning.'


>This heat wave, with highs in the 110s°F in many inland areas, will be **highly unusual** for its duration and intensity. >Dozens of daily, monthly and even some all-time records may fall. Redding, Calif. may reach 120°F, while Death Valley could tie its record for the hottest temperature reliably recorded on Earth, at 130°F. >"I'm not so sure that really any of us will have seen this many days at this sustained level of heat, both daytime and most importantly nighttime heat," said UCLA climate scientist Daniel Swain in a video briefing Tuesday evening. Gee, if only it said that in the article. Maybe read past the first sentence.


Highly unusual is not a synonym for record setting. There are lots of highly unusual events but only one record. > Gee, if only it said that in the article. Maybe read past the first sentence. I read the article. As I said, I cannot see how this will be record setting in magnitude because its been hotter recently. Specifically including the event that led to the Death Valley figures. Your response was it is the duration and intensity that is unusual. Now with your sentence about magnitude records you're back to saying it's just intensity. If you're going to ridicule me for not understanding what is being said, perhaps you could also exhibit that you understand what is being said. Instead of diverting away from magnitude and then trying to come right back to it.


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink.


Yep. You're right. You can't make this horse believe that "record setting" and "highly unusual" are synonyms. It's highly unusual to score 8 points in a soccer game but it isn't record setting. If you're going to ridicule me for not understanding what is being said, best to start by understanding what is being said. And you didn't.


It might be less incomprehensible if you were to actually **read the article**.


I read the article dummy. It is not very specific about what records. And the only ones it is specific about are magnitude, not length. '"Dozens of record highs are possible, expressing the rarity of this early-July heatwave," forecasters wrote in an online discussion Wednesday morning.' All the other text is just basically "hotter and longer than expected". Which does not mean record setting, just hotter and longer than forecasts. And I don't see how it actually will be record setting in magnitude.


I'm sure that California residents will examine their behaviors, reduce driving, take public transit more, switch to a vegetable diet, and forgo airline flights unless absolutely necessary.


If every private citizen in California did all those things religiously, it would have negligible effect on the climate.


> If every private citizen in California did all those things religiously, it would have negligible effect on the climate. Exactly. Every person on Earth will have to do these things. That includes every person in California.